Daedalus, project
Däniken, Erich von
Daniel, Keith
Dark Side Hypothesis
Davis, William O., Dr.
Davis, Isabel
Daylight disk
Day the Earth Stood Still, the
Dean, Robert O.
Dechmont Woods
Deimos (Greek)
Deimos (mythology)
Delta Force
Denton, William
Dickerson, Robert
Dodds, W.C.
Donahower, Clyde
Doty, Richard
Drake equation
Drake, Frank, Dr.
Druffel, Ann
Durrant, Henri
Project Daedalus was one of the first detailed design studies of an interstellar spacecraft. It was conducted between 1973 and 1977 by a group of eleven scientists and engineers of the British Interplanetary Society, led by former Rolls Royce rocket engineer Alan Bond.
The constraint were that the Daedalus spacecraft had to use current or near-future technology and be able to reach its destination within a human lifetime.
It demonstrated that rapid, unmanned travel to the stars is a practical possibility.
Calculations were made with Barnard's Star, a red dwarf 5.9 light-years from the Sun, as a target. To reach it in 50 years, a spacecraft would need to cruise at about 12 percent of the speed of light, or 36,000 km/s. As this was far beyond the scope of a chemical rocket, the Daedalus team considered another alternative: a nuclear-pulse rocket, a propulsion system that had already been investigated during Project Orion. However, whereas Orion would have employed nuclear fission, the Daedalus engineers chose nuclear fusion, by the internal confinement fusion technique: small pellets containing a mixture of deuterium and helium-3, would be bombarded one at a time in the spacecraft's combustion chamber by electron beams and thereby caused to explode like miniature thermonuclear bombs. A powerful magnetic field would both confine the explosions and channel the resulting high-speed plasma out of the rear of the spacecraft to provide thrust. By detonating 250 pellets a second, and using a two-stage approach, the desired cruising speed could be reached during an acceleration phase lasting four years.
Daedalus would be built in Earth orbit and have an initial mass of 54,000 tons, including 50,000 tons of fuel and 500 tons of scientific payload. The first stage would be fired for two years, taking the spacecraft to 7.1 percent of light speed, before being shut down and jettisoned. Then the second stage would fire for 1.8 years before being shut down to begin the 46-year cruise to Barnard's Star. Since the design made no provision for deceleration upon arrival, Daedalus would carry 18 autonomous probes, equipped with artificial intelligence, to investigate the star and its potential planets. The 40-meter diameter engine of the second stage would double as a communications dish. On top of the second stage would be a payload bay containing the probes, two 5-meter optical telescopes, and two 20-meter radio telescopes. Robot wardens would be able to make in-flight repairs. A 50-ton disk of beryllium, 7 millimeters thick, would protect the payload bay from collisions with dust and meteoroids on the interstellar phase during the flight, while an artificially-generated cloud of particles some 200 km ahead of the vehicle would help disperse larger particles as the probe plunged into a potential planetary system of the target star. En route, Daedalus would make measurements of the interstellar medium. Some 25 years after launch, its onboard telescopes would begin examining the area around Barnard's Star to learn more about any accompanying planets. The information thus gathered would be fed to the computers of the probes, which would be deployed between 7.2 and 1.8 years before the main craft entered the target system. Powered by nuclear-ion drives and carrying cameras, spectrometers, and other sensory equipment, the probes would fly quickly past any planets looking especially for any signs of life or conditions favorable for biology.
Project Daedalus was described by Bond, A., Martin, A. R., Buckland, R. A., Grant, T. J., Lawton, A. T., et al, in "Project Daedalus", Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, #31, 1978.
Very famous private researcher that says ETs visited earth in ancient history. He wrote no less than 25 much-criticized books about "ancient astronauts" visiting earth during ancient history. In addition to rebuttals of scientific errors in his books, he is also criticized for having used without giving credits ideas from earlier authors such as Robert Charroux.
Keith Daniel claimed that on July 12, or mid-June, 1981, or 1972, depending on the sources, he was camping with a friend and a group of children in the Delamere Forest near the Dee estuary, U-K., when at approximately 02:00 a.m. they saw a bright yellow-white light at some distance. That light apparently turned blue-white and streaked away rapidly. The sighting was said to be corroborated by a report from an air crew flying over the area at the time. Then ufologist Jenny Randles searched Keith Daniel's background and came out with the notion that there was a family history of possible UFO encounters and dream imagery related to UFO events, but no confirmation that this was real appeared. Apparently, Daniel became convinced that he had lived a number of unusual but real experiences and made statements such as "the nature of all things appears to be cyclic" or "I have purposely avoided mention of the ET hypothesis because I do not remember what took place in the missing time" or "I cannot allow myself to join in with the selfish ethos of our crumbling society."
This is a brief run-through of John Lear's Dark Side Hypothesis: Dozens of flying saucers have crashed over the years and the US government has recovered all of them and launched Project Redlight in 1962 whose aims were to discover how to fly these recovered craft and was carried out in s-4 at Area 51. Lear claims that this area is no longer in US control, the aliens have taken over the area. The US government then made a deal with the aliens in which the aliens could control a segment of S-4 and abduct as many people as they want, in return for their technology and that they provided a list of people that they intended to abduct. In 1973, the US government discovered that the aliens were abducting more people than they had listed and there was a confrontation and in 1978/9 the aliens held and then killed 44 top scientists and some of the Delta Force troops sent in to rescue them. The deal was then broken but the aliens stayed and were abducting as many as 1 in 10 Americans to use in experiments, mutilating these abductees and producing androids in underground laboratories. Sometime in the 1980's the US government and the aliens got together again and are working together so that the US can gain some more alien technology. Lear claims that there is a secret US government that is overseeing the abductions and that the abductees have implants in them that control them so that when an ideal time came, the secret government could enslave them and control them via drug addiction. The head of the secret government would be MJ-12. Lear's sources were Paul Bennewitz, Bob Lazar and, later on, Bill Cooper. When Bob Lazar went public on US TV in 1989, he said that he did not believe any of Lear's claims and distanced himself from Lear and any of his associates.
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. An organization acting under supervision of C.I.A and D.I.A working in close collaboration with the intelligence service of the US Army, US Air Forces and US Navy.
Following the wave of sightings at Exeter, New Hampshire, USA, in 1965, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research held a discussion on communication with extraterrestrials. Dr. William O. Davis, a former Air Force physicist, suggested that the UFO occupants, out of concern for humans, would delay meeting directly and would use a period of time to acclimatize the human race to acceptance of their existence, an idea that was and still is quite popular in ufology.
One of the first female ufologists, Isabel L. Davis was born in 1904 in the USA. In 1954 she joined one of the first ufology groups, Civilian Saucer Investigation (CSI), established in 1952. With Ted Bloecher and Alexander Mebane, she organized the New York branch of the CSI, and became co-editor of the bulletin "CSI Newsletter".
She is primarily known in the world of ufology for her field investigation with Ted Bloecher on the CE3 case of Kelly-Kopkinsville, which will be told with others such cases of the same period in her book with Ted Bloecher "Close Encounter At Kelly and Others of 1955", published by the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) in 1978.
CSI having disbanded, she joined the National Investigations Commitee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) in 1966 in Washington D.C., where she held an administrative and editorial position, contributing to many parts of the NICAP bulletin "The UFO Investigator" and special reports by the association.
Working then for the American Psychology Association, she co-founds in 1979 the Fund for UFO Research (FUFOR), and remained member of the executive committee until her death in 1984.
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See Hynek Classification System.
A 1951 science-fiction movie, directed by Robert Wise, including flying saucers scenes that were rather impressive for the time although they can only appear naive to today's special effects artists. The saucer with its access ramps, the alien occupant "Klaatu" who was represented as totally human, his giant metallic robot, the inside of the saucer, were to inspire many hoaxers and so-called "contactee" such as Adamski, Menger, Bethurum in the years after the movie was shown in movie theaters all over the world.
However, "UFO-skeptics" writers fail to see that explicit non-fictional reports of encounters with space visitors and their craft predated the movie by centuries, and rather reason as if, when someone claims he is Napoleon, it disproves the existence of the Napoleon.
![]() The robot, the saucer, |
Robert O. Dean has been engaged in the field of UFO research for the last 40 years. He began this research on active duty in the US ARMY where he served for 27 years. Additionally, from 1963 to 1967 he served at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), NATO as an intelligence analyst, and it was while he was at SHAPE that he removed a file from a security vault called "The Assessment"; An Evaluation of Possible Military Threat to Allied Forces in Europe". According to Robert Dean, the document simply concludes that Earth has been for long under survey from several extra-terrestrial civilizations. Robert Dean's current projects are directed toward gaining immunity for ex-military personnel who may shed some light on the UFO issue, enabling them to testify before a Congressional Hearing without fear of losing their pensions or of prosecution.
In 1979 in Dechmont Woods near Livingston in Scotland, a Scottish forestry worker enters a clearing. He is amazed to see a round object landed there. Two smaller objects come out of it and attack him. Case not closed, said the police.
It is the smaller of the two Martian moons. It is a dark body that appears to be composed of blackish carbonaceous chondrite surface materials. It is similar to the C-type asteroids that exist in the outer asteroid belt. Some scientists speculate that Deimos and Phobos are captured asteroids; however, other scientists present arguments counter to this theory. Measuring 16 by 12 km (10 by 7.5 mi) Deimos circles Mars every 30 hours. Deimos is also saturated with craters. Deimos has a smoother appearance caused by partial filling of some of its craters.
In ancient Greek Deimos means panic.
Deimos is the name of an attendant of the Roman war god Mars.
A radioman named Robert S. Crawford reported years later to a NICAP consultant a UFO sighting he witnessed with 14 other crewmen aboard the US Attach Transport ship Delarof, in March 1945 or summer 1945, depending on the sources. The event took place while the ship was heading back to Seattle, and was in the open sea past Adak.
An object went out of the water at about 1 mile of the ship, flew almost straight up, then made a turn and circles the ship 2 or 3 times, and flew away and disappeared. The flashes of light were seen where it disappeared.
An elite US military group that provides security at Area 51 and other high security complexes.
The Dentons were a family of practicing "psychometrists" Wellesley, Massachusetts, people who claimed that they have powers to "read" the history of an object by "psychic vibrations" which they receive when holding it. In 1866, William Denton started using "psychometry" to contact other planets and soon announced that he and his family had been paying regular visits to Mars. He said that the people on Mars looked astonishingly like earth people and use flying bicycles to enjoy air travel. The Dentons made a very comfortable living on the lecture circuit, giving demonstrations of their psychometric prowess and telling about life on other planets.
In September 1959 there were many UFO reports near Redmond, Oregon, USA, the first of which was from Police Officer Robert Dickerson who was patrolling at the edge of the town. He saw a glowing object drop from the sky which then leveled out at approximately 200 feet, showing a clear disc shape. The object then passed Redmond Airport, and stopped again, hovering over the airfield. Dickerson reported the UFO to the airfield and several Federal Aviation Authority officials watched the disc for several minutes.
A strategy used by the governments of the world to cover up any knowledge they have of UFOs. Disinformation is when a person or organization lies to a person by knowingly giving him or her fake documents or telling them false facts.
Department of Defense, USA.
On June 27, 1947, White Sands inspector W. C. Dodds reported he had seen a "flame high in the sky" about one-half mile south of Hope, New Mexico, about 70 miles east of Alamogordo, New Mexico, USA. This appeared to be a corroboration of a sighting by Captain John L. Detchmendy (ret.) who reported a same "flame" while driving through the St. Augustine Pass, about 20 miles northeast of Las Cruces, near the White Sands Missiles Test Center.
In March 1973 Mr. and Mrs. Clyde O. Donahower reported to the local police that they had watched an unidentified craft land on their farm at Robesonia, Pennsylvania. The vehicle remained stationary for some thirty minutes and the witnesses claimed that they could see entities moving within it. When the police arrived, unfortunately, the craft had gone.
The AFOSI Special Agent who fed Paul Bennewitz disinformation and employed William Moore to feed Bennewitz more information and to spy on various prominent ufologists. Doty was given the code name Falcon by Moore when they both appeared with Condor on "UFO Cover-Up Live" in the US. The show was a big embarrassment to the UFO community when they claimed that EBE's were living in secret hideaways and like strawberry ice cream and Tibetan music.
The Drake equation states that the number "N" of extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy that can send detectable communication signals in space might be related to the following parameters:
The equation is:
N = Rs * fp * ne * fl * fi * fc * L
In 2004, with the numerous recent detections of extra-solar planets or exoplanets, astronomer Frank Drake, who originally came up with this equations, said "We used to think N was about 10,000. Now I think it could be a great deal larger."
Dr. Frank Donald Drake, born in 1930 in Chicago, is an American astronomer and astrophysicist.
He said that he considered the possibility of life on other planets as a child but never discussed it with his family or teachers due to the prevalent religious ideology of man being the sole intelligence created by God in the universe.
He studied astronomy at Cornell University, and became even more interested about extraterrestrial life by attending a lecture from astrophysicist Otto Struve in 1951 in which the latter showed that is was very likely that there are 99 billion planets in our galaxy alone. He graduated at Harvard University in radio astronomy. In 1960, he conducted the first search for radio signals directed to Earth by extraterrestrial intelligences (SETI), Project Ozma. In 1961, with J. Peter Pearman, an officer on the Space Science Board of the National Academy of Sciences, he organized the first SETI conference held at the Green Bank observatory in West Virginia, USA, where discussions resulted in the now famous "Drake equation", a probabilistic approach to the number extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy that can send detectable communication signals in space.
He worked to the conversion of the Arecibo Observatory to a radio astronomy observatory; which he directed in 1965. In 1972, with fellow astronomer Carl Sagan, he designed a plaque with a message for alien civilizations now on board of the Pioneer space probe, and he is currently still involved in SETI via Project Phoenix.
Although he does not know much on space travel and had no activity in ufology, he occasionally voiced that all UFO sighting reports must be hoaxes and confusions since he thinks that space travel to Earth by aliens should imply overt and wide-scale contact with Governments, and since he never saw hard evidence of aliens of alien spaceship coming to Earth.
A nickname for Area 51.
Ann Druffel began investigating UFOs back in 1957 with the Los Angeles, California, section of National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP). She is the author of the books "How to Defend Yourself Against Alien Abduction", and a remarkable biography, "Firestorm: Dr. James E. McDonald's Fight For UFO Science", and was the coauthor of "The Tujunga Canyon Contacts", with D. Scott Rogo. Besides these works she has conducted many field investigations of UFO sightings reports, contributed numerous articles and given many lectures on UFOs at UFO conferences, symposiums, and civic and educational groups.
Henri Durrant is the pseudonym of the Parisian journalist Didier Serres, born in 1942. Never seen investigating "on the field", he compiled and commented on international UFO cases picked up in ufology books and magazines in his books "Le Livre Noir des Soucoupes Volantes" in 1970, "Les Dossiers des OVNIS", 1973, "Les Autres Mondes et leurs Enigmes", 1977, and "Premières Enquêtes sur les Humanoïdes Extraterrestres" in 1977, in which in the manner of "Michel Carrouges" aka Louis Couturier earlier he tried a "classification" of the close encounters of the third kind from the looks and behavior of UFO occupants.
He uses cases of authors of very varied credibility, from Edoardo Russo to Rene Fouéré, but also Guy Tarade and Peter Kolosimo.
He is at the origin of a story according to which during World War II, the German had set up in 1944 an investigation group named "Sonderbüro 13" to study the observations of "foo fighters" under the code name "Project Uranus".
Other authors then repeated this story. Then, after having tried to find witnesses on his own and finding none, "skeptic" ufologist Thierry Pinvidic contacted Durrant to ask where the "Sonderbüro 13" story came from and Durrant reportedly answered that he purely and simply invented it to check who would take care to check about it, wanting to test the credulity of his ufologists readers. Pindivic made this public in 1979. British ufologist Andy Roberts took the same steps later and "Henri Durrant" also told him to have invented the "Sonderbüto 13" and their "Project Uranus."
A Dyson Sphere is an enormous, theoretical structure proposed in 1959 by physicist Freeman Dyson (1925- ). This hollow sphere would be built around a star in order to collect all of its emitted energy. The sphere would be assembled from many separate planetoids and planetary bits and pieces, put into orbit around the star. The shell material would come from disassembled planets and existing planetoids. Dyson calculated that in our solar system, there is enough matter to create a shell at least three meters thick around the sun at the sun to Earth distance. Dysonspheres are good candidates for a search of intelligent advanced civilizations in the universe.