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White then red light near Liomer in France in 1954:

Basic indications:

Date written:April 7, 2013
Date received:April 7, 2013
Date published:August 20, 2019
Date of sighting:1954
Place of sighting:France, Somme, between Hornoy and Liomer
Original language of report:French
Reported using:e-mail
Unreleased information:Name, firstname, email address, mail address, phone numer
Investigation, additional information:None
Explanation:Possible meteor

The report:

Subject: witness of 1954
From: [Firstname] [Name] - [Firstname][Name]
Date: April 7, 2013

I'm 64, in 1954 I was 6-7 years old, with my father we went by car (Citroen Traction) from Amiens to Liomer in the somme, and on the road late at night between Hornoy and Liomer we found ourselves exposed to an intense white light above the car, My father told me there are English people behind us because of the white headlights (Ps ours are yellow at that time) I replied there are no car behind, the light is following us, my father stopped the car, we had fears of what happens, once stopped the light disappears after a few seconds we look at the sky, we saw a red light, olive-shaped and disappear, (there was no sound) I remember according to my parents, there were articles in the courrier Picard, my mother who is still there, remembers my excitement when i told this story. If it can push research. (My father did not make a statement)

Best regards
[Firsname] [Name]
[Mail address]
22400 Noyal
phone : [Phone]

Subject: Hello i stumbld a chance on your website .in 1954 i.was 6 or 7 years old
From: [Firstname Name] - [Firstname][Name]
Date: Decemer 1, 2016, 1:14 AM

My father was a salesman we drove from Amiens to Liomer in the somme it was auite late .the vehicle was a traction Citroën

Between Hornoy and Liomer we are surprized and worried to.have right above usa powerful white light that followd us silently .at the.time the headlights were yellow .my father tells me it's an Englishman with its white headlights.i look aeound no car .It's above .We were taken by fright my father stops the vehicle and at this time the light disappears very fast.

We learned that in the courrier Picard thre were identical testimonies stated to the gendarmerie

I.ts reassuring .because nobodys believd us at the time


[Firsname] [Name]
tel : [Phone]

To: Other sighting reports.


See the case file in my France 1954 catalog.

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This page was last updated on August 20, 2019.