
UFOs Videos:


Here is a collection of ufo videos from year 1995 to 2001, taken by amateurs. Most of these videos are well documented, but there is no definite conclusion about the nature of the sighting. You will be the judge!


This event occurred in November of 2000 and was recorded by an identified rancher toward Mt. Adams, USA. There have been many accounts of UFO activities in that region. The clip starts out with the moon as a reference point and slowly pans over toward the mountain. Two other witnesses are also present in the video and can be heard initially speculating if their observation is a UFO. Suddenly a jet appears, vectoring in on the UFO from the left. Even from an estimated distance of approximately 12 miles you can hear the afterburners on the jet while the UFO makes an evasive maneuver. This is interesting because you are able to gain an easy comparison between the jet and UFO. The UFO is obviously many times larger then the jet. Try negative imaging freezed frames to view this. You will see the jet on the left and the UFO light on the right.

Frame from the video
Location:Near Mount Adams, USA
Date:November 14, 2000
Size:6857 KB
Length:95 sec
Format:AVI with sound


A major UFO sighting occurred in Oklahoma last May 3rd during the F-5 tornado. Gary England, Chief Meteorologist at KWTV, and inventor of the Doppler radar, calls it "The Unidentified Flying Thing" (UFT). He has posted the video of the object online at: http://www.kwtv.com/wx/wxcenter.htm This is the report summary from the National UFO Reporting center: "On 07.16.1999 KWTV the CBS affiliate showed film of a UFO taken by their helicopter crew during the 05.03.1999 tornado. Meteorologist Gary England stated that the film had been analyzed and the object was indeed unknown. He also said that there was other independent ground observation by two other witnesses."

Frame from the video
Location:Oklahoma, USA
Date:Mai 3, 1999
Source:Helicopter crew
Size:3459 KB
Length:13 sec
Format:AVI with sound


The video was taken by Kenneth Mundell on the 20th January 1999 approximately 4.50 pm GMT over his house at Inver, Larne town, Co.Antrim, N.Ireland, UK. "I noticed the possible ufo coming from the East just about 1000ft high in the sky, travelling slowly, maybe 30 mph-40mph max. There was no sound coming from the craft." The camcorder 8mm XR [extra resolution] tape is of fantastic quality, the encounter lasted a couple of minutes. When the ufo was directly over the house it changed direction slightly to a more Northerly one. "Not noticeable in the mpeg is that the object spins round, 'skids' across the sky, which is an impossible task for any known aircraft. Some people claim it could have been an F-22 aircraft but the facts are above. A couple of e-mails of other witnesses to this craft have came in to me from around the globe. Just before this encounter I was taping on my camera an unusual craft hovering over Larne Lough with a beacon aimed directly at my camera [local ufo enthusiasts claim it was some sort of anti-gravity craft but others say it was just a helicopter with strobe lights on it]. In October 1998 I witnessed an egg-timer 'X' shaped object over The Glynn [near Larne] and so decided to buy a camcorder. It certainly paid off!"

Frame from the video
Location:Colorado, USA
Date:04:50 pm GMT, January 20, 1999
From:Kenneth Mundell
Source:Kenneth Mundell
Size:1899 KB
Length:12 sec


The text the AFP (Agence France Presse is the main news agency in France) press release: "Thursday, August 13 1998 - 13H01 Paris time, CHARLEVILLE-MEZIERES (AFP) - A triangular UFO flying at low altitude over the region of Sedan and Carignan has been observed at the beginning of the week by ca. 150 persons. "In the night of Monday to Tuesday, it was seen descending right over Charleville-Mézières, before performing several circles above some 30 cites or villages in the Sedan region", said on Thursday Jean-Luc Lemaire, the local representative for the Centre d'Etudes OVNI France (CEOF). "Our association received some 150 reports from eye-witnesses, and we also got a video shot during this night by two young video amateurs ", he added. "The engine looked like a large triangle with rounded edges, and one of its angles was directed towards the flight path. It had two red lights in the back and a large white one in the front. These lights were not blinking. Condensation traces were visible at the rear of the UFO which flew at an altitude estimated to 500 m".

Jean-Luc Lemaire, CEOF, France:

"We got only very limited data to evaluate the speed of the UFO, the sound of which was described as low-pitched by several witnesses. It has been observed from midnight to 02H00 (a.m.) and some eye-witnesses had the feeling that it was somehow playing hide-and-seek. It slowly made several circles over inhabited regions, as if it was spying. Then, it moved away and started circling again over another village. Finally, it disappeared behind a hill and was not seen later."

According to Mr. Lemaire, the UFO could not be a stealth fighter because it was flying slowly at low altitude. The UFO could neither be a meteorite (because of the flight trajectory) nor a comet, which would have appeared higher in the sky and almost nonmobile. The very strange loud noise which pushed people to look for the source of it, was neither that of known helicopter nor that of known plane.

"We are left with several hypothesis, such as an optical illusion or a flight of an unknown military prototype flying outside usual plane test ranges. Overall, the trajectory of the UFO was West to Est. We would therefore like to know whether this UFO was seen on the West shores of France, or whether it crossed the Atlantic Ocean."
Frame from the video
Location:From Sedan to Charlevilles, North-East of France
Date:11:37 am Paris time, August 10, 1998
From:Centre d'Etudes OVNIFRANCE
Size:5819 KB
Length:64 sec

TAMPA, USA, 1999:

The video was shot in the early morning of September 7, 1999, just before sunrise. The sky at the time of the event was still dark. Shown on a Fox-13 TV 10PM news report of September 7, 1999, the story left the viewer somewhat confused and drew a questionable conclusion saying it was "a rocket's red glare." Booster debris or space junk reentering and burning up in the atmosphere do not have multi-colored signal lights flashing, hover, then go straight up, nor are triangular-shaped, level-flying objects. Numerous explanations have been given that the sightings must be an item from NORAD's satellite "predicted debris" catalog list. The Tampa video appears to be an object that is under intelligent control, not a burning hunk of space junk. Unfortunately The Fox-13 video tape is much more clearer than the AVI on this page. The triangular shape is barely visible in the AVI, but watch the 2 lights on the left side of the object very carefully.

Frame from the video
Location:Tampa, Florida, USA
Date:Early morning, September 7, 1999
From:Fox-13 TV
Source:John Vye
Size:1334 KB
Length:11 sec

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This page was last updated on August 30, 2002.