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UFO documentary at the French Senate soon on French TV:

Latest news: the documentary presented undearneath has seemingly been schdeuled for national dissuion by the french public TV channel "France2" on September 9 or 16 at 10:30pm.

Among other ufology organizations or web sites, UFOCOM (, as well as a the third special issue, devoted to UFO themes, of the French mainstream Magazine VSD, narrate the one hour and a half documentary titled "UFO: the American secrecy", written and directed by Vincent Gielly, author in 1993 of a documentary on "the brass bands of Art Schools", a documentary-fiction about Rouget de l'Isle, and the scenario of the film "Conrad Kilian, explorer-king."

A sneak preview first took place on April 24, 2001, in a room of the French Government Senate, at which Members of Parliament have been privately invited. Also invited were some personalities interviewed in the documentary, some members of the COMETA association, reporters, ufologists, media professionals. The 250 seats of the show room were filled.

A leaflet handed to the invited people read:

"A French contre-espionage officer tells how he pearced the secret of the American astronomist Allen Hynek, official consultant of US Air-Force for twenty years, and discrete consultant for the movie "Third Kind Encounters". The American scientist died with his secret, the Frenchman now holds the secret and since then he does not sleep very well anymore."


The documentary introduces this intelligence as non-fictionnal, and not an artifice of narration. However his identity is not revealed. Throughout the movie he is only seen from behind. American ufologist Wendy Connors goes along with him in this investigation.

A second preview reserved only to the members of the Press is scheduled.

A broadcast of the documentary is supposed to be schedule on French main public channel France 2 at an hour of optimal audience and should be sold afterwards on the TV media market in Europe and in the US.

The film explains the history of the UFO phenomenon since World War II, strating with the first atomic explosion, studies the impact of the phenomenon on America, and explores four explanatory hypothesis.

The investigations presented relate to Roswell and the continuous disinformation operations that followed, and the activities of J. Allen Hynek when he was a consultant for the US Air Force.

The well-known case of Valensole in 1965 in France follows, we learn that the witness, Maurice Masse, is still very disturbed by the event and does not wish to speak anymore about it.

An investigation by Jean-Jacques Velasco of SEPRA fame is detailed, he presents his methodology. A witness reports his observation of a luminous object to the French gendarmerie (police). J-J. Velasco visits the radar center to thoroughly check for a radar confirmation, and indeed there is an unidentified radar echo, with no corepsonding aircraft or explanation. J.J. Velasco investigates the morality of the witness then, convinced of his sincerity of this one, meets him and to ask him to draw what he saw. The witness insist that is name is not published.

An invited ufologist wonders why such meticulous, precise and conclusive investigations by SEPRA, are not publicized. I remember that the CNES web site shows only solved cases and sliences the unsolved cases. CNES states that public interest in the topic is meaningless in comparison to the nature of the topic. Meawhile, I have seen Jean Jacques Velasco, on cable TV shows late in the evening, stating the reality of observations of flying machines controlled by an intelligence, and whose characteristrics are not compatible with those of terrestrial flying machines.

Commandant Jean-Charles Duboc narrates the event that changed his life, during Air France flight AF 3532 in 1994, fighter pilot Jack Krine confirms his observation and remembers of other pilots who sighted UFOs and kept silent until their retirement because of the problems that UFO claims cause to their professional career.

Astrophysicist Jean-Claude Ribes, former director of the Lyons Observatory, and also member of the Cometa association appears, convinced of the existence of ET beings, according to him they could belong to our solar system and be based on the astero!id belt between Mars and Jupiter.

Ufologist Gildas Bourdais reports the position of the Italian theologist, Monseigneur Corrado Balducci regarding possible extraterrestrial beings. We are being served again with the exaggerated claims that a so-called Vatican Theologist is speaking in the name of Vatican. We hear this since 1998 but it is only a fraud. Then, the theological concerns of George Coyne, a Jesuit who leads the Observatoiry of Vatican are presented.

An interview of Jennie Zeidman follows. She has spent 30 years with Allen Hynek and presents her previously untold testimony. She shows a piece of paper on which Allen Hynek wrote: "Yes, there were indeed corpses of extra-terrestrial beings in Hollman (Holloman AFB?), in 1962." He has seemingly obtained the information from within the US Air Force. An element to be mentioned in my (beginning and modest) research about accounts of UFO crashes... For my new reader, I feel I must inform that the scientist J. Allen Hynek was recruited by the US Air Force because he was convinced that the UFO phenomenon was only due to erroneous interpetation of natural phenomena, a research field he mastered, and after a few years of serious investigation on the cases he was expected to dismiss, he concluded quite the opposite: UFOS are sometimes extraterrestrial flying machines. He managed to get an opportunity to explain this at the United Nations.

A ufologist who attended the sneak preview noted some inaccuracies in the documentary, as he noted in the Cometa report, but specifies that the documentary seems to honestly present valid information for a broad audience.

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This page was last updated on March 30, 2001.