This article was published in the daily newspaper Le Provençal, France, page 3, on January 13, 1978.
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The unidentified flying objects appear again in the sky of Provence. Several testimonys were gathered yesterday by the gendarmerie of Peyrolles (the Rhone delta) announcing the passage, during five minutes, of two U.F.O. evolving in the airs, at 14 km in the North-East of Aix, the south-east of Meyrargues. They had the shape of two luminous balls (refringent spheroids) which, after one moment of immobility, reportedly moved individually before moving towards the North-West, in the direction of the Durance, between the Puy-Saint-Réparade and Pertuis, to then rise in the athmosphere and disappear.
Seen from the side, these U.F.O. clearly seem made up by a yellow luminous ball, one meter in diameter approximately, lengthened towards the back by a violet half-sphere under which one ditinguished a constant yellow luminous dot.
These objects from 3 to 4 m of real length moved in formation at a reduced speed between 50 and 100 km - hour. They emitted a noise comparable with that of a jet, but of lower intensity. In Meyrargues, the U.F.O. reportedly passed at low altitude and less than 200 m of one of the witnesses.
Note: the newspaper published the story twice.
Note: see also the report in Le Méridional.