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UFOs A to Z: P.

Click! Paladin, David
Click! Palmer, Raymond
Click! Paranet
Cliquez! Parhelia
Click! Pascagoula (CE3)
Click! Perego, Alberto
Click! Petropolis (CE3)
Click! Petsche, John
Click! Pett, Saul
Click! Pflock, Karl
Click! Philadelphia Experiment
Click! Phobos
Click! PIO
Click! Planetoids
Click! Poer Trench, Brinsley
Click! Poher, Claude
Click! Pologne, airships de 1892.
Click! Ponnamperuma, Cyril, Dr.
Click! Pope, Nick
Click! Portage County police chase
Click! Pounce
Click! Principle of mediocrity
Click! PTSD
Click! Pulse detonation engines

Paladin, David

David Paladin is a Navajo Shamanic-Artist who claimed that in 1961, an alien named Itan came into his son's bedroom four nights in a row and that a neighbor saw his flying saucer. He claimed that Itan later came into his bedroom and told him that he was a member of the Kantarian galactic federation who live on a planet of another dimension and are contacting selected people on Earth with the aim to push the human race to a more mature and positive direction. Paladin claimed years of "psychic contacts" with the interdimensional beings of Kantar, and said that although they would not directly interfere in human affairs, they would save the planet if some natural disaster should menace our planet. He does wonderful paintings and describes how own life as "An incorrigible runaway, a stowaway, a secret agent, a WW II prison camp survivor, Paladin's life story sounds more like fiction than fact."

Palmer, Raymond

Editor of Amazing Stories magazine in the 1940's and later of Fate Magazine. Some credit him with originating the extraterrestrial hypothesis for the origin of UFOs but this notion existed long before.


Paranet was a moderated forum founded by Jim Speiser in 1986 originally dedicated to the paranormal as well as UFOs, although the UFO side grabbed the most attention. Originally distributed as a newsletter via E-mail, it now consists of a set of newsgroups on Usenet. It was the first organization that spread news of the Robert Lazar story around the world and was also the forum in which Milton William Cooper made his debut and his reputation as a person not to be trusted.


As effect of a phenomenon of refraction of the solar rays in ice crystals in suspension in the atmosphere, more or less colored luminous sometimes appear on both sides sun. This phenomenon is not very frequent, and does explain only a negligible proportion of the reported UFO sightings, but is very systematically recalled by people calling themselves skeptic as a common solution to many UFO sightings.


In 1973 Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker, reported that three strange beings floated them into their spacecraft near the Pascagoula river in Mississippi, USA. The case received national attention, is still quite controversial, but might well be exactly what the witnesses said it was.

Perego, Alberto

Dr. Alberto Perego is an Italian diplomat who in November 1954, on several occasions, was among the crowds that saw formations of white dots in the sky that often moved very rapidly. At one point, he realized he was looking at over a hundred of these objects at one time. He was also a witness to the appearance of angel hair, a fall of thin fibrous filaments which dissolve after a few hours. Dr Perego made a report and query at the Italian government about the mass sightings he witnessed, but the only reply he received was that nothing had been tracked on radar. In 1963, he wrote the 563 pages book "L'aviazione di altri pianeti opera tra noi" in which he presented many Italian UFO sightings reports and his position that some UFOs are extraterrestrial craft.

Petropolis (CE3)

On October 25, 1957, in Petropolis, Brazil, the daughter of a wealthy family was dying from severe cancer of the stomach, when in the night as the girl was in considerable pain, she saw a beam of light outside her home. Seven members of her family witnessed the room being illuminated with light and then saw, outside the house, a flying saucer with an opened hatch. Two entities of about four feet tall with long yellowish-red hair and bright green slanting eyes then entered the house and approached the girl's bed and laid out some sort of medical instruments. One of the entities obtained details on the girl's illness by telepathy from her father. The entities projected a blue-white light on her stomach and the family could see her inside and the cancer lump. The alien surgeons operated and removed the cancer, then one of the alien handed the girl a tool box containing thirty small white pills, and communicated to her that she should take one each day for a month. Two months later the girl's doctor verified that she had been completely cured of the cancer.

Petsche, John

John Petsche is an electrician who, together with another unnamed witness, reported seeing the apparent landing or low level descent towards Tintown of a disc-shaped object in the vicinity of Bisbee near the New Mexico border in Arizona, shortly after the Kenneth Arnold sighting and before the Roswell, New Mexico, incident.

Pett, Saul

Saul Pett, a news service reporter in River Edge, New Jersey, wrote a detailed story on what observed a glowing orange saucer shape over New Jersey, USA, in 1953. He stated: "It looked like a sphere, so deeply orange colored that it appeared almost the shade of rust. It was moving too fast and evenly to be a balloon. I saw a flying saucer and you can't convince me that there is no such animal. I wasn't frightened at all because the thing looked so peaceful and serene. There wasn't any appearance of menace." He said it disappeared in the direction of Washington. Just after that he was at the CAA radar screen at National Airport, Washington, with other reporters as seven objects had been appearing on the screen.

Pflock, Karl

Karl T. Pflock, born in 1943, is a former US deputy assistant secretary of defense, CIA intelligence officer, and later a senior congressional aide, writer, consultant, and UFO researcher. His articles on UFOs have appeared in such journals as Omni, Fortean Times, the International UFO Reporter, The Anomalist, Fate, the MUFON UFO Journal, Cuadernos de Ufologia (Spain), and the 1995 International UFO Symposium Proceedings.

He became interested in UFOs when he overheard a story of a crashed saucer at the age of five or six and was one witness of a multiple-witness sighting in the early 1950s.

In the late 1960s, he was the first chairman of the National Capital Area (investigative) Subcommittee of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP). He has carried out independent research on UFO-occupant sightings and contacts and allegations of UFO-connected animal mutilations, but he became best known in contemporary ufology for his controversial work on the Roswell incident, when he finally became convinced that the Roswell saucer was only weather balloons debris of project Mogul, which is explained in his 2001 book "Roswell: Inconvenient Facts and the Will to Believe." He also collaborates with UFO prankster James W. Moseley, editor of the "Saucer Smear" newsletter.

Karl Pflock thinks our planet has indeed been visited by extraterrestrial beings but only in the 40s to the early 70s only. He says that the evidence of that is there, although hard proof is missing.

Philadelphia Experiment

The plot starts in the 1980's with the release of "The Philadelphia Experiment", a science-fiction movie drama. It continues with a book, "The Philadelphia Experiment: Project Invisibility" in pocket novel form, by Charles Berlitz and William Moore, who obviously meant to tell a true story. From this dubious start, the legend grew over the years. Self-alleged witnesses appear. A sequel, the Montauk Experiment, brings the story further, in spite of the official denial by the US Navy.


Mars has two tiny moons, named Phobos, meaning fear, and Deimos, meaning panic. There are several topics of interest related to Phobos: In Gulliver's Travels Jonathan Swift talked about Phobos & Deimos 150 years before their actual discovery. Its orbit is speeding up, leading scientists to believe that it is lighter than its size dictates, it may be hollow. The Russian Phobos 1 mission failed. The Russian Phobos 2 mission failed too, an 'object that should not have been there' appears on the last photo.


Public Information Officer, i.e. spokesman of the military. For example, Project Blue Book had a PIO responsible to publish its official statements, talk in press conferences, answer at requests for information, receive Press members, etc.


Beyond Pluto astronomers believe there is a ring of ice chunks circling the solar system 37 to 59 A.U. from the sun. They have called the ice belt the Kuiper belt. Beyond that astronomers say there is a similarly composed Oort cloud which forms a sphere around our planetary system that stretches two light years in distance. A tiny red spot of light was recorded in Hawaii in October of 92, which is thought to be the first component of the Kuiper belt ever observed. The object was named 1992 QB1. It is about 200 km across and 5.1 billion km away from the sun (41.2 a.u.). The object is fairly red, suggesting a surface rich in organics. The current position is, for 0h UT on September 15, 1992: 0h 00.09+0d 01'.7 (2000.0). It is moving retrograde at only 3" per hour. David Jewitt and Jane Luu discovered it using the University of Hawaii's 2.2-meter telescope on Mauna Kea. They have been searching for such an object for the last five years. The first images were secured August 30, but just as with the discovery of Pluto in 1930 the discovery was kept "under wraps" for awhile to allow a better assessment. Jewitt believes it to be one of the larger members of the Kuiper belt. Jewitt says that it will take two months to confirm the object.

Another theory involving the planetoid comes to us from channelers. It is a hollowed out body that was moved here by the Reptoids, in order to transport an army of Grays or Reptoids. It is claimed it is now parked outside the orbit of Pluto. Some say it is currently being used as a base by the Reptoids.

There is also a theory that the planetoid may be the star that is mentioned in the Bible as "Wormwood" (also translated as "bitterness"); which when the "third angel" in the book of Revelation blew his trumpet, fell to the Earth and poisoned one third of the Earth's waters. Another interesting fact that enthusiasts point out is that "Chernobyl" (as in the Nuclear power plant in "Russia" that had a meltdown) in Ukrainian also means Wormwood.

Le Poer Trench, Brisley

Born Earl of Clancarty in 1911, writing UFO-enthuastic books under the name William Francis Brinsley Le Poer Trench, he initiated a debate in the British House of Lords in January 1979 to discuss UFOs. Public interest in the resulting debate in the official record of House proceedings was huge. He then formed a UFO study group within the House of Lords, but this effort produced nothing that was remembered. From 1956 to 1959, he was the editor of the Flying Saucer Review. He died in 1995.

Le Poer Trench was a firm believer in anything sensational, from the hollow-Earth theory to the Ancien Astronauts theories by Von Daniken to meetings between US President Eisenhover with space aliens. Among his sensationalistic books were "The flying saucer review's world round-up of UFO sightings", 1958; "Men among Mankind", 1962; "The flying saucer story", 1966; "Operation Earth", 1969, "The External Subject", 1972, "Secret of the Ages", 1974.

Poher, Claude

An astronomer and rocket specialist of the French CNES, Center for Space Studies, who founded and directed the French government sponsored civilian UFO scientific investigation group GEPAN, which concluded in 1978 that UFOs are flying machine whose origin, modes of lifting and/or propulsion are totally outside our knowledge.

Poland airship scare of 1892

In the beginning of 1892, people in Russian Poland started to report airship along the border of Germany and Poland. The reports were mostly nocturnal and vaguely described some craft, often with powerful searchlights. It was thought that someone in Germany had developed a dirigible aircraft capable of flying against the wind and hover for extended periods of time and that it would be used as a war weapon. But no dirigible really existed at that time. The next great airship report flap started in the end of 1896 in California.

Ponnamperuma, Cyril, Dr.

Dr. Cyril Ponnamperuma (1923 - 1995) was born in Galle, Southern Capital of Sri Lanka. He received his doctorate in chemistry from the University of California, Berkeley in 1962 under the direction of the Nobel Laureate Professor Melvin Calvin. His laboratory studies were focused mainly towards the origin of life and it was only when he was selected as a principal investigator for analysis of the moon dust collected in the Apollo Programs that his name and photo appeared on the cover-pages of prestigious world class newspapers and magazines such as The Time and Newsweek. He was one of the dicoverers of DNA with Francis Crick et James Watson, and one of the main writers on the panspermia theory. With Francis Crick, he tended to the thesis that prebiotic complex molecule form in space rather than of the surface of planets, and get hosted later within protective cells naturally found in planets water. In 1965, as research scientist at NASA's Ames Research Center in California, he discovered striking evidence that the independently developed biochemistry on any more or less earth-like planet anywhere would be the same or at least highly similar than that on the Earth. He duplicated the postulated conditions of the primeval earth, and found out that the common and important constituents of life such as amino acids, purines, sugars, etc., tend to appear in the system, while highly exotic substances do not. The discovery was published in the Proceedings of the Conference on the Exploration of Mars and Venus, Blacksburg, Virginia, 1965. He later was the head of the Exobiology division at NASA's Ames Center.

Pope, Nick

Nick Pope, born in 1968, was a government employee in the British Ministry of Defence. In 1991, he was posted at the Secretariat of the Air Staff where for the next three years his job was to investigate UFO sightings to see if there was evidence of any threat to the defense of the United Kingdom. When he was promoted in 1994 to another position, he continued his research privately, specializing in work with abductees. Concerned by the defense and national security implications of the UFO phenomenon he spoke out publicly, and wrote the book "Open Skies, Closed Minds" and "The Uninvited." Nick Pope thinks that while most UFO sighting reports have a commonplace explanation, some are different, and, based on his research, he thinks that extraterrestrial beings are visiting our planet. His website is www.nickpope.net


An alleged USAF top secret project in 1953 that evaluated UFO reports in order to gain more knowledge on space technology.

Principle of mediocrity

We now know that there are more than galaxies in the observable universe and stars in our own galaxy.

The Principle of Mediocrity hold that the solar system, the Earth, are not unique or very rare but ordinary types of objects in the universe. The conditions for life are thus also ordinary and not unique, and the implication is that life, and intelligent life, may be common or may be quite rare but not unique to our planet.


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Troubles generated by situation of great stress, observed on some UFO witnesses or persons who have been in contact with extra-terrestrial beings.

Pulse detonation engines

One of the aircraft supposedly based on this type of engine is nicknamed the "Pulser" aircraft. There have been many sights of this aircraft by several different witnesses. When sighted it has repetitively been described as "A high-speed aircraft characterized by a very loud, deep, rumbling engine noise (1-2 Hz pulse rate) reminiscent of heavy-lift rockets." The smoke trail of the aircraft is described as being segmented and in a linked sausage shape. (Or another good example would be to look at one side of your coat zipper, un-zipped, with the teeth facing you) It is also described as a high-altitude aircraft that crossed the sky at extremely high speeds. Both ground based and airborne observers have reported it to be seen flying at altitudes above 50,000 ft. observers have reported see the aircraft as a single bright light that seldom changed direction, however speed changes where observed. One observer estimated that it covered 350 miles in 6 minutes (3500 mph).

This aircraft may indeed exist. There has been research in to what are called Pulsed Detonation Engines (PDE's) also refereed to as Pulsed Detonation Wave Engines. These are different type of engine than the pulse jet engines, which is already publicly know, and has been tested in aircraft. The PDE's are said to be in laboratory and computer analysis level of development (reported in October 1991). The PDE's exhaust emission produces smoke trails that closely match the pulser aircraft. Simulations of theses engines are said to be able to propel large aircraft in the "Mach 0.2-3.0 flight regime."

How PDE functions: PDE uses shock waves created in a detonation to compress the fuel-oxidizer mixture prior to combustion. A cylinder chamber designed to support the detonation is constructed with a flat forward end which makes up the thrust wall. Air along with fuel is fed into the engine from behind the thrust-wall. The detonation wave created travels forward to the thrust wall at about Mach 4 and compresses the fuel-air mixture, promotes supersonic combustion and causes a pressure rise in the engine. The wave then strikes the thrust wall and rebounds accelerating the combustion products towards the nozzle. Some of the products are ejected by the wave to the outside air-stream through the air inlet openings creating a toroidal vortex out side the engine. Then the cycle repeats.

The said advantages of this type of engine are:

  1. Theoretically a higher fuel efficiency than a "constant pressure engine."
  2. Engines can be produced in many sizes and thrust outputs from a few inches in diameter at a thrust of several pounds to larger one that can output in the thousands of pounds range.
  3. They have high thrust to weight ratio (ie. lighter engine, more thrust).
  4. They are mechanically simple, and have few moving parts.
  5. They could operate in or out of the atmosphere using fuel oxidizers.

There is very little information on the other reported aircraft. It is reported as "A triangular-shaped, quiet aircraft". This craft has been allegedly seen by many observers and flying with several F-117 stealth aircraft, but no reliable report seem to exist.

The supposedly existing Aurora aircraft is also suspected to use this propulsion technique.

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This page was last updated on August 20, 2007.