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Your sighting reports:

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Basic indications:

Date written:March 4, 2007
Date received:March 4, 2007
Date published:March 17, 2007
Date of sighting:March 2, 2007
Place of sighting:France, the Haute-Garonne
Original language of report:French
Reported using:e-mail
Unreleased information:Name, firstname, surname, email address
Investigation, additional information:None
Explanation:Not looked for. Meteor not impossible.

The report:

Subject: observation d'ovnis
From: [Surnom] [nom.prénom]
Date: March 4, 2007

I live in the haute garonne, and friday evening towards 8o'clock, I was smoking a cigarette on my terrace while looking at the sky what I always do, but I do not know what drew my attention,a very gentle noise that afterwards I connect to an air volume displacement, I turn my head to the rigt and I see a splendid green fluo ball with a small blue light like that of the digits on the alrm-clocks, the speed was not excessive it was reelly superb I saw it move in straight line during ..2 to 3 seconds and disappear behind a large cloud. I bought la Depeche du midi [regional newspaper] but nothing... I do not think of being the only person who saw that but PLEASE if you have infos or another testimony. .. I have that in my minde since THANKS

To: Other sighting reports.

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This page was last updated on March 17, 2007