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Basic indications:

Date written:January 25, 2008
Date received:January 25, 2008
Date published:March 25, 2008
Date of sighting:About 1999
Place of sighting:France, Aix-en-Provence
Original language of report:French
Reported using:e-mail
Unreleased information:Name, firstname, email address
Investigation, additional information:None
Explanation:Not looked for. Possible hypnagogic experiences

The report:

Subject: experience 1999
Date: January 25, 2008
From: [Pseudonym] [pseudonym][number]

so here it is 8-9years ago,whereas i woke up ,the light came in the appartment in aix en provence were i thought i was alone ,but no.
I saw at approximately 1 meter an individual of approximately 1m 30 looking at me right in the eyes ;his were red in almond.I saw in his eyes that he knew me .He approached and I slept again immediatly .I do not know if I had a telepathic contact this time;it happened other times.
However I was immobilized ,I felt that I couln't move ."Funny" thing,apart the red eyes,I could notice that his enveloppe was almost perfectly transparent. It took time to realize.
I remembered the problems of going to sleep thereafter when I was until 18years aproximatly;I said to my mother that I was afraid for I knew that the" monsters" were going to come at night.

Another time whereas I was paralysed on the belly by awaking ,I fought back (the right arm) and ruin the work which was carried out and I feels in a very strong way now that it was useful for them and that they were disappointed. I felt the disappointment of the entity as well as the next day,when I remembered,a voice struck me to tell " stupid"or something like that to me,and I new it was them..

If anyone is interested,IU'll be glad to exchange.

To: Other sighting reports.

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This page was last updated on March 25, 2008