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The Belgium flap:

The following article appeared in the well known "Figaro Magazine" in France on April 13, 1991, during the belgium flap.


Eighteen months of observations and uninterrupted testimonys. The Phenomenon became so extensive that Belgian scientists, soldiers and civilians decided to join their efforts. To track this millenium enigma of the universe: UFOs


The "boss" of the Belgian air forces:

"- Even if, until now, there were no threat, it should be recognized today that the Belgian sky, for sixteen months, has seen rather extraordinary phenomena. Exceptional."

The physicist of the University of Louvain, expert in the matter:

"- I have the certainty that there is an extraordinary problem and of a considerable importance. We are probably in the presence of an extraterrestrial technology. In any case, nonterrestrial."

The secretary general of the Société belge d'étude des phénomènes spatiaux:

"- We are in the presence of machines, of craft. Which are indeed the product of a technology. Which show an intelligent behavior. But whose characteristics are incompatible with all that is known."

Unanimity! The flap of UFOs (unidentified flying objects) observations which flows on Belgium since almost eighteen month joins together in their conclusions: Mr. De Brouwer, Meessen and Clerebaut. Weird story. Because Wilfried De Brouwer is nothing less than General-Aviator of he air force, number three of the Belgian military hierarchy. Auguste Meessen is an eminent teacher at the catholic university of Louvain-la-Neuve. And Lucien Clerebaut is the secretary-general of Sobeps, which is on the point of celebrating their twenty years. It's serious, for a problem which is no less serious.

Remember: last year, in similar time, we had taken part during four days and three nights (Figaro-Magazine for April 23, 1990) in a "UFO hunting" organized jointly by the miiltary, the scientists and the voluntary people of Sobeps. Media operation, and mediatized operation ("too much", acknowledges the organizers), which had sometimes made smile. However, this conjunction "military-scientists-civilians" constituted a first in the world. And a year later, the UFOS are still there! Even more present.

For eighteen months, not one week went by without a case of observation being reported (from one to five, six, even ten witnesses). With three major dates for this beginning of year 1991: January 21, where the witness is Martine Matagne, radio reporter, well known in Belgium. Then on February 23. Before the apotheosis of last March 12th.


That night, nearly two hundred people are witnesses, in different places and at different hours, of the same observation. Better: by twice, in Brame-le-Comte, in the West, and between Haillot and Marchin, close to Huy, amateurs have the good idea to film it with their video camera. Documents of importance, since the duration is nearly five minutes. For Richard Rodberg, owner of a garage in Haillot, it is chance which made him a witness of that. It is nearly 9 p.m. when his wife emits the wish to make a visit to Namur for some shopping.

Richard goes out to fill the car's tank:

"- In the distance, in the night, at nearly two kilometers, in the direction of a military radar, I see a strong light. Where there never is a light. I call my wife, my brother-in-law, my son and his buddy (two teenagers). And my wife proposes to travel by the car to go to see. We found it. Within three kilometers. It hovered at about thirty meters from the ground, completely silent, at approximately three hundred meters of us. And suddenly, it came right on us and was immobilized in the middle of the field which borders the road. It is there that I filmed. It was incredible: the whole field was bathed in a white light like I never saw any. You would have found a needle in the grass. Then... Without veering or swivelling, it moved away on our left, in direction of the nuclear power plant of Tihange."


At the time of the reconstitution, we measured the distances: the object was within less than sixty meters of the five witnesses. Several witnesses confirmed its presence near the power plant. As for Richard Rodberg' brother-in-law, since, he stands up each night to watch thourgh his window. "To see again. To know what it was."

"- Cases like this, we have hundreds of them. With reliable witnesses who, in more than 90 % of the cases, describe, without knowing, without knowing each other nor to have planned anything together, the same triangular object, with an enormous headlight at each corner."

In the office of Sobeps, in Anderlecht, Lucien Clerebaut opens wall cupboards, drawers, taking the files out. He was himself a witness last year, it does not intend to let go. Twenty years of voluntary help and the chance to be, this time, in first line in Belgium. Because the matter is of importance: all descriptions, concordant, state that there is an object from fifty to hundred meters of span!

The thickness of the triangle? Nearly two storeys! And unexplainable displacements or lifts. A mystery to be cleared up. If only, adds Clerebaut, to know "what this quasi daily violation of our airspace means."

A problem which had "raised eyebrows", of course, of the secretary for Defense and the interior. Official notes, far from being held secret, certify this. The more so as the army holds the "evidence" of a still unexplained phenomenon: gun camera movies of F-16 fighters placed on alert and scranbled in interception of suspect radar sets echoes from the base of Beauvechain. Nine attempts "at locking" of the objective (lock on) were tried by the F-16s. Three succeeded, we publish the photographs. At each time, the approach by the hunters caused a sudden modification in the behavior of the object.

Analysis by général De Brouwer:

"- There remained two assumptions, in the final analysis: an electromagnetic interference phenomenon, or a real object. Technically, it is possible to have an interference. Therefore, on the radar of a plane in flight. But not on two radar set. The more so as the F-16 fly several kilometers away. It is a phenomenon which one cannot simulate: unexplainable, because at the same time another radar, on the ground, the NATO radar of Glons, also gives the same indications; and it is completely impossible that the three radar sets are victims of the same interference, and the phenomenon was recorded twice."


At the beginning of the appearances flap, some suggested an F-117 American stealth plane as hypothetical "culprit". General De Brouwer rejects this categorically:

"- Excluded. We are in the presence of an object which hardly moves, remains stationary, evolves at very low altitudes: this does absolutely not match with the performances of the stealth planes. No doubt on this."

Can science bring the correct answer? Professor of physics and impassioned researcher, Auguste Meessen has been interested in the subject for more than twenty years, on a worldwide scale:

"- It has been a long time that I realized that there is a unsolved problem. As it has physical aspects and as I am a physicist, this challenges me", he says.

Rigour and patience of the scientist! Auguste Meessen went on the premises of the first appearances: his native area, the Belgian counties of German language. He collected testimonys. Then he considered radar sets and their mysteries, thanks to the understanding and the collaboration of the military authorities. He works today with data of four civil and military radars. Auguste Meessen keeps a professional prudence. He still asks for time, experiments. But says:

"- The phenomenon seems technological. But the described shapes do not correspond at all to our propulsion and flight systems. No plane wings, exhausts, propellers, no noise or little noise. It is unexplainable. And it is what interests me: how that does it function? Something remarkable occurs in this moment in Belgium. it is a pity that the scientific community does not take on the challenge. Because scientists are very busy. But also becausewe live in a world where one attaches more importance to beliefs than in the examination of the facts."

And the facts are there. Still and always there, since "ufology" (from the American UFO "unidentified flying objects", which exists since nearly one half-century). In 1967, at the time of the 7th International Congress of the UFO experts, Hermann Oberth, father of the space travel and "mentor" of Wernher von Braun, stated:

"- UFOs are undoubtedly spaceships coming from other worlds. The beings who fly them have a lead over us and, if we behave intelligently, they can taech us a lot of things."

To be continued...


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