The article below was published in the daily newspaper La Dépêche du Midi, France, on April 19, 1997.
"It was a bright, continuous blue. A striking blue," says Guy Imbert. "This blue ball was very low on the horizon, about at the height of the windshield. It was moving very fast, a bit like a shooting star but lower. It was well below the comet." This resident of Puygouzon also saw, on Tuesday evening after 10 p.m., the famous blue ball that intrigued the three other readers who contacted us previously.
At that time, Guy Imbert was in his car, at the back of Conforama in Puygouzon. He was looking at the comet when the flying object caught his eye. "At first, I thought it was a plane. I stopped to listen to see if it was making any noise. I opened the window. I didn't hear anything. I got out of the car, but I didn't see anything anymore."
According to Météo-France-Tarn, it doesn't seem to be a weather balloon. "On Tuesday evening, the wind was blowing due northwest," explains one of the meteorologists, Arnaud Mandement. However, according to Jean Gautschi in particular, the ball was moving in the direction of Saint-Juéry - Le Séquestre, that is to say in an east-west direction. [...]