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Apollo 11 and the UFO:

Just after the landing of Apollo 11 20.07.1969, the voices of the astronauts, the answers from the control room in Houston, and some of the video frames. Both the sound and the transcript here are considered to have been hoaxed.

The sound:

Here is the [STREAM]sound recording of the conversation between the astronauts and Houston control in WAV format (241 Kb).

The image:

Frames of the film transmitted by
the Italian speaking Swiss TV channel TSI.

TV Frame
TV Frame
TV Frame

The transcript:

Astronaut 1: Ha! What is it?
Astronaut 2: We have some explanation for that?
Houston: We have (not), don't worry, continue your program!
Astronaut 1: Oh boy it's a, it's, it, it is really something (similar to) fantastic here, you, you could never imagine this!
Houston: Roger, we know about that, could you go the other way, go back the other way!
Astronaut 1: Well it's kind of (rigged) ha, pretty spectacular ... god ... what is that there?
Astronaut 1: It's (hollow), what the hell is that?
Houston: Go Tango, Tango! (1)
Astronaut 1: Ha! There's kind of light there now!
Houston: Roger, we got it, we (watched it), lose communication, Bravo Tango, Bravo Tango, select Jezebel, Jezebel! (2)
Astronaut 1: ... ya, ha! ... but this is unbelievable!
Houston: (we call you up Bravo Tango, Bravo Tango)! (3)

(1) Houston asks the astronaut to change frequency!
(2) Houston suggests change of frequency due to reception problem, though the sound is very clear!
(3) Houston suggest the conversation should be continued on the other frequency!

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This page was last updated on February 20, 2001.