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October 2, 1954, Nessier, Vendée:

Reference for this case: 2-oct-54-Nessier.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.


By clearly "second hand" press sources of October 7, 1954, and following days, it appears that in La Rochelle, Mr. and Mrs. Guillemoteau, being in front of their farm, saw at about one meter of the ground, a spherical saucer that might have measured 2 to 3 meters in height and had a diameter of 5 meters. The machine that produced no noise stopped for a few minutes, then climbed vertically.

Mr. Guillemoteau would have gone out the next day to the place where he had seen the craft, and he claimed to have found oily traces on the grass.

By the 1954 Jimmy Guieu book, we get in addition the date of October 6, 1954, the hour as "during the evening", a description of the machine like being a white metal disk of which the center was occupied by a sphere of about 2.5 meters, absolutely silent; which stopped for a few minutes, then rose vertically at high speed and moved away.

The version of Aimé Michel in 1958 is very different: it would have occurred on October 3, 1954, in Nessier, a hamlet of the town of Benet in the Vendée, the object would be bright and circular, red, at the level of the ground on the edge of a swamp and when the witnesses approached, it would have flown away quickly and disappeared. It would be the gendarmes who went to the place the next day to discover the "oily stains."

For Jacques Vallée in 1966, it occurred on October 5, 1954, at 11:00 p.m., "near La Rochelle", the rest being a summary of what the already little eloquent press told on the case. His version will be, as usual, recopied relentlessly.

In 1979, "skeptical" ufologists Gérard Barthel and Jacques Brucker said they spoke with Mrs. Guillemoteau who told them that the observed phenomenon was very far, more than a kilometer away, and similar to the setting sun; of which they make their possible explanation for the phenomenon, noting that the hours differ according to the reports, and thus is unreliable.

Only Michel Figuet would reflect this explanation, the others continuing to copy the "Vallée version."

Ten years later, a reply came: an investigation by "Lumières Dans La Nuit" discovered that when Barthel and Brucker say they made their inquiry, Mr. Guillemoteau, resident of Ste Christine, had died, and that Mrs. Guillemoteau, of Nessier, assured the magazine that she never had a phone call or a visit from Barthel and Brucker.

In 1997, in his book on the French wave of 1954, Jean Sider questions the statements of Barthel and Brucker.

He gives a summary of the case, dated October 2, 1954, and says the hours of the observation is really 9:30 pm, and thus the sun had set for a long time. He points out that the Guillemoteau family saw that this round machine was quite bulky and was hovering not far from their farm in the Marais Poitevin.

He adds that whereas Barthel and Brucker say that Mrs. Guillemoteau told them that the phenomenon was more than one kilometer, the newspaper La Nouvelle République de Bordeaux et du Sud-Ouest for October 8, 1954, indicatdes on page 3 that the phenomenon was located some ten meters from the Guillemoteau farm.



Finally! Paris had his saucers too!

A few days ago, a French radio broadcaster complained bitterly of the disdain that the "Uranids" and their heavenly vehicles were showing towards the capital. Only the inhabitants of the countryside seemed to interest the interplanetary travelers who approached them willingly and even tried to enter into conversation with them. Well, it was not an arbitrary privilege. Injustice is repaired. Paris, the big city, had its flying saucers!

Several Parisians have indeed said they saw, Tuesday afternoon, a craft moving in the sky. Passersby claimed to have seen one around 04:30 p.m., near the Porte Dorée.

Mr. Pierre Allouis, salesman in cardboard, went to his business by taxi, when the vehicle was stopped by a red light; Hearing, he said, a shrill whistling sound, he looked out of the door and saw a flying craft escaping high, leaving a plume of smoke in its wake.

Mr. Allouis describes the saucer as a disc bigger than a normal plane and silver. The same testimony is given by Mr. Gilbert Bacon and Mr. Paul Julien, a house painter. The latter, however, believe that it is not a saucer but a flying wing that affects the shape of a triangle with rounded edges.

At Le Bourget, it is explained that given the intensity of the air traffic, it is impossible to confirm by radar the passage of the craft at the insufficiently specified time. On the other hand, the radar cannot record the passage of a heavier than air more than by a bright spot regardless of the nature of the craft.

Finally! Paris had his saucers too!

(Continued from the first page.)

LEZIGNAN. -- Two inhabitants of Lezignan, Messrs. André Garcia and André Darzens, who were driving in a truck on the departmental road D3, claimed to have seen a disc-shaped machine land in a field between the village of Lagrasse and the hamlet of Villemagne (Aude).

The craft, they said, was about ten meters in diameter. Before they could get close, it surrounded them in a bright glow and disappeared.

BERGERAC. -- Mr. Jean Defix, firefighter at Bergerac, and Mr. Jean Labonne, said that they saw a luminous disk about 3 meters in diameter, supported by three crutches, in the garden of the latter.

DINAN. -- In Megrit (Côtes du Nord), a young farmer, Mr. Henri Leherissé, said he saw in the yard of his farm a craft with a diameter of about 1 meter, around which appeared two human forms, immobile and the size of a child.

NEVERS. -- In Nevers, five residents of Château-Chinon said they saw Monday evening, at very high altitude, a kind of bright spot that split into two discs. These, they say, began to turn by changing color several times.

DUNKIRK. -- A Dunkirk merchant had, several days ago, said to have seen strange luminous objects in the sky of Bray-Dunes. An investigation had been opened. It concluded that they were two military planes whose metal coating had been misleading.

CLERMONT-FERRAND. -- Two saucers were seen Tuesday in the sky of Clermont. The first 10 kilometers from Beaumont at 03:45 p.m. It was moving west-east. Witnesses testified that the craft got closer to them and became less and less brilliant.

When they were only 150 meters away, they felt a "curious sensation" and were nailed to the spot. At that moment there was a smell of nitro-benzene. Soon the machine moved away, the discomfort ceased, and the saucer disappeared.

The other saucer was sighted over the hills of Chanturgue, near Clermont. It was moving vertically and was bright white.

A saucer was also sighted in Billom by a group of 30 people. The craft was moving over the city. It was moving horizontally. It was visible for 3 to 4 minutes before disappearing. An intense light emanated from the craft.

SAINT-BRIEUC. -- Several residents of Saint-Brieuc saw, during the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, a flying saucer that took the shape of a cigar before disappearing. They could watch it for over an hour.

The same phenomenon was noted in Trégueux where a cyclist returned home frightened by what he had seen.

LA ROCHELLE. -- In the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, several people from Thouare-sur-Vie (Vendée) saw in the sky a dozen luminous objects having an elongated shape and passing at a very high speed and high altitude.

LA ROCHELLE. -- Mr. and Mrs. Guillemoteau were standing in front of their farm when they saw about one meter from the ground, a spherical saucer measuring 2 to 3 meters in height and 5 meters in diameter.

The machine, which produced no noise, stopped for a few minutes, then climbed vertically. Mr. Guillemoteau went to the place where he had seen the machine the next day and was able to note oily traces on the grass.

QUIMPER. -- Around 4 o'clock Tuesday morning, Mr. Pierre Lucas, baker worker in Loctudy (Finistère), who was busy drawing water from the bakery yard, suddenly saw in the night a craft of the shape of a saucer 2 m 50 to 3 m in diameter. He saw an individual about 1m20 come out of it and hit him on the shoulder while uttering unintelligible words.

The baker's worker managed to keep his cool and returned to the bakehouse where the stranger followed him. In the light, Mr. Lucas could stare at the visitor. His face was hairy and his eyes were the size of a raven's egg. The young man called his boss, but before he had time to go down, the stranger had disappeared as well as his saucer of which no trace was found.

A Concarneau beer merchant, for his part, said he saw in the sky two luminous discs of the shape of round tables prolonged by a kind of tail. One of the disks was motionless while the other was moving nearby. Both disks disappeared after ten minutes after having launching a rocket.

Italy does not stay on the sidelines of this invasion

MANTUA. -- The traffic was interrupted for more than an hour in the center of Mantua by groups of people gathered to observe a strange "white object" which, at a high height stood out clearly on the background of the blue sky.

After making extremely rapid maneuvers, the spherical machine - which according to some witnesses, was part of "a flying saucer formation" - remained motionless for some time in the sky, before disappear on the horizon.

On the other hand, the "Uranids" seem to want to visit the whole peninsula. Indeed, a fisherman from Roverbella, in the province of Mantua, said he was approached during the night by a a mysterious individual, dressed in red, who would have told him "unintelligible words" and who would have moved away quickly before the fisherman had time to call his wife.

Finally, a host of testimonials of saucers, disks, cigars, spheres and other flying objects having been seen in Quend (Somme), in Grandvillars (Belfort territory), in Magnac-Laval (Haute-Vienne), in Saint-Jean-d'Angely (Charente-Maritime), in Forges (Corrèze), in Perros-Guirrec (Côtes-du-Nord).

Finally, to a host of testimonials that may be doubted can be added some information such as the one we produce below, the indisputable seriousness of which leaves the most skeptical speechless.

MELUN. -- The Coulommiers newspaper, "Le Pays Briard", publishes a letter sent by one of their readers, Mr. Eugène Farnier, a member of the Society of Civil Engineers of France, about a flying saucer.

In this letter, Mr. Farnier states that he saw above his property, in Jouy-sur-Morin, a big disc of 8 to 10 meters in diameter "turning on itself", letting out red-violet gleams, with a tail reminding a little of the arrival of a jet plane. "The craft was about 400 meters above the ground and it was more above me for than 20 minutes," said Mr. Farnier, "so I had the opportunity to examine it well." The craft then disappeared in the direction of Coulommiers."

In his letter Mr. Farnier said: "Former Commissioner of the French Flying Club, having been in the aviation, I could not be a victim of hallucination. This machine was not a balloon but a thick wing hovering on the spot and moving at a very high speed while gradually taking height."


Flying saucers


In La Rochelle, Mr. and Mrs. Guillemoteau were in front of their farm when they saw, approximately one meter above the ground, a spherical saucer measuring possibly 2 to 3 meters in height and of a diameter of 5 meters. The machine, which did not produce any noise, stopped a few minutes, then went up vertically. The next day, Mr. Guillemoteau went to the place where he had seen the machine and could notice oily traces on the grass.


Note: the full article can be read here.




THE ROUND OF THE SAUCERS continues to describe graceful interlacing, from Mantua, Italy, to Peros-Guirec [sic], and from Clermont to Dunkirk. Can we put all these testimonies on the account of the hallucination? Or are jokes spreading in all directions?

In Mantua, traffic was interrupted for more than an hour in the center by groups of people gathered to observe a strange "white object" which, at a high height, stood out clearly against the background of the blue sky.

After having carried out extremely fast moves, the craft, of spherical shape, remained motionless for some time in the sky, before disappearing on the horizon.


Two saucers were seen yesterday in the Clermont sky. The first one was moving west-east. The witnesses declared that the object approached them and became less and less brilliant. When it was no more than 150 meters away, they felt a "curious feeling" and were as if nailed on the spot. At that moment, a smell of nitro-benzine was released and the craft went away. The discomfort ceased and the saucer disappeared.

The other saucer moved vertically above the Chantorgues [sic] hills and was of a brilliant white.

Farmers from La Rochelle also found after the departure of a spherical saucer, 2 to 3 meters high and a diameter of 5 meters, traces of oily origin on the grass, not far from their farm.

In the same region, several people saw a squadron of elongated luminous objects passing at very high speed and high altitude.

Two residents of Lézignan who were driving in a truck claimed to have seen a disc-shaped object landing in a field between the village of Lagrasse and the hamlet of Villemagne (Aude).

The craft, they said, was about ten meters in diameter. But before they could get close, it wrapped them in a bright glow and disappeared.


Luckier, a young cultivator of Mégrit (Côtes du Nord) said he had seen a craft in his farm of a diameter of about a meter inside which were lined two human forms, immobile, the size of a child. However, he did not have the chance to experience the adventure of another Britton.

Mr. Pierre Lucas, a baker's worker in Loctudy (Finistère) suddenly saw in the night a craft in the shape of a saucer from 2.50 to 3 meters in diameter, he saw an individual about 1.20 meter tall come out and it approached him and tapped him on the shoulder, articulating unintelligible words. The baker succeeded in keeping his in cold blood and returned to the bakery where the unknown followed him.

In the light, Mr. Lucas could stare at his visitor. He had an oval face, all covered with hair and eyes the size of a crow's egg. The young man called his boss, but before he had time to go down, the stranger had disappeared, as had his saucer, of which no trace was found.

A merchant from Dunkirk had, several days ago, declared to have seen strange luminous objects in the sky of Bray-Dunes. An investigation had been opened which concluded that these were two military aircraft whose metallic coating had given the illusion!!!


And the other testimonies accumulate. In Bergerac, a firefighter claims to have seen a luminous disc supported by three crutches land in his garden.

In Paris, a saucer leaving in its wake a plume of smoke, like a rocket, was seen near the Porte Dorée, in the Faubourg Saint-Antoine, rue de la Pompe.

At Le Bourget, one explained that it is impossible, given the intensity of air traffic, to confirm by radar the passage of the craft.

Finally, saucers, discs, cigars, spheres of all diameters and other flying objects were seen at Quend, Grandvillars (Belfort), at Forges (Corrèze) and Perros-Guirec (Côtes du Nord).


Coulommiers' newspaper, "Le Pays Briard", publishes a letter from one of its readers, Mr. E. Farnier, member of the Society of Civil Engineers of France, regarding a flying saucer.

Mr. Farnier specifies that he saw above his property, in Jouy-sur-Morin, a large disc 8 to 10 meters in diameter, "turning on the spot while letting escape red-violet gleams, with a whistling reminding a little the arrival of a jet plane. The craft was about 400 meters high and hovered more than twenty minutes above me. I therefore, says Mr. Farnier, had the leisure to examine it. The object then disappeared in the direction of Coulommiers."

In his letter, Mr. Farnier adds:

"Former commissioner with the Aero-Club of France, having served in aviation, I was not the victim of a hallucination and this craft was not a sounding balloon, but a thick circular wing hovering over the place and moving at very high speed gradually gaining height."




"My Martian was not shaven and had eyes as large as a corbel's egg"

The daily chronicle of the "flying saucers" grows more and more. Each day, numerous newsbriefs report the passage of mysterious machines in this or that region. It remains to be learned whether the bad weather that the complacent meteorologists announce obligingly, will have an unspecified influence on the gracious evolutions of the ethereal visitors. It does not seem to be that way, so far.

To see a machine in the sky thus is nothing extraordinary anymore and one could fear monotony if, fortunately, the "celestial pilots" didn't come from time to pay a short visit on the dry land and to bring with their height, their costume and their actions, more spice to the current controversies on the reality of the "saucers".

"He resembled a man"

In this field, the transitory ephemeral topicality is rightfully to be credited today to a modest bakery worker of Loctudy (the Finistère), Mr. Pierre Lucas.

Standing up early and well awaken, our man was going to get water in the court of the bakery Tuesday morning when, in the wavering gleam of a rainy dawn, he saw a machine of the shape of a saucer of 2 m. 50 to 3 m. in diameter, which stationed there stupidly. He would certainly not have cared that much about it, if he hadn't suddenly seen an individual come out of it!

"He measured 1 m. 20, resembled a man (sic) and approached me. Before I recovered from my surprise, he had tapped on my shoulder while articulating unintelligible words."

Mr. Lucas showed a remarkable coolness. "Come inside, we'll have a chat", he

Continued on p. 10 (1st and 2nd col.)


"My Martian was not shaven..."

(continued from the first page)

must have told him, for the unknown followed him in the bake house. There, one saw all the same a little more clearly and without shame the "Martian" let himself be contemplated.

It is still Mr. Lucas who speaks:
"He had an oval face, entirely covered of hairs and eyes of the size of a corbel's egg!"

The young man called his owner, but the unknown undoubtedly estimated that the interview had lasted long enough. By the time that Mr. Lucas goes into the staircase to alert his owner with cares, the man and the machine had disappeared. Too bad...

First thing thus learn until better information: the strangers that pilot the saucers have a human form, but the size of children, and apparently developed hair.

Confirmation is given to us by Mr. Henri Lehérisé, young farmer of Megrit (Côtes-du-Nord), whose gift of observation did not await the number of the years.

With much off-handedness, his own apparatus, whose diameter did not exceed one meter, was posed in the court of his farm. Two dwarves occupied it, motionless, impassive. They did not condescend to come out and engage the conversation.

Some saucers among others...

These two appearances obviously eclipse the "visions" of the day. Let us note however that the "saucers", threatened for a while by the barrels, balls, crescents and other cigars, launched a counter-attack of great style since there are now only talks of saucers.

The one in Saint-Brieuc let itself be contemplated during one hour; that of the surroundings of La Rochelle hovered in front of the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Guillenoteau, within one meter of the ground, in an impressive silence and the farmer noted oily traces in the grass.

In Lézignan, it was at the same time flying and giant: ten meters in diameter! Three meters only, the one that landed in the garden of Mr. Jean Labonne, in Bergerac, but on three crutches.

Lastly, the "saucers" cannot always be approached: that of Lésignan, again, wrapped Misters André Garcia and André Darzens of a bright gleam before disappearing. The one in Clermont-Ferrand literally nailed the witnesses who wanted to see it closely on the spot and released a strong nitro-benzene odor.

When the machine moved away, faintness ceased with the odor.

The good story of the poor fisherman

Odorous, colored and inhabited, the "saucers" are also international. In Mantova, they passed in tight formations and one of them was detached from the group to make a small air carrousel show which lasted one hour... and blocked the traffic in the center of the city, the witnesses having gone down in the street for better seeing.

In Roverbella, finally, a poor fisherman entered in conversation with a "Martian", dressed in red, but they were unable to understand each other and his interlocutor disappeared when he saw the fisherman's woman appear. Mysoginic [mysogynic], perhaps...




In La Rochelle, M. and Mrs. Guillemoteau were in front of their farm when they saw within one meter approximately from the ground, a spherical saucer that might have measured 2 to 3 meters in height and a diameter of 5 meters. The machine which did not produce any noise stopped a few minutes, then went up vertically.

Mr. Guillemoteau, the next day, went to the place where she had seen the machine and affirms she noted oily traces on the grass.

A "cigar" observed during nine hours in the sky of Briançon

MONTGENEVRE (C.P.). -- Many people were able to follow Sunday from 09:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. the moves of a "flying cigar".

Observed with the binocular the machine which seemed to station at a very high altitude, disappeared finally behind the ridge of Montbrisson, after nine hours of flight.

The "Martian" of the Finistère had the face covered of hair and the eyes like "a corbel's egg"

QUIMPER. -- Around 4 o'clock, Tuesday morning, Mr. Pierre Lucas, bakery worker in Loctudy (the Finistère) who was busy drawing water in the court of the bakery, suddenly saw in the night a machine in the shape of a saucer of 2 m. 50 to 3 meters in diameter. He saw come out of it an individual measuring approximately 1 m. 20 who approached him while articulating unintelligibles words.

The bakery workman managed to stay calm and returned to the bakehouse where the unknown followed him.

In the light Mr. Lucas managed to check out the face of the visitor. He had the face covered of hair and the eyes of the size of a corbel's egg.

The young man called his owner but, before the latter had enough time to come down, the nocturnal unknown had disappeared as did his saucer, no trace of which was found.

A beer merchant of Concarneau had, on his side, stated to have seen in the sky, two luminous discs of the form of round tables prolonged of a kind of tail.

One of the discs was motionless while the other moved in the vicinity. The two discs disappeared at the end of ten minutes after having launched a rocket.

Saucers and Martians in Italy

MANTOVA. -- The traffic was stopped during more than one hour in the center of Mantova by groups of people gathered to observe a strange "white object" which, at a high height, was clearly detached on the background of the blue sky.

After having carried out extremely fast maneuvers, the machine, of spherical form - and which according to certain witnesses formed part "of a formation of flying saucers" remained motionless for some time in the sky, before disappearing at the horizon.

In addition, the "Martians" also seem to want to visit Italy. Indeed, a fisherman of Roverbella, province of Mantova, stated to have been approached by a "mysterious individual", dressed in red, which would have spoken "unintelligibles words" to him, and which would have quickly moved away before the fisherman had the time to call his wife.


BARCELONNETTE (C.P.). -- During the day of Tuesday, four people residing in Barcelonnette, extremely known and esteemed in the city, saw at 11:15, a mysterious metallic object, which was shining in the sun, in the area ranging between the higher part of the forest of Gaudissart and below the Chapeau de Gendarme.

This machine, very odd, disappeared later, during the afternoon, as mysteriously as it had come.





[]be. They have been observed for more than one hour.

LA ROCHELLE, 6. -- Mr. and Mrs. Guillemoteau were in front of their farm when they saw, about a meter from the ground, a spherical saucer that could have measured 2 to 3 meters in height and of a diameter of 5 meters. The craft, which produced no noise, stopped a few minutes, then went up vertically. Mr. Guillemoteau the next day, went to the place where he had seen the craft and could find oily traces on the grass.


MELUN, 6. - Coulommiers newspaper "Le Pays Briard", published a letter from one of his readers, Mr. E. Farnier, Member of the Society of Civil Engineers of France, about a flying saucer.

In this letter, Mr. Farnier says he has seen over his property in Jouy-sur-Morin, a large disk of 8 to 10 meters in diameter "turning on the spot while releasing red-violet light, with a whistling sound somewhat reminiscent of the arrival of a jet plane. The craft was about 400 meters in height and hovered over twenty minutes above me. So I, said Mr. Farnier, had all the time to observe it. The craft then disappeared towards Coulommiers."

In his letter, Mr. Farnier states:

"Former commissioner of the Aero Club of France, having served in aviation, I have not been hallucinating and this thing was not a weather balloon, but a thick circular wing hovering on up and moving at very high speed gradually taking height."


MANTUA, 6. - Traffic was interrupted for more than an hour in the center of Mantua by groups of people gathered to observe a strange "black object" which, at a high altitude, stood out clearly on the blue sky background.

After making extremely rapid maneuvers, the spherical shaped craft - and according to some witnesses, it was part of "a formation of flying saucers" - remained for some time motionless in the sky before disappearing at the horizon.

On the other hand the "Martians" also seem to want to visit Italy. Indeed, a fisherman of Roverbella, province of Mantova, said he was approached last night by a "mysterious person", dressed in red, who would have told him "unintelligible words" and who would have quickly left before the fisherman had time to call his wife.



Descended from his "saucer" in Loctudy (Finistère)


... While in Paris, a cardboard salesman sees a "flying disc" above the Porte Dorée

AGAIN a Martian. Each department will soon have its own. It was in the Finistère that the last specimen of the species appeared. This time, he showed himself without a helmet, with his face uncovered. He was not pretty.

A baker from Loctudy, Mr. Pierre Lucas, saw him disembark yesterday at 4 a.m. in a saucer flying three meters in diameter, in the courtyard of the bakery.

- He was no more than 1 m. 20 tall, he says. He approached me and tapped me on the shoulder with unintelligible words.

"I managed to keep my cool," continues the courageous bakery apprentice. The visitor followed me into the bakery. In the light, I could stare at him. His face was covered with hair and eyes the size of a crow's egg. I called my boss, but the Martian, when he arrived, was already gone. And the saucer was gone."

That same night, a Concarneau beer merchant saw two luminous round tables in the sky, extended by a sort of tail.

In the Nord, one did not see a Martian, but the gendarmes of Beuvry-les-Béthune wrote up a report against a manufacturer of flying saucers. He is a pensioner, named d'Oliveira. He is not Martian, but Portuguese. A whole stock of saucers was found in his attic. In fact, they were paper balloons 1 m. 50 to 5 meters in diameter, and of all colors.

I launched thousands of them, he said. It was so beautiful. In the evening, it looked like fireballs...

The saucer factory is now closed. The industrialist will be prosecuted for "having set off flaming devices within 100 meters of the homes".

Bad day yesterday for the saucers in the Nord: an investigation, carried out at Bray-Dunes, near Dunkirk, allowed to establish that the craft seen in this region were jet planes from the Belgian base of Coxide.

"Flying tram"

A resident of Haubourdin however observed a "flying tram", and a child saw a saucer land at Cheny, near Lille; which left traces "like that, he said, of a frog man". The gendarmes examined these traces; they looked very similar to those of horse hooves.

Paris, which the saucers have neglected until now, was favored by an appearance yesterday afternoon. A flying disc, followed by a plume of smoke, flew at 4:30 p.m. over the Porte Dorée under the eyes of Mr. Allouis, cardboard salesman. Several other people confirmed his testimony. But a spoilsport suggests that the flying disc, which he also observed, was, it seemed, a flying wing.

One saw yesterday a good twenty saucers, cigars, fireballs, light globes, at Limoges, at Brive, at Azat-le-Ris and at Magnac-Laval (Haute-Vienne), at Forgès and Le Mazin (Corrèze), at Payzac (Dordogne), at Chàteau-Chinon, at Nassier, in the Poitou marshes, at Vix (Vendée), at La Rochelle, at Albi.

Near Clermont-Ferrand, two saucers which, in passing, gave off a smell of nitro-benzine; near La Rochelle, another one that left oil stains when it landed in a meadow.

Finally, a technician from the weather station at Mans-Arnage observed yesterday morning at 6:08 a.m. two strong dark red lights.

- They were, he said, neither planes, nor sounding balloons, nor meteors. But I will not go so far as to claim that these are flying saucers...



in the sky of Paris
... and elsewhere

Paris, 6. -- Several Parisians have seen flying saucers moving in the sky of the capital. Passers-by claimed to have seen one near the Porte Dorée.

Mr. Pierre Allouis, a cardboard representative, was on his way to his business by taxi when the vehicle was stopped by a red traffic light. Hearing, he said, a shrill whistling sound, he looked out of the door and saw a flying object escaping high, leaving in its wake a plume of smoke.

Mr. Allouis describes the saucer as a disc larger than a normal plane and silver in color.

The same testimony is given by Mr. Gilbert Bacon, living at 25, faubourg St-Antoine, and by Mr. Paul Julien, house painter who lives at 3, rue de la Pompe. The latter, however, believes that it is not a saucer but a flying wing that takes the shape of a triangle with rounded edges.

At Le Bourget, it is explained that, given the intensity of air traffic, it is impossible to confirm by radar the passage of the craft at an insufficiently specified hour. Also, the radar can only record the passage of a heavier-than-air by a luminous spot regardless of the nature of the craft.

Clermont - Ferrand. -- Two saucers were seen in the Clermont sky. The first 10 kms from Beaumont. It was moving West-East. The witnesses declared that the object approached them and became less and less brilliant. When it was only 150 meters away, they felt a "curious feeling" and were like



'Flying saucers'

(Continued from the first page)

nailed on the spot. At that moment there was a smell of nitro-benzine. Soon the craft moved away, the discomfort ceased and the saucer disappeared.

The other saucer was seen above the hills of Chanturgues near Clermont. It moved vertically and was bright white.

A saucer also appeared in Billom to a group of 30 people. The craft was flying above the city. It was moving horizontally. It was visible for 3 or 4 minutes before disappearing. A bright light was emitted from the craft.

Saint - Brieuc. -- Several residents of Saint-Brieuc saw a flying saucer which took the shape of a cigar before disappearing. They were able to observe it for over an hour.

The same phenomenon was observed in Trégueux where a cyclist went home frightened by what he had seen.

La Rochelle. -- Several people from Thouare-sur-Vie (Vendée) saw in the sky ten luminous objects having an elongated shape and which passed at very high speed and high altitude.

La Rochelle. -- Mr. and Mrs. Guillemoteau were in front of their farm when they saw, about a meter from the ground, a spherical saucer which might have measured 2 to 3 meters in height and with a diameter of 5 meters. The craft, which produced no noise, stopped for a few minutes, then climbed vertically. Mr. Guillemoteau, the next day, went to the place where he had seen the craft and was able to find oily traces on the grass.

Finally, saucers, discs, cigars, spheres and other flying objects were seen in Quend (Somme), Grandvilliers (territory of Belfort), in Magnac-Laval (Haute-Vienne), in Saint-Jean-d'Angély (Charente-Maritime), in Forges (Corrèze), Perros-Guirec (Côtes du Nord), etc., etc.

Italian style

Mantua, 6. -- Traffic was interrupted for more than an hour in central Mantua by groups of people gathered to observe a strange "white object" which, at a high height, was clearly visible on the blue sky background.

After having carried out extremely rapid moves, the craft, of spherical shape - and which according to certain witnesses, was part of "a formation of flying saucers" - remained for some time motionless in the sky, before disappearing on the horizon.

Also, the "Martians" seem to also want to visit Italy. Indeed, a Roverbella fisherman in the province of Mantua, said that he had been approached by a "mysterious individual", dressed in red, who reportedly talked to him in "unintelligible words" and who reportedly quickly moved away before the fisherman had time to call his wife.



The whole "truth"
on the "Martians"

The partial explanation we gave yesterday of "flying cigars" did not stop the round of "saucers". Almost everywhere, mysterious craft still caught the eyes of witnesses who all say they did not dream.

They have hair on their faces
and eyes like "crow's egg"

The most extraordinary adventure of the day occurred Tuesday, at 4 a.m., to Mr. Pierre Lucas, a baker from Loctudy, in the Finistère.

Mr. Lucas was busy fetching water from the bakery courtyard when he suddenly saw a craft in the shape of a 2 m 50 to 3 m diameter saucer during the night. He saw an individual about 1 m 20 tall come out of it, who approached and tapped him on the shoulder (no doubt, by hoisting himself on tiptoe), articulating unintelligible words. The worker baker managed to keep his cool and returned to the bakery where the individual followed him.

In the light, Mr. Lucas was able to stare at the visitor: "He had an oval face, all covered with hair, and eyes the size of a crow's egg".

The young man called his boss but, before the latter could come down, the stranger had disappeared, as well as his saucer, of which no trace was found.

They dress in red

The "Martians" also seem to want to visit Italy. A fisherman from Roverbella, in the province of Mantua, said he was approached, still on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, by a "mysterious individual", dressed in red, who allegedly told "unintelligible words" to him, and quickly went away, before the fisherman had time to call his wife.

In Mantua, moreover, traffic was interrupted for more than an hour by groups of people gathered to observe a strange "white object" which, at a high height, stood out clearly against the background of the blue sky. After having carried out extremely rapid moves, the craft, of spherical shape - and which, according to certain witnesses, was part of "a formation of flying saucers" - remained motionless in the sky for a while, before disappearing on the horizon.

They function with nitro-benzine

"Saucers" also in the sky of the Massif Central. Tuesday afternoon, a "mysterious craft" was seen 10 km from Beaumont, moving east. The witnesses declared that the object approached them and became less and less brilliant. When it was only 150 meters away, they felt a "curious feeling" and were nailed to the spot. At that time there was a smell of nitro-benzine. Soon the craft moved away. The discomfort ceased and the "saucer" disappeared.

Another saucer was seen above the Chanturgue hill, near Clermont. It moved vertically and was bright white.

They draw a map of the earth

"According to all the available information, the occupants of the saucers draw the map of the entire surface of the earth" said for his part, most seriously in the world, Mr. Fletcher, vice-president of the astronomers of Kenya.

"Visitors from another world are observing the earth. They have recently turned their attention to East Africa. The most encouraging feature of the case is that unidentified flying objects do not appear to be piloted by beings with hostile intentions towards the inhabitants of our planet", Mr. Fletcherestimates, formulating his hypothesis following the deluge of information provided by many Europeans, Asians and Africans established in Kenya, and refusing to believe that all these "witnesses" are victims of hallucination.

They take samples

Among these "witnesses", a Frenchman, Mr. Jean Allary, farmer in the Charente.

Sunday evening, getting home, around 11:15 p.m., while riding a moped on the Departmental Road 16, he suddenly saw in the beam of his headlight a strange craft on the roadside. He was afraid and did not stop. When he looked back ten meters away, he saw nothing. It was a barrel about 1.50 m. in diameter and 1.50 m. in height, which, he said, swayed as if it had been mounted on a [??]. The barrel was brown in color, studded with yellow "nails" that shone in the light.

After the "saucer" and the "cigar", here is the "flying barrel". In the "other world", one seems to appreciate this drink that we call "wine" on earth. Perhaps an astute "Martian" took advantage of the harvest to come to our planet to "fill up" with an adequate machine...

They turn the tables

Maybe... But there are better things in "Martian" squadrons than barrels...

A Concarneau beer merchant, claims to have seen on his side, in the sky, two luminous discs "in the form of round tables prolonged of a kind of tail." One of the disks was stationary, while the other was moving nearby. The two discs disappeared after ten minutes, after launching a rocket.

In Saint-Brieuc, several residents saw a "flying saucer" which took the form of a cigar, before disappearing. They were able to observe it for over an hour.

The same phenomenon was observed in Trégueux where a cyclist returned home, frightened by what he had seen.

Near La Rochelle, also, ten "luminous objects" moving at a very high speed, were spotted. Mr. and Mrs. Guillemoteau even saw, about a meter from the ground, just in front of their farm, a "spherical saucer" which could measure from 2 to 3 meters in height and with a diameter of 5 meters. The craft, which produced no noise, stopped for a few minutes, then climbed vertically. Mr. Guillemoteau, the next day, went to the place where he had seen the craft and was able to find oily traces on the grass.

[Ref. lcx1:] NEWSPAPER "LA CROIX":


Saucers, cigars, etc.

The "Martian" of the Finistère
the face covered with hair!

Around 4 a.m. on Tuesday morning, Mr. Pierre Lucas, worker-baker in Loctudy (Finistère), who was busy drawing water in the courtyard of the bakery, suddenly saw in the night a machine in the shape of a saucer of 2.50 m. to 3 meters in diameter. He saw an individual coming out, measuring about 1.20 m., who approached him and tapped him on the shoulder, uttering unintelligible words. The worker-baker managed to keep his cool and returned to the bakery where the stranger followed him.

In the light, Mr. Lucas was able to stare at the visitor: his face was oval, all covered with hair, and eyes the size of a crow's egg. The young man called his boss but, before the latter had time to come down, the stranger had disappeared as well as his saucer of which no trace was found.

"Nailed on the spot"

Two saucers were seen on Tuesday in the sky of Clermont. The first, 10 kilometers from Beaumont, at 3:45 p.m.. It was moving in a west-east direction, witnesses stated that the craft approached them and became less and less bright. When it was no more than 150 meters, they felt a "curious sensation" and were as if stuck in place. At this time, there was an odor of nitro-benzine. Soon the craft moved away, the discomfort ceased and the saucer disappeared.

Oily traces...

Mr. and Mrs. Guillemoteau were in front of their farm, near La Rochelle, when they saw, at about 1 meter from the ground, a spherical saucer that could measure 2 to 3 m. in height and with a diameter of 5 meters. The machine, which produced no noise, stopped for a few minutes, then rose vertically. Mr. Guillemoteau went to the place where he had seen the machine and was able to note oily traces on the grass.

In the sky of Paris

Several Parisians said they saw flying saucers flying in the sky over the capital on Tuesday afternoon. Passers-by said they saw it around 4:30 p.m., near the Porte-Dorée.

Mr. Pierre Allouis, cardboard representative, was going to his business by taxi, when the vehicle was stopped by a red light. Hearing, he said, a shrill whistle, he looked out the door and saw a flying craft escaping high, leaving a plume of smoke in its wake.

Mr. Allouis describes the saucer as a disk larger than a normal plane and silver in color.



- Partly explained by -
a professor from Lille and a retiree
- from Beuvry-les-Béthune -

The mystery of the "flying saucers"

There is novelty on the flying saucer horizon. The mystery remains, but some of the cases were explained. And, for those, the story ends there.

We now know that the craft that were seen in the Beuvry-les-Béthune region were "Paper hot air balloons", sent by a retiree, Mr. Oliveira, passionate about "lighter than air" gear. We announced it in our previous issue.

On the other hand, Mr. Antoine Bonte, I.D.N. engineer, professor of applied geology at the Faculty of Sciences of Lille, gave a scientific explanation of the phenomenon observed by dozens of people, Sunday evening, in the Lille region. Mr. Bonte himself saw the "flying saucer" which was only a lunar phenomenon.

Finally, rockets had been seen Sunday evening, off Calais. "It was like the luminous wake of flying saucers*, some said. In fact, it was the signals of distress launched by the spherical balloon of Mrs. Paulette Weber.

So that's a series of solved cases. The others remain. They are disturbing. We will see it below. And we will not fail to compare them with the statements made by Mr. G. Duncan Fletcher, vice-president of the Astronomical Association of Kenya.

This eminent astronomer believes that "visitors from another world are observing the earth and probably mapping it."

But that's just a guess. We are not satisfied yet!


A "Martian" follows
a baker boy
into the bakery

Quimper, 6. -- Around 4 a.m., yesterday morning, Mr. Pierre Lucas, worker-baker in Loctudy (Finistère), who was busy drawing water in the courtyard of the bakery, suddenly saw in the night a craft in the shape of a saucer of 2.50 m. to 3 meters in diameter. He saw come out of it an individual measuring about 1.20 m. who approached him and tapped him on the shoulder, mouthing unintelligible words. The baker managed to keep his cool and returned to the bakery where the stranger followed him.

In the light, Mr. Lucas was able to stare at the visitor: he had an oval face, all covered with hair and eyes the size of a crow's egg. The young man called his boss but, before the latter had time to come down, the stranger had disappeared along with his saucer, of which no trace was found.

A beer merchant of Concarneau, for his part, declared having seen in the sky two luminous disks in the form of round tables extended of a kind of tail. One of the discs was stationary while the other moved nearby. The two discs disappeared after ten minutes after launching a rocket.

Lezignan, 6. -- Two residents of Lezignan, MM. André Gardia and André Darzens, who were driving in a truck on the D-3 departmental road, claimed to have seen a disc-shaped craft land in a field between the village of Lagrasse and the hamlet of Villemagne (Aude).

The craft, they said, was about ten meters in diameter. Before they could approach it, it enveloped them in a bright glow and disappeared.

Bergerac, 6. -- Mr. Jean Defix, firefighter in Bergerac, and Mr. Jean Labonne claimed to have seen land in the garden of the latter a luminous disc about three meters in diameter, supported by three crutches.

Dinan, 6. -- In Mégrit (Côtes-du-Nord), a young farmer, Mr. Henri Lehérisse claimed to have seen in the yard of his farm a craft of a diameter of about 1 meter inside which appeared two human shapes, motionless and the size of a child.

La Rochelle, 6. -- Mr. and Mrs. Guillemoteau were in front of their farm when they saw, about one meter above the ground, a spherical saucer that could measure 2 to 3 meters in height and with a diameter of 5 meters. The craft, which produced no noise, stopped for a few minutes, then rose vertically. Mr. Guillemoteau, the next day, went to the place where he had seen the craft and was able to find oily traces on the grass.

* * *

Valenciennes, 6. -- Mr. Marcel Sénéchal, 20-year-old, from Saint-Amand-les-Eaux, was along the Scarpe canal, in the night from Saturday to Sunday. He was coming up to a pasture when he suddenly heard a conversation held in an unknown language and seeming to come from his right. He turned his head in this direction and to his great astonishment then saw a luminous mass in the shape of a haystack as well as two human forms of 1.20 m. in height approximately, covered with shining garments. A ray of light was coming out of the craft.

Mr. Sénéchal pedaled away at full speed.

A car
by a saucer!

Amiens, 6. A grocer from Amiens, Mrs. Nelly Mansart returned to Amiens on Sunday evening, around 9 p.m., coming from Hérissart in the company of her neighbors. She saw, in the sky, a glowing ball from which hung some kind of cables hung and letting out flames. The "saucer" flew low, about 150 meters above the ground, and followed the car for 10 kilometers.

"When we passed through a village, said Ms. Mansart, the craft bypassed it and reappeared at the exit.

It was making no noise and was definitely watching us. On leaving Pierregot I stopped at the last houses. The "Saucer", which had bypassed the village, was waiting for us and hovered then it moved away as I started again. It began to spiral for three or four hundred meters and changed shape to take that of an elongated, inverted crescent with a molten ball at the upper horn. At Rainneville the "Saucer" increased its gyration then moved away in the direction of the west of Amiens, to lose itself in infinity, in the space of a few seconds, at an incomparable speed."

Italian saucer

Mantua. -- Traffic was interrupted for more than an hour in the center of Mantua by groups of people gathered to observe a strange "white object" which, at a great height, stood out clearly against the background of the blue sky.

After performing extremely rapid moves, the spherical craft - which, according to some witnesses, was part of "a formation of flying saucers" - remained motionless in the sky for some time, before disappearing at the horizon.

Also, the "Martians" seem to want to visit Italy as well. A fisherman from Roverbella, in the province of Mantua, said he was approached last night by a "mysterious individual", dressed in red, who would have said "unintelligible words" to him and who would have quickly moved away, before the fisherman had time to call his wife.


The photograph underneath has been published in the daily newspaper Le Courrier de l'Ouest, Angers, France, on October 19, 1954.


Mrs GUILLMOTEAU in the Vendée

Note: the full article can be read here.

[Ref. jgu1:] JIMMY GUIEU:

Jimmy Guieu indicates that on October 6, 1954, in the evening in La Rochelle, Mr. and Mrs. Guillemoteau were in front of their farm when they saw a craft moving only 1 meter above the ground. It was a white metal disc with a center that was occupied by a sphere of 2.5 meters approximately.

The craft was absolutely silent and was immobilized a few minutes, then rose vertically at a sharp pace and moved away.

The next day, the farmers went to the place where they had seen the craft and noticed oily traces in the grass.

[Ref. aml1:] AIME MICHEL:

Aimé Michel indicates that on October 3, 1954, in Nessier, a hamlet of the community of Benet in the Vendée, Mr. and Mrs. Guillemoteau saw a circular luminous object of red color on the level of the ground at the edge of a marsh.

When they approached, the object flew away fast and disappeared.

The gendarmes go to the location on the next day and discover "oily stains."

[Ref. gqy1:] GUY QUINCY:

October 3 [, 1954]

[... other cases...]

late nigh hour = about 11:30 p.m.?: Nessier (hamlet near Benet, 10 km E.Maillezais,--Vendée): "Take off" of red circular craft

[... other cases...]

[Ref. gqy2:] GUY QUINCY:

October 3, 1954: Nessier (Cne. of Benet, at 10 km ISL in the E of Maillezais--Vendée): Mr. and Mrs Guillemoteau (ESPI that takes off)

[Ref. mcs1:] "MICHEL CARROUGES":

Michel Carrouges indicates that the Guillemoteau sighting lasted a few minutes.

[Ref. nip1:] NICAP:

Richard Hall of the National Investigation Committee on Aerial Phenomena noted that there was a UFO sighting in France in Nessier on October 3, 1954, in which oily spots were found. The source is noted as page 78 of Aimé Michel's book.


At 11:00 p.m., [October 5, 1954] Mr. and Mrs. Guillemoteau report having seen near La Rochelle a "craft" of 2 to 3 m height and a diameter of 5 m, which rose to the vertical after being stopped a few minutes to 1 m high. Oily traces would have been found in the grass.

[Ref. jve3:] JACQUES VALLEE:

Jacques Vallée indicates that on October 5, 1954, at 11:00 p.m., according to the Press of the time, Mr. and Mrs. Guillemoteau saw close to La Rochelle a "craft" of 2 to 3 meters in height and of a diameter of 5 meters which went up vertically after having stopped a few minutes at one meter in altitude. Oily traces were found in grass.

Jacques Vallée adds that he does not make any judgment yet on the value of the testimony neither on the sincerity of the witnesses nor on the plausibility of the reported facts.

[Ref. jve4:] JACQUES VALLEE:

Jacques Vallée says that a study of the French newspapers of the fall of 1954 yields numerous sightings of the "Type I" (defined as an unusual object near or close to the ground, at no more than tree-top level) that have not been reported in specialized books or journals.

As an example, he says that on October 5, 1954, at 11 p.m., a Mr. and Mrs. Guillemoteau, near La Rochelle, saw a "machine" two or three meters in height, with a diameter of five meters, that rose vertically after hovering for several minutes at an altitude of one meter. Oily marks were said to have been found there in the grass.


In a list of cases that the magazine called for investigation or re-investigation, there was:

187 10/3/54 Benet, near La Valette

[Ref. tps1:] TED PHILLIPS:


Oct 03, 1954

074 2245

FRANCE, Benet. Mr. and Mrs. Guillemoteau saw an object, 9 ft high, 18 ft. in diameter, hover for several minutes, 4 ft. off the ground. It ascended vertically. Oily marks were found at the site. (Vallee III)


October 3, 1954, 11:00 p.m.. Benet (Vendée).

Near La Rochelle, Mr. and Mrs. Guillemoteau saw an object 2.50 m high and 5 meters in diameter that hovered for several minutes at 1 meter above the ground, then rose vertically. Oily stains were found at this location.

[Ref. jve5:] JACQUES VALLEE:

228 000.59768 46.36800 03 10 1954 23 30 201 BENET-NESSIER-VEND F 001222 C** 222

[Ref. jve3:] JACQUES VALLEE:

The author indicates that on October 3, 1954, a man and his wife saw a red luminous object which flew away when they arrived close to it, in the vicinity of Benet, close to Nessier in the Vendée.


The ufologist Fernand Lagarde believed he found a connection between the locations of UFO sightings and the locations of earthquakes or geological faults.

He published a map centered on the Charente-Maritime department, with parts of the surrounding departments, with these cases (his list is incomplete) represented, all dates October 1954:

"N 150 between Saintes and Royan 10.54"
"Taupignac 10.54"
"Pont L'Abbé 10.54"
"St Savinien 10.54"
"Birac 10.54"
"Soudran 10.54"
"Tourriers 10.54"
"Angouleme 10.54"
"Puymoyen 10.54"
"Marcillac 10.54"
"Nessier 10.54"
"Béruge 10.54"
"Lusignan 10.54"
"St Maixent 10.54"
"Niort 10.54"
"La Rochelle 10.54"
"Angles 10.54"
"Luçon 10.54"

Map by Fernand Lagarde

[Ref. jve1:] JACQUES VALLEE:


187) October 3, 1954, 11:00 p.m. Benet (France):

Near La Rochelle, Mr. and Mrs. Guillemoteau saw an object, 2.5 m high, 5 m diameter, hover for several minutes 1 m above ground, then rise vertically. Oily marks were found at the spot. (P 34, M 131)

[Ref. jve6:] JACQUES VALLEE:

October 3, 1954, 11:00 p.m. Benet (France):

Near La Rochelle. Mr. and Mrs. Guillemoteau saw an object, 2.5 m high, 5 m diameter, hover for several minutes 1 m above ground, then rise vertically. Oily marks were found at the spot. (Franc-Tireur, la Croix, France-Soir, le Figaro, October 7, 1954)


This ufologist announces that he puts on sale by mail a map of France of the observatins of 1954. He indicates that on his map, there are places, hamlets, that he could not indicate because he did not find them on the map. He gives 7 examples, including "Nessier (85)."


The two authors ufologists report that on October 2, 1954, at 09:30 P.M., in Nessier in the Vendée, Mr. and Mrs. Guillemoteau observed a spherical object on the ground, of approximately 5 meters broad by three meters in height.

The object was silent and was surrounded by a red gleam.

After having remained stationary during 5 minutes, it took off vertically then moved away in the direction of the city from La Rochelle.

The next day, Mr. Gillemoteau noted traces of an oily material on the site.

The sources are indicated as case 187 of the Vallée catalogue; a press article; Aimé Michel in "A propos des S.V." page 166; Jimmy Guieu in "Black-Out sur les S.V." page 197; Quincy.


The two authors and ufologists indicate that on October 6, 1954 at 10:30 p.m., in La Rochelle in the department of Charente Maritime, there was an observation of a metallic disc of five meters in diameter evolving one meter above the ground.

They indicate that their source is their personal archive.


These two authors wrote in their book that they had a discussion with Mrs. Guillemoteau who told them that the observed phenomenon was very far, more than one kilometer away.

They write that Mrs. Guillemoteau described the phenomenon as being similar to the setting sun, and the authors make the setting sun their explanation for the phenomenon.

As they indicate that the observation according to certain accounts had taken place at 11:00 P.M. when the sun is long gone and according to other reports at 09:30 P.M., they indicate that the timer is not known precisely and that thus the observation could have taken place when the sun was setting down and be an observation of the setting sun.

[Ref. gep1:] UFOLOGY GROUP "GEPO":

10/03/54 (23) Benet (vendee) huile 106XC 5m

[Ref. gep2:] "GEPO" UFOLOGY GROUP:

10/05/54 (soir) Cotes Nord and La Rochelle 100X

[Ref. gep3:] "GEPO" UFOLOGY GROUP:

6-10-54 (Soir) La Rochelle huile M 1012XC Y 5m


Nessier/Benet 10/02/54: D: B. and B. p. 182-183; F. p.110.

The "D" means "'dubious' case: there are particuliar objective reasons to be cautious." "B. and B" refers to [bbr1] and "F." to [fru1].

[Ref. mft1:] MICHEL FIGUET:

117 CE0 10 02 1954 09.30 p.m. Nessier near BENET 85490 E7 TD [=Very Dubious] misint B-B p. 1821 [sic]

[Ref. mft2:] MICHEL FIGUET:

Michel Figuet noted in his listing of dubious cases:


Nessier near Benet

Confusion: B.B p. 182.

("B.B." refers to the book by Barthel and Brucker, see above.)


21. Near La Rochelle (Charente Maritime), October 3, 1954. Version B&B: distant phenomenon according to Mrs. Guillemoteau, Nessier (Vendée) p. 183. LDLN version: We met Mrs. Guillemoteau. She tells us that the witness was in fact Mr. Marcel Guillemoteau, of Ste Christine, deceased since. She was never visited by an investigator nor received a phone call. Guillemoteaus are very numerous in Vendée and Charentes.

[Ref. lgs1:] LOREN GROSS:

Benet, France. (11:00 p.m.)

For several minutes-a red UFO, its size 6 by 12 feet, was observed motionless over a swampy area by a French couple, M. and Mme. Guillemoteau. The observation ended when the UFO shot straight up out of sight. 35.

[Ref. jsr1:] JEAN SIDER:

Jean Sider gives a summary of the case, dated at October 2, at 09:30 P.M. He specifies that the Guillemoteau family saw that this round machine was rather bulky and was in lift not far from their farm in the Poitevin Marsh.

Jean Sider checked the assertions of Barthel and Brucker and discovered the following points:

The time of the observation is indeed 09:30 P.M., and at this time the sun is already long gone.

Barthel and Brucker say that Mrs. Guillemoteau told them that the phenomenon was far away, at more than one kilometer, but the newspaper the La Nouvelle République de Bordeaux et du Sud-Ouest for October 8, 1954, indicates on page 3 that the phenomenon had been at a few dozen meters of the farm of the Guillemoteau family.

Barthel and Brucker did not really speak in person to Mrs. Guillemoteau, it must be understood that the two authors only investigated using the phonebook to make their investigations, without going nowhere on location to meet witnesses.

Jean Sider informs that an investigation by Lumières Dans La Nuit discovered that when Barthel and Brucker said to have made their investigation, Mr. Guillemoteau, inhabitant of Ste Christine, was already deceased, and that Mrs. Guillemoteau, of Nessier, who really is one of the two witnesses, told Lumières Dans La Nuit that she has never be contacted by Barthel and Brucker neither in person not by phone. Jean Sider thinks that the journalists were victims of a confusion for the name Guillemoteau is very widespread in the area.


3921: 1954/10/02 21:30 5 0:39:00 W 46:20:20 N 3333 WEU FRN VND 8:7


Ref# 30 FIGEUT[sic]&RUCHON: OVNI: Le 1er Dossier Page No. 110 : PASTURE


Belgian ufologist Godelieve van Overmeire notes in her catalogue that in France, in 1954, October 2, in Nessier close to Benet, towards 09:30 p.m. close to La Rochelle, Mr. and Mrs. Guillemoteau saw an object of 2,50 m height by 5 m in diameter which hovered during several minutes 1 m above the ground, then rose vertically. Oil stains were found at this place.

The source is indicated as M. Figuet / J.L. Ruchon: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." Alain Lefeuvre pub. 1979, p. 110 and "Jacques Vallée: "Chronique des apparitions ET" - DENOEL 1972 - COLL. J'AI LU - p. 267 who by mistake gives the date of October 3 at 11:00 p.m."


The Belgian ufologist indicates in her catalogue that in 1954, on October 6, in France, in La Rochelle, a metal disc, 5 m in diameter, is observed one meter above the ground.

She indicates that the source is M. Figuet / J.L. Ruchon: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." Alain Lefeuvre oub. 1979, p. 128.


The Belgian ufologist indicates in her catalogue that in 1954, on October 6, in France, in La Rochelle, a metal disc, 5 m in diameter, is observed one meter above the ground.

She indicates that the source is M. Figuet / J.L. Ruchon: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." Alain Lefeuvre oub. 1979, p. 128.

[Ref. tps2:] TED PHILLIPS:

Ted Phillips listed the case as a "top" case in his "preliminary list of top cases":

Report 10/2/54 Benet, France, 2130: 2 discs, 5 minutes, oily traces.

[Ref. mcn1:] MARK CASHMAN:

Benet (France).

10/3/1954 13:00

Near La Rochelle. Mr. and Mrs. Guillemoteau saw an object, 2. 5 m high, 5 m diameter, hover for several minutes 1 m above ground, then rise vertically. Oily marks were found at the spot.

[Ref. lgs2:] LOREN GROSS:

3 October. Nessier, France. (night?)

Red, circular, luminous, object

Michel wrote:

"The final observation was at Nessier, a village in the commune of Benet in the Vendee, 40 miles farther west (of Lusignan). M. and Mme. Guillemoteau noticed an object on the ground, at the edge of a swamp. It was circular, luminous, of a red color, and at their approach took off rapidly and disappeared. The following day the police went over the ground at these places and found 'oily spots.'" (xx.)

(xx.) Michel, Aime. flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery. p.131.

[Ref. djn1:] DONALD JONHSON:

Encounters with Aliens on this Day

October 3

1954 - Near La Rochelle, France at 11:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Guillemoteau saw an object, five meters in diameter and 2.5 meters high, hovering for several minutes one meter above the ground. The UFO then rose vertically. Oily marks were found at the spot. (Sources: Aime Michel, Flying Saucers and the Straight Line Mystery, p. 131; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 216).

[Ref. jbu1:] JEROME BEAU:


Tuesday, October 5


Close to La Rochelle, Mr. and Mrs. Guillemoteau see a machine of 2 to 3 m height and 5 m diameter which stops at 1 m height, then goes up vertically. Oily traces are said to have been found in the grass (Vallée 1966).

[Ref. jbu4:] JEROME BEAU - "TOP SECRET":

Tuesday, October 5, 23 p.m.: near La Rochelle, Mr. and Mrs. Guillemoteau see a craft 2 to 3 m in height and 5 meters in diameter, which stops at 1 m high, then rose vertically. Oily traces were reportedly found in the grass (Vallée 1966).


On October 3, 1954 near La Rochelle, an object 5 meters in diameter and 2 meters in height 50 abandoned oily liquids.


In his case listing "UFOs in the Vendée", the author notes this case:

Benet, 2 October 1954

He specifies that Benet is a small village located at the east of Fontenay-le-Comte, that the observation occurred with the accesses of the hamlet of Nessier, and that it was variously appreciated by the various investigators who approached it, "some did not hesitate to speak about a confusion, but we will also see that certain investigators approached the case with an obvious dishonesty."

He indicates that there were several articles in big national dailies such as La Croix, Le Figaro or France-Soir for 7 October 1954, that Aimé Michel and Jacques Vallée inter alia began used without further investigating, dating it for example on October 3. The author comments on that this type of error is not a fault per se, that there are besides legion in the catalogues of observations of 1954 which are often only compilations of press articles and thus reproduce the same errors or mistypes.

He then quotes what Aimé Michel said in Mystérieux Objets Célestes:

Mr. and Mrs. Guillemoteau see on the ground, at the edge of a marsh, a circular luminous object of red color which, with at their approach, flies away quickly and disappears. The next day, the gendarmes go on the spot and discover "oil stains".

He indicates that 25 years later, two ufologists, Gerard Barthel and Jacques Brucker, published a book which claimed to summarize the entirety of the 1954 flap as confusions and hoaxes, under the title of "La Grande Peur Martienne", Nouvelles Editions Rationalistes, 1979.

He indicates that in that book, "which then caused devastations in the rows of the ufologists, B&B tackled the Benet case and explained it as a confusion with the setting sun, ensuring that they had met Mrs. Guillemoteau, witness of the time". He quotes the authors:

"Standard Account where only the witness can give us details allowing us to determine the subject. Let's specify that the facts occurred in Nessier, and that according to certain files it was 11 p.m., but about this detail, a doubt remains!"

"First detail brought by Mrs Guillemoteau during our interview: it was very far, at least 1 km! One loses in conjectures, about the dimensions of "the object", provided by the witnesses at the time. At such a distance, to give precise characteristics to something whose origin is unknown, either comes from extraordinary practice and a long practice, or is an arbitrary and unverifiable appreciation. The light, since she did not see an object at all, was close to a house. On our request, she described the phenomenon to us... as the setting sun! One can only quiver at the idea that this "UFO" was observed... towards the west, and that Mrs Guillemoteau does not remember the exact hour anymore."

"Were these Vendeans deceived by the sun? One cannot decide."

He indicates the source of the above, "La Grande Peur Martienne", page 183.

He then comments on: "One could at this stage of the file recognize the good foundation of such an analysis (we will see that in other cases this is impossible), but at the end of the Eighties the Investigation group of Lumières Dans La Nuit carried out a counter-investigation on several cases dealt with by Barthel & Brucker. It happens that the Benet case was part of these checking. The investigators met Mrs. Guillemoteau:

"She told us that the witness was in fact Mr. Marcel Guillemoteau, of Ste Christine, deceased since then. She never received the visit of an investigator, nor received a telephone call. The Guillemoteaus are very numerous in the Vendée and in Charentes. (cf LDLN 299 p.34)"

He concludes by indicating that the "book by Gerard Barthel and Jacques Brucker is in fact riddled of these investigations carried out without care, rushed over on the telephone and even frankly dishonest, and we will see more of their conclusions in other Vendean cases. It nevertheless remains true that the observation made in Benet, on October 2, 1954, remains a mystery."

[Ref. jbu2:] JEROME BEAU:

Jérôme Beau indicate that on Saturday, October 2, 1954, "The evening? With the accesses of the hamlet of Nessier close to Benet (small village located at the east of Fontenay-le-Comte, the Vendée), Mr. Marcel Guillemoteau, of Sainte Christine, sees on the ground (in the west?), on the edge of a marsh, a circular luminous object of red color which, at his approach, flies away quickly and disappears. The following day, the gendarmes go on the spot and discover 'oil stains'.

Jérôme Beau indicates as sources: Articles de La Croix, Le Figaro et France-Soir for October 7, 1954 cited in Michel, A.: Mystérieux Objets Célestes, cited in Vallée, J., cited in Barthel, G. & Brucker, J.: La grande peur martienne, Les Nouvelles Editions Rationalistes, 1979, cited in LDLN n° 299, p. 34 cited in Choloux, Jérôme: "2. La vague de 1954" in "Les OVNIs en Vendée", Les Mystères de Vendée, 2007.

[Ref. lcn1:] LUC CHASTAN:

Luc Chastan indicates that in the Charente Maritime on October 5, 1954 at 23:00 hours, "Close to La Rochelle, a couple sees a craft from 2 to 3 m in height and 5 m in diameter which stops at 1 m of the ground, then goes up vertically. Oily traces were reportedly found in grass."

The source is indicated as "RR0 **".

[Ref. lcn2:] LUC CHASTAN:

Luc Chastan indicates that in Charente Maritime at La Rochelle on October 6, 1954, at 22:30 hours there was an observation of a metallic disc of five meters in diameter evolving one meter above the ground.

The source is indicated as "Ovni, Premier dossier complet... by Figuet M./ Ruchon J.L. ** Alain Lefeuvre pub. 1979".

[Ref. uda1:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The website indicates that on 3 October 1954 at 23:00 in Benet, France, "Two discs seen for 5 minutes, oily traces on ground."

And: "Near La Rochelle, France at 11:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Guillemoteau saw an object, five meters in diameter and 2.5 meters high, hovering for several minutes one meter above the ground. The UFO then rose vertically. Oily marks were found at the spot."

And: "Objects were observed. Traces found. Two discs, about 20 feet across, were observed by two witnesses, a married couple, in a swamp for five minutes (Guillemoteau)."

The sources are indicated as Michel, Aime, Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, S. G. Phillips, New York, 1958; Bowen, Charles, The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition No. 1, FSR, London, 1966; Vallee, Jacques, Computerized Catalog (N = 3073); Vallee, Jacques, Challenge to Science: The UFO Enigma, Henry Regnery, Chicago, 1966; Vallee, Jacques, Preliminary Catalog (N = 500), (in JVallee01); Vallee, Jacques, A Century of Landings (N = 923), (in JVallee04), Chicago, 1969; Schoenherr, Luis, Computerized Catalog (N = 3173); Hall, Richard H., The UFO Evidence, NICAP, Washington, 1964; Phillips, Ted R., Ted Phillips investigation files; Phillips, Ted R., Physical Traces Associated with UFO Sightings, CUFOS, Chicago, 1975; Hatch, Larry, *U* computer database, Author, Redwood City, 2002.

[Ref. uda2:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The website indicates that on 3 October 1954 at 13:00 in Benet, France, "Object, 2.5 meters high, five meters diameter, hovered for several minutes one meter above ground. Explanation: Manmade."

And: "Near La Rochelle, France at 11:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Guillemoteau saw a red glowing round object, five meters in diameter and 2.5 meters high, hovering for several minutes one meter above the ground. The UFO then rose vertically. Oily marks were found at the spot."

And: "Near La Rochelle. Mr. and Mrs. Guillemoteau saw an object, 2.5 meters high, five meters diameter, hover for several minutes one meter above ground, then rise vertically. Oily marks were found at the spot."

And: "An object was observed. Ground traces were found. One orange ball, about 20 feet across, was observed by one male witness on a farm briefly (Garreau). Two 5.5-foot-tall humanoids, each wearing a khaki suit, were seen."

The sources are indicated as Vallee, Jacques, Computerized Catalog (N = 3073); Vallee, Jacques, Challenge to Science: The UFO Enigma, Henry Regnery, Chicago, 1966; Vallee, Jacques, Preliminary Catalog (N = 500), (in JVallee01).

[Ref. djn2:] DONALD JONHSON:

Donald Johnson indicates that on October 3, 1954, "near La Rochelle, France at 11:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Guillemoteau saw an object, five meters in diameter and 2.5 meters high, hovering for several minutes one meter above the ground. The UFO then rose vertically. Oily marks were found at the spot."

The sources are noted "Aime Michel, Flying Saucers and the Straight Line Mystery, p. 131; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 216)."

[Ref. nip1:] "THE NICAP WEBSITE":

*Oct. 2, 1954 - Near La Rochelle, France at 11:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Guillemoteau saw a red glowing round object, five meters in diameter and 2.5 meters high, hovering for several minutes one meter above the ground. The UFO then rose vertically. Oily marks were found at the spot. (Sources: Aime Michel, Flying Saucers and the Straight Line Mystery, p. 131; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, p. 216; Michel Figuet & Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: Le premier dossier complet des rencontres rapprochees en France, p. 110). (Note: Vallee lists the date as October 3rd, but Figuet & Ruchon believe this is in error and that October 2nd is the correct date).

The note on the wrong date by this website did not prevent the author to add the same case a second time with the other date:

*Oct. 3, 1954 - Near La Rochelle, France at 11:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Guillemoteau saw an object, five meters in diameter and 2.5 meters high, hovering for several minutes one meter above the ground. The UFO then rose vertically. Oily marks were found at the spot. (Sources: Aime Michel, Flying Saucers and the Straight Line Mystery, p. 131; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 216, case # 187).

[Ref. dcy1:] DIDIER CHARNAY:

Didier Charnay informs that the newspaper Sud-Ouest for July 28, 2009 briefly published "new old cases in their section 'Sacrés Ovnis'", including the case in La Rochelle for October 6, 1954, and that the article is available on the [paying] website of the newspaper at

[Ref. ubk1:] "UFO-DATENBANK":

This database recorded this same case 9 times:

Case Nr. New case Nr. Investigator Date of observation Zip Place of observation Country of observation Hour of observation Classification Comments Identification
19541002 02.10.1954 Benet France CE II
19541003 03.10.1954 Nessier France Night CE II
19541003 03.10.1954 Nessier France CE II
19541003 03.10.1954 Nessier France 23.00 CE II
19541003 03.10.1954 Benet France 22.45 CE II
19541003 03.10.1954 Benet France 23.00 CE II
19541003 03.10.1954 Benet France 23.30 CE II
19541003 03.10.1954 Benet France CE II
19541005 05.10.1954 Nessier France 23.00 CE II


On October 3, 1954, near la Rochelle, an object of 5 meters in diameter by 2 meters 50 in height left oily liquids.


October 2 1954. 2300hrs.


Mr and Mrs Guillemnteau [sic] were on their farm when they observed an object 2-3m high, 5m in diameter about 1m above the ground on swamp. The red object then took off. Next day police found oily marks at the spot.

[*] Note: the waa Peter Rogerson represents there what is acrually my web page on the case, one would believe that I wrote it in 1954. No link is provided, and my content was far for being limited to "citing Le Figaro 7 October 1954"...


What a big mess. Let me try to sort things out.

The place:

In the October 7, 1954 press sources I have found so far, either national of from other regions of France, one reads "La Rochelle". However, this city of the Charente-Maritime department appears more like the newsroom from which it was reported ("LA ROCHELLE. -- ") than an actual sighting place. La Rochelle is the "biggest city" in the area. some of the pess sources actually did not say it occurred in La Rochelle, but "in the surroundings of La Rochelle."

We get a likely better location with Aimé Michel [aml1] in his 1958 book: "in Nessier, a hamlet of the commune of Benet in the Vendée".

Nessier is indeed a small hamlet near Benet, attached to the commune of Benet, in the Vendée department:


La Rochelle is 43 km from Nessier in straight line.


So, the place is Nessier, not La Rochelle.

The date:

In the October 7, 1954, press sources I have found so far, either national of from other regions of France, there is simply no date given. One of the newspaper said "La Rochelle, 6. --". But this is the date of the report, not necessarily the date of the sighting.

Many ufologists (Guieu, etc.) took this as the date of the sighting; or just guestimated that the Press pubilshed about the sighting on the 7th, the the 6th must be the date of the sighting.

Michel said it was on October 3, 1954. But he does not give any source. then we get both "October 3" and "October 5" from Vallée, then we get, from Figuet and Ruchon, "October 2", with indicated source that never said it was "October 2". Then Figuet gave "October 6"... They mistakenly thought there were tyo cases, one in Nessier on October 2, the other in La Rochelle on October 6...

I rely on Jean Sider's version, from La Nouvelle République de Bordeaux et du Sud-Ouest, and use October 2, 1954 as the date. But this is not bulletproof either.

The hour:

I found no contemporary press source so far that gave any sightin hour at all. Not even an "in the evening" or some other approximation. I rely on Sider again, whos seems to have a press source from the region that gave the hour as 09:30 p.m. But again, this is not bulleproof hour.

The Sider / LDLN / B&B controversy:

Whereas Barthel and Brucker say almost nothing about the case itself, or the circumstances of their counter-investigation (when? how? Which Mrs. Guillemoteau?) the LDLN group does not do much better: it seems that they still believe that the case occurred in La Rochelle, they say neither when nor how they spoke to their Mrs. Guillemoteau, and since they said it was not the right person, why are they surprised that "B&B" never talked to her - which just makes me wonder whether they contacted the correct Mrs. Guillemoteau instead of the wrong one contacted by LDLN!

The Sun:

On these days around October 2, to October 6, 1954, in that area, sunset was at about 06:20 p.m., This is almost three hours before 09:30 p.m.

Let's not even mention that the witness report says the object rose vertically, not something the setting sun is likely to do.

Now, the sighting is so terribly poorly documented that Barthel and Brucker, whether they talked to Mrs. Guillemoteau or not, maybe be correct after all. Who knows?

Suffice to compare the terribly different versions of the UFO description according to the various press and ufology sources... This is certainly not a "good" case.


(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)

Nessier, Vendée, confusion, Marcel Guillemoteau, Gendarmes, Police, dimensions, duration, gleam, red, marsh, swamp, oil, landing, round, circular, white, setting sun, metallic


[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.

Document history:

Version: Created/Changed by: Date: Change Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross August 22, 2004 First published.
1.0 Patrick Gross February 27, 2009 Conversion from HTML to XHTML Strict. First formal version. Additions [jgu1], [goe1], [jbu1].
1.1 Patrick Gross February 28, 2010 Addition [djn2].
1.2 Patrick Gross March 2, 2010 Addition [jcx1].
1.3 Patrick Gross March 15, 2010 Addition [mcs1].
1.4 Patrick Gross May 31, 2010 Addition [ler1].
1.5 Patrick Gross June 22, 2010 Addition [jve5].
1.6 Patrick Gross July 2, 2010 Additions [nip1], [jcx1], [lcn1], [uda1], [uda2].
1.7 Patrick Gross August 15, 2010 Addition [lml1].
1.8 Patrick Gross September 13, 2014 Addition [lgs1].
1.9 Patrick Gross September 27, 2014 Additions [jve7], [jbu4], [cbl1], [nip1].
2.0 Patrick Gross October 29, 2016 Additions [ern1], [ubk1].
2.1 Patrick Gross December 14, 2016 Addition [lgs1].
2.2 Patrick Gross August 16, 2019 Additions [las1], [jve4], [fle2], [fmt1], [ldl1], [lhh1], [sms1], [prn2], Summary. Explanations changed, were "Only Aimé Michel dates the case as of October 3, all the other previous sources give October 2. Since Figuet and Ruchon entered the case twice with different dates and places, many others reproduced this error. I have found no reliable sources indicating that the sighting was at 11:00 p.m. On October 2, 1954, near La Rochelle, sunset was at 06:47 P.M. almost three hours before 09:30 p.m."
2.3 Patrick Gross November 28, 2019 Additions [jve8], [fle1].
2.4 Patrick Gross December 25, 2019 Addition [ppe1].
2.5 Patrick Gross April 4, 2020 Addition [cdn1].
2.6 Patrick Gross June 3, 2020 Addition [ner1].
2.7 Patrick Gross July 7, 2020 Addition [jps1].
2.8 Patrick Gross December 30, 2020 Addition [lcx1].
2.9 Patrick Gross March 13, 2022 Addition [nnm1].
3.0 Patrick Gross April 19, 2022 Additions [gqy1], [gqy2], [ldl1], [gep1], [gep2], [gep3], [ine1].
3.1 Patrick Gross May 2, 2022 Addition [tps1].

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