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The 1954 French flap:

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September 10, 1954, Vicq, Nord:

Reference for this case: 10-sep-54-Vicq.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.


It seems that several newspaper publishing about the Dewilde affair also reported that on the same date of September 10, 1954, also at 10:30 p.m., three young men returning from a ball in the village of Vicq had seen a luminosity in the sky.

Some say that the course of the thing was in accordance with that given by the witnesses at Onnaing, and that its color was also reddish.

In 2016, the "skeptical" ufologist Dominique Caudron, of the Nord, published a web page in which he revisited the Marius Dewilde case to explain that the latter had embroidered his story based on the passage of a meteor seen in the region that night. His Press sources say that in the case of Vicq, three young people including Augustin Ravet, saw the passage of a very bright object coming from the direction of Quarouble. This does not mean that it appeared in the direction of Quarouble but that it seemed to be following an East-West trajectory.




The flying saucers

Traces have been
found in Quarouble
on the railway by
the air police

While the population of the Valenciennes borough continues, for the most part to doubt the story of Mr. Dewilde, the Authorities take the landing of flying saucers on our territory very seriously.

Others have spoken of Martians. On the origin of the beings who would have explored the pastures on the edge of P.N. 79, it is perhaps better to assume nothing. The fear that Mr. Dewilde felt at their sight, if we admit that his adventure had really been lived, has certainly distorted his assessments, both on the size and on the appearance of the occupants of the saucer. Especially since the night from Friday to Saturday was particularly dark.

One thing is official, however: representatives of the air police have discovered, on the railway sleepers, deep claws and impact spots which may lead to believe in the landing in this location of a craft. They also found ballast stones with suspicious traces.

We add that young people from neighboring villages, namely Onnaing and Vicq, saw in the sky, at the time indicated by Mr. Dewilde, and heading west, a luminous disc.

In any case, the case seems disturbing.

A farmer from Corrèze
claims to have been kissed
by a pilot
of a "flying cigar"

The adventure of Marius Dewilde, this farmer from Quarouble, who saw two men embarking in their sidereal machine, is not unique.

There is better, if we have to believe a farmer in the hamlet of Mou-

Read more on the sixth page under the title:



rieras (Corrèze). The latter, Mr. Antoine Mazaud, reportedly made an extraordinary encounter on September 10.

It was 8:30 p.m. that day, night was beginning to fall and the farmer was following a hollow path when he found himself face to face with a medium-sized stranger wearing a motorcycle helmet without earmuffs.

The two men were both surprised and the farmer, somewhat worried, made a gesture of defense with his pitchfork.

It was then that the individual approached the cultivator, his hand extended, as if to show him his good intentions. Then, fearing that he would not be understood, he approached the farmer, uttering incomprehensible words and kissed him.

He then walked away to a bizarre craft shaped like a cigar. And, before Mr. Mazaud recovered from his surprise, the craft took off vertically and disappeared towards the West.

Subsequently, the farmer returning home told his wife about his adventure, but asked her not to say a word to anyone.

"They would make fun of me," he said.

Mrs. Mazaud could not resist the pleasure of telling - under the seal of secrecy, of course - this adventure to a neighbor and soon the whole country knew about it.

The Ussel gendarmerie questioned Mr. Mazaud who confirmed his story. But it was too late to find traces. Mr. Mazaud is not considered, in the country, as being subject to hallucinations.

A flying saucer
in Finland

It should also be noted that several people said they saw a "flying saucer" last night near Helsinki.

The strange object, circular in shape, moved at about 800 meters of altitude. It emitted an intense light by leaving in its wake a long reddish tail about three times longer than the diameter of the saucer.

The strange vision was visible for seven seconds.



The flying saucers
traces were found
in Quarouble on the railway
by the air police

While the population of the district of Valenciennes continues, for the most part to doubt the story of Mr. Dewilde, the Authority takes the landing of flying saucers on our territory very seriously.

Others have spoken of Martians. On the origin of the beings who would have explored the pastures bordering the P.N. 79, it may be better to assume nothing. The fear that Mr. Dewilde felt at their sight, by admitting that his adventure had been truly lived, has certainly distorted his assessments, both on the size and on the appearance of the occupants of the saucer. Especially since the night from Friday to Saturday was particularly dark.

One thing is official, however: representatives of the air police have discovered, on the railway sleepers, deep claws and impact points which may lead to believe that a craft had landed at this place. They also found ballast stones with suspicious traces.

We add that young people from neighboring villages, that is to say from Onnaing and from Vicq, saw in the sky, at the time indicated by Mr. Dewilde, and moving towards the West, a luminous disc.

In any case, the affair seems disturbing.

claims to have been

The adventure of Marius Dewilde, the Quarouble farmer, who saw two men getting into a sidereal machine, is not unique.

There is better, if one has to believe a farmer from the hamlet of Mouriéras (Corrèze). The latter, Mr. Antoine Mazoud [sic], reportedly made an extraordinary encounter on September 10.

It was 8:30 p.m. that day, night was beginning to fall and the farmer was following a hollow path when he found himself face to face with a medium-sized stranger wearing a motorcycle helmet without earmuffs.

The two men were also surprised and the somewhat worried farmer made a defense gesture with his fork.

This while the stranger approached the farmer, his hand extended, as if to show him his good intentions. Then, fearing that he would not be understood, he approached the farmer, uttering incomprehensible words and kissed him.

He then walked away to a bizarre craft shaped like a cigar. And, before Mr. Mazeud recovered from his surprise, the craft took off vertically and disappeared towards the West.

Subsequently, the farmer returning home told his wife about his adventure, but asked her not to say a word to anyone:

"They would make fun of me," he said.

Mme Mazaud could not resist the pleasure of telling - under the seal of secrecy, of course - this adventure to a neighbor and soon the whole country knew about it.

The Ussel gendarmerie questioned Mr. Mazaud who confirmed his story. But it was too late to find traces. Mr. Mazaud is not considered in the country as being subjected to hallucinations.



Two of the five people from Vicq who declare having seen, around 10 p.m. on Friday, a luminous disc: on the right, Robert Delhaye; left: Augustin Ravet.


Still the flying saucer problem

Would they Martians landed on French soil?

Following the information that we recently published about the two passengers of a flying saucer, we learned today the following details:

Three inspectors of the air police returned to Quarouble (Nord) to hear Mr. Marius Dewilde, the man who "saw" two Martians to the garden gate.

They left the village believe that on the night of Friday to Saturday, a mysterious flying object has landed, as stated by Mr. Dewilde, on the railway Saint-Amand - White-Misseron near the crossing 79 .

The findings seem they could do, indeed, confirm the testimony of the metalworker. The latter said that on Friday to 22 pm. 30 he saw an oblong craft, 3 meters tall, long 6, placed on the track, a few meters from his house. Two beings of human appearance, very small and, apparently, wearing suits, were nearby. Mr. Dewilde walked toward them, but at that time, the craft leveled on him a beam of light green reflection, which had the effect of paralyzing it. When he regained the use of his limbs, the machine began to rise in the sky and two people were missing.

Investigators have found no trace of the existence of these two characters. The surrounding ground, examined meter by meter, has not delivered a pitch mark.

On the other hand, one of the sleepers showed signs that have been made by a machine at the time of landing. In five places the wood of the cross is tapped over approximately four square centimeters surface. These brands all have the same appearance and are arranged in a symmetrical manner, on the same line: three of them - those in the middle - are separated by a gap of 43 centimeters. The last two are distant previous 67 centimeters.

(Read the continuation on page 9.)

Martians in France!


A machine which would land on crutches and not on wheels like our planes would not leave different traces, satted one of the police of the air inspectors.

The story made by Mr. Dewilde is also confirmed by the testimonies of several people in the area. In Onnaing, a young man, Mr. Edmond Auverlot, and a pensioner, Mr Hublard, saw, at 10:30 p.m., the time indicated by M. Dewilde, saw a red light moving in the sky. The same light was seen from Vicq by three young people coming out of a ball.

All these testimonys, these facts, give to the account of Mr. Dewilde a color of authenticity. However, many people remain skeptical. Mr. Dewilde is undoubtedly of good faith; but one year ago he was victim of a serious industrial accident (cranial traumatism), in the continuation of which he showed some nervous disorders. So one thinks he might have been the victim of " waked up hallucinations", well-known phenomenon in medicine.

[Ref. jgu1:] JIMMY GUIEU:

The story of Marius Dewilde is confirmed by police reports (traces detected on the railway) and also by testimonies of several inhabitants. In Onnaing, Mr. Edmond Auverlotte, and a retiree, Mr. Hublard, saw towards 10:30 p.m. (hour indicated by Mr. Dewilde) a red glow, turning to light pink, then to white, move in the sky.

[Ref. aml1:] AIME MICHEL:

French ufologist Aimé Michel notes that on september 10, in Vicq, three young people coming out of a ballroom saw a red glow moving in the sky seemingly coming from the direction of Quarouble.

He specifies that the sighting was discovered on September 11 by unspecified investigators, who wanted to find out whether other people saw something similar to the famous observation by Marius Dewilde in Quarouble.

[Ref. gqy1:] GUY QUINCY:


September 10 [, 1954]

[... Other cases...]

10:30 p.m.: Onnaing (2 km W.of QU)/Vicq (Nord) (2 km NNW of Qu.)

[... Other cases...]

[Ref. mtn1:] MARC THIROUIN:


By what coincidence finally, at the very hour when Marius Dewilde situated the first facts (10 September, 10:30 p.m.) - which he will immediately report to the law enforcement representatives - two other observations are made, which overlap with his and of which he cannot at this moment know the existence? (see map: Fig. 5).

One in Vicq, 2 km north-east of Quarouble, where several people see a red glow move in the sky precisely on the side of Quarouble.

Another in Onnaing, 2 km SW. of this locality, where a red glow is also seen in the same direction by two witnesses.

In a footnote, Marc Thirouin indicated that one told him that the Vicq and Onnaing movie theaters suffered a drop in lighting around the time of the landing of Quarouble, but that he could not receive on this matter an authorized testimony.

[Ref. jve6:] JACQUES VALLEE:

Jacques Vallée says that France-Soir for September 15, 1954, reported that:

"The narrative made by M. Dewilde is also confirmed by several inhabitants of the region. In Onnaing, a young man called Mr. Edmond Auverlot and a retired man, M. Hublard, have seen about 10:30 p.m.. (the time indicated by M. Dewilde) a reddish light traveling in the sky. The same light has been seen from Vicq by three young men."


The two French authors and ufologists, while writing about the famous alleged encounter by Marius Dewilde, report that two other observations lend credibility to that story. One of the two other observation, they say, was of a gleam similar to that seen in the other of these two sightings, the sighting in Onnaing this same day. In the second sighting, the same gleam was seen by three young people coming out of a ball in Vicq.

[Ref. gni1:] GNEOVNI:


9/10/1954 - VICQ -59- Type IV

Three young people saw around 10:30 p.m. a red gleam in the sky coming from the direction of Quarouble (800 m from Vicq)

(M.O.C., A. Michel p. 63)

[Ref. hdt1:] "HENRI DURRANT":

The author indicates that Mr. Dewilde's visual testimony of an in-flight UFO was confirmed by two other visual testimonies of glowing red devices traveling in the sky around 10:30 p.m., one of which was in Vicq at 2 kilometers north-west of Quarouble, by several people.

[Ref. rpt1] RENE PACAUT:

Rene Pacaut indicates that at the same hour as the sighting in Onnaing that day, the same phenomenon as that observed in Onnaing was seen by young people at the exit of a ball.


The two authors indicate that on September 10, 1954, at 10:30 P.M., in Vicq, three witnesses observed a red gleam coming from Quarouble.

[Ref. lgs1:] LOREN GROSS:

Other reports:

That same Friday evening (the lOth) west of Paris, at 10:00 p.m., a UFO report was made at Villeneuve-en-Chevrie. A brilliant oval object was spotted by a Mme. Traussier. 62.

More important then that however, were two reports that lent support to the Dewilde case. At the village of Onnain [sic], just to the south of Quarouble, two people saw a red blob in the sky coming from the direction of Quarouble at approximately 10:30 p.m., the time of the supposed "encounter with two creatures" behind Dewilde's home. The witnesses at Onnain were M. Edmond Auverlot and a M. Hublard. Moveover, some Frenchmen returning from a dance at the village of Vicq sighted a reddish luninosity in the air when they were 1/2 mile from Quarouble. The time was: 10:30 p.m. The course of the UFO as reported by these men agreed with that given by the witnesses at Onnaing. 63.

Reference 63 is given as "Michel, Aimé, 'Flying Saucers and the Straight Line Mystery', page 47.

[Ref. abr1:] ALAN BAKER:

The author indicates that the story by Mr. Dewilde is confirmed by several inhabitants of the region: the same light was seen from Vicq by three young men.


This ufologist indicates that on September 10, 1954, at approximately 10:30 p.m., in Vicq, in the Nord, according to the book M.O.C. by Aimé Michel on page 63, three young people have saw a red gleam in the sky coming from the direction of Quarouble which is with 800 meters of Vicq.


DATE: September 10, 1954

PLACE: Vicq nord


REFERENCES: book M.O.C. by Aimé Michel page 63


Three young men saw at around 10:30 pm a red glow in the sky coming from the direction of Quarouble which is 800 meters from Vicq.

[Ref. lcn1:] LUC CHASTAN:

Luc Chastan indicates that in the Nord in Vicq on September 10, 1954 at 22:30 "Three witnesses observed a red gleam coming from Quarouble".

The source is noted "Ovni, Premier dossier complet... by Figuet M./ Ruchon J.L. ** Alain Lefeuvre pub. 1979".

[Ref. jdy1:] "EUDES JOLONQUY":

6. The visual testimony of M. Dewilde, of a UFO in flight, was confirmed by two other testomonies of reddish glowing objects, moving in the sky at about 10:30 p.m.:

a) In Vicq, 2 kilometers in the N.-W of Quarouble, by several people.

b) In Onnaing; 2 kilometers in the S. W. of Quarouble, by two people.



"Skeptic" ufologist Dominique Caudron, who is from the North of France, explains in one of his web pages that according to him, Marius Dewilde invented his encounter starting from his observation of what would have really been a meteor. Here is what he said about the case in Vicq:

Witnesses describe a bolide

[Photo: the caption is "a witness of Vicq" and the file name is "Ravet".]

But if it was a bolide, other witnesses would probably have seen it too. Indeed other witnesses have also seen it, with their own eyes.

They were, first of all, inhabitants of the neighboring communes of Quarouble, convinced that they had seen the craft which had risen from Quarouble:

At Onnaing Mr. Edouard Auverlot and Mr. Hublart saw a light in the sky pass at the time indicated by Dewilde.

At Vicq, three young men, including Augustin Ravet, saw the passage of a very brilliant object coming from the direction of Quarouble. This does not mean that it appeared in the direction of Quarouble but that it seemed to be following an East-West trajectory.

And according to Nord-Eclair: "More than ten people said they saw, that evening, at around 10:30 p.m., a "fireball", a "disc with a trail of fire" in the sky. Testimonies agree that the craft was heading for Anzin."

Other local testimonies are mentioned twelve years later by Aimé Michel, in Bruay-Thiers, and Valencienne La Briquette. Another, even later, testimony is about an observation at the Vicq pumping station. These observations are not useful, not only because of the delay, but also because certain details (mysterious breakdown) seem imported from ufological mythology.

[Ref. ubk1:] "UFO-DATENBANK":

This database recorded the case twice:

Case Nr. New case Nr. Investigator Date of observation Zip Place of observation Country of observation Hour of observation Classification Comments Identification
19540910 10.09.1954 Vicq France 22.30
19540910 10.09.1954 Vicq France 22.30 NL



Vicq is only at 2.6 km from Quarouble, in straight
line from center to center.

Not looked for yet.



(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)

Vicq, Nord, multiple, Augustin Ravet, glow, red, bright, Quarouble


[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.

Document history:

Version: Created/Changed by: Date: Change Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross November 23, 2007 First published.
1.0 Patrick Gross March 5, 2010 Conversion from HTML to XHTML Strict. First formal version. Addition [lcn1].
1.1 Patrick Gross July 4, 2010 Addition [abr1].
1.2 Patrick Gross July 6, 2010 Addition [jve6].
1.3 Patrick Gross October 17, 2016 Addition [fas1].
1.4 Patrick Gross January 5, 2017. Addition [ubk1].
1.5 Patrick Gross 28 janvier 2017. Additions [hdt1], [lgs1], [jdt2], [dcn1]. Addition of the Summary. Explanations changed, were "Not looked for yet."
1.6 Patrick Gross September 5, 2019. Additions [jgu1], [mtn1], [jdy1].
1.7 Patrick Gross January 18, 2020 Addition [gni1].
1.8 Patrick Gross June 2, 2020 Addition [nmn1].
1.9 Patrick Gross June 12, 2020 Addition [las1].
2.0 Patrick Gross November 23, 2021 Addition [gqy1].
2.1 Patrick Gross June 6, 2022 Addition [sme1].

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