The article underneath was published in the daily newspaper Zero Hora, Brazil, October 19, 1977.
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João Pedro Mafalda, the president of the Professional Association of the Independent Road Vehicles Drivers of Alegrete travelled towards Porto Alegre, in the twilight of Sunday, when his car was hit by a greenish beam of light in the proximities of Pantano Grande. Mafalda also tells that he saw an unidentified object, with two red lights, while he moved away fast. He did not believe in flying discs, but now he is being wary and went as far as reporting the occurrence to the Space Research Center of Alegrete.
João Pedro Mafalda, presidente da Associação Profisional dos Condutores Autônomos de Veiculos Rodóviarios de Alegrete viajava para Porto Alegre, na madrugada de domingo, quando seu carro foi atingido por um faixo de luz esverdeada nas proximidades de Pantano Grande. Mafalda conta que ainda viu um objeto não identificado, com duas luzes vermelhas acesas, afastando-se rapidamente. Ele não acreditava em disco voador, mas agora está desconfiado e até relatou o fato ao Centro Alegretense de Pesquisas Espacials.