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The 1954 French flap:

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January 26, 1954, Heuilley-sur-Saône, Côte-d'Or:

Reference for this case: 26-Jan-54-Heuilley-sur-Saône.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.


The press had echoed the passage of a meteor over the North-East of France on January 26, 1954, interpreting it variously as "fireball", meteor, or "mysterious craft".

One of the observations was described in the regional newspaper La Gazette Provençale for February 1, 1954, speaking of "Luminous Celestial Craft", saying that at "Heuilles-sur-Saône", a female teacher had stated that it had been "almost as fast as a lightning bolt", and that she had not dared to "look at the craft for more than a second so much that impressed me."

In the regional newspaper La Bourgogne Républicaine, from Dijon, France, we read on January 29, 1954, that "Miss Paulette Vachey, of Heuilley-sur-Saône, was surprised by a great clarity illuminating the whole countryside, as a luminous trail passed rapidly above her."




The luminous phenomenon
of Tuesday was seen
throughout the region

Many testimonies have reached us about the luminous phenomenon seen in the region on Tuesday around 4:45 a.m.

Mssrs. Lucien Dumoulin and Gabriel Bernard, from Pontailler-sur-Saône, saw the purple beam. Mr. Maurice Monnet, of Tilchatel, was seized by the dazzling light.

In the Vosges, many people made the same observations at the same times.

Mr. and Mrs. Prost, from Chaumergy (Jura) by car near Le Deschaud, made out a luminous arrow heading north-west.

Mr. Guyenot, from Nuits-Saint-Georges, being near Seurre, in a truck, also saw it. Miss Paulette Vachey, from Heuilley-sur-Saône, was surprised by a great light illuminating the whole countryside, while a luminous trail passed quickly above her.

All these testimonies agree well, and one gets lost in conjectures on the cause of this phenomenon.



In the east of France

a hundred kilometers away
Witnesses worthy of faith
Celestial Luminous Craft

DIJON. -- The "flying saucers" are more than ever on the agenda. Several people have witnessed the passage of a celestial body of great luminous intensity, in eastern France.

The phenomenon happened last week. It was barely 5 o'clock. The sky was quite overcast. A meteor suddenly emerged from the southeast, rushing northeast, radiating an intense purple light.

The first to report it were two policemen from Dijon. But the information soon poured in and for the first time in the already long history of the "flying saucers" five witnesses were afraid.

In Heuilles-sur-Saône, a lady schoolteacher made the following statement.

- It was almost as fast as a lightning bolt. I did not dare to look at the craft for more than a second, so much that impressed me."

Two other very characteristic statements were made by witnesses one residing in Til Châtel the other in Liffol le Grand who declared that they had the impression that the sky was split in two. They also felt a burn in their eyes and ears.



The 04:50 a.m. meteor.


(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)

Heuilley-sur-Saône, Côte-d'Or, Paulette Vachey, teacher, frightened, fast, craft, clarity, illumination, trail


[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.

Document history:

Version: Created/Changed by: Date: Change Description:
1.0 Patrick Gross January 11, 2021 First published.
1.1 Patrick Gross January 29, 2021 Addition [bre1]. Dans le Résumé, addition des informations venant de [bre1].

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This page was last updated on January 29, 2021.