The article below was published in the daily newspaper Le Démocrate, France, on July 6, 1994.
Mr. D..., a resident of the canton of Sainte-Geneviève-lès-Gasny, witnessed unexplained luminous phenomena several times. To give weight to his testimonies, he calls on people who have seen the same thing.
Have you witnessed luminous phenomena that have troubled you? Apparently non-human manifestations that aroused your curiosity?
This is what Mr. D- from Sainte Geneviève-lès-Gasny would like to know, as he has been observing unexplained phenomena for a long time.
The last one, according to him, dates from the night of June 17 between 11:30 p.m. and midnight. From his house, he spotted "flashing lights that could not belong to a plane or a helicopter".
So he took his car and headed towards La Roche-Guyon, to go and see for himself. He stopped at Côte de la Noue, on the Route des Crêtes. Sitting in his vehicle, he could only make out a "very faint light that passed and lit up a little."
When he got out, he saw a disk with very sharp edges, resembling a setting sun, of a very bright red. Using a military map, he located the unidentified object "above Bosc-Roger, behind Bois Baquet, at a place called Les Mareaux, behind the Bottée hill at approximately [?] km.
The object is said to have disappeared after about fifteen seconds.
Other appearances
So of course, how can we know if the same phenomenon was observed by other inhabitants of the region? Except by doing a personal investigation.
And that's what Mr. D... says he did... Strangely, the residents of the edge of the village of Bosc-Roger, those who could have been witnesses, heard their dog barking for a long time but did not go out, too absorbed in a soccer game!!!
And Mr. D... gives other details about another apparition one evening around 7 p.m., between La Chapelle-St-Ouen and Giverny, in the woods belonging to Tannée. There, with his family, he would have seen a large "globe of light from the inside."
And on November 5, 1990, at 7:05 p.m., he would have been one of the only ones in St-Marcel to observe an enormous black triangle, moving slowly and broadcast on television.
This triangle would have been visible over the entire French territory and would not have been the consequence of a satellite entering the atmosphere, as was said on the radios [it was the re-entry of rocket debris].
Of course, all this is hard to believe! Some details would perhaps be easy to verify with time for a thorough investigation but why, a priori, deny what we do not know or what we have not seen. Mr. D... already has a little idea: without talking about extraterrestrials, he talks about "intelligent manifestations".
He would like to collect all possible testimonies in order to establish a file that would then be transmitted to the police.
So, if you have witnessed "disturbing" things (but only in this case, so as not to overload the newspaper's mailbox), let it be known by writing to Mr. D. who does not want to make his identity publicly known for fear of being mocked by his neighbors.