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UFOs in the daily Press:

UFOs reported of Patagones, 2002:

The following article has been published in the newspaper Noticias, of Carmen de Patagones, Comarca Viedma, Argentina, on Saturday, July 6, 2002.

Strange light seen last night by occupants of 268 homes


"We were able to see how an airliner in the distance appeared to pass over the object, which vanished into the horizon following a zig-zag pattern."

PATAGONES. A new unknown and luminous object appeared over the Comarca, but this time the strange object, which changed colors, was seen last night by several local residents - some 25 people - occupying the 268 homes that make up the village of Carmen de Patagones.

Faced with the strange light, the villagers alerted each other and slowly emerged from their homes and were stunned by the clarity with which the alleged UFO could be seen.

The luminous object's appearance occurred shortly after 21:00 hrs and it remained visible until 21:30, at which time it receded from view until it vanished in the horizon. According to the locals who saw it, the object approached and receded "like some sort of zoom lens" and changed colors as it did so.

Other locals followed the luminous object with their own eyes, while others used binoculars. One villager informed a relative in the city of the Viedma, who confirmed that the object was visible from said city.

According to the information given by several of the locals, the object had considerable luminosity, changed colors and moved in a zig-zag pattern, although it stopped at times to move in a swinging motion. The object was allegedly filmed by the daughter of a local merchant who followed it to the rotunda, located by the Basilio Villarino bridge. It was seen one last time heading toward Guardia Mitre before losing itself in the horizon.

One of the eyewitnesses was Anibal Benitez, owner of a business on Calle Mexico, who stated with regard to the light that "the light was very potent and changed colors every so often to red, blue and bright white," adding that: "We were able to see how an airliner in the distance appeared to pass over the object, which vanished into the horizon following a zig-zag pattern." The businessman didn't hesitated and followed the object as it moved." I hopped into my pickup truck with my family and we followed it up to the road that leads to Guardia Mitre, where the object gradually became lost in the horizon after remaining for a few minutes."

In the meantime, Isabel, another villager, stated that the "object was very luminous and we could see it for around 25 minutes. The object appeared to come closer and then recede. Many people in the neighborhood saw it."

Translation Spanish to English © Scott Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology. Special thanks to Alicia Rossi.

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This page was last updated on July 7, 2002.