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FOIA declassified documents:

This is a US document, declassified because of the US Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) of 1977.

Unconventiional aircraft sighting report:

At one page total, this is a brief but compelling report. This "unconventional aircraft" report from 4th Army headquarters expresses real concern about over "these phenomena." So much so that Col. Poland notes:

"It is felt that these incidents are of such importance, especially as they are occurring in the vicinity of sensitive installations, that a scientific board be sent to this locality to study the situation with a view to arriving at a solution of this extraordinary phenomena..."

Document references:

Title:Unconventional Aircraft
To:Director of Intelligence, GSUSA
Authors:Col. Eustes L. Poland, for the commanding general, GSC; Headquarters, 4th Army, Fort Sam Houston, Texas
Date:January 13, 1949
Length:1 page.


Fort Sam Houston, Texas

452.1 AKADB

13 January 1949

SUBJECT: Unconventional aircraft (control No. A-1917).

TO: Director of Intelligence, GSUSA
Washington 25, D.C.

  1. The enclosed Summary of Information, subject, "Unconventional Aircraft (control No. A-1917).," dated 13 Jan 49, is forwarded for your information and any action deemed necessary.
  2. Agencies in New Mexico are greatly concerned over these phenomena. They are of the opinion that some foreign power is making "sensing shots" with some super-stratosphere device designed to be self-disintegrating. They also believe that when the device is perfected for accuracy, the disintegrating factor will be eliminated in favor of a warhead.
  3. Another theory advanced as possibly acceptable lies in the belief that the phenomena are the result of radiological warfare experiments by a foreign power, further, that the rays may be lethal or might be attributed to the cause of some of the plane crashes that have occurred recently.
  4. Still another belief that is advanced is that, it is highly probable that the United States may be carrying on some top-secret experiments.
  5. It is felt that these incidents are of such great importance, especially as they are occurring in the vicinity of sensitive installations, that a scientific board be sent to this locality to study the situation with a view of arriving at a solution of this extraordinary phenomena with the least practicable delay.
  6. It is further requested that this Headquarter be informed of action taken on this and a previous report in order that reporting agencies may be advised.


Colonel, GSC
AC of S, G-2

1 encl.:
As stated


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FOIA document

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