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September 27, 1954, Revêty, Gard:

Reference for this case: 27-sep-54-Revêty.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.


The regional newspaper Le Provençal of October 1, 1954, reported the testimony of two inhabitants of the hamlet of Revêty, commune of Foussignargues, 2 km from Bessèges.

Mr. Louis Roche, a 62-year-old roadmender in Bessèges, lived with his wife in a country house on a sunny hill planted with chestnut trees, 200 meters from the departmental road 51 which leads from Bessèges to Saint-Ambroix, and it was very close to their home, in a meadow belonging to Mr. Camille Soustelle, Bessèges, that they saw in the night of Sunday to Monday - thus on September 27, 1954 - at 02:40 a.m., a "mysterious craft."

Madame Fernande Roche, unable to sleep, got up and went to the terrace along the front of the house. There, she thought she was the victim of a hallucination: she could see very clearly at a hundred meters from her house, towards the road, "a round thing like a red tomato with five or six upright stems, half as big as of her wrist."

"I passed my hands several times over my eyes," added Mrs. Roche. "I did not dare call, but I woke up my husband and said, 'Get up, I think I'm seeing a flying saucer'."

Mr. Roche also saw the red light, and said that for him, the object was shaped like a bouquet.

After about twenty minutes of observation and because of the cold, the couple returned inside the house. Half an hour later, Mr. Roche came back and found that "it was still there". He went back to bed, and in the morning there was nothing left.

The newspaper explained that the reason this testimony is so late, is because both spouses feared taunts.

Mentions will appear in the press, then the case will enter the ufology literature.

According to Jacques Vallée's 1966 catalog of "UFO landings", there was an investigation by H. Gilbert that reportedly received the direct testimony of Mrs. Roche, and this sketch was made by the ufologist Fernand Lagarde from pictures:

The press source and ufology sources considered that the Roches sighting in Revêty is to be linked with the sighting by the passengers of a bus near there in Foussignargues 10 minutes earlier.




An object luminous and round as a tomato said to have landed in the night close to Bessèges

Bessèges (C.P.).
To the testimonies of many people who, a little everywhere in France, stated to have seen flying saucers, we must add that of two inhabitants of the hamlet of Revety, community of Foussignargues, at 2 km from Bessèges.

Mr. Louis Roche, road mender in Bessèges, 62 years old, lives with his wife in a country house located on a sunny hill planted with chestnuts, within 200 meters of the secondary road 51 which leads from Bessèges to Saint-Ambroix.

It is very close to their residence, in a meadow pertaining to Mr. Camille Soustelle, of Bessèges, that they saw the mysterious machine.

A red light in the night

In the night of Sunday to Monday, at 02:40, Mrs. Fernande Roche, unable to sleep, stood up and went on the terrace that skirts the frontage of the house.

Suddenly, she believed being victim of an hallucination: she saw, indeed, very distinctly at a hundred meters from her place, in direction of the road "a round thing like a red tomato with five or six stems placed vertically, large as half of his wrist."

"I several times put my hand on the eyes, adds Mrs. Roche. I did not dare to call, but I awoke my husband while telling him "Stand up, I believe that I see a flying saucer".

Mr. Roche also saw the red light. He is affirmative on this point.

To him, the object had the shape of a bouquet.

At the end of a score of minutes of observation and because of the cold, the couple returned inside the house. Half an hour later, Mr. Roche rose again and noted that "it was still there". He lay down then and all had disappeared in the early morning.

We reported very exactly the testimony of Mr. and Mrs. Roche. Perhaps one will be astonished that it is all so late, but in fact, the explanation is simple: the two husbands feared the mocking remark and that is what they told us flatly.



Saucers, still saucers, always saucers...

At the Mas de Brury, near Perpignan, several grape pickers said they saw in the sky a bright object in the shape of a saucer. After having moved vertically leaving a white trail, the craft disappeared in the clouds.

Mr. Raymond Deloire, 20, agricultural worker in Langeron (Nièvre), who was riding a bicycle on the road to St-Pierre-le-Moutiers, saw in the sky a mysterious object of semi-spherical shape emitting a bright orange glow at the front, flames gushed from the rear. The craft moved without noise with great speed towards the North-East.

Two residents of the commune of Foussignargues, near Bessèges, said they saw in a meadow, near their house, in the night from Sunday to Monday, a luminous apparatus.

Numerous people saw in the sky, at very high altitude, a mysterious craft in the shape of a long and shiny balloon. The craft came from the South and headed to the North West.



The chronicle of the flying

Perpignan, October 1. -- At the Mas de Bruzy, near Perpignan, several grape pickers said they had seen in the sky a shiny object in the shape of a saucer. After having moved vertically leaving a white trail, the craft disappeared in the clouds.


Mulhouse, October 1. -- Two people declared to have seen a luminous craft in the sky, in Rixheim, using binoculars, they noticed that it was shaped like a long cigar, a dozen little satellite cigars surrounded it, a night shift worker said he observed the same phenomenon.


Bessèges, 1 Oct. -- Two inhabitants of the commune of Foussignargues, near Bessèges, said they saw in a meadow, near their house, in the night from Sunday to Monday, a mysterious craft in the shape of a long and shiny balloon. The craft came from the south and is heading towards the northwest.


Nevers, 1 Oct. -- Mr. Raymond Deloire, 20 years old, agricultural worker, in Langeron (Nièvre) who was riding a bicycle, on the road to Saint-Pierre-le-Moutiers, saw in the sky a mysterious object of hemispherical shape emitting a bright orange glow at the front. Flames shot out from the back. The craft moved without noise with great speed towards the northeast.





MULHOUSE. -- Two people stated to have seen a luminous machine in the sky, in Rixheim. Using binoculars, they noted that it had the shape of a long cigar. A dozen small satellite cigars surrounded it. A railway man on night duty stated to have observed the same phenomenon.

BESSEGES. -- Two residents of the commune of Foussignargues, close to Bessèges, stated to have seen in a meadow, near their house, in the night from Sunday to Monday, a sharp red luminous machine surrounded by vertical stems.

PAU. -- Thursday morning, around 11:45, many people saw in the sky, at a very high altitude, a mysterious machine having the shape of a long and shining balloon. The machine came from the South and moved towards the North-West.

NEVERS. -- Mr. Raymond Deloire, 20 years old, farm laborer in Langeron (the Nievre), who circulated by bicycle on the road of St-Pierre-le-Moutiers, saw in the sky a mysterious object of half-spherical form emitting at the front a sharp orange gleam, flames spouted out from the back. The machine moved without noise at a great speed in direction of the North-East.

PERPIGNAN. -- Mr. Jean-Bertrand Petit, residing at the Conte Farmhouse, close to Perpignan, was sprinkling his salads, around 3:30 in the morning, when he saw a ball of fire in the sky. The display was short and did not leave traces.

In Thuir, Thursday, around 6:15 p.m., a machine having the shape of a haloed barrel of fire was seen by a person worthy of faith. The apparatus, which worked at a slow pace, disappeared in direction of the sea.

In addition, several residents of Perpignan claim to have seen yesterday, at approximately 2 p.m., above the city, a luminous sphere, sometimes red, sometimes white and which moved during several minutes before fainting in the sky.

A luminous sphere remains one hour above Fleury-d'Aude

FLEURY-D'AUDE (C.P.). -- Yesterday evening, from 9 to 10 p.m., the population of Fleury was able to see a luminous sphere, whose color changed from the red to the green, then to the white, moving slowly above the locality. The machine marked times of immobility and it was then possible to detect that it had a rotational movement.

The luminous sphere then moved in direction of Béziers and disappeared.

A brilliant ball above Puivert

PUIVERT. -- Mr. Saboureau, lemonade seller in Bélesta (the Ariège) made the Bélesta-Puivert way in a van, when he saw in the sky, yesterday towards 5 p.m., a very brilliant ball like a sun following the North-South direction, flying at an altitude which he estimates as 2.000 meters, and moving at a relatively reduced speed.

The ball moved without the least noise and was followed of a long tail of gray smoke. Mr. Saboureau having stopped his vehicle for better observing, could see, after a few minutes the machine disappear in the direction of Ax-les-Termes. His observation allows him to affirm absolutely that it was not a plane.



they are seen everywhere...

Flying saucers
cigars and... "cigarillos"

Perpignan, 1st. -- At the Mas de Brury, near Perpignan, several grape pickers said they had seen in the sky a luminous object in the shape of a saucer. After having moved vertically leaving a white trail, the craft disappeared in the clouds.

Mulhouse, 1st. -- Two people declared to have seen a luminous craft in the sky in Rixheim, using binoculars, they noted that it had the shape of a long cigar, a dozen satellite "little cigars" surrounded it. A railroader on night duty said he observed the same phenomenon.

Besseges, 1st. -- Two inhabitants of the commune of Foussignargues, near Bessèges, declared to have seen in a meadow, near their house, in the night from Sunday to Monday, a bright red luminous machine surrounded by vertical rods.

Pau, 1st. -- Yesterday morning around 11:45 a.m., many people have seen in the sky, at very high altitude, a mysterious machine in the shape of a long and shiny balloon. The object came from the South and was heading towards the Northwest.

Nevers, 1st. -- Mr. Raymond Deloire, 20, agricultural worker in Langeron (Nièvre), who was riding a bicycle on the road to Saint-Pierre-le-Moutiers, saw in the sky a mysterious semi-spherical object, emitting a bright orange glow at the front. Flames shot out from the back. The machine moved without noise at great speed towards the North-East.

Dijon, 1st. -- Two children from Prémanon, the young Raymond Roland, 12, and his sister Janine, 9, told their schoolmaster this amazing story:

It was pouring rain yesterday before when around 8:30 p.m., Raymond heard his dog barking furiously. He went out and saw in the courtyard of his parents' farm a metallic craft, 2 meters high, which shone in the light. Frightened, the kid returned inside, but driven by curiosity, he went out again with his sister. The strange craft had approached. The boy threw some stones in the direction of the machine which started off. The two children were blown away and dared not tell their parents about their mishap.

When questioned by the police, Raymond said that "the thing (sic) was on three feet".

Indeed, the gendarmes found traces in the courtyard. But the rain had partially erased them.

The list is growing

Flying saucers have also been spotted at Rebais (S.-et-.M.), at Brest, in La Rochelle, in Lins (Austria), in Nîmes, in Montpellier, in Casablanca, in La Norville (S.-et-.O).

In 1950, on the American Radio...

In a radio broadcast made in 1950, the American journalist and commentator Henri Taylor said:

"Without betraying any military secret, I can assure you that the flying saucers are part of a large experimental program that has been developing in the United States for almost three years. I know what the flying saucers are for: is a great military secret that I am not allowed to reveal. The day the American Air Force decides to break the silence, humanity will learn very good news..."



In France the saucers continue... to fly

In the Haut-Rhin, two witnesses
claim to have seen a "cigar"
surrounded by a dozen smaller ones
who were escorting it

PERPIGNAN, October 1st. -- At the Mas de Bruzy [sic], near Perpignan, several grape harvesters said they had seen in the sky, a shiny object in the shape of a saucer. After having moved vertically leaving a white trail, the craft disappeared in the clouds.

MULHOUSE. -- Two people said they saw a luminous object in the sky, in Rixheim. Using binoculars, they found that it had the shape of a long cigar, a dozen little satellite cigars surrounded it, a railroader of night service declared to have observed the same phenomenon.

BESSEGES. -- Two residents of the commune of Foussignargues, near Bessèges, said they had seen in a meadow near their house in the night from Sunday to Monday, a bright red luminous craft surrounded by vertical rods.

PAU. -- Yesterday morning, around 11:45 a.m., many people have seen in the sky, at very high altitude, a mysterious craft in the shape of a long and shiny balloon. The object came from the south and was heading towards the northwest.

NEVERS. -- Mr. Raymond Deloire, 20 years old, farm worker, in Langeron (Nièvre) who was riding a bicycle, on the road to Saint-Pierre-le-Moutiers, saw in the sky, a mysterious object of hemispherical shape, emitting at the front a bright orange glow. Flames gushed from behind. The craft moved without noise with great speed towards the northeast.


Still the saucers and the cigars

Perpignan, October 1. -- At the mas of Bruzy, near Perpignan, several vintagers stated to have seen in the sky a brilliant object having the form of a saucer.

After having moved vertically while leaving a white trail, the craft disappeared in the clouds.

In Mulhouse, two people stated to have seen a luminous machine in the sky of Rixheim, using binoculars, they noted that it had the shape of a long cigar, a dozen small satellites surrounded it. A railwayman on night duty stated to have observed the same phenomenon.

In Bessegues, two residents of the commune of Foussignargues, close to Bessegues, stated to have seen in a meadow, near their house, in the night from Sunday to Monday, a sharp red luminous machine surrounded by vertical stems.

In Nevers, Mr. Raymond Deloire, 20-year-old, farm labourer in Langeron (the Nièvre) who drove on the road of St Pierre les Moutiers, saw in the sky, a mysterious object of half-spherical shape emitting at its front a sharp orange gleam, flames spouted out at the back. The craft moved without noise at a great speed in the direction of the North-East.



PERPIGNAN. -- At the Mas de Bruzy, near Perpignan, several grape pickers reported seeing in the sky a shiny object in the shape of a saucer. After moving vertically leaving a white trail, the craft disappeared in the clouds.

MULHOUSE. -- Two people said they saw a luminous craft in the sky at Rixheim. Using binoculars, they found that it was shaped like a long cigar. A dozen small satellite cigars surrounded it. A night service worker said he observed the same phenomenon.

BESSEGES. -- Two residents of the town of Foussignargues, near Bessèges, said they saw in a meadow, near their house, in the night from Sunday to Monday, a bright red luminous craft surrounded by vertical lines.

PAU. -- Many people saw in the sky, at a very high altitude, a mysterious craft shaped like a long, brilliant balloon. The craft was coming from the south and heading northwest.

NEVERS. -- Mr. Raymond Deloire, agricultural worker in Langeron (Nièvre), who was riding a bicycle on the road to Saint-Pierre-le-Moutiers, saw in the sky a mysterious object of semi-spherical shape emitting at the front a bright orange glow. Flames burst from the back. The craft moved noiselessly at great speed towards the northeast.



The "meteor" of Sweden was not a robot-weapon... but a jet airplane

Stockholm. -- The "Bjuv meteor", photographed in the night of Monday to Tuesday by a resident of that city, was only a jet plane, the Swedish military headquarters estimated by examining the photograph of the craft. However, professor Bertil Lindblad, attached to the Lund observatory, after enlarging, had believed to detect a robot-weapon.

Based on the direction taken by the object, one had thought that it could come from Eastern Germany where, according to certain information, the Russians would currently carry out rockets experiments.

Still the saucers

In addition, the "flying saucers" continue to be reported in the four corners of the sky of France. There is not a single day without witnesses in good faith see "mysterious machines" with weird shapes, and slipping by at great pace in an impressive silence.

Near Perpignan, several vintagers stated to have seen in the sky a brilliant object having the shape of a saucer. After having moving at the vertical while leaving a white trail, the apparatus disappeared in the clouds.

Two people stated to have seen a luminous craft in the night of Thursday to Friday, in Rixheim (Haut-Rhin). Using binoculars, they noted that it had the shape of a long cigar. A dozen small cigars surrounded it. A railwayman on night duty night stated to have observed the same phenomenon.

Two residents of the commune of Foussignargues, close to Bessèges, saw in a meadow, near their house, in the night from Sunday to Monday, a sharp red luminous machine surrounded by vertical stems.

in Pau, Thursday, many people saw in the sky, at very high altitude, a mysterious machine having the shape of a long and shining balloon. The machine came from the south and moved towards the North-West.

Lastly, Mr. Raymond Deloire, aged 20, farm labourer in Langeron (the Nievre), who circulated the other night with a bicycle on the road of Saint-Pierre-le-Moutier, saw in the sky a mysterious object of half-spherical shape emitting with a sharp orange gleam at its front. Flames spouted out of the back. The craft moved without noise at a great speed in the direction of the North-East.




Continued from the first page

on all my body, electric ticklings, my sight gets blurry and... I experience the most awful fright of my life."

Numerous testimonies

Thirty or forty seconds passed, then the machine rose slowly, rotated and disappeared at full speed without noise, neither flame, nor smoke.

The account by Goujon was confirmed not only by his comrade Pichet, but also by many cyclists who were on the road and who observed the extraordinary craft too.

All the travellers of a bus also saw the flying saucer of Foussignargues

Bessèges (C.P.).

We reported in our Friday issue under which conditions Mr. Louis Roche, road mender domiciled in Revêty, had seen, as well as his wife, a mysterious luminous craft posed in a meadow near his country house.

Many testimonies came to corroborate these assertions.

In the same night of Sunday to Monday, a bus returning from Vals-les-Bains passed in Foussignargues around 02:30 in the morning and continued its travel in the direction of Gagnières.

At the crossroads, a passenger stopped, Mrs. Julien and one [illegible: of her sons]. These two people regained Besseges by foot. At this point in time Mrs. Julien pointed out to her son a sort of rocket going downward, of yellow and red color with a white circle in the bottom.

During this time, the travellers in the bus which hasted towards Gagnières saw, at the same hour, a red light in the sky.

These various statements correspond to those of Mr. and Mrs. Roche. We made a point of reporting this back with objectivity.

A written question to the Minister for the Air in connection with the "flying saucers"

Paris (A.F.P.).

In a written question, Mr. Jean Nocher, deputy of the Loire, shared with the Secretary of State to the Air the emotion caused in the public by the many and various testimonies concerning the "flying saucers."

He asks him "whether his predecessors at the Secretariat of State to the Air had been concerned, as in the United States and in the U.S.S.R. since long years, to open an investigation on the presence of unidentified flying objects in our atmosphere.

"If yes, he asks him the publishable results of these investigations, if not, he asks him to constitute a largely wide commission with all the interested scientific branches in order to study this phenomenon objectively by separating the truth from the mistakes and the possible hoaxes."

[Ref. jgu1:] JIMMY GUIEU:

Jimmy Guieu indicates that on September 27, 1954 in France at 2:30 a.m. a bus returning from Vals-les-Bains dropped in Foussignargues a female traveller and her son, who went home by foot in Bessèges. They suddenly saw a "kind of rocket going down of yellow and red color on a white circular bottom." All the travellers of the bus which was already a few hundreds of meters further also saw the craft which seemed to operate to land.

10 minutes later at 02:40 a.m. Mr. Louis Roche, roadmender in Bessèges, living in a country house located at 200 of the Departmental Road 51 going to Saint-Ambroix, was awaked by an exclamation of his spouse.

She could not sleep and had gone out on the terrace that border the front of the house, and suddenly thought she was hallucinating as she clearly saw at 100 meters from the house in the direction of the road "a round thing like a red tomato with 5 or 6 vertical rods of quite a width on the top of it."

Guieu quotes:

"I passed my hand on the eyes several times. I did not dare not call but I woke my husband up."

Mr Roche had to admit the obvious: a red luminous object that vaguely had the shape of a "bouquet turned upside down" was posed on the ground. After 20 minutes of observation and because of the cold, they went back inside. Half an hour later Mr. Roche stood up again and noted that the "thing" was still there. He went back to bed and in the morning he saw that all had disappeared.

[Ref. aml1:] AIME MICHEL:

Aimé Michel reports the case of September 27, 1954, in Foussignargues in the department of the Gard, at about 02:30 a.m., and then reports that on the same day of September 27, 1954, Mrs Roche, residing at the Revêty locality in the hills that is crossed by the country road 51 in Gard, was outside on her terrace at 02:40 of the morning to take come fresh air.

When she went out on the terrace, her attention was immediately attracted to a red gleam diffused by a round and luminous object apparently landed on the ground, at a hundred meter below her, on the side of the road.

Aimé Michel indicates that she told:

"The object made me think of a kind of luminous tomato. Five or six small vertical stems, of a perceptible thickness, left its center at its above part."

Mrs. Roche could not believe what she saw and observed the thing during a moment, and nothing happened, then went inside to wake up her husband Louis Roche, road mender in Bessèges. Mr. Roche came on the terrace and noted that her wife did not dream. Both remained there to look at the display during twenty minutes without having dared to go nearer to see it more closely, then they returned to bed, because the weather was cold.

However, Mrs Roche was quite disturbed and could not sleep. So at 03:30 A.M., he woke up and saw hat the object and its red glow were still there. He went back inside even more worried. On the morning, he saw that there was nothing to see anymore, and that there were no traces on the site.

He indicates as source the newspaper "Paris-Presse" for October 2, 1954.

[Ref. cln1:] JIM LORENZEN:

On September 27th, 1954, sightings were made at Perpignan near Foussignorgues [sic], at Lemps, Premanon and Rixheim. Once again these sightings fall on a straight line, the Rixheim sighting was of a stationary cigar-shape, Rixheim lies at one end of the line. Two other sightings of September 27th line up with Rixheim one in Eastern Paris and one at Froncles - though not in the same line as the others.

[Ref. gqy1:] GUY QUINCY:


September 27, 1954

02:30 a.m.: Foussignargues (Gard): circ. object on the ground, vertical stems

[Ref. pmi1:] PAUL MISRAKI:

Indeed, during this same day [September 26, 1954], an "unknown object with aluminum tints" was seen by a former artillery observer above Challes-les-Eaux (Savoie), while the passengers of a coach, then a household of roadmenders, observed a luminous, reddish object, first in the sky, then landed in a field, near Foussignargues (Gard). However, if we draw a straight line from Foussignargues to Challes-les-Eaux, this line crosses Chabeuil.)

[Note: this paragraph was removed from the 1978 reprint titled "Des Signes dans le Ciel".]

[Ref. mcs1:] "MICHEL CARROUGES":

Michel Carrouges indicates that the Roche observation was made at a distance of 100 meters and lasted 20 minutes.

[Ref. jve3:] JACQUES VALLEE:

Jacques Vallée indicates that during the night of September 26-27, about 02:30 a.m., a bus returning from Vals-les-Bains along Route N-130 in the department of Gard, stopped at Foussignargues to drop off Mrs. Julien and her son Andre. They had turned toward their village of Besseges, about half a mile beyond, when they noticed a reddish luminous object in the sky to the east, encircled by a halo of dimmer light, which seemed to be moving toward the ground.

Ten minutes later, Mrs. Roche, living at a place called Revety, went out on her terrace for a breath of air, when her eyes were at once caught by the red light coming from a round luminous object apparently on the ground beside the road a hundred yards or so away, and lower down. She later described that "It was rather like a luminous tomato." "Five or six vertical stalks, rather thick, came out of the center of it on top."

Mrs. Roche and her husband stood there watching for twenty minutes, not daring to go down and look more closely. As it was cold, they finally left. The object was still there at 03:30. In the morning it had disappeared.

[Ref. jve6:] JACQUES VALLEE:

Jacques Vallée indicates that on September 27, there was an interesting testimony in Foussignargues.

He then says there were cases in the 1954 French flap confirmed by official investigations, with witnesses of obvious good faith and often gifted of a scientific or technical culture, and he says the Foussignargues case is an example.

He indicates that at 2:30 a.m. Mrs. Julien and her son André, from Bessège, at Foussignargues, came down the bus that brought them back to Val-les-Bains and went on to Vallières. They walked to their home when they saw a luminous object of reddish color in the sky, surrounded of a paler halo, going down to the East, disappearing behind a hill.

It was later learned that the travellers in the bus made a similar observation from a spot several hundred meters in the north-east.

[Ref. jve5:] JACQUES VALLEE:

146 -004.15250 44.28000 27 09 1954 03 20 1 FOUSSIGNARGUES F 001744 C** 140

[Ref. jve8:] JACQUES VALLEE:

Vallée says that there on September 27, 1954, at 2:40 a.m., ie ten minutes after the case in Foussignargues, a Mrs. Roche saw from her balcony in Revety, in the hills overlooking the same road, a red light emanating from a round, luminous object that was apparently on the ground at a distance of a hundred meters lower down:

The object put me in mind of a sort of luminous tomato. Five or six vertical stems, of considerable thickness, emerged from the center of it, on the top.

Vallée says the phenomenon was also observed by Mr. Roche for twenty minutes. But as nothing further occurred, they went indoors again. As no official investigative body existed in France, there was no authority for them to call, but Mr. Roche, disturbed over the sighting, could not sleep and went outside again at 3:30 a.m., and the object was still in the same place, giving off the same red light. His fear prevailing over his curiosity, the witness did not approach the object and went back inside the house. At dawn the object, whatever it was, had left.

Vallée says that the sources are "French papers for October 2."

[Ref. jve7:] JACQUES VALLEE:

Jacques Vallée indicates that on September 27, 1954 in Foussignargues, Mrs. Julien and his André son, from Bessègues, got out of the bus which brought them back from Val des Bains in the Ardèche. The bus set out again towards Gagnières, and Mrs. Julien and her son moved towards their residence in Foussignargues. They then saw a luminous object of reddish color surrounded by a paler halation in the sky, which went down towards the east, and was lost of sight behind a hill.

It was learned afterwards that the travellers of the bus had made a similar observation from a point located a few hundreds of meters North-East.

Ten minutes after the sighting by Mrs. Julien, her son, and the passengers of a bus towards Foussignargues, Mrs. Roche who lived at the location called Revêti in the hills downwards dominating the road, saw from her terrace a red gleam diffused by a round, luminous object apparently posed on the ground at a hundred meters.

Jacques Vallée quotes Mrs. Roche:

"The object made me think of a sort of luminous tomato. Five or six vertical stems, of an appreciable thickness, came out of his center, on its top."

The phenomenon was observed by Mrs. and Mr. Roche during twenty minutes. As nothing occurred, they returned inside. Mr. Roche, anxious, stood up at 03:30 in the morning and saw the object at the same place emitting the same red gleam. As fear overcame curiosity, he did not approach the object and returned inside. At twilight all had disappeared and no trace was found.

Jacques Vallée indicates that this was told in the French Press of October 2nd and 6th, 1954.

[Ref. jve2:] JACQUES VALLEE:

The author indicates that on September 27, 1954, in Foussignargues, people on a bus saw the first a reddish object going down from the sky. Later, Mr. and Mrs. Roche noticed an object on the ground, gently luminous, at a small distance from their premises, but they were afraid to approach. The object remained there several hours. It was described as "a kind of brilliant tomato, with antennas at the top."

[Ref. jve1:] JACQUES VALLEE:

157) September 27, 1954 0230. Foussignargues (France):

At "Revety," [sic] people in a bus saw a reddish light coming down. Later Mr. and Mrs. Roche noticed an object on the ground, softly glowing, a short distance from their home, but were afraid to approach it. It remained there for several hours. It was described as "a sort of glowing tomato, with antennae on top." (P 18, M 84, Anatomy 71).

(Investigation by H. Gilbert - Direct testimony of Mrs. Roche)

[Ref. jve4:] JACQUES VALLEE:

September 27, 1954 0230. Foussignargues (France):

At "Revety," people in a bus saw a reddish light coming down. Later Mr. and Mrs. Roche noticed an object on the ground, softly glowing, a short distance from their home, but were afraid to approach it. It remained there for several hours. It was described as "a sort of glowing tomato, with antennae on top." (Paris-Presse, Le Figaro, France-Soir, Oct. 2, 1954. Anatomy 71.)



331 27 September 1954 0230 FOUSSIGNABGUES (FRANCE)

Having alighted from their bus, Mme. Julien and her son Andre saw a reddish object coming down. 10 minutes later, at "Revety", Mme. Roche woke her husband Louis to see an object on the ground, glowing softly, beside the road c. 100 m from their home. They were afraid to approach it. Described as "a sort of glowing tomato with antennae on top", it remained for several hours. Other people on the bus also saw the light descend.

(Ml57; Paris-Presse, Le Figaro, France-Soir, 2 October 1954; Michel II, 84; Anatomy, 71)


The two ufologists and authors summarize the case in Foussignargues in the department of the Gard on October 2, 1954 at about 02:30 P.M., with their personal file and newspaper clipping as sources.

They indicate that a bus with tourists which returned from Vals-les-Bains stopped at the crossroad of Bessèges to deposit there two of the travellers, Mrs. Julien and her elder son. At this time a luminous object of reddish color surrounded by a paler halation appeared in the sky. The object descended while slowing down and became hidden from the sight by a hill. Mrs. Julien, her son and all the passengers of the bus followed its manoeuvers.

Behind the hill, the wife of the road mender of Bessège Louis Roche, not being able to find the sleep, went outside on the terrace to take some fresh air. Her glance was immediately attracted by the reddish gleam diffused by a round and luminous object on the ground a hundred meters downwards, in the direction of the road. Mrs. Roche reported:

"One would have said a sort of luminous tomato. Five or six small vertical stems, of an appreciable thickness, came out of its center, above it."

Mrs. Roche continued to observe this for some minutes, and as nothing happened, she woke her husband up and the couple both observed the "tomato" during a score of minutes, but without daring to move away from their premises to go to look closer. Since the weather was cold on the terrace, both then returned inside the house and went to bed again. Mr. Roche remained anxious and ill at ease, and at 03:30, he stood up again and returned on the terrace, from where he saw that the object was still there, motionless.

Mr. Roche hesitated planning to go to see more closely, but finally prudence won and he went back to bed. In the next morning, he returned on the terrace but there was nothing to see anymore. He went on the location where the object had been but he did not find any trace.

[Ref. gab1:] UFOLOGY GROUP "G.A.B.R.I.E.L.":

09/27/1954 Foussignargue (Gard)

The craft looked like a luminous tomato, 5 or 6 small stems of appreciable thickness protruding from its center on the top. (A.Michel)

[Ref. gab2:] UFOLOGY GROUP "G.A.B.R.I.E.L.":



[... other cases...]

N° 5. 27/09/1954 Foussignargues (Gard) 2h30.

[... other cases...]


The two authors indicate that in Foussignargues in the Gard at the locality "Revety", on September 27, 1954 at 02:30 in the morning, the passengers of a coach saw in the sky a reddish luminous object surrounded of a paler halation which descended while slowing down. It disappeared behind a hill. Behind this hill, Mrs. Roche, not being able to sleep, went on her terrace to take some fresh air. She then saw, landed in a field, an object having the shape of a luminous tomato with five to six kellies leaving its center by the top. She observed this thing during a few minutes, then decided to awake her husband. They both observed the object during a score of minutes, in spite of the cold, then returned to bed. At approximately 03:30, ill at ease and anxious, Louis Roche stood up, went on his terrace, and saw that the thing was still in the field, Mr. Roche went back to bed. In the morning, the object wasn't visible any more. No traces were found by the witness at the place of landing.

The sources are said to be the Vallée catalogue case 158; Face aux Extraterrestres by C. Garreau and R. Lavier p.107; "A propos des Soucoupes volantes" by Aimé Michel p. 110; Quincy; Dauphiné Libéré for 1/10/1954; Paris-Presse, Figaro, France-Soir for 2/10/1954.


French ufologist Jean-François Gilles had established a computerized catalogue of landings on the French territory between September 26 and October 18, 1954 in order to study if their geographical distribution were the fact of the chance or not.


ICOD Désignation (57) Date jve4 jve1 COMMENTS
002 0500 FOUSSIGNARGUES RF30 540927 157 146

ICOD is an internal code of this listing. (57) refers to column 57 of the Condon group's computerized UFOCAT, where RF is France and the number is the department. jve4 and jve1 are case numbers in Jacque Vallée's Magonia listing and "Passport to Magonia" book. CE2, CE3 refers to the Hynek classification.

ICOD Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude
0500 -4.153 44.280 -4.125 44286 -4.125 44.290

V,F,G are codes for people who determined the coordinates: V = Jacques Vallée, ufologist, F = Jean Charles Fumoux, officer of the French Air Force, G = Jean François Gille, ufologist.



IN PERPIGNAN: At the Mas de Bruzy, several grape pickers said they saw in the sky, a shiny object in the shape of a saucer. After moving vertically leaving a white trail, the craft disappeared in the clouds.

IN MULHOUSE: Two people said they saw a luminous machine in the sky in Rixheim. With the help of binoculars, they realized that it was shaped like a long cigar. A dozen small satellite cigars surrounded it. A railway worker said he observed the same phenomenon.

IN NIMES: Two inhabitants of Foussignargues, near Besseges in the Gard, said to have seen in a meadow near their house, on the night of Sunday to Monday, a bright red luminous craft surrounded by vertical rods.

IN PAU Yesterday morning, around 11:45, many people saw in the sky at very high altitude, a mysterious machine shaped like a long, bright ball. The craft was coming from the south and heading northwest.

The source is said to be the newspaper Le Bien Public.

[Ref. mft3:] MICHEL FIGUET:

Nr of the J. C. Fumoux list Nr of Francat list Localization Date Class Credibility Sources Number of W
002 79 Foussignargues 27/09 CE0 NI[=Not identified]-P 2-p. 89 1 T

[Ref. mft1:] MICHEL FIGUET:

79 CE0-1 09 27 1954 02.30 Foussignargues 30160 D3 NI, OVNI: p. 89

[Ref. lgs1:] LOREN GROSS:


"Luminous tomato." September 27th. 2:30 a.m.

Route D-130 runs through the department of Gard in France, and in the early hours of the morning of September 27th a bus full of people took the highway on its trip to the town of Gagnieres, stopping once at the crossroad at Foussignargues to let off a Mme. Julien who was accompanied by her son Andre. The two began to walk to their home in the village of Besseges, a half mile away on Route D-51. Mme. Julien and her son had not walked far along the road when they noticed a halo of light that surrounded a bright crimson-colored object in the eastern sky, the object approaching them on a downward slant. The thing quickly dropped down behind a hill not far away. Later Mme. Julien and her son were to learn that the people who had just driven away had also seen the "slow-moving red meteor" as it dropped down out of the dark sky.

Route D-51 wound thru the hills and passed the village of Revely [sic] where another witness, a Mme. Roche, lived in a house that had a terrace which looked out over a section of the road. By chance Mme. Roche had stepped out on the terrace, and while taking a breath of air, spotted a strange glowing object about 100 yards distance which was parked on the shoulder of Route D-51, something that resembled a "luminous tomato" and had an odd physical characteristic: "Five or six vertical stalks, rather thck, came out of the center of it on top." 130.

Alarmed, Mme. Roche rushed to get her husband out of bed to confirm the fact she was not dreaming. The husband went out onto the terrace and saw the same "vision" as his wife. The Roches were too uneasy about the mysterious phenomenon to investigate then and there, and since nothing seemed to be happening, they simply stared at the "tomato" until the cold night air drove them back to bed. M. Roches, however, was deeply puzzled about the object and found it impossible to sleep. Am hour after his first look, M. Rocke got up and peered out the window and saw that the object was still there. Still not daring to do anything, M. Roche waited until morning, but by then the strange thing was gone. Cecking the ground at the site where the object had parked itself, the Roches found no trace of the "luminous tomato's" visit. 131.

The source "130" is said to be "Paris, France, Paris-Presse. 2 October 54.

The source "131" is said to be "Paris, France. Parisien Libere. October 54. p.7.


These authors saw that twenty daws later [from September 18, 1954] in Foussignargues (France), the Roche couple noticed "a kind of glowing tomato surmounted of antennas".


3843: 1954/09/27 02:30 44 4:09:20 E 44:16:40 N 3333 WEU FRN GRD 8:A


Ref# 2 VALLEE:UFOS IN SPACE:Anatomy/phenon. Page No. 99 : FARMLANDS


The Belgian ufologist indicates that in 1954, on September 27, in France, in Foussignarques, "At the locality 'Revety', people in a coach initially saw a reddish light which went down. Later, Mr. and Mrs. Roche saw an object on the ground, which shone slightly not far from their premises, but they were afraid to approach. The object remained several hours there. It was described as 'a kind of gleaming tomato surmounted of antennas'."

The sources are noted "Paris-Presse, le Figaro, France-soir, 2 Oct. 1954. Anatomy 71", and there is a thanks to Wim van Utrecht.

She indicates that "another version" is: "At 02:30 in Foussignarques (the Gard) people in a bus and the travellers who got out of this bus, Mrs. Julien and her son Andre, suddenly see a sort of yellow and red downward rocket on a white circular background."

The source of this is given as "Jimmy GUIEU: "Black-out sur les S.V." - Fleuve Noir 1956 - p. 148 à 149".


The Belgian ufologist indicates that in 1954, on September 27, in France, in Bessèges, "At 02:40 the Roche husbands see "a round thing like a red tomato" at 100 m from their premises. This thing had 5 or 6 vertical stems on the top. Mr. Roche said that it was something like a reversed bouquet. At the end of 20 minutes, this thing being still there, the husbands go to bed."

The source is noted "Jimmy GUIEU: 'Black-out sur les S.V.' - Fleuve Noir 1956 - p. 148 à 149".

[Ref. djn1:] DONALD JOHNSON:

Encounters With Aliens On This Day

September 27


1954 - Foussignargues, France. At "Revety," people on a bus saw a reddish light with a halo come down from the sky at 2:30 a.m.. Later Mr. and Mrs. Louis Roche noticed a softly glowing red object on the ground a short distance from their house, but were afraid to approach it. It remained there for several hours. It was described as "a sort of glowing tomato, with antennae on top." (Sources: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, p. 212; Michel Figuet and Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: Le premier dossier complet des rencontres rapprochees en France, pp. 89-90).

[Ref. jbu1:] JEROME BEAU:

September 1954


Mon 27

02:30 Close to Foussignargues, at the locality " Revety ", people in a bus see a reddish object going down from the sky. Later, Mr. and Mrs. Roche notice an object on the ground, gently luminous, at a small distance from on their premises, but they are afraid to approach. The object remains several hours there, with antennas at the top. It is described like a kind of glowing tomato surmounted of antennas.


The sources are noted as: Paris-Presse, Le Figaro, France-soir, October 2, 1954; "Vallée, J., Anatomy 71"; and "Vallée, J., case #20, 'Rapport sur l'analyse de 200 observations documentées faites en 1954'"

[Ref. lcn1:] LUC CHASTAN:

Luc Chastan indicates in his database that in the Gard (30) in Foussignargues on September 27, 1954 at 02:30 hours, "At the locality 'Revety', the passengers of a coach see in the sky a reddish luminous object surrounded by a paler halation which goes down while slowing down. It disappears behind a hill."

"Behind this hill, a woman, unable to sleep, goes on her terrace to take some fresh air. She then sees, posed in a field, an object having the shape of a luminous tomato with five to six small rods coming out of its center by the top. She observes this thing during a few minutes, then decides to awake her husband. They observe the object during some 20 minutes, in spite of the cold, then return to bed. Towards 3:30, ill at ease and anxious, the husband stood up, returned on his terrace. The thing is still posed in the field, he goes back to bed. In the morning, the object is not visible any more. No trace was found by the witness at the place of the landing."

The source is indicated as: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet... by Figuet M./ Ruchon J.L. ** Alain Lefeuvre pub. 1979".

[Ref. uda1:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The website indicates that on 27 September 1954 at 02:30 in Foussignargues, France, "a sort of glowing tomato, with antennae on top" landed. "Explanation: Planet."

And: "Foussignargues, France, At 'Revety,' people on a bus saw a reddish light with a halo come down from the sky at 2:30 a.m.. Later Mr. and Mrs. Louis Roche noticed a softly glowing red object on the ground a short distance from their house, but were afraid to approach it. It remained there for several hours. It was described as 'a sort of glowing tomato, with antennae on top.'"

And: "At 'Revety,' people in a bus saw a reddish light coming down. Later Mr. and Mrs. Roche noticed an object on the ground, softly glowing, a short distance from their home, but were afraid to approach it. It remained there for several hours. It was described as 'a sort of glowing tomato, with antennae on top.'"

And: "An object was sighted by multiple independent witnesses that had an appearance and aerobatic performance beyond the capability of known earthly aircraft. One red ball was observed by two witnesses, a married couple, on a farm for over 60 minutes (Julien; Roche)."

The source is indicated as "Vallee Magonia Database".

[Ref. uda2:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The website indicates that on 27 September 1954 at 02:40 in Besseges, France, "An object was sighted by multiple independent witnesses that had an appearance and aerobatic performance beyond the capability of known earthly aircraft. Explanation: Planet."

And: "One object was observed by two witnesses, a married couple, on a farm for several hours."

The sources are indicated as "Guieu, Jimmy, Flying Saucers Come from Another World, Citadel, New York, 1956; Michel, Aime, Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, S. G. Phillips, New York, 1958; Bowen, Charles, The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition No. 1, FSR, London, 1966; Vallee, Jacques, Computerized Catalog (N = 3073); Vallee, Jacques, Challenge to Science: The UFO Enigma, Henry Regnery, Chicago, 1966; Vallee, Jacques, Preliminary Catalog (N = 500), (in JVallee01); Vallee, Jacques, A Century of Landings (N = 923), (in JVallee04), Chicago, 1969; Schoenherr, Luis, Computerized Catalog (N = 3173); Rogerson, Peter, World-Wide Catalog of Type 1 Reports; Hatch, Larry, *U* computer database, Author, Redwood City, 2002".

[Ref. nip1:] "THE NICAP WEBSITE":

*Sep. 27, 1954 - Foussignargues, France. At "Revety," people on a bus saw a reddish light with a halo come down from the sky at 2:30 a.m.. Later Mr. and Mrs. Louis Roche noticed a softly glowing red object on the ground a short distance from their house, but were afraid to approach it. It remained there for several hours. It was described as "a sort of glowing tomato, with antennae on top." (Sources: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, p. 212; Michel Figuet & Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: Le premier dossier complet des rencontres rapprochees en France, pp. 89-90).



A round and luminous object spotted near Bessèges

The Gard has its share of strangeness, tales and legends that go through the times without one being able to rationalize them. Objectif Gard's staff has searched in the archive, and gives you some pearls which it is up to you to believe.... or not.

Before talking about UFO - and that Objective Gard is called a wacky magazine made by illuminated - let's specify. "Unidentified Flying Object" does not necessarily mean that a hybrid creature with a protruding skull is waiting for you in your garden to take you to a distant planet (in the United States, this is called an abduction). From a certain way, any frisbee launched in the middle of the night can naturally appear as a UFO to those who want to lend themselves to the game of imagination. For the very serious GEIPAN (Study and Information Group Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena belonging to CNES), 30% of the testimonies collected could find no rational explanation.

This is the case of this surprising fact emerging from an article originally published in the newspaper Le Provençal (then merged with Le Méridional to become La Provence) on September 27, 1954, a strange observation is relayed. Titled "A luminous object and round like a tomato reportedly landed in the night near Bessèges"- long and evocative title that puzzles, the article is a collection of testimonies of "many people who, all over France, have said they have seen saucers, including two inhabitants of the hamlet of Foussignargues, near Bessèges, namely that 27 September 1954 is a key date for ufologists (UFO specialists), because marked by many UFO sightings in Languedoc.

A red light in the night

Mr Louis Roche, a 62-year-old roadmender in Bessèges, lives with his wife Fernande, in a country house located on a sunny hill and planted with chestnut trees, 200 meters from the departmental road 51 which leads from Bessèges to Saint-Ambroix. It is very close to their home, in a meadow belonging to Camille Soustelle, of Bessèges, that they have glimpsed a mysterious craft.

[Picture of a tomato captioned:] A tomato strangely resembling that of Fernande Roche. DR

"It was still there."

At 2:40 am, on the night of Sunday to Monday, Fernande does not sleep and finally gets up to take the air on her terrace which runs along the front of the house. Suddenly, as if in a hallucination, she sees what she first describes as "a round thing like a red tomato with five or six stems standing up vertically, as big as half of her wrist ", a hundred meters from her home, she will testify this way: "I passed my hands several times over the eyes I did not dare call, but I woke my husband saying "Get up, I think I see a flying saucer". In the process, Louis gets up and does the strange observation: a red light in the shape of a bouquet. He is affirmative on this point. For nearly twenty minutes, the two spouses will remain frozen despite the cold. After a first abandonment, Louis gets up and finds that the object is still in place. "It was still there," he told the reporter. In the morning, everything was gone.

The story does not say how Fernande could see an object "the size of (his) wrist" at 100 meters from its terrace, in the middle of the night. Nor why Louis, a roadmender probably robust and not very impressionable, did not he approach the object to put a hit with his shoe, as he would have done for a rat under the kitchen freezer. And if Fernande was right? And if, finally, it was only a tomato?

Baptiste Manzinali

[Ref. ubk1:] "UFO-DATENBANK":

This database recorded this case 11 times:

Case Nr. New case Nr. Investigator Date of observation Zip Place of observation Country of observation Hour of observation Classification Comments Identification
19540927 27.09.1954 Foussignargues France CE I
19540927 27.09.1954 Foussignargues France 02.00 CE I
19540927 27.09.1954 Foussignargues France CE I
19540927 27.09.1954 Foussignargues France CE II
19540927 27.09.1954 Foussignargues France CE I
19540927 27.09.1954 Foussignargues France CE I
19540927 27.09.1954 Foussignargues France CE I
19540927 27.09.1954 Foussignargues France CE I
19540927 27.09.1954 Foussignarques France NL
19540927 27.09.1954 Revety France


September 27 1954. 0230hrs.


Having alighted from their bus Mrs Julien and her son Andre saw a reddish object encircled by a halo of dimmer light come down and disappear behind a hill. 10 minutes later at "Reverty" [sic] Mrs Roche went out for a breath of air and was confronted by an object like a luminous tomato with five or six small projections coming out of the centre of its top. It was on the ground beside the road 100m or so away. She called her husband Louis, a road mender in Besseges_ and they observed it for 20 minutes before going in. At 0330 Louis went for a second look and found the object still there, but when he checked again at dawn it had gone.

Michel 1958b p171

Vallee Case 157 citing Paris Presse + Le Figaro + France Soir all of 2 October 1954.

Evaluation - The long time interval is rather suggestive of an astronomical explanation.



It must be checked whether the red ball, never seen landing or taking off, staying there so long, could be a red moon, distorted by the brushes.

Revêty is a hamlet on both sides of the road, there is a large number of "Roches" in the area, so I could not determine an observation direction. The hamlet is at the bottom of a valley.

This explanation falls: the moon had been set since 06:17 p.m., and it will not rise until 08:07 a.m. the morning after the observation.

In fact, the sketch by Fernand Lagarde and the fact that Revêty is down a valley excludes any natural celestial object since there is this background that is not the sky.


(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)

Foussignargues, Gard, Revêty, Revety, Roche, red, light, landing, object, glowing, luminous, antenna


[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.

Document history:

Version: Created/Changed by: Date: Change Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross July 5, 2007 First published.
1.0 Patrick Gross February 5, 2010 Conversion from HTML to XHTML Strict. First formal version. Additions [goe1], [goe2], [jbu1], [lcn1], [uda1].
1.1 Patrick Gross February 25, 2010 Addition [vmr1].
1.2 Patrick Gross March 12, 2010 Addition [jgu1].
1.3 Patrick Gross March 14, 2010 Addition [mcs1].
1.4 Patrick Gross May 25, 2010 Addition [ler1].
1.5 Patrick Gross June 18, 2010 Addition [jve5].
1.6 Patrick Gross July 2, 2010 Additions [jve3], [jve6].
1.7 Patrick Gross October 24, 2011 Addition [int1].
1.8 Patrick Gross November 15, 2014 Addition [int1].
1.9 Patrick Gross February 5, 2017 Addition [ubk1].
2.0 Patrick Gross March 23, 2017 Addition [cln1].
2.1 Patrick Gross June 20, 2019 Additions [via1], [lhh1], [ads1], [fkb1], [prn2].
2.2 Patrick Gross August 1, 2019 Additions [mft3], [bmi1], Summary. Explanations changed, were "Not looked for yet."
2.3 Patrick Gross February 16, 2020 Addition [nnm1].
2.4 Patrick Gross March 5, 2020 Addition [cpd1].
2.5 Patrick Gross April 15, 2020 Addition [nll1].
2.6 Patrick Gross April 25, 2020 Addition [jps1].
2.7 Patrick Gross August 19, 2021 Addition [gqy1].
2.8 Patrick Gross April 6, 2022 Additions [prn1], [lgs1].
2.9 Patrick Gross June 5, 2022 Addition [jve8].
3.0 Patrick Gross June 17, 2022 Addition [pmi1].
3.1 Patrick Gross July 12, 2022 Additions [gab1], [gab2].

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