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FOIA declassified documents:

This is a US secret document, declassified because of the US Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA).

Document from the Project Sign archive:

This document is from the archives of the Project Sign Research Center. It is an ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence) discussing the "Ghost Rockets" being reported over the Scandinavian countries in 1947.


This document shows that the Office of Naval Intelligence, the secret service of the US Navy, was interested enough by the flap of rocket-like UFOs over Scandinavia between 1945 and 1946 to keep secret records about every case and to thoroughly tried investigate them.

It also shows that the US Navy did not know the origin of the "ghost rockets", which either indicates that they were probably not of US, Soviet or German origin, or that the Navy was not very well informed.

The transcription:

N.N.I. 96 -- 1943




Serial R-5-8-47   Monograph Index Guide No 804-3800/910-3500

From U.S. Naval Attaché at Helsinki, Finland Date 10 February, 1947

Reference (a) Aluana Helsinki R-21-3-46 dated 22 August 1946

Source Press and Official Liaison Officer Evaluation C3

Subject FINLAND - Army/Navy - Guided Missile

Strange light phenomenon, or Rocket, observed by amateur astronomer over Helsinki at 182130 January 1947; parachute appears to drop; no reliable information obtained to date other than the press story.

1. Since 20 August 1946, no more "ghost rockets" have been reported by the Finnish press. Up to that time numerous observations had been made, mostly by inexperienced observers, of objects resembling rockets flashing across the sky.

2. On the evening of 18 January at 21:30 another rocket-like phenomenon was reported over Helsinki. Since the day following this observation efforts have been made to follow up on the story. Numerous contacts have been checked but no additional information could be secured. The only information available is that which appeared in the newspapers, a translation of which appears below:

"An amateur observer (M.Niamala) observed what appeared to be a rocket at 2130 on saturday evening. M. Niamala, who was working at the Urma observatory, claims he saw a clear yellow light which was visible for almost 10 seconds, at three seconds intervals. It appeared and disappeared five or six times, after which the flame (light) changed to a white glow and finally a dark red color. The rocket seemed to be on a curving course approaching from the north and at an altitude of about 2,000 meters. Just before the rocket disappeared (for the last time) an object resembling a parachute was seen to fall to earth. This was observed through a telescope."

Efforts will be made to obtain more information about this observation.


Prepared and Forwarded by: F.A. KLAVENESS
Commander, U.S. Navy,
U.S. Naval Attache.

The scanned document:

FOIA document

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