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Alleged Fort Riley 1964 UFO crash, USA:

The events:

On 10th December 1964, at Fort Riley army base, Kansas, a guard was on duty in the motor pool. He and 3 other men were ordered by a senior officer to make their way to a remote corner of the base.

When they arrived they noticed a large military chopper shining a large search light on a strange object which was resting on the ground. The object was already surrounded by several other military types.

The guard was then given 'shoot to kill' orders to stop any civilians who tried to get near it. He was also warned not to tell anyone about the incident.

He described the object as like a giant hamburger, 12m by 5m, with a dark line along its rim and a small tail-fin stabilizer. He also observed that the air near the craft was very warm despite being a bitterly cold night.

Some time later, UFO researchers managed to obtain some more evidence. Another guard reported that on the morning following the alleged incident, he witnessed a large flatbed truck with a roundish object covered with canvas sheets being driven out under high security from the base.

Other sources mention the recovery of 9 aliens bodies on this occasion.

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This page was last updated on February 10, 2001.