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UFO photographed over erupting Mexico nolcano:

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The event:

On 12.21.2000 the main headlines of local newspapers Milenio and Extramex present a photograph of an unknown luminous flying object over the erupting volcano Popocatepetl located near from Mexico City and Puebla. The spectacular photograph taken by reporter Alfonso Reyes last Tuesday 19 at 6:10 AM while making a report of the violent awakening present a bright luminous object that contrast with the black clouds of smoke emanated from the volcano crater. The photo was taken in a 20 seconds exposure time and a 24 mm angular lens according to Mr. Reyes testimony. However he did not saw actually the flying object and was until the development of the film that he discovered what the camera captured. Due to the long exposure time the camera captured the luminous descending trajectory of the object that seems to make a quick turn into the crater direction. The possibility of a meteor was discarded considering the described trajectory of the object and also no airplane or helicopter were present in that place for obvious reasons.


Source Santiago Yturria
From KronoMan kronoman@yahoo.com


The fact that the photographer did not see the object during the 20 second exposure might be a sign that the UFO was no large object but a very small object.

It could have been a firefly.

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This page was last updated on January 3, 2006.