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November 11, 1954, Les Sables-d'Olonne, Vendée:

Reference for this case: 11-Nov-54-Sables-d'Olonne.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.


In their 1979 book "La Grande Peur Martienne" ("The Great Martian Fear"), the "skeptical" ufologists Gérard Barthel and Jacques Brucker indicated that according to the newspaper La Vendée Libre for November 14, 1954, several trustworthy residents of Les Sables d'Olonne had seen very early, "Thursday", a flying craft in the shape of a cigar, from which emanated layers of different colors.

The two authors add that the newspaper is mistaken about the date "since it dates two other cases of the same day wrongly", and that there was consequently "no ufological fact on November 11, 1954".

Around 2006, local ufologist Jérôme Choloux would explain on his website that there was in fact no reason to question the observation date of Thursday, November 11, 1954.



The two authors say they quote the newspaper La Vendée Libre for November 14, 1954:

"Les Sables d'Olonne (85)."

"Several residents of Les Sables d'Olonne state in good faith to have seen at a very early hour, Thursday, a flying machine having the shape of a cigar, of which emanated drapes of various colors."

The two authors comment that the newspaper is mistaken in the date since they wrongly date two other cases as being of this same day, and that there was consequently no ufological occurrence on November 11.


The website's author found this observation in Barthel and Brucker's book and notes the following:


In his case listing "UFOs in the Vendée", the author notes this case:

"Aizenay, La Roche-sur-Yon, Les Sables, 11 November 1954".



The newspaper La Vendée Libre for Sunday 14, November 14, 1954, wrots that the sighting was on Thursday, and the Thursday preceding Sunday 14, November 14, 1954 is really Thursday, November 11, 1954.

The case at least shows the intellectual weakness of the "analysis" by debunkers Barthel and Brucker, as rightfully exposed by [jcx1].

As for the observation, the lack of data only allows to to suggest that it might have been a meteor.


(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)

Les Sables-d'Olonne, Vendée, multiple, morning, object, craft, cigar, colors


[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.

Document history:

Version: Created/Changed by: Date: Change Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross January 25, 2008 First published.
1.0 Patrick Gross March 4, 2010 Conversion from HTML to XHTML Strict. First formal version. Addition [jcx2].
1.1 Patrick Gross 5 juillet 2019 Addition of the Summary.

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This page was last updated on July 5, 2019.