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L'affaire Varginha:

Voici un dossier complet sur une des affaires les plus incroyables de crash d'ovni qui a eu lieu juste en bordure de la ville brézilienne de Varginha, en svril 1997. Avec le concours de l'armée Brézilienne et ensuite des Etats-Unis, des extraterrestres la plupart blessés furent pourchassés en pleine ville devant témoins et certains furent abattus. Malgré le black-out sur ces évenements, malgré les menaces sur les témoins et les enquêteurs leur récit à fait le tour du monde.

Dessin de la créature de Varginha.


L'article du magazine Planeta concernant les évidences croissantes d'un accident d'OVNI à Varginha, les nouvelles des activités militaires faisant participer un corps d'officiels de la NASA et d'étrangers dans un laboratoire souterrain à l'Université de Campinas, des réunions sans précédent du Haut Commandement militaire Brésilienne à la base de Campinas, et de nouveaux détails.

L'article est de l'ufologue Claudeir Covo, édité dans le magazine brésilien new age "Planeta", édition de Septembre 1996. Traduction par Pedro Cunha vers l'anglais, puis par l'auteur de ce site vers le français.

Note: C'est une version abrégée, pour éviter des répétitions d'informations déjà connue.



Par Claudeir Covo.

L'ingénieur Claudeir Covo est le président d'INFA - Instituto Nacional de Investigacao De Fenomenos Aeroespaciais, aussi bien qu'un intervenant essentiel parmi le groupe d'ufologues qui nquêtent sur le cas de Varginha. A tout militaire ou civil qui a participé au faits ou à connaissance de détails et qui souhaiterait aider à élucider avec certitude ce qui s'est produit à Varginha et plus tard à Campinas, il este demandé d'entrer en contact avec lui par téléphone 55-(0)11-272-1441 ou en écrivant à Caixa BP 42700 - CEP 04299-970 - Ipiranga - Sao Paulo - SP.

Pour des raisons évidentes, appelez svp de cabines téléphoniques publiques et ne donnez pas vos noms ou adresses dans les lettres. Changer votre voix et écriture. Si il y a lieu, nous organiserons une rencontre. Le secret absolu de l'informateur sera gardé. Aidez les ufologues à résoudre complètement tous ce qui s'est produits dans le cas de Varginha. La race humaine a le droit de savoir la vérité.

(...) Des 120.000 habitants [de Varginha], plusieurs centaines ont vu quelque chose d'étrange le jour et le jour suivant le 20 Janvier 1996, mais seulement une douzaine de personnes, certains civil et quelques militaires, héros nationaux véritables, ont eu le courage de se présenter au public, ou aux ufologues qui étudient le cas, pour rapporter ce qu'elles ont vu. Beaucoup de civils ont eu une participation directe ou indirecte dans les faits, mais malheureusement une grande majorité a perdu le courage devant la presse et les ufologues. (...)

(Photo: des curieux se rassemblent devant un endroit ou a été vu l'ET)

La peur de "parler", pour les militaires, est parfaitement compréhensible, car les représailles sont graves, c.-à-d., poursuites militaires, humiliations, prison, transfert (punition invisible), déplacement, expulsion, etc. Mais pour les civils, cela ne semble pas raisonnable. Des noms innombrables que nous avons dans des nos mains, de personnes qui ont perdu courage, dans le futur, au le bon moment, seront édités par la presse. Les ufologues dans la ligne de front de ce cas écrivent un livre, et bientôt nous aurons des nouvelles d'une grande production cinématographique de l'Amérique du Nord. Des contacts ont été faits. Le cas de Roswell est petit en comparaison avec ce qui s'est produit à Varginha.

Il ne sera pas surprenant que Steven Spielberg s'intéresse à ce cas. le cas. Ainsi, la télévision, les radios, journaux, magazines, le cinéma, les livres, etc., enregistrent et et continuent à enregistrer les faits historiques, aussi en félicitant les noms des héros et indiquant les noms de ceux qui ont perdu courage. Il est encore temps pour ces gens de trouver les ufologues et de parler de ce qu'elles ont vu et ont entendu. Il s'agit de révéler la vérité au public. Toute la population devrait marquer une pause et évaluer ce que la presse Il est temps de cesser de jouer et de se moquer des faits. N'oubliez pas plusieurs ufologues impliqués dans le cas de Varginha sont des avocats, des entrepreneurs, des ingénieurs, des médecins etc... De telles personnes ne veulent jamais "perdre leur temps" quand il n'y avait pas quelque chose de vrai et de concret dans les faits.


[about the ship sighted by the farm-couple Eurico Rodrigues de Freitas (40) and Oralina Augusta de Freitas (37), at Jan.20 1996, 01:30 AM ]:

The first conclusion drawn by ufologists, not a definite one, is that the ship had one of its ends damaged by an explosion, which scattered a great quantity of small metal pieces around the region, and the ship still remained in the air during some time and after that it crashed, near to Jardim Andere, probably wounding part of its crew, which seeked for shelter in the woods near the quarter block. THERE ARE MILITARY PEOPLE ASSURING THAT THE SHIP WAS RECOVERED AND SENT TO USA. This fact hasn't been confirmed so far.


[about one of the EBEs' capture operation, Jan.20 1996, 10:30 AM]:

From a distance of 100 meters there were some bricklayers and hod carriers, who were filling up a cement slab, and followed all the military movements there. As for the adults and the children who were there, they went up the road, and Henrique Jose de Souza, a bricklayer, asked them what the military people were doing in the gully, and they said they had captured a strange creature (see picture - Illustration by Ricardo Giraldez, Isto E' magazine). At least two military people assured that this being was kept in captivity in ESA, for 24 hours. After that it was put in a cage, and BY HELICOPTER DEPARTED TO BRASILIA, and after that a jet airplane have gone to the USA with it. Such fact also is still not confirmed.

[about the creature that was shot three times in the chest, Jan.20 1996, 2:00 PM]:

(...) A military person in Campinas said that one of the creatures was helping another lying on the ground, apparently wounded. Perhaps this creature had shown an attack reaction sign against the military people and ended up hit on the chest by three FAL shots. The military person informed that one of these creatures was different from the others, with black fur covering its body. Such information is still not confirmed and is under investigation by the ufologists.

[about the operations in the Humanitas Hospital, Jan.21 1996, 01:30 AM ]:

On the following day, Sunday, cars were observed arriving at Humanitas with number plates from Belo Horizonte, with military people, as well as medical doctors from USP (University of Sao Paulo) and UNICAMP (University of Campinas). We still don't know what kind of treatment the beings have or had, since we don't know if the being that was shot three times (FAL) was also taken to the Hospital. Everything points out that it was. The examination, X-rays, photographs, the films and thousands of other details remained restricted to the military people.(...)

[about the transport operations from the Hospital to ESA (Jan.22 1996, 4:00 PM) and then to Campinas (Jan.23 1996, 4:00 AM)]:

The ESA, with the help of three Mercedes Benz trucks, 1418 type, covered with tarpaulin on the top, and many vehicles without identification, surely working for the Intelligence Service (S-2), starts the retreat action of the beings from Hospital Humanitas. A series of manoeuvres to elude, through the town, with the help of portable communication radios and mobile telephones, one by one each truck parked backwards on the side door of the Humanitas Hospital. (...) A special security scheme was made for the arrival of the trucks at ESA. One of them ended up going through a road, against the traffic, right in front of the side gate of the quarter. A special security scheme was made to "take care of the trucks". When the trucks returned to ESA, in Campestre quarter, they were seen by Dr. Marcos A. Carvalho Mina, veterinary doctor in Varginha's Zoo. (...)

A special convoy leaves ESA towards Campinas. A Kombi van is ahead, the three trucks in line and behind other several vehicles without identification. Five hours journey. (...) Employees of the laboratory where Dr. Badan Palhares (see picture) works, thought it strange the fact that, on the arrival of the beings to the lab, they were asked to leave the place, fact that had never happened before.

[about the activities in UNICAMP's secret lab]:

At least three military people informed that one of the beings was taken to a secret underground laboratory underneath Clinicas Hospital, inside UNICAMP. They also informed that there is another underground laboratory underneath the Biology Building. And another creature had been taken to one of the IML (Legal Medical Institute) refrigerators where the morgue of the Amarais Cemetery is. Several military people informed they had never seen this place so well guarded as in February, March and April, 1996. Also, the number of military people seen within this period, circulating in UNICAMP was frightening. (...)

[about debris retrieval]:

One of the military people informed that in one of the trucks THERE WERE THOUSANDS OF TINY UNKNOWN METAL FRAGMENTS. Probably the fragments are from that ship sighted by the couple, Eurico and Oralina, apparently damaged. Therefore, in this big puzzle, we conclude that the three trucks that went to Campinas were carrying in the first of the convoy a dead being, in the second another dead being and in the third the metal fragments.

[Military versus aliens in the skies of Varginha and Southern Minas region]:

January 23rd, 1996 - A Buffalo airplane leaves the Canoas Air Force Base in Rio Grande do Sul state [Brazil]. Inside it there were three containers, a box and many military people. In the first container there were generators, in the second the receiver equipment and computers, and in the third a small workshop. In the box there was a disassembled antenna. In other words, a portable sophisticated radar (see picture). The airplane went to the South of Minas. This radar must have been installed in some region or town near Varginha. At this time THERE WERE MANY ALIEN SHIPS FLYING OVER THE REGION. Military people from within ESA said that on a certain night they were worried with the hypothesis of a retaliation from the extra-terrestrials.

[about U.S. and brazilian military activities inside ESA - Tres Coracoes]:

At this time, several military people from the USA Army and U.S. Air Force arrived at ESA by helicopter. An area within ESA was interdicted. Several agents from the Intelligence Service (S-2) and from various points of the country were sent to ESA. Local inhabitants, of many years, had never seen such activity in ESA. That was something to call the attention of even the most 'naive'. If they were trying to hide something from the public, they failed in their methodology. The Military people who took part in the operation, and even today, ARE BEING OBSERVED AND FOLLOWED BY S-2. Even today, the situation is not good in ESA. Recently, some of the military people from ESA said that "inside here, things are heating up". They also said that if General Lima and Lieutenant Colonel Olimpio hear someone pronouncing the name "ET" or Pacaccini, they will get at least 10 days in jail.

[about NASA activities in Campinas' secret laboratory]:

January 26, 1996 - Several NASA Military officers arrived at UNICAMP [University of Campinas]. The official excuse was that they wanted to select Brazilian scientists to take part in future space missions with the Americans. Probably they were military officers who know deeply the details about flying saucers and extra-terrestrial beings. Military people said that the American military personnel was working together with Brazilian military people inside the underground laboratory. The proportion is 50% of brazilians and 50% of americans. Certainly, if there is a list with the names of the Brazilian scientists, those scientists will only travel in their dreams in the space shuttle. They will remain the rest of their lives thinking about that possibility.

[about the security scheme inside university's hospital in Campinas]:

January 28, 1996, 7:50 PM - Mrs. Thereza Christina Starace Tavares de Magalhaes Teixeira, wife of the deceased Mayor of Campinas, Mr. Adalberto Magalhaes Teixeira, was forbidden to enter the "Hospital das Clinicas" (HC) at UNICAMP, where her husband was when sick. She was very upset at the lack of organization of the local security scheme. With the help of a mobile phone, after explaining that she was the wife of the Mayor, on the arrival of Dr. Otavio Rizzi Coelho the problem was resolved, and she was allowed inside. Some people believe that on this night the body of the extra-terrestrial was sent to HC for some type of examination, and the whole place was "closed" for security reasons, resulting in this confusion. Mrs. Thereza entered inside because she was the Mayor's wife. The same didn't occur with other people that were prohibited to enter into HC.

[about 1996 official agreements in space issues between U.S. and Brazil]:

March 1st, 1996 - The American Secretary of State, Warren Christopher, signed with the Brazilian Minister of Foreign Relations, Felipe Lampreia, the "Agreement of Cooperation for the Pacific Use of External Space"... A question hangs in the air. Would that be something to do with the Varginha Case?

March 2nd, 1996 - The general administrator of NASA, Daniel Goldin, visited the installations of the [brazilian] National Institute of Space Research, the INPE, and signed agreements of space cooperation between the two entities. There had been such agreements in the past, but it's the first time that the principal director of NASA comes to the country to get to know the national scientific display. People who are following the Varginha Case, civilian and military, believe that the presence of David Goldin and of Warren Christopher in Brazil involves agreements in relation to the beings captured in Varginha, and also a form of "justifying" the presence of military staff who acts inside NASA at UNICAMP.


[about the alien sighting in Varginha Zoo's restaurant - April 21st, 1996, 9:00 PM]:

(...) In 12 days, 5 animals mysteriously died: two deer, a tapir, a blue macaw and an ocelot. (...) The vet Dr. Marcos sent the entrails to Belo Horizonte for examinations. (...) At the time at the end of Jan. 1996, when everyone was commenting about the extra-terrestrials in the town, Dr. Leila Cabral [the other Zoo's vet] met a fireman and joked to him: "You captured the ET and I will look after him". Frightened, the fireman told her to keep quiet and asked her not to comment about it to anyone. (...)


[about the press conference held by ESA Commander - May 8th, 1996, 11:00 AM]:

ESA's Commander, Brigadier General Sergio Pedro Coelho Lima held a press conference and read a clarifying note, saying that no element or material from Escola de Sargento das Armas had any connection with the alleged facts.

At the end, a reporter from EPTV asked him where were [in Jan.20-22 1996] the other military people that were cited?

He answered: "working for the Army and the Nation".
EPTV: Can you prove that?
Gen. Lima: Prove to whom
EPTV: To the press.
Gen. Lima: We don't have anything to prove and what I had to say was read in this note.

Thus, Gen. Lima turned his back and left, leaving the reporters totally convinced that something really strange had happened in Varginha.


[about the brazilian military High Command unprecedented meeting in Campinas base]:

May 29th, 1996 - In almost absolute secrecy, for the first time in Brazil, a state Minister met with the Armed Forces High Command outside the capital of the country [Brasilia]. A historical fact. The Army's Minister Zenildo Zoroastro de Lucena, along with 29 generals, including the Armed Forces General Staff Chief, Gen. Paulo Neves de Aquino, the chiefs of management and departments and the eight military commanders of the area met together in Campinas, to carry out a task that would easily be carried out by military people of lower rank. [Officially] they visited the Escola Preparatoria de Cadetes do Exercito (Academy School for Army Cadets) to evaluate the EsPCex 2000 project, that aims at getting informatics into education and the creation of a modern teaching environment for the cadets as well as the installation of monitoring system by satellite. After visiting the 28th Armored Infantry Battalion (BAB) to evaluate the 16 computers already acqui! red from a total of 26, that aim to create administrative procedures and the preparation of soldiers. Thus, they went to EMBRAPA (a Brazilian Research center for Agriculture and related subjects) to get to know the geographic information system.

On the following days, they went to the town of Pirassununga (Sao Paulo state), to the 2nd Regiment of Combat Vehicles, a unity of the 11th Armored Infantry Battalion, to accompany the work being done to receive 40 Leopard Combat vehicles of German make, recently acquired. Military people from various places of the state of Sao Paulo, including the littoral, informed us that on the days before the visit of the Minister in Campinas, several meetings took place in Campinas, in Pirassununga (SP), in Braganca Paulista (SP), and probably also in other states, involving high rank military people. They said that everyone wanted to go to Campinas to look at the strange creatures. Disagreements and misunderstandings even occurred between some military people.

[about Claudeir Covo's researches in Varginha]:

June 23rd, 1996, 11:00 AM - One of Ubirajara's friends, from Varginha, kindly provided his Seneca two-engine airplane. During 40 minutes we flew over all the region, from the farm of Eurico and Oralina, until the place where the strange creatures were captured. The main objective was to find out the place of UFO crash. We were looking for a depression in the ground, or for a clearing in the undergrowth or still some burnt area. Unfortunately, we had no success, but the photographic and videos' registers remained in this part of the research, as well as gratitude to the owner of the airplane and his pilot.

[brazilian Congress supporting the Air Force against UFOs?]:

July 3rd, 1996 - In Brasilia, the Congress approves a project that allows the Brazilian Air Force to have powers to shoot down hostile airplanes.

The measure aims to give more power to the Air Force, in its combat against narcotrafic and contraband, being able to shoot down airplanes in clandestine flights who don't respond to identification orders. Of course, everyone now is asking what the Air Force will do if the target is a flying saucer. Certainly, because of former failures, to some extent, the Air Force will accompany the target from a distance, only registering the fact in photos and videos.

[A propos de la classificationdes EBE]:

(... ces êtres sont classés comme de type delta. Ils sont des sortes d'animaux qualifiés et utilisées par des êtres Alfa et Bêtas lors de missions simples, relatives au rassemblement de minerais et de végétaux. Ce seraient des espèces de simiens d'origine extraterrestre, mais bien plus intelligent que nos simiens. Les ufologists les ont classifiés comme EBEs - des entités biologiques extraterrestres. (...)

[Au sujet des explications officielles des militaires]:

Pour expliquer la grande activité du personnel militaire de l'ESA, il a été dit que ce jour des nouvelles recrues étaient accueillies, sachant que ceci s'est produit une semaine avant. Pour expliquer le grand mouvement des camions de l'armée à Varginha, on a dit que les véhicules étaient envoyés à l'entreprise Automaco pour équilibrer les roues et pour aligner les volants de direction, sachant que les véhicules ont été vus samedi et dimanche, une période où Automaco ne fonctionne pas. (...) Pour expliquer la grande activité de personnel militaire à l'hôpital de Humanitas, on a dit que la raison en était l'arrivée du nouvel équipement à employer dans des greffes de coeur. Et bien cela il ressemble à une plaisanterie. Que doit-on faire avec le nouvel équipement? Une greffe de coeur pour un extraterrestre? Seul un idiot croirait ceci. (...)

CONCLUSION - Les ufologues Brésiliens n'ont aucun doute au sujet de ce qui s'est produit à Varginha. Tout ce qui a été décrit ici est seulement une partie de l'histoire. Beaucoup d'autres faits seront découverts. C'est seulement une question de temps. Et la recherche continue...

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