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Pictures by amateurs from Africa:

A collection of pictures by amateurs in Africa.

Photographie d'OVNI


Barney Wayne, director of a photographic studio, photographed this round saucer shape in Bulawayo, in South Rodhesia on December 29, 1953. The photograph appeared in France in the weekly magazine "Moustique" #1508 for December 19, 1954, on page 15.

UFO picture


These two photographs have been taken by Elisabeth Klarer over Rosetta, Natal, South Africa on July 17th, 1956. The story of meteorologist and abductee Elizabeth Klarer, and her famous flying saucer hill on the Midlands Meander near Durban, has baffled investigators.

Her book "Beyond the Light Barrier," written more in the style of a romantic novel, caused a rather sceptical response, since Klarer claimed she became pregnant after her encounter with a tall, white-haired spaceship-pilot.

Photographie d'OVNI


Allegedly taken in Pinetown, Natal, South Africa, on May 29, 1973.

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This page was last updated on December 9, 2005