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Les bases secretes de l'US Air Force:

En Californie du Sud:

Les rapports sur l'activité d'OVNIS dans Antelope Valley, au Sud de la Californie, près Lancaster, de Palmdale et de Rosamond augmentent. Il se trouve là trois installations de recherches mystérieuses utilisées par Northrop, Lockheed et McDonnell-Douglas, dont on a spéculé qu'ils testeraient des systèmes de propulsion par anti-gravité et d'autres conceptions exotiques de motorisation pour de nouveaux avions.

Une grande variété d'avions peu ordinaires ont été vus en vol au-dessus et autour de ce secteur, y compris ses disques incandescents, des formes triangulaires, une grande forme en boomerang, des formes ovales avec des hublots illuminés, et de petites sphères incandescentes. Ceux-ci iraient jusqu'à avoir des centaines de pieds de diamètre.

Des récits d'anciens employés des compagnies mentionnées ci-dessus ont indiqué que les équipements de tests sont situés principalement sous terre dans de grands complexes minutieusement conçus et reliés par des systèmes de tunnels.

Ces installations étranges en Californie méridionale ont une réputation très mystérieuse. Des activités militaires secrètes, des activités d'extraterrestres, des enlèvements, des épisodes de temps manquant, et de nombreuses observations d'avions et d'objets volants très étranges sont associées aux installations.

Le Ranch de Tejon:

The Northrop facility is known as "The Tejon Ranch" and is sometimes referred to as "The Tehachapi Ranch" by UFO researchers.

It is located in the foothills of the Tehachapi mountains, at the mouth of Little Oak Canyon about 25 miles northwest of Lancaster, California. It is not under restricted airspace. Although the public is told that this is a cattle ranch, no livestock are visible anywhere on the property. UFO researcher Bill Hamilton says that if asked, Northrop Corporation will say that this is an "electromagnetic research facility."

There are large radar or microwave dishes and strange looking pylons to which objects can be fixed, for the purpose of beaming electromagnetic radiation at them. These pylons rise up from underground out of diamond-shaped openings in the middle of long, paved surfaces that resemble aircraft runways, but which are not used by any type of aircraft for landing or take-off.

It is thought that this facility goes down as many as 42 levels, and that tunnels link it to other nearby underground installations in the area.

Hellendale RCS Test Range:

The Lockheed facility is adjacent to what used to be the Hellendale auxiliary airport, six miles to the north of Hellendale, California. This installation also has the "runway" features of Tejon Ranch but also has a visible underground entrance.

The Lockheed facility is known as the RCS (Radar Cross-Section) Test Range but is more widely identified as the "Hellendale facility".

Signs at the perimeter fence of this installation reads:


Les installation de Llano:

The McDonnell Douglas facility is located at the now closed Gray Butte airport, northeast of Llano, California. It too has "runways" with diamond-shaped openings through which huge pylons with strange-shaped objects can be mounted and raised to the surface.

These objects sometimes resemble elongated discs or "flying saucers" and have been seen to glow and change colors. Glowing spheres have also been seen by people in the area at night, but the purpose of these is unknown.

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Cette page a été mise à jour le 16 février 2001.