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Great Falls, Montana, color film, August 1950:

"Show us UFO footage," say the skeptics. Well, here is one. "Videos can be faked," added the skeptics. Sure enough, but this is not about a PC video but about a color film of 1950. "These are only birds or planes or meteors," said the skeptics. "No, this is an UNKOWN," the analysts and said Captain Edward Ruppelt of USAF Project Blue Book, after investigating. "Do not show this footage anymore," answered the skeptics of the 1950. "Show us UFO footage," say the modern skeptics.

Table of content:

Click! The film, introduction.
Click! The original account by Captain Edward J. Ruppelt of USAF's Project Blue Book.
Click! The Kevin Randle comments.
Click! Michael David Hall & Wendy Connors comments.
Click! Analysis by Greene-Rouse.
Click! Analysis by Robert L. Baker.
Click! The Condon Report, case 47.
Click! Montana Film - James R Leming (MUJ 223,10).
Click! November 27, 1957 letter to Keyhoe from AF Press Desk.
Click! On the question of tampering with the 1950 Great Falls UFO film - Barry Greenwood.
This page Articles from the press (This page).
Click! MPEG movie of the film.
Click! Frames from the film.
Click! References.

In the press:

Article in the Berkshire Eagle, Pittsfield, Massachussetts, USA, August 6, 1950:


Mariana reports flying disk

Could it be that even baseballs now come to roost?

Nick Mariana, general manager of the Selectrics, was asking himself that question this morning. Two objects - for all the world like the "long gone" ball slugged out of the Twin Falls ball park last night by Lou Briganti and Joe Nally - sailed across the sky at Legion park this morning.

At least so the troubled Brewers' general manager reported today - even while admitting he could have been seeing things. Only he hopes to have photographic proofs for skeptics.

It all happened at 11:30 a.m. while Mariana was out taking a look around the reserved seat section at Legion park - and there sailing smoothly above the emettor stack at the ACM plant were two spherical silvery objects at a height he estimated at 5.000 feet. After a quick double take and a minute lost while he brished the cobwebs from his eyes he called his secretary as a witness.

Very opportunely he remembered his movie camera and shot the movie he hopes will verify what he hopes isn't falling eyesight.

No report is available on possible weather balloons floating in the atmosphere today - but it is feared that the high-flying baseball version may be more acceptable to Great Falls residents than "flying saucers."

Article in the Berkshire Eagle, Pittsfield, Massachussetts, USA, September 12, 1950:


Flying saucer film taken over by AF

GREAT FALLS, Mont. (AP) - Nick Mariana says that the Air Force has taken his color movie of two silver disks that buzzed over a baseball park here Aug. 15. He said he turned the color film over to the air technical command here at the request of a special investigator of the command.

Mariana, manager of the Great Falls team in the Pioneer Baseball League, said, when he saw the disks over the ball park he focused his camera and photographed them.

They appear on the film for seconds he said he was advised by the investigating officials not to release any further information concerning the film.

Article in the Berkshire Eagle, Pittsfield, Massachussetts, USA, October 12, 1950:


Photos of saucers? Spolied say AF

DAYTON, Ohio (AP) - No one will ever know if those airborne objects photographed by a Great Falls, Mont. Baseball manager were "flying saucers."

The Air Force, which Manager Nick Mariana said confiscated pictures he took, reported the color film was "too dark to distinguish any recognisable objects."

The film was viewed yesterday at near-by Wright Patterson Air Force base.

Mariana said that last Aug. 15 he photographed two objects which flew over the Great Falls ball park. Later, he said, an Air Force intelligence officer took the film and told him not to talk about it.

Article in the Great Falls Tribune, Montana, USA, November 11, 1950:


Flying saucer movies to be shown here

Motion pictures of flying saucers taken by Nick Mariana several weeks ago as they passed over Legion Park will be shown at the Central Round Table meeting tonight at the Boosters clubrooms in the Park hotel. Mariana is general manager of the Great Falls Selectrics.

Tony Dalich will discuss football rules at the meeting and John Shulz, coach of the Central High Mustangs, will outline prospects for the Mustang grid season. Hugo Nelson will preside at the meeting.

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