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Did you know that a number of NASA astronauts reported UFOs? That some of them expressed on National TV or in front of the United Nations that extraterrestrials do visit our planet?

NASA astronauts speak out:

Click!Major Gordon Cooper
Click!Ed White and James McDivitt
Click!James Lovell and Frank Borman
Click!Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin
Click!Donald Slayton
Click!Major Robert White
Click!Edgar Mitchell
Click!Joseph A. Walker
Click!Commander Eugene Cernan
Click!Maurice Chatelain
Click!Scott Carpenter

NASA UFO filmings:

In the video section you can see a collection of some of the possible UFO filmings taken from NASA spacecrafts.

Gordon Cooper addresses the UN:

NASA astronaut Gordon Cooper speaks of ufo and extra terrestrials at the United Nations and on National TV.

Clark McLelland speaks out:

NASA project member Clarck McLelland was also secretly a member of NICAP and speaks of ufo and extra terrestrials.

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This page was last updated on October 29, 2001.