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Constructions artificielles sur Mars?

Outre la région de Cydonia et ses pyramides, outre le très célèbre "visage", tous expliqués comme naturels par la suite, il y a sur Mars bien d'autres sites étonnants. L'incertitude et le doute règnent en maîtres dans cette page, mais il y a sûrement de quoi approfondir...

Le "terminal d'aéroport" - aussi connu comme Mariner 9 #4209-75:

The Airport Terminal

The Airport Terminal

Cet objet est appelé dans de nombreux livres et autres publications "l'Aérogare". Aucune de ces sources ne montre les références correctes de l'image permettant de trouver les données originales dans les archives de la NASA. La meilleure référence est celle du livre Archéologie Extraterrestre de David Hatcher Childress, où les coordonnées sont données: 1.9°S 186.4°W. La référence de l'image est 4209-75.

Anomalie sur Mars

Photo de Mariner 9, image 4209-75. Vous trouverez les informations détaillées que j'ai pu collecter sur d'autres sites au bas de cette page.


Afin de comprendre mieux la structure, un modèle a été construit avec de la mousse et du plâtre. Notez la "canalisation" rectangulaire qui ressemble a une voie de sortie ... pourrait-ce être une certaine sorte "de station de pompage" pour l'eau liquide? Il serait intéressant d'obtenir une image par MGS de cet endroit!

Références pour l'image de la NASA:

Notez que l'objet n'est pas en fait un "ensemble de plateau dans la plaine" comme le disent les sources ci-dessus, mais bien plus un système d'élévations et de tranchées isolées au milieu d'une plaine. "L'aérogare" occupe 5 x 5 km2. L'ensemble de l'image s'étend sur une zone de 55 x 42 km2 exactement.

Données techniques:

Quelques données techniques provenant des archives de la NASA à propos de l'image "4209-75":

177B1732 05450 AREA CONTAIN CRACKS OF MANY SHAPES AND SIZES B35 (RAA Text Describing Image)

INST_NUM Instrument Number: 1
MTYR Measurement Time Year (GMT time of TV shutter close) 1972
MTDAY Measurement Time Day (GMT time of TV shutter close) 41
MTHR Measurement Time Hour (GMT time of TV shutter close) 11
MTMIN Measurement Time Minute (GMT time of TV shutter close) 43
MTSEC Measurement Time Second (GMT time of TV shutter close) 26
MTMIL Measurement Time Millisecond (GMT time of TV shutter close) 386
DAS_TIME Spacecraft Data Acquisition System Time (DAS time of TV shutter close) 7938348
ERTYR Earth Received Time Year 72
ERTDAY Earth Received Time Day 41
ERTHR Earth Received Time Hour 21
ERTMIN Earth Received Time Minute 53
ERTSEC Earth Received Time Second 42
ERTMIL Earth Received Time Millisecond 312
TBP Time Before Periapsis, Seconds (time from closest approach) 854
DN (typo? should be ON?) Orbit Number NULL
DODSYR Date of Orbit Solution 0
DAS_SER DAS Serial Number 0
DAS_ERT DAS Earth Received Time, Approximately DAS Time of Shuttle (sic) + 5 Counts 7938353
SC_ALT Spacecraft Altitude Above Surface 2004
SP_CL_A Scan Platform Clock Angle, Degrees (cross cone angle) 281.79
SP_CO_A Scan Platform Cone Angle, Degrees (cone angle) 120.13
SP_T_A Scan Platform Twist Angle, Degrees .11
SP_IMF Scan Platform in Motion Flag 0
SC_TA Spacecraft True Anomaly Angle 34.16
SC_TV Spacecraft Trangential (sic) Velocity, KM/SEC 3.4
SC_RV Spacecraft Radial Velocity, KM/SEC .7
SLAR_5 Solar Lighting Angle For Reticle 5 (Zenith Angle of Sun at Mars Surface Corresponding to Image Point Reticle 5) (incidence angle at picture center) 42.21
SLAR_1 incidence angle at upper left (as above) 41.69
SLAR_3 incidence angle at upper right (as above) 42.59
SLAR_7 incidence angle at lower left (as above) 41.84
SLAR_9 incidence angle at lower right (as above) 42.74
SAR_9 (typo? should be PAR_5? = phase angle at center) 59.86
SAR_1 (typo? should be PAR_1? = phase angle at upper left) 60.56
SAR_3 (typo? should be PAR_3? = phase angle at upper right) 59.15
PAR_7 Phase Angle for Reticle 7 (Angle Subtended By Sun And Spacecraft at Mars Surface Corresponding to Image Point Reticle 7) 60.57
PAR_9 phase angle at lower right (as above) 59.15
PAR_5 (typo? should be VAR_5? = emission angle at center) 25.35
VAR_1 Viewing Angle For Reticle 1 (Zenith Angle of Spacecraft at Mars Surface Corresponding to Image Point Reticle 1) (emission angle at upper left) 25.73
VAR_3 emission angle at upper right (as above) 23.84
VAR_7 emission angle at lower left (as above) 26.87
VAR_9 emission angle at lower right (as above) 25.05
TRF Telemetry Received Flag 1
LR_5 Latitude of Reticle Point 5 (picture center) -2.01
LR_1 Latitude of Reticle Point 1 (upper left) -1.88
LR_3 Latitude of Reticle Point 3 (upper right) -1.47
LR_7 Latitude of Reticle Point 7 (lower left) -2.56
LR_9 Latitude of Reticle Point 9 (lower right) -2.13
LOR_5 Longitude of Reticle Point 5 (picture center) 186.54
LOR_1 Longitude of Reticle Point 1 (upper left) 187.09
LOR_3 Longitude of Reticle Point 3 (upper right) 186.25
LOR_7 Longitude of Reticle Point 7 (lower left) 186.84
LOR_9 Longitude of Reticle Point 9 (lower right) 185.99
SRR_5 Slant Range to Reticle Point 5, KM (picture center) 2131
SRR_1 slant distance/range to upper left (as above) 2135
SRR_3 slant distance/range to upper right (as above) 2116
SRR_7 slant distance/range to lower left (as above) 2148
SRR_9 slant distance/range to lower right (as above) 2128
LCFR_5 Limb Crossing Flag for Reticle 5 0
AOA Altitude of Optic Axis, KM -1936
SRP Slant Range to Phobos, KM 12805
SRD Slant Range to Deimos, KM 25179
ASD Angular Semi-Diameter of Planet 38.9
XI Osculating Inclination 64.03
GMAP S/C Flight Path Angle 12
SLAT Latitude of Sub S/C Point (sub-spacecraft latitude) 6
SLON Longitude of Sub S/C Point (sub-spacecraft longitude) 182
STP Angle at Center of Planet Between Los and R 9
RMAG Radial Distance to Center of Planet, KM 5391
ZLAT Latitude of Subsolar Point (sub-solar latitude) -7.14
ZLON Longitude of Subsolar Point (sub-solar longitude) 228.60
SS1 Shadow Coordinate of Phobos, Latitude 49.28
SS12 Shadow Coordinate of Phobox, Longitude -688.96
SS2 Shadow Coordinate of Deimos, Latitude 49.28
SS23 Shadow Coordinate of Deimos, Longitude -688.96
PPS5 scaled pixel height/width at picture center (Projected Pixel Size of Reticle 5, KM) 4.53
PPS1 scaled pixel height/width at upper left (as above) 4.57
PPS3 scaled pixel height/width at upper right (as above) 4.46
PPS7 scaled pixel height/width at lower left (as above) 4.60
PPS9 scaled pixel height/width at lower right (as above) 4.49
PDEC5 Declination of Reticle 5, Degrees .00
PRA5 Right Ascension of Reticle 5 .00
MHA Mars Local Time (Hour Angle From Sub-Solar Point) 14.80
SUNNAN Sun Direction in Image, Degrees 197
SPANG Angle at Planet Between Sun and Los Intercept 59
SHPSV Angle at Los Between Sun and Los Intercept 125
AZPHA Tilt Azimuth, Degrees .00
RL Range to Limb, KM 4194
LATL Latitude of Left Limb Extreme -49.28
LATR Latitude of Right Limb Extreme -49.28
LATC Latitude of Center of Limb -49.28
LONR Longitude of Left Limb Extreme -49.28
LONL Longitude of Right Limb Extreme -49.28
LONG (typo? should be LONC?) Longitude of Center of Limb -49.28
NORAN Direction of North in Image Plane, Degrees (north azimuth) 291
SPL05 Angle in Picture Frame Between Sun-S/C Point and Frame Axis at Los 320
SSL05 Angle in Picture Frame Between Subsolar Point and Frame Axis at Los 197
PST05 Angle at Spacecraft Between Los and Vector to Center of Planet 15
PP1835H Picture Planet Height (picture height in km; scaled image height) 55
PP1835W Picture Planet Width (picture width in km; scaled image width) 42
MDEED Mars Date (Equivalent Earth Date), Month 0
MDAY Mars Date (Equivalent Earth Date), Day (planet day number 0
FIL_ID Filter ID (filter name) 13
FIL_MODE Filter Mode (filter number) 0
EI Exposure Interval (instrument exposure duration) 1
EM Exposure Mode (instrument mode identification) 0
CAM_ID Camera ID 0
PIC_ID Picture ID (revolution number; frame identification) 35
LINES Number of Lines in Picture 698
APV Average Pixel Value 13
VT Vidicon Temperature 0
VR1 Planet Center to Spacecraft (Vectors) (target center distance) 2268.92
VR2 Centered Earth Equatorial 1950.0 (Vectors) -4142.54
VR3 Coordinates (Vectors) -2599.65
C11 C Matrix (Column 1, Row 1) .798210
C12 C Matrix (Column 1, Row 2) .538030
C13 C Matrix (Column 1, Row 3) .270892
C21 C Matrix (Column 2, Row 1) .052984
C22 C Matrix (Column 2, Row 2) .385252
C23 C Matrix (Column 2, Row 3) -.921288
C31 C Matrix (Column 3, Row 1) -.600043
C32 C Matrix (Column 3, Row 2) .749735
C33 C Matrix (Column 3, Row 3) .279005
ISLAT ? 6.6661
RSLON ? 182.0936
SNORAN ? 291.1638
LR_2 Latitude of Reticle Point 2 -1.67
LOR_2 Longitude of Reticle Point 2 186.67
LR_4 Latitude of Reticle Point 4 -2.22
LOR_4 Longitude of Reticle Point 4 186.97
LR_6 Latitude of Reticle Point 6 -1.80
LOR_6 Longitude of Reticle Point 6 186.12
LR_8 Latitude of Reticle Point 8 -2.34
LOR_8 Longitude of Reticle Point 8 186.41
QST ? 15.4851
QLAT Latitude of Point Q, Q Point Is Near Reticle Point 5, It Is The Center of the Optic Axis -1.9210
QLON Longitude of Point Q 186.5364
QSRR_5 ? 2131.89
SRR_Q Slant Range to Point Q, KM 2129.75
QANG ? 90.1866
MEAS_ID Measurement ID (Instrument ID; TV Camera ID) TV*B
SC_ID Spacecraft ID 75
OSN Orbit Solution Number H093
MDR_NUM Command Master Data Record Number 177B1732 054
EDR_NUM EDR Number 92**EDR*****

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