The article below was published in the daily newspaper Ashbourne News Telegraph, Derbyshire, U-K., March 3, 1994.
The latest UFO sighting in the Ashbourne area has been reported -- and this time there is video evidence to back up the claim.
The four witnesses, who do not want to be named for fear of ridicule, spotted the mysterious object while walking in the town's recreation ground on a recent Sunday afternoon.
They had a camcorder with them and managed to shoot several minutes of footage of the bright light in the sky towards Derby.
At one point the sinister single light, which remained stationary for most of the time, explodes like a firework but then returns to its original shape.
Footage of a recent UFO filmed by three fishermen was dismissed by experts as the iris of the camera.
But the exploding effect of this recent Ashbourne sighting was also witnessed by the three people not looking through the camera's view finder.
The UFO spotters, who were badly shaken by their experience, are currently having their camera checked.
During the five minutes of film, a plane comes into view and the light clearly follows it but then shoots off quickly out of sight.
UFO experts at the ministry of Defence in Whitehall say that 95 per cent of sightings can be explained in terms of known objects or phenomena -- but the remaining five per cent do defy explanation.
Last year 147 sightings of mysterious objects were reported to the MoD.