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Pictures by amateurs in Romania:

A collection of pictures by amateurs in Romania.

UFO picture.

CLUJ 1968:

One among the series of four photographs of a diurnal disc captured on photograph near Cluj in Romania by Mr. Emil Barnea on August 18, 1968.

The weather was splendid, 36°C without any wind while Barnea and his friend Miss Matea walked in the forest with a couple of friends. His friend shouted that she sees "something," and when he joined her he also saw a large round object, of metallic appearance and shining in the sun in the sky above the top of the trees. Amazed, Barnea remembered all the same that he had his camera and while the UFO advanced slowly changing direction and increasing its luminosity, then suddenly accelerating until he disappeared at the horizon, he had time to take four photographs.

According to him the object was at an altitude of approximately 600 meters considering a 85° elevation on this photography, and 30 meters in diameter.

Here is the complete dossier and more of the photographs.

UFO picture.


On September 14, 1968, 30 minutes after midnight, in Rimnicu-Sarat in Romania, several workers from the textile factory were returning home when they saw a very intense white light which remained lit during four minutes.

It came from an object in the shape of a lens which they estimated to be 4 to 5 meters in length and which was at 800 to 100 meters of altitude.

At the end of four minutes, the object started to move away in total silence and went out of sight, leaving a kind of luminous trace behind itself.

UFO picture.


Hundreds of people saw a large object of metallic appearance, motionless in the sky above the city, between 11:30 a.m. and and 15:30 p.m., undergoing changes of aspects: at 01:30 p.m., its color changed from a shiny mercury colour to a dull metal gray, at the same time as it changed its shape, becoming smaller and seeming to divide into three small spheres, which then gathered to take another overall shape. At 03:30 p.m. it disappeared suddenly.

One of the witnesses, Vladimir Stoicescu, observed it with binoculars and took photographs.

See here to see the whole of photography..

UFO picture.


Picture taken above Bucarest at 10 o'clock. I have no other information on this picture found on the Internet.

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This page was last updated on June 5, 2005.