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News from the "Disclosure Project":

On Wednesday, May 9th 2001, over twenty military, intelligence, government, corporate and scientific witnesses came forward at the National Press Club in Washington, DC to establish the reality of UFOs or extraterrestrial vehicles, extraterrestrial life forms, and resulting advanced energy and propulsion technologies. The weight of this first-hand testimony, along with supporting government documentation and other evidence, establishes without any doubt the reality of these phenomena.

Disclosure Project an initial sucess:

If you have not yet, please read my introduction page about Project Disclosure before reading this report, to get background information and news about this important event.

Here is the report of Major George Filer, participant in the event, witness of a UFO event and who has been active in the field of ufology for many years.


Dr. Greer and a dedicated unpaid staff have made a mighty first step towards the validation of UFOs and alien life forms. I consider it an honor to have participated with twenty former government employees who staked their reputations on the UFO concepts they expounded. Each of us had only a few minutes to describe what we knew about UFOs. Many had excellent evidence in their procession including FAA tapes and government documentation. I had an opportunity to talk to most of the witnesses and staff at great length. They are some of the finest and most knowledgeable people I have had the pleasure of meeting. Their information on UFOs far surpasses most other Ufologists. Dr. Steven Greer should be congratulated for finding these insiders and organizing the Disclosure Project. The press conference held at the National Press Club on May 9th was excellent. I talked with several reporters afterwards who were very impressed. They had never seen so many cameras and reporters at a press conference, at least not since President Reagan was there over twenty years ago. Furthermore, the two hundred reporters stayed for hours applauding until the very end. I was told that at most press conferences the reporters leave in a few minutes. I could see a major shift in their mindset as one after another the witnesses testified. I felt many debunkers changed their minds about the reality of UFOs. They indicated it would be tough to get their editors to publish this material but they had a new respect for the subject. Judging by the questions and interest I personally received from the Dateline, Mexican TV, and BCC, the UFO Disclosure is gaining powerful allies. Let us be realistic, it is not easy to change the minds and the inherent paradigm shattering implications of this information. These very skeptical reporters were amazed to see credible proof of ETs and UFOs. We made valiant efforts after the press conference to reach every Senator and Representative in Congress. The congressmen are concerned about their jobs and it will be interesting to see if even one has the patriotism and courage of Gerald Ford who requested hearings as a congressman in 1966.

The Disclosure Project would likely have reached a much greater audience if the FBI had not released information that thousands of critical files in the Timothy McVeigh case had not been disclosed to his lawyers. It seems rather strange that all this "missing" data concerning the Oklahoma City case had suddenly been found and was released at the most critical time when the Disclosure Project was ready to hit the headlines. (...)

The Disclosure Project has fired its first cannon shot heard around the world by an estimated billion people. The main goal was not designed to reveal any "smoking gun" evidence, at this time but to request immunity for other witnesses and to obtain Congressional hearings. This is a major first step. I encourage all UFO organizations to hold similar press briefings, call radio talk shows, and contact their Congressmen.

For information on the testimony and other events to follow, go to:


According to the management of, which was airing the web cast of the Disclosure Project press conference, they were hit with sophisticated jamming. They had never experience anything like it in the hundreds of web casts they had conducted in the past. It was not hacking and it was not bandwidth problems. Although the web cast was down for about 10 to 15% of the time over 250,000 people saw the web cast of the press conference.


WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Disclosure Project - whose legislative agenda includes open hearings, and a comprehensive plan for cooperative, peaceful space development, continues meeting with Members of Congress. If you support these goals, please begin contacting your US Senators and your Congressperson urging them to support Open Hearings on the Disclosure agenda. The Disclosure Team has met with over two dozen senate and house members and staff with witnesses present. I personally met with three congressional staffs and one Congressman. I ask that you write your 2 senators and their house representative and ask for immediate open hearings on the UFO matter. Political constituency pressure does work! You can find the name, phone, fax, and email address of your two Senators and your Congressperson at: Petition forms, Congressional addresses, etc. can be found at:

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This page was last updated on May 17, 2001.