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Researcher discloses UFO Crash in Siberia:

According to the June 1st international edition of the Bolivian newspaper "El Diario" citing an ANSA press release, a Russian scientist has revealed a UFO crash in Siberia:

Moscow, May 31 (ANSA).- A mysterious spherical object and built with technology that does not exist on our planet was discovered some time ago in the vicinity of Dalnegorsk in Siberia's Primorye Region, according to Lyudmila Tselina, a researcher with the Russian space center.

Tselina, who has been studying the UFO phenomenon for quite some time and has been engaged in collecting documents and material, told the Russian newspaper Trud that the object "fell at a velocity of 15 meters per second over Mount Isumrudnaia," proving that it was not a meteorite.

A red sphere was recovered and scrutinized by the best experts of various institutes of the Russian Science Academy, which agreed in its nonterrestrial origin.

(Se trataba de "una esfera rojiza" que "fue examinada escrupulosamente por los mejores expertos de varios institutos de la academia rusa de las ciencias, los cuales coincidieron en su origen no terrestre".)

The object, whose function is unknown and whose diameter and present whereabouts are unknown, was made of materials unknown on Earth and which resisted the action of all known chemicals.

Tselina confirmed other sightings and UFO discoveries, among them the landing of a 3 meters diameter object between Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Translation © 2001. S. Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology.

Many thanks to Gloria Coluchi.

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This page was last updated on June 4, 2001.