The film was taken on August 5 or 15, 1950, by Nicolas Mariana, general manager of the Great Falls "Selectrics" baseball team. This film was listed as Top Secret and, although now declassified, is still considered an "unknown". Note that in government "releases" (National Archives, etc.) the distant objects in the frames almost don't show up. However, even the TNT versions (as you will see later) show that the objects were clearly visible and oval-shaped, especially in the early footage. And the evidence strongly suggests that what Mariana has told us for a long time is true, much of the early footage was apparently removed by the Air Force.
Mariana was in the base ball park of Great Falls to prepare a game in the afternoon in company of his secretary, Virginia Raunig, 19. At 11:25 a.m. he looked towards the North-North-West at the chimney of the Copper Anaconda Company to observe the direction of the winds, an important factor for the base ball game. He then saw two stationary brilliant lights in the sky in this direction and realized after a few seconds that they could not be planes. He drew the attention of his secretary towards the objects, she also saw them. He run to his car at 20 to 50 meters from there to take his 16 mm color movie camera. He took 5 to 8 seconds to charge its camera with Kodak color daylight film. The camera was of the Revere turret type, with charger loading and lenses of F.1.9, and a focal distance length of 3 inches. He set up the diaphragm at F.22 and the focus at infinitum. The speed of film was of 16 images per second. 30 seconds approximately went by between the moment of the first sighting of the objects and the moment he begun to film. Close to its car, he started by filming a slow panoramic from the left to the right while the brilliant objects left their stationary position and started to fly towards South-west where they vanished in the d stance.
The film made it to the US Air Force UFO investigation project "Blue Book". More information on this classic case here.
Location: | Great Falls, Montana, USA |
Date: | August 05, 1950 |
From: | Nick Mariana |
Source: | USAF, TNT TV |
Size: | 739 KB |
Length: | 12 sec |
Format: | MPEG 4 |
There was certainly more footage. Here is a possible "second film" I located. Are these some of the images suppressed or lost by the US Air Force?
Location: | Great Falls, Montana, USA |
Date: | August 05, 1950 |
From: | Nick Mariana |
Source: | Web |
Size: | 678 KB |
Length: | 14 sec |
Format: | MPEG 4 |
This famous classic footage footage of a formation of several white flying objects or white luminous spots was shot at Tremonton in Utah, USA, 1952, by warrant officer Delbert C. Newhouse, off duty. Because he reported the sighting to the US Air Force, it was well documented and investigated. In the end, the official investigators were clearly divided between those who concluded the objects were seagulls and those who did not agree.
Here is a large dossier on this case.
Location: | Tremonton, Utah, USA |
Date: | July 2, 1952, 11 a.m. |
From: | Delbert C. Newhouse |
Source: | USAF Project Blue Book |
Size: | 1877 KB |
Length: | 20 sec |
Format: | 16 mm, now MPEG4 |
A saucer-type UFO allegedly captured on film at Silver Spring in Maryland, USA. This film is part of the Adamski footage and is widely considered as hoaxed just like the rest of his tall stories and alleged evidence. The movement of the UFO in the last part of the footage indicates an obvious hoax. The interest of it lies in the possibility to compare which type of quality a hoaxer was able to achieve in 1966, with possibly less dubious films of that time. The difference is sometimes stunning.
Location: | Silver Spring, Maryland, USA |
Date: | 1966 |
From: | Unknown |
Source: | Unknown |
Size: | 253 KB |
Length: | 11 sec |
Format: | MPEG 4 |
A cigar-shaped UFO captured on film, a pretty old but famous footage, recorded in Rhode Island USA, sometime in 1967. Unfortunately we do not have the details of the cameraman or the exact date.
Of course it may have been an ordinary object suspended under a branch of the tree.
Location: | Rhodes Island, USA |
Date: | 1967 |
From: | Unknown |
Source: | Unknown |
Size: | 137 KB |
Length: | 7 sec |
Format: | MPEG 4 |
Reportedly, this "plasma type UFO" was captured on tape by cameraman Adri Eaine as it silently hovered above a busy suburban area of Miami in Florida, USA, at 10:00 pm on October 20, 1995. The UFO seems to flash and hover for a while then suddenly shrinks to nothing and just disappears or blinks out, asif a light has been switched off. It is not known ehether there were any other witnesses to this particular sighting that night. He also claimed that he has been witness to many UFO sightings on a regular basis from the area that he lives, in Miami, Florida.
Location: | Miami, Florida, USA |
Date: | October 20, 1995, 10:00 p.m. |
From: | Adri Eaine |
Source: | Adri Eaine |
Size: | 1091 KB |
Length: | 38 sec |
Format: | MPEG 4 |
Recorded by a night security camera on the night of July 17, 1998 at 10:20 p.m. and brought to the public's attention by UFO researcher Jerry Anderson (UFOMEK). The cameraman who did not wish to be named was scanning the night sky above Gravesend when he noticed the unusual anomaly slowly moving across the night sky. The complete footage lasted for 2 minutes and 30 seconds with the anomaly appearing to change its shape as it allegedly banked away. On further research of the video, the Ministry of Defence has stated that it certainly did not belong to them as there were no military aircraft in that vicinity at that particular time. They also stated that low flying aircraft have to apply for permission to do low flying especially above a populated area. An explanation suggest that it is a mere dark cloud, the illusion of a craft being created by the accelerated speed of the video, apparent if you watch the fast speed of the car on the street.
Location: | Gravesend, Kent, U-K. |
Date: | July 17, 1998, 10:20 p.m. |
From: | Automatic camera |
Source: | UFOMEK |
Size: | 1142 KB |
Length: | 24 sec |
Format: | MPEG 4 |
One Chris Martin recorded this footage on a Sunday afternoon in Bromley-by-Bow, London, U-K. He reported he was sitting with his video camera beside a river when he spotted what he described as "a very bright, reflective, round metallic-looking object". He decided to film the object as it silently "hovered" beside a group of dense clouds and luckily managed to record a few seconds of footage before the object disappeared into the cloud formation. He described the craft as being "unlike anything he had ever seen before."
By looking at the video only, I cannot exclude that this was some paper or plastic bag carried by the wind.
Location: | Bromley-By-Bow, London, UK |
Date: | Sunday afternoon, date unknown |
From: | Chris Martin |
Source: | Chris Martin |
Size: | 548 KB |
Length: | 13 sec |
Format: | MPEG 4 |
From over the Forth river in Kirkcaldy, Fife in Scotland on the evening of September 8, 1997. The cameraman was reportedly out the back of his home building a fence and it was just beginning to get dark, when suddenly a bright orange light appeared over the Forth river and seemed to be coming out of a patch of cloud. He scrambled to get the camera set up, and capture this on tape. This footage lasted, in all, about six minutes, with the anomalous orange colored light being tracked either hovering or moving very slowly across the sky. At times, it was seen to just disappear, only to re-appear a short time later. There are often aircraft in the rough vicinity as this is on the main flightpath for Edinburgh International airport, but it was said that this one was too far East of the usual flight path and certainly displayed no obvious navigation lights, which normally accompany the usual aircraft observed.
Location: | Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland |
Date: | 20:30, September 8, 1997 |
From: | Unknown |
Source: | Unknown |
Size: | 1822 KB |
Length: | 55 sec |
Format: | MPEG |
This is a night shot, recorded on the morning of September 2, 1997 in Kirkcaldy, Fife in East Central Scotland, by the same wiztness as the above footage. The light which was spotted somewhere over the Forth River began as a pin-prick light in the sky, then suddenly it increased its size by about ten-fold and emanated an amazing display of electrical colors from the light spectrum. Unfortunately, the camera was unable to pick up these colors very well on film. The light then performed a few unusual maneuvres and then just disappeared. The orange light (bottom center of the frame) is a neon type streetlight and the witnesses used this as a reference point when filming. There were no signs of navigation lights to be seen, which is why they decided to film the object. If it was air traffic, which we are used to seeing on a regular basis, they would have clearly noticed it's navigation lights as it was close enough for those to be evident, however, none were seen by the three pairs of eyes that were trained on the light.
Location: | Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland |
Date: | 20:30, September 2, 1997 |
From: | Unknown |
Source: | Unknown |
Size: | 1877 KB |
Length: | 61 sec |
Format: | MPEG 4 |
Recorded on Friday afternoon, October 10, 1998, in Cleveland. The report is that local residents were startled to see three bright orange fireballs moving slowly through the blue sky over Lake Erie. A cameraman from a Fox affiliate station in Cleveland, managed to capture "strange anomalies" on film, as they slowly traveled across the daytime sky in full view. This footage was first shown in Detroit on Fox 2 WJBK. The video depicts two "orange fireballs traversing across the sky at a slow pace, above telephone poles and treetops, with a third UFO in the lower right-hand corner, barely visible coming from behind the trees." Witnesses said "the lights were visible for half an hour."
Looking at the voideo only, the UFOs look like the contrails of three planes lighted in orange because of the sunset.
Location: | Cleveleand, Ohio, USA |
Date: | October 10, 1998, afternoon. |
From: | Unknown |
Source: | US TV channel Fox 2 WJBK |
Size: | 758 KB |
Length: | 26 sec |
Format: | MPEG 4 |
This short clip was recorded by an unknown camera man and believed to have been shot somewhere in the USA possibly Nevada. The film is a night shot of what appears to be a Cessna type light aircraft with an anomalous white light passing closely by underneath.
Location: | Possibly Nevada, USA |
Date: | Unknown |
From: | Unknown |
Source: | Unknown |
Size: | 89 KB |
Length: | 2 sec |
Format: | MPEG 4 |
This short video footage has been captured in Salida in Colorado. An elongated white object is performing moves that do not resemble those of a blimp, while a smaller, faster object flies by. Either a genuine spectacular video, or some tricky manipulation of objects from the bridge above.
Location: | Salida, Colorado, USA |
Date: | Unknown |
From: | Unknown |
Source: | Unknown |
Size: | 439 Kb |
Length: | 9 sec |
Format: | MPEG 4 |