A filming for which I also have no additional information yet. It took place in Australia on January 5, 1999. The frame rate is very poor. The object seen here could be on of the luminous plasma balls allegedly created by tectonic strain forces. Skeptics have said it is the sun shing through clouds. It does look much like an advertising blimp.
Location: | Australia |
Date:/th> | January 5, 1999 |
From: | Unknown |
Source: | Unknown |
Size: | 939 KB |
Length: | 30 sec |
Format: | AVI |
A strange glowing object, or two objects, hover above the Sidney Zoo in Australia, witnessed by many. Unfortunately I have no additional details at this time.
Location: | Zoo of Sidney, Australia |
Date:/th> | Unknown |
From: | Unknown |
Source: | Unknown |
Size: | 4221 Kb |
Length: | 27 sec |
Format: | MPEG |
This video shot in Stuttgart in Germany has been shown during the French TV Canal Plus documentary "la nuit des extra-terrestres" (The night of the extraterrestrials) on June 13, 1997, without much additional information such as the exact location and date.
Location: | Stuttgart, Germany |
Date:/th> | May 25, 1993 |
From: | Canal Plus TV, France |
Source: | Unknown |
Size: | 273 KB |
Length: | 15 sec |
Format: | Real Video |
Filmed in Hagen, Germany, by Mr Marrs Dommin, on the afternoon of June 4th 1980 in Germany. A strange cylindrical, cigar type object was captured on camera as it slowly moved and changed direction in the sky. This is just another clip in an already long line of cigar type UFO footage captured on camera over the past thirty years. Sonme balloons called "solar cruisers" look like this.
Location: | Hagen, Germany |
Date:/th> | June 4th, 1980 |
From: | Mr Marrs Dommin |
Source: | Mr Marrs Dommin |
Size: | 729 KB |
Length: | 12 sec |
Format: | MPEG |
A triangular craft of some form filmed in Hagen, Germany during 1980 by Mr Marrs Dommin. He has apparently recorded many UFOs during his research period and UFO tracking project, observing the sky every night with a telescope and camera. Recording all unusual events from the balcony of his apartment and has been subsequently building up a large collection of anomalous UFO data including many still pictures and video footage. This one resembles airplane lights.
Location: | Hagen, Germany |
Date:/th> | 1980 |
From: | Marrs Dommin |
Source: | Marrs Dommin |
Size: | 531 KB |
Length: | 9 sec |
Format: | MPEG |
Recorded on August 24, 1990 from the Greifswald Nuclear power plant in Greifswald, East Germany. East German and Russian personnel working at the nuclear power plant recorded these clusters of UFOs as they appeared to group in the sky over a very sensitive location. The lights were alleged to have hung in the sky for hours on end and were recorded by several different cameras from several different locations. At times, the group is approached by other lights travelling across the sky until they join the larger group. This case and other similar cases over power plants etc may be related to atmospheric conditions or even unknown conditions due to our limited knowledge of nuclear behavior in general.
Four amateur videos were taken from different vantage points:
1) Greifswald: Jürgen Luchterhand,
2) Greifswald, Mendeleyev-Str. 12: Ludmilla Ivanova M.D.,
3) Greifswald, not far away from the address above: Valery Vinogradov, video underneath,
4) Harbour of Lauterbach (on Ringen Island): Irmgard and Ingo Kaiser.
Location: | Nuclear plant, Greifswald, East Germany |
Date:/th> | August 24, 1990 |
From: | Unknown |
Source: | ARD German public TV documentary |
Size: | 2095 KB |
Length: | 37 sec |
Format: | MPEG |
Another clip from Greifswald in East Germany in 1990, recorded by cameraman Valery Vinagradov. Valery states that he was not the only one to witness and document this event and claims that "hundreds of witnesses saw this anomalous event and many photographs were taken during also." He described the objects as being "glowing balls which hung in a strange formation in the sky. The spheres that made up the formation all appeared to rotate and hover, but in a stable and controlled type of fashion." He also stated that "They all acted together with no sudden movements." Later during the sighting, another sphere appeared and travels toward the group only to disappear as it reaches the cluster. It is for this reason that Valery does not believe that these things were flares of any type.
Seven photos of the objects were shot, among them one from Usedom Island, 20 kms away, by Rainer-Michael Ladwig from Berlin. There is no question that all the videos show the same objects, therefore a fake is highly unlikely. A computer analysis of the videos and photos yielded the location and height of the objects. They were maneuvering at an altitude of about 6000 metres (below the clouds), and could be seen from up to 125 kms away.
On 10 October 1993 at 20:15 the documentary "UFOs - und es gibt sie doch" ("UFOs, but they do exist") by Heinz Rohde was aired on ARD, a german public TV channel, with comments an analysis.
Location: | Nuclear plant, Greifswald, East Germany |
Date:/th> | August 24, 1990 |
From: | Valery Vinagradov |
Source: | ARD German public TV documentary |
Size: | 2756 KB |
Length: | 49 sec |
Format: | MPEG |
A small clip of the famous triangular shaped UFO recorded by an unknown cameraman in Israel during 1998. The anomalous triangular sightings seem to be on the increase Worldwide although there is also wide speculation in the press that these are some kind of new technology being tested by our various governments and military despite denials of the military authorities. This craft captured on film in Israel looks totally similar to the anomalies captured on film and chased by F-16 aircraft above Belgium during 1990.
Location: | Israel |
Date:/th> | 1998 |
From: | Unknown |
Source: | Unknown |
Size: | 262 KB |
Length: | 4 sec |
Format: | MPEG |
A spectacular video captured in Italy shows a hovering object from which a lot of smaller flying object escape. No other information available for now.
Location: | Italy |
Date:/th> | Unknown |
From: | Unknown |
Source: | Unknown |
Size: | 4022 KB |
Length: | 29 sec |
Format: | MPEG |
An unusual red ball of light is quickly flying up into the air over a range of hills somewhere in Japan. There are no known details about this clip apart from its location. Lights of this kind are very common in ufology but what makes this clip interesting is the color of the object. Again like so many other pieces of anomalous footage, the object is seen to posses unusual flight characteristics.
Location: | Japan |
Date:/th> | Unknown |
From: | Unknown |
Source: | Unknown |
Size: | 348 KB |
Length: | 6 sec |
Format: | MPEG |
Unfortunately I have no detailed information on this clip showing two sequences of filming of a UFO in the night over a city in Japan in 1986.
Location: | Japan |
Date:/th> | September 29, 1986 |
From: | Unknown |
Source: | Unknown |
Size: | 6556 KB |
Length: | 76 sec |
Format: | AVI |
Unfortunately I have no detailed information on this clip of a spherical and ringed UFO in Japan in 1989.
Location: | Japan |
Date:/th> | 1989 |
From: | Unknown |
Source: | Unknown |
Size: | 421 KB |
Length: | 3 sec |
Format: | MPEG |
This clip is usually captioned as a movie by Jose Antonio Gallardo, shot at Unsen Mont in Japan on November 23, 1991. Oddly, it looks as it is the same object as in the above previous unreferenced clip.
Location: | Japan |
Date:/th> | November 23, 1991 |
From: | Jose Antonio Gallardo |
Source: | Unknown |
Size: | 261 KB |
Length: | 3 sec |
Format: | MPEG |
A clip from New Zealand shot in 1979 showing a glowing sphere with changing lights. A phenomenon widely reported in New Zealand and Australia as in the rest of world. The phenomenon resembles a lot Venus filmed with heavy zooming.
Location: | New Zealand |
Date:/th> | 1979 |
From: | Unknown |
Source: | Unknown |
Size: | 1081 KB |
Length: | 15 sec |
Format: | MPEG |
This unusual looking craft was captured on film at 7:24 pm in Istanbul, Turkey, on the 27th of December 1997 by a cameraman called Mr Güray Ervin. The camera used to capture the anomaly was a Sony video cam. The same UFO was also captured in many other cities that very same day. Turkey, Kayseri, Bingol, Yzmir, Hatay and Konya. The craft seems to be shaped like a diamond and has some very strange coloring almost glass-like in appearance. The clip is only 7 seconds long and is under half a meg so download should be quick. It has been suggested that this particular footage was caused by a fault in the iris of that particular camera model.
Location: | Istanbul, Turkey |
Date:/th> | 7:24 pm, December 27, 1997 |
From: | Güray Ervin |
Source: | Erol Erkmen, Director of TUVPO |
Size: | 419 KB |
Length: | 7 sec |
Format: | MPEG |