
Observation reports June 2002:

Some of the UFO observations in June 2002 are listed on this page. Please note that these are not studies, but second hand observation reports, although mostly obtained from reliable and well known sources.


On Saturday, June 29, 2002, at 8 p.m., Mrs. R.V. received a telephone call from an excited friend, urging her to go outside and look at the night sky above Adelaide, the capital of South Australia state. "It was a clear, bright, moonlit night," R.V. reported, "I did not see them approach. They were already there when I got a phone call to go out and look. Three bright orange lights lined up."

Thanks to Joe Trainor, UFOinfo.


The Argentinean local newspaper La Nueva Provincia of Bahia Blanca for June 27, 2002 reports that "Several residents" of Carhue, in Argentina's Buenos Aires province, "claimed to have seen strange lights related to the presence of UFOs." "Manuel Alesso and Raul Blengio, two rural cattlemen owning property in the Paraje Cilley area, 10 kilometers (6 miles) from Carhue. They saw these lights in the same way as did other witnesses in different parts of the province." "'Between 07:30p.m and 08:00 p.m, I was touring the fields of Arroyo Venado when I saw two lights to the northeast," said Alesso. He added that he stopped his pickup truck and flashed his headlights at the lights. "The lights began to shine even brighter and seemed to descend, which is why I went over to where Raul (Blengio) was planting and told him to look. The lights were white, round, and gave off a sort of haze," adding that "behind the light there was another, less shiny one." Raul Blengio stated that the lights moved slowly. "They weren't stars, they were strange moving lights," explained Alesso, while adding that a third witness accompanying them also saw the lights. "I'm certain they have something to do with the cattle mutilations," he added.


On Tuesday, June 25, 2002, a broadcast of Uruguay's Radio El Espectador informs: "As occurred in Durazno" "another cow has been found dead with perfect cauterized incisions on its head and sides. Its tongue and salivary glands had been removed, along with its mammaries, rectum, part of the large intestine and genitalia."

This time it occurred in Cardona, in the Department (state) of Soriano, according to Hipolito Tapie, Director of Livestock Health of the Ministry of Livestock and Agriculture. Tapie reported that specialists from (Uruguay's) Secretary of State had already drawn samples from the two animals found dead in Uruguay." "'Our own specialists went to extract samples in order to submit them to lab analysis in the hopes of discovering something," Tapie added, "We don't have much because only a single animal was found in Durazno. The same is happening in Cardona. Just a single animal.'"

Many thanks to Scott Corrales, IHU.


InfoBae.com reports on June 25, 2002 that While SENASA's inbox is receiving the most outrageous theories regarding the phenomenon of cattle mutilations, even employees are contributing strange versions and proposals. The authorities are overwhelmed and it was learned that "a strange individual resembling the investigators on the popular TV show "The X Files" had entered the country as a reinforcement."

A researcher from the U.S. armed forces landed mysteriously at San Fernando in recent hours and could provide a new perspective on the subject, since SENASA's director, Bernardo Cane, is trying to find the solution in the similarities with cases in the United States. Cane says that he has not forsaken his scientific interpretations and suggests "agitators" as the culprits. The official does not believe that neither the extra-terrestrials nor the "Pombero" [supernatural creatures of Argentinean folklore] , or even the Chupacabras, are involved.

Translation © 2002 Scott Corales, IHU. Special thanks to Alicia Rossi.


The TELAM news agency of the republic of Argentina informs that two girls were hospitalized at Santiago del Estero due to the impact caused by their sighting of "multicolored lights" which were also reported by rural residents of the province of Buenos Aires.

Young Gabriela, 7, and Miriam del Valle Salto, 13, will remain under observation at the La Banda Children's Hospital after the curious sighting.

Raul, a rural laborer in a pasture field of Carmen de Patagones - owned by Miguel Angel Cordoba, where two mutilated animals were found - claimed having seen "a powerful violet light". Claudia Scheffer, another local, was inside her house when she witnessed "an intense light outside while the lights in my house dimmed. The dogs were barking and I went out. I saw a light in the sky, as did my family and other neighbors."


The TELAM news agency of the republic of Argentina informs that the Argentinean SENASA, the Agroalimentary Health and Quality Service of the Argentinean government, blames the more than 200 different cases of cattle mutilations largely reported in my news section to "Rogue Surgeons."

Bernardo Cané, the director of SENASA attributed the discovery of mutilated cows, sheep, deer and horses to the actions of "rogue surgeons" and dismissed the possibility that extraterrestrials or paranormal phenomena could be involved.

No argumentation seems to have been given by SENASA for this surealistic interpretation.

The SENASA web site www.senansa.gov.ar is still silent about the events.


On June 24, 2002, the TN Notizias news agency reports the discovery of a dead cow whose tongue, eyes and genitals were extracted in a livestock region of the Uruguayan interior has raised concern in the country. Officials have begun an investigation into the case.

The first case was reported today in the Department (province) of Durazno, some 300 km from Montevideo ande resembles cases which have occured in some Argentinean provinces.

Indentent (mayor) Carmelo Vidallin tried to cool down rumors by saying that "we must await the expert's verdict", referring to the Ministry of Livestock and Agriculture, which is working at the site.

"It is remarkable that an animal was slain for purposes other than eating it," said the mayor, adding that "there are many hypotheses, because matters are always worse in a small town."

No signs of blood or a struggle between the animal and its victim were found - a situation that adds mystery and feeds speculation among local residents.

For the time being, the possibility that obscure esoteric practices could be at work has not been rejected, says the news agency, since they are common throughout the country, however, they add, animals sacrificed in these rites have been chickens and hens.


In Santiago del Estero in the North of Argentina, Residents of barrio Santa Rosa de Lima in the city's northern end contacted the Argentinian newspaper El Liberal on Saturday, June 22, 2002 to report they have been witnessing for the past several nights - in connection with the sightings at Fernandez and Ojo de Agua, objects with strange lights in the direction of La Venacha, to the northeast of Santiago del Estero: "The wave of rumors and UFO sightings are directly related to the appearance of mutilated animals and there are already specialists who point to the presence of "extraterrestrials" as the parties responsible for these acts."

"Jose Villalva, owner of a local supermarket, stated that his customers are commenting on the presence of these lights in the sky while doing their grocery shopping, while stating that he himself has not seen them." A UFO "appeared in the sky of Fernandez Robles between (Tuesday) June 11 and (Friday) June 14 (2002) at different nocturnal hours," followed by a new sighting last Thursday June 20, 2002 around 9 p.m. "Numerous residents of the following neighborhoods - El Norte, 12 de Octubre, Juan Domingo Peron, Camping, Roca and 102 Viviendas - claim having seen the luminous object." "On said occasion, Marcelo Coronel, a professional mechanic living on the Balcarse street in barrio El Norte, witnessed, along with the light of the moon and stars, something similar to 'a headlight surrounded by a red border, which increased and diminished in hue, and moved slowly from the north to the south without making any sound.'" "Coronel adds that since he was on his way to the Sportivo Club, he followed 'the UFO' in his car 'along the old Route 34.' Once he reached the stadium, he continued to watch the object along with the Gallardo family 'for over 20 minutes until it became lost behind the treeline.'"

See in my "documents - newspapers" section for more.


Carolina Montenegro, a college student majoring in business administration said to a newspaper that she had a similar experience than other reported UFO sightings on June 21, 2002: "On Friday night, I was in the countryside and, to my surprise, I saw a small light, orange in color and smaller than a star, and at the altitude of that light there were no other stars (sic) to be seen. As I watched, the light changed color from orange to red, then to green and then back to orange until, after five minutes, it became smaller and vanished."


A rancher from St. Paul, Alberta, Canada, says he has received a report of a mutilated six year old Charolais bull by its owner and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The call came in on June 21, 2002, the day after he had been found.

The rancher says that When he arrived, he very carefully assess the situation, walked the perimeter, as far away as a hundred yards and all the area close to the animal etc, checking for any tracks, odd smells, and anything unusual such as the behavior of the rest of the herd, the farm dog.

The rancher says it is an authentic mutilation, as well as one of the most interesting case in the six years that he has been investigating the topic. The bull was lying in a small clump of Willow trees facing West. The tongue was removed as well as the left eye and left ear, reproductive organs and other parts, the stomach area had was "a very neat lazer type incision, oval shape 14 inches by 9 inches."

He says that samples of soil and grass were taken next to the animal and four directions 5 ft. 10 ft. 15 th. 20 ft. and control samples at 100ft. Samples of blood was also taken and all this sent to a laboratory in the USA to get analyzed.

The rancher says that What is very interesting about this mutilation is that the blood tests result indicated, that the blood was confirmed as pure hemoglobin. Only three such cases have been confirmed in North America. The other two were in the US. A scientist told him that in order to change blood to hemoglobin, one needs very sofisticated equipment, and to do that in a field, is like doing brain surgery in the kitchen with kitchen tools.


The Sociedad de Investigaciones Biofisicas (SIB) communicates on Friday, June 21, 2002, that there is great concern in the region of La Pampa over reported UFOs and their relationship with cattle mutilations.

SIB claims that a group of police officers claimed to have witnessed an Unidentified Flying Object in the Pampan community of "25 de Mayo" and are looking into the possibility that the episode may have something to do with the dozens of mutilated animals found in the provinces of La Pampa, Rio Negro and Buenos Aires. The incident can be added to a similar event which occurred last Wednesday in the Las Leñas tourist complex of the province of Mendoza, where dozens of witnesses saw a UFO fly over "an extinct marine creature burial ground." (?)


On Thursday, June 20, 2002, at 10:30 p.m., Robin V. was enjoying an evening breeze on her balcony in the Hietzing district of Vienna, the capital of Austria, when she "saw a strange light approaching from the northeast." "I was sitting on a balcony of my house in Vienna," Robin reported, "A small star barely visible flew slowly overhead. Suddenly, it stopped. Then it became greater (brighter). It grew to the size of the sun and was increasingly a bright bluish-white." "Then sharply-defined rays shot out from it, and the light surrounded me totally for several seconds. There was no pain or anything other than I just had a great feeling of joy and wellness." "It (the light beam) ceased immediately, and the thing (UFO) just continued to the east. It returned again after some minutes. Then it continued to the north without showing any further phenomena."

Joe Trainor who received this report via email form comments: Okay, that's the third UFO sighting in Hietzing this year. Last time I was only joking when I asked if there might be "an underground UFO parking garage" under Hietzing. Not any more. To paraphrase a homicide detective of my acquaintance, "That's too many coincidences for one afternoon. What's the big attraction in Hietzing?"

My comment: indeed, the previous sithing did not give any clue why it could not have been a jet airplane. This report, if true, is probably not so easily explainable.


The newspaper Al-Azerbaijani for June 21, 2002, and the American Freedom News shortwave 8 p.m. radio broadcast for June 21, 2002 have reported that on Thursday, June 20, 2002, at precisely 10 a.m., four silvery-white saucers appeared in the sky above Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, a small Asian nation on the shores of the Caspian Sea.

Hundreds of people in Baku "saw the strange flying objects hovering over the city. They first appeared at 10 in the morning. The objects" took up position "over the underground station and were seen by street vendors, one of whom telephoned" the local newspaper Al-Azerbaijani.

"But by the time our correspondents arrived at the station, the objects were gone."

One street vendor who was interviewed told the reporters: "It was a silver white object looking indeed like a saucer. At first there was one of them. Then there were four. The UFOs remained in the sky for five hours. They stayed motionless in the air."

Around 3 p.m., the saucers "began to move slowly away," heading east over the Caspian Sea. (See the


The chinese web information portal Xinhuanet announces on June 19 that a team of nine Chinese scientists will examine if ancient relics in west China's Qinghai Province, at Mount Baigong about 40 kilometers to the southwest of Delingha City in the depths of the Qaidam Basin are of extra-terrestrial origin.

According to government sources at the Haixi Mongolian and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, where Delingha is located, the team will study a structure which is is between 50 to 60 meters high, and a middle cave and two smaller ones that have collapsed and are inaccessible, on the south bank of a lake dubbed "Lover Lakes," and they want to check someone's hypothesis that it may have been a launch tower for a spacecraft.

In and around the cavern there are pipes of a red brownish colour, some of the pipes running into the lake.

The Xinhua website reports say the head of the publicity department of the Delingha government confirms the scraps were once taken for analysis. The result shows that they are made up of 30 percent ferric oxide with a large amount of silicon dioxide and calcium oxide. Eight percent of the content could not be identified.

Liu Shaolin, the engineer who did the analysis, said: "A result of long interaction between iron and sandstone means the pipes must be very old."

Yang Ji, a research fellow at the observatory, said the hypothesis of ET relics is understandable, "but scientific means must be employed to prove whether or not it is true," he added. Local people refer to the site as "the ET relics."

At the front of a pyramid are three caves with triangular openings. The cave in the middle has about six meters in depth, with its floor standing two meters above the ground and its top eight meters above the ground. Inside there is a half-pipe about 40 centimeters in diameter tilting from the top to the inner end of the cave. Another pipe of the same diameter goes into the earth with only its top visible above the ground. Above the cave are a dozen pipes of various diameters which run into the mountain.


On Wednesday, June 12, 2002, Emilie P. and a woman companion were driving from Leongatha to Mirboo North in Australia's state of Victoria when they encountered a UFO.

"My friend and I were travelling to our work," Emilie reported, "That Wednesday we sighted something in the sky, but I put it off as a jet. It appeared long and silver- looking. I didn't give it much thought."

One week later, however, on Wednesday, June 19, 2002, the silver object returned. "The following week, the same day, and even the same time, we saw the same thing. I took some interest in it. It seemed to be getting closer. As it got closer, it appeared to be at a 45-degree angle and of a silver colour."

"While my friend continued driving, I was watching this object. It was getting closer and moving around. It was weird. It was like it was moving around without me noticing until I tried to look for it again. The next thing, it came down to our (car's) right-hand side and appeared to be hovering above some farmland. I can't say exactly how far it was from us. I would say approximately 200 meters (660 feet). The next thing, it was gone. Then I looked up and it was in front of us again. It seemed to get closer and (then) further away from us, and was moving around" before it vanished over the horizon.

Leongatha, Vic. is located about 200 kilometers (120 miles) southeast of Melbourne.

Thanks to Joe Trainor, UFOinfo, for publishing the email form report.


While somehow accurately reporting on the many recent cases of cattle mutilations in Argentina, as reported in my news section since end of April, news agency Reuters just could not help it and put "X-Files" allusions on the report of the dramatic events.

It seems impossible for any major news media and agency to report any information regarding UFOs ans possibly associated events without adding an "X-Files" label onto it, in a strange twist of reality, since the fictitious TV show "X-Files" has been inspired by reports of UFO and anomalous phenomenon, and not the contrary. This has the consequence that many people, such as people from the US NAtional Science Foundation, erroneousy believe that TV fiction inspires real events.


On June 17, 2002, a disk was sighted at 10:00 AM moving in a straight line over Somerset. The witness reports:

"I was stopped at a red light on Howe Lane and happened to look up and saw a bright silver disk moving across the sky rather slowly that suddenly disappeared when a jet plane came into view. What I saw previously bore no resemblance to a plane from any angle. What struck me the most was how the disk was there and then poof, gone. The disk moved slower than any planes that are normally in the area, but it was too far away and too bright to see any details even though I was wearing Polaroid Sunglasses. The surface was reflective and about the size of a penny held at arm's length."

Thanks to MUFON HQ and Bruce Cornet, and to George Filer, www.filersfiles.com


The witness reports from Duluth that on June 17, 2002, at 1:30 AM, he or she saw a blinking white light, that did not stay long, The witness states, "It was round and slightly larger than the North Star and was seen in the sky above Morgan Park in Duluth for about five minutes."

Thanks to genissis@webtv.net


On Saturday, June 15, 2002, at midnight, eyewitness Michael N. and his friend Steve were sitting in a third- floor flat in the Hietzing section of Vienna, the capital of Austria, when they noticed a strange glow beyond the window.

"We saw maybe 20 of these gleaming objects from the window of our room on the third floor, it was approximately midnight when we saw them. They went in groups from the ground into the sky. First they moved quite fast, then they stood still in the sky, and then they moved again. And we also heard several loud booms!"

Michael described the UFOs as "yellow-orange round glowing objects, very fast-moving" as they "went up into the sky."

My comment: I see no indication that the strange glows could not something ordinary such as jet aircraft exhaust.

Joseph Trainor who received this eMail rorm report commented that this is the second UFO report UFORoundup has gotten from that section of Vienna.


Massimo Teodorani, Italian Ph.D. Astrophycisist presents a brief SETV (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Visitation) hypothesis on http://www.zeitlin.net/OpenSETI/Docs/EuroSETI2002_OSI.htm

Teodorani is the head scientist of the EMBLA missions in Hessdalen, Norway. This year he and his team will return again to Hessdalen, Norway, doing an EMBLA 2002 field expedition, in order to do further optical and electromagnetic measurements of the anomalous light and structured craft phenomena. Also, this year they will bring portable radar equipment, in order to confirm the connection between the 'hessdalen' phenomena and the anomalous VLF-ELF radio signals recorded in the valley.

The EMBLA team will, like the previous years, consists of astrophycists, electronic phycisists and informatic engineers.

More information:



Jim Speiser writes from Petersburg:

"A friend of mine has just relayed a report from his sister involving a curious aerial phenomenon she observed, she and her family of four were visiting a trailer they own on a mountain top on June 14, 2002." "That night the trailer was lit up by several green-glowing orbs that came from overhead, some of which came right up to the windows of the trailer." The phenomenon lasted until 4:00 AM, when they finally left. No one that they talked to the next day had observed anything. Does this correlate with anything else known in that area?

Thanks to jimspeiser@yahoo.com and John Schussler, MUFON Director, schuessler@mho.net


The witness reports from Bremerton that he or she was sitting in his hot tub shortly before 1:00 AM, on June 12, 2002, when a lighted triangle shaped object raced across the sky leaving no trail. The witness reports:

"I noticed an object flying across the sky above me that appeared to have red and green lights in a triangle shape that was moving at a fast rate of speed. The craft appeared to be very high in sky but was still large but no sound was heard. No trail was left either. Eventually, it just flew out of my sight but not after going across the sky for 5-7 seconds."

Thanks to Peter Davenport, NUFORC director, www.ufocenter.com


The cable TV channel "History Chanel" in the US has announced a World Premiere titled "History Undercover: Roswell, Final Declassification" on http://www.historychannel.com/ontv/index.html :

"Ever since a strange object fell from the sky near Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947, controversy has brewed over what it really was. The National Archive is about to declassify the last remaining files on the Roswell incident, releasing 11 boxes from a government vault. Check out the contents of these controversial boxes-which contain film. Photos, audio recordings, and an unidentified metal object, and take a tour to the Roswell crash site with scholars from the University of New Mexico."

The show airs Thursday, June 13 at 8pm EDT / 7pm CDT in the US.


The witness says: "I was sitting on my back porch having a cigarette on June 10, 2002, at 9:15 PM, and saw something I thought was a little strange. I live in Manchester, which has an airport and I have seen many airplanes, but this was different. I happened to look up and I saw a sphere, definitely at a high altitude moving across the sky. I have seen planes at this high altitude, but am able to see their flashing lights. This was just a white sphere. The light from it seemed to dim and grow at certain points, but it could have been cloud cover, I am not sure. However, this craft had no visible blinking lights, which I thought was strange. It was moving at a good speed over the middle of the city heading in a south east direction. I only saw it for a minute, but definitely strange."

NUFORC Note: Peter Davenport reports the ISS was visible from NH at 21:58 hours. It is not known how accurate the time of the incident is here.


On Monday, June 10, 2002, at 11:30 p.m., Sean Johnston was walking home from the movies in Oshawa, Ontario (population 134,364) when "a UFO came in front of me, then turned and went to the left. I was walking home from a movie when I saw this UFO."

Oshawa, Ontario, is located about 15 miles (25 kilometers) east of Toronto, which is Canada's largest city.

Thanks to Joe Trainor, UFOroundup, for this eMail form report.


On Monday, June 10, 2002, "at around 11:30 p.m.," a family staying aboard their boat at the Hoo Marina on the river Medway, near Rochester and Strood, Kent, UK saw "travelling from east to west, either on purpose or coincidentally following the river," a brightly-lit UFO.

"We are moored in Hoo Marina, and it went right over the top of us," the witnesses reported. "Estimated by my mother, who was the one who saw it at close range, it was around one-and-a-half times the size of our vessel, which itself is almost 50 feet in length."

"Loud helicopter noises were preceding it. To my ear, it sounded like several craft. The object of interest had no discernable sound. Certainly not a jet. Flying at treetop level, it should have been extremely loud." But the UFO made no sound. The object "took two minutes to go into the near - distance, at which point it hovered for approximately one minute, and then carried on. Very bright white lights on each corner. Each was flashing in synchronisation, at half-second intervals. Especially at leading part and centre with both rear corners being in turn far brighter than the many small white lights which made upthe outline. Strangely, none of these lights seemed to illuminate either the ground or cast any reflection on its own surface."

"Object was either black or dark, though, if the latter, certainly not light enough to be seen as grey in colour. Main lights were flashing, although no beam effects were noticed at all. Our Dobermann dog was agitated and on edge during the time of the helicopters appearing, although he is usually fairly anxious about such sounds. My radio and computer were unaffected before and after the event."

Many thanks to Eric Adams and Chris Rolfe of UFO Monitors-East Kent for this report, and to Joe Trainor, UFOinfo, for forwarding it.


The private Turkish UFO investigation group TUVPO has investigated recent UFO sightings claims.

A first case is that of an alleged UFO video made over Istanbul Beykoz by an amateur cameraman on May 26. TUVPO established that the video luminosity was enhanced, the frames were edited, and the image was cropped, inverted, deformed and extremely enlarged. In the end it appeared it was only a manipulated video of Venus.

The other case was the alleged ancounter in Antalya also reported a few days ago by a controversed UFO group, and by another group called "UFO Avcisi" (UFO Hunters), was also published on television. The children who allegedly witnessessed an encounter with a UFO and an occupant told different stories on TV and they were laughing at the same time. The chairman of UFO Hunters was shown on a tree with binoculars in his hands. No evidence was found in the area of the claimed UFO report, according to observations made by local police and scientists.

The National Observatory, in a scientific explanation, said the UFO could have been a meteor. Last year a meteor was encountered in the same area and scientists participated the observation at that time. Regardless of the fact that the event was reflected as a UFO encounter by unscientific investigations and observaions of some people interested in UFOs and UFO fans, the event was still concluded as a meteor encounter.

A third case is about a filming of what appeared to me as a meteor falling into the Marmara Sea shot on May 26, 2002, which was so obviously a meteor that I did not reproduce the UFO claims; obviously there was no indication in the report of any strange characteristic. TUVPO also points out that there is no evidence in that observation that is incompatible with the highly probable meteor explanation.

TUVO adds: "Now, some scientists whose branches of research are related to space, are preparing to sue such groups which do not have any scientific basis or credibility. A few days ago, serious arguments took place between the chairman of a UFO group and a scientist on TV. The scientist accused him of deceiving people and of lying. Subsequent to this the chairman of the UFO group annouced he is suing the scientist for compensation. The case comes to court in a few days. It seems impossible to win. The scientist has declared that he will counter sue in order to defeat such forgeries."


An US illusionist dubbed "The Amazing Kreskin" predicted a UFO sighting for June 7. About 500 people gathered on location, some have reported "a green light," serious UFO investigators point to a missile test launch that just happened to be scheduled for around 1 a.m. the morning of June 7.

Kreskin first said that he only wanted to show how naive people are, and that he perfectly knew that nothing was to be seen, then when the green light was reported by some, he changed his mind and claimed that a UFO has been seen. At the time of his prediction, Kreskin claimed that dozens of UFOs will appear, and that this does not happen, he would give $50.000 to charity. It seems that it is not known wether he will now give or keep his $50.000.


On June 9, 2002, the witness reports from the Dells, Wisconsin:

"We were at the Dells on vacation. We were walking the street by the Copa Cabana Resort. I looked up and I saw two bright balls of light moving west about twice as fast as a airliner. I only saw them for about a minute because they flew behind some clouds low in the horizon. I thought it was unusual because of the speed they were traveling."

Thanks to UFOwisconsin.com


The national television channel, Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation reported on its 8:00 PM, news on both June 9, and 10th, that there have been UFO sightings in the city of Polonnaruwa in first week of June 2002. The TV channel showed a video footage of the spacecraft. Several aliens too have been sighted, who had apparently run away when seen by civilians. These sightings have been reported on several days.

All the above information was reported by the national television channel, Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation, www.rupavahini.lk

Newspapers later reported that Sir Arthur Clarke, the science fiction writer who lives in Sri Lanka has said that he would love to meet an alien, but aliens and UFOs do not exist, he claimed.


MUFONGA's Dr. Joye Pugh, a MUFON Consultant contacted State Director Tom Sheets on Saturday, June 8, 2002, at about 10:30 PM, the witness and her husband was traveling northeast on Highway 319 toward Ocilla. About four miles out of Tifton her cell phone rang and a female apologized for a wrong number. Dr. Pugh thought this unusual as it had never happened before. Shortly thereafter, she noticed some specific lights low above the trees off to the left. The sky was overcast but the glow of the city lights from Tifton lit up this section of cloud cover. They considered these particular lights to be unusual because they were so low. Proceeding on, they approached closer and she observed an aircraft shaped like an elongated triangle. She further noted there was a white light at each corner and a red light in the bottom center. She was close enough that she could clearly see the dark triangle shape against the glow of the overcast. Traffic prevented her from pulling over, so she drove on a short distance and turned into a water tower area. Quickly looking back, she saw the lights slowly move across the road. She turned around and drove back to get a closer look, but could not locate it. She drove back toward Tifton and turned off onto another road in her search, then encountered two additional but indistinct craft with lights to her front, but they were opposite the glowing overcast and against a black sky. They could hear the sound of roaring jet engines apparently coming from the lights/craft, as they seemed to fly along very slowly. These lights went back to the area where first observed, and as Dr. Pugh got turned around and drove to the tower, once again she observed the hovering lights. Headlights from passing traffic blinded her momentarily, the lights then crossed the road again and disappeared as she continued to negotiate traffic. John Bodin, MUFONGA's Deputy Director for South Georgia and Dr. Pugh will investigate further.

Thanks to Tom Sheets, SD MUFONGA, and to Major George Filer, ret. www.filersfiles.com


US Air Force has announced that they have successfully launched and recovered a remotely operated unmanned vehicle at Edwards AFB. Many suggest that it will be difficult now not to confuse unmanned aircraft and UFOs.

It is not exactly so. The tested UCAV, once in productive use, will be transported by aircraft to the combat zone where it might be useful. The tested UCAV is not remotely controlled but remotely programmed to carry out their mission with some degree of autonomy. The UCAV and other such programes are flown only in appropriate and remote test zones in the US, such as Edwards AFB or CFB Cold Lake, and they will not be seen all over the world.

Of course confusion between much more usual aircraft and UFOs did occur and continue to occur, specially in goggy nights where landing lights can cause eerie illumination, but USAF aircraft are not necessarily what people report as closely encountered UFOs.

See http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ac/ucav.htm or http://www.boeing.com/phantom/ucav.html for more UCAV information.


A Baptist Pastor reports from Covington that while traveling with his family on Highway 64, observed a silver aluminum object on June 8, 2002, flying above the mountains. The object was flying up and across at 100 feet above the mountains. The Pastor says:

"When I first noticed the object it was in the shape of a box and about the size of a small private plane." "I tried to show it to my family and I was pointing where to look. Taking my eyes off of it for a moment, it changed to a round bottom cup shape without the handle (the round section being at the top). The sighting lasted about 30 seconds. The craft was not in a hurry really but seemed to be just cruising around. I don't know how it disappeared. I lost sight of it trying to point it out to my family after looking away for just a second. I am a Baptist Pastor and do not believe in little alien dudes with buggy eyes. However I do know that what I saw was not anything I have ever seen in my 42 years on this planet. I am amazed at my close encounter!"

Thanks to Peter Davenport, NUFORC director, www.ufocenter.com


Stephen J. Shaluta wrote from Monongahela National Forest:

"I am at best a skeptic about UFO's, but I do have a photograph of something I cannot explain." "I am a professional photographer and on Friday, June 7, 2002, I was shooting a photo assignment with models in the Bear Rocks area in the Potomac Highlands. There were eight persons present and to my knowledge no one saw anything unusual. I personally did not see anything until I began editing the images on my computer. I had nearly 400 images to edit and often clean dust spots from the sky using my photo editing program. While enlarging one image to check for dust spots I noticed an unusual object that looks like a round gold sphere. I use a Nikon d1x camera that tells me a variety of information: such as exact time, shutter speeds, f-stops, etc. and this information is stored within the image file. I also bracket my exposures and have the images taken before and after the "UFO" image. The "UFO" image was taken at 5:27:18 PM, and I shot images twelve seconds earlier and four seconds later, but the object only appears on the "UFO" image. The image appears as a yellow gold dome shaped object."

Thanks to Stephen J. Shaluta, Jr. and to George Filer for forwarding the report.


A controversed ufology group of Turkey called the "Sirius UFO Space Sciences Research Center" (www.siriusufo.org) has broadcasted the following announcement under the title "UFOs Land In Turkey, ETs Get Out - Dozens Of Close Witnesses"

"ANTALYA, Turkey - While scientists and UFO researchers arguing about the existence of "extraterrestrial life," at Antalya, 45 people claimed they saw an UFO. The Santral district inhabitants claimed that they witnessed UFOs landing on the backyard of the Fatma P'r'lt' Primary School and saw an alien being getting out of the unusual craft."

"In the principal's office, crying, Murat Esici (age 11), one of the witnesses who had a very close observation says, "He was emitting red rays from his eyes . His hands and feet were iron. He had a very big head and he was 1.80 meters long." Its said that he temporarily lost his voice immediately after his sighting. Students Zeynep C'p'nar and Nalan D'nmez also claimed they saw an unusual craft and an alien beside it. "His eyes and hands were red and a red light was emitting from his eyes." OUR PRESIDENT HAKTAN AKDOGAN IS DEPARTING TO ANTALYA TODAY BY THE 14.45 FLIGHT TO INVESTIGATE 45 PEOPLES UFO AND AN ALIEN BEING OBSERVATION CLAIMINGS. After the bulletins which were broadcast on the national television channels' prime time news and national news papers such as Milliyet, Aksam, and Posta, our president Haktan Akdogan made a phone conversation with Antalya Governor Ertugrul Dokuzoglu and decided to go to the area to investigate the incident more closely. Further information will be available in few days at www.siriusufo.org"

"For your knowledge ...With best regards
Sirius UFO Space Sciences Research Center International UFO Museum www.siriusufo.org"


"The presence of a 'dwarf' or 'green midget' wandering the backyards of many neighborhoods in General Acha," a small city in Argentina's La Pampa province about 250 miles southwest of Buenos Aires, has been the latest subject of conversation. It appears to be a short green entity which runs away with haste when detected."

The small green humanoid turned up last week in the midst of the cattle mutilation scare still raging in the General Acha region. "A resident of the barrio El Oeste (neighborhood) informed this newspaper (La Arena) that the entity appeared twice on her property, once in the morning and once in the afternoon."

"According to the woman, her husband was resting on both occasions, but when he reported to the backyard following his wife's screams, the mysterious entity vanished by rapidly climbing up a tree. While the man did not see the 'dwarf,' he gave his spouse the benefit of the doubt, stating that he has known her for 40 years and can vouch for her physical and mental health."

"All the witnesses agree that the entity is short in stature. Another resident stated that it moved so quickly that it was hard to describe it. The fact is that this entity, described as 'a green dwarf,' is causing a stir in the city (General Acha), and its manifestations have been the subject of conversation in many circles. The stories have already captivated radio audiences, and interest and curiosity about the subject continues to grow as time goes by."

See the Argentinian newspaper La Arena for June 6, 2002, "Strange dwarf reported in cattle mutilation area." Muchas gracias a Scott Corrales y Gloria Coluchi para eso articulo de diario.


The witness reports from Madison:

"I saw a strange tubular shaped object going south for a moment on June 4, 2002, as I was distracted by another glinting object traveling north. The glinting object seemed to change direction unlike a plane or a helicopter and entered a cloud but continued to glint, when I noticed the tubular shape coming from the north. When I looked back a couple of seconds later, they both had disappeared."

Thanks to Peter Davenport, NUFORC director, www.ufocenter.com


Sidney: At 4:30 PM, the witness was waiting for a bus in a residential area on June 4, 2002, when he noticed a strange looking object floating above to the north. He states:

"There was a longish object like a cigar or tube, white in color, with red lights glowing around it, I could clearly see the red lights. At this moment a passenger plane was climbing and flew past and I made some comparisons between the two aircraft, he added. I could clearly see the wings, tail, the marks and even the portholes on the airliner. I could compare them and saw they were about the same size and about the same attitude, but the cigar had no wings, no tail and no specific characteristics to tell me that this was something I have seen before. I thought that if it was UFO, the people in the passenger plane must have seen it in the brilliant cloudless sky. However, there were no newspaper reports. So, I called New South Wales UFO Investigation Center phone 02-94844680."


A UFO was reported near the city of Shalya, Russia, on June 3, 2002, seen from 8:45pm to 8:59pm, for 1 or 2 minutes, from a witness in a forest. The witness has estimated that he or she was at 300 to 450 meters of one UFO who had the aspect of a black sphere moving like a jumping ball and was silent.

The witness says he or she was not alone but that the number of witnesse is unsure, and that a video of the object was made.


In Littleton, colorado, the weather changed today on June 3, 2002, from unseasonably hot to cool and windy as the front moved in and storm clouds appeared. An office worker reports, "As I looked out my office window, I noticed a black, circular shape in the sky that remained stationary for 20 or more seconds at 3:03 PM." He states, "My first impression was that the object might be a rather large balloon within a half mile of my position, but oddly it remained stationary in the wind." "I put my caller on hold and looked more closely. After remaining stationary for about 30 seconds, it began to move slightly, in almost a fluttering way or jagged way, suddenly dipping to the left and downward, and changing shape from circular to more flat. Then it went up again and a little to the right, again becoming more circular, but also changing shape so that it was periodically circular and then more ovoid. It headed back to the left and would remain somewhat stationary and then dip further down. As it got lower, I could see that there was a lighter color on top, almost like the reflection of a dome. There was very little sunlight due to the storm clouds. With that extra shading, the object looked more saucer-shaped. It dipped down until it disappeared behind the shopping mall next to my office, about a half-mile from me. It was smaller than a helicopter, but much larger than a bird. It definitely appeared to be under intelligent control under windy conditions, and the changing shape was also quite dramatic."

Thanks to Peter Davenport, NUFORC director, www.ufocenter.com


A student reports from Old Hickory that he saw a spherical shaped object with orange and red lights on June 3, 2002. The student reports:

"None of the lights blinked and the craft made no noise as it traveled south at high speed at 10:00 PM. This comes during a period of high frequency of visible satellites, at least that is what I'm assuming they were. Some of the "satellites" increase in brightness until they rival Venus or Jupiter, then decrease in brightness until they can no longer be seen. I have also seen a flying triangle, and a diamond shaped aircraft near my house. There have also been lots of helicopters lately."

Thanks to Peter Davenport, NUFORC director, www.ufocenter.com


On Monday, June 3, 2002, "at 7:42 p.m., there (was) a UFO over the electricity-generating plant located in Bello Monte," a suburb of Caracas, the capital of Venezuela. According to Venezuelan ufologist Martha Rosenthal, who received a phone call as the incident was happening, eyewitness Ricardo Delgado, age 11, said, "It is a flattened shiny disc with lights. They look like stadium lights - enormous - red, yellow and white, with quick color changes. The red color brightens, then dims."

Ricardo's "brother George, 16, and sister, Penelope, 14, also saw it. The object was stationary at first and then balanced smoothly until it disappeared and reappeared. This (sequence) occurred twice."

"His father, Enrique Delgado, claims it was not a satellite. The object's movement or displacement drew their attention. Even though Ricardo has seen these at other times, he nonetheless remains very excited."

Many thanks to Scott Corrales and Martha Rosenthal of CEINPLA for the information.


On Sunday, June 2, 2002, at 9:45 a.m., Rifet Bahtijaragic spotted a UFO over West Vancouver in Canada's British Columbia province and reported it to UFOinfo:

"The UFO came up from the south--Vancouver Island," Rifet reported, "It was a sunny day with no clouds. There was one at first in the shape of a ball, colored like a cloud, about two kilometers (1.2 miles) away from me around 600 to 700 meters (2,000 to 2,330 feet) over the (Pacific) ocean. It flew horizontally at the speed of a small jet."

"Approximately 30 seconds later, four same-shaped objects approached from the same direction in the shape of a rhombus with one trailing behind. The first UFO disappeared while I was watching the other four. They flew still at the speed of a jet until they reached the sky over Bowen Island. They then changed their flight from horizontal to vertical, increased speed and suddenly came to a stop, hovering at 15,000 to 20,000 meters (50,000 to 66,000 feet). They looked like four stars in the sky in the shape of a rhombus. They stayed there for about five minutes and suddenly disappeared."

Thanks to Joe Trainor, UFOinfo, for the eMail form report.


A woman reports from Corpus Christi:

"My husband was driving our fishing boat south under the Island Freeway Bridge on June 2, 2002, and I looked west and saw a swarm of white birds with two white disk shaped objects flying behind them. At 2:30 PM, the disks stayed in formation side by side for the longest time. They seemed to be barely moving. This was an exceptionally clear Sunday with white clouds in the back ground. The two disks never drifted up or down. They approached a cloud, in formation and instead of going through it, they took a 45 degree turn around it. Then I saw one of the unidentified craft go through the middle of the cloud for a second. I did notice that they seemed to have stopped for the moment. Then slowly it flew behind the cloud and came out the other side. Once again the disks were flying side by side, in perfect order. They flew in perfect formation and turned exactly to the right at a sharp angle at the same time."

"I kept trying to show my husband what I was seeing and he also saw these objects. After they came out the other side of the cloud they just continued going away from us until they were out of sight. There was no sound and no smoke like jets would leave. We observed them for ten minutes or so and then they were gone. I always wear polarized sunglasses and the sun was behind me and not in my eyes."

Thanks to Peter Davenport, NUFORC director, www.ufocenter.com


The witness reports from evanston that on June 2, 2002, he or she saw four bright circles in the sky moving around. "The four circles broke off and then all joined back at 10:30 PM. The four circling lights went around in one rotation, and then went back to one big circle. The lights then broke off again into four little ones. It has been doing that for some time. The same thing happened again and again. The four lights went around once and then came back as a whole then broke off again. It kept doing that for a long time. What did I see?"

Peter Davenport NUFORC Note: "We suspect the witness may have been looking at advertising lights on a blimp or aircraft."


On Saturday, June 1, 2002, the witness M.M. was driving on a road in the Black Forrest (Schwarzwald) just outside Wollbach in Baden-Wurtemberg state in Germany when a strange orange glow caught his attention.

"I saw the fireball in the village of Wollbach, near the city of Lorrach and the borders of France and Switzerland," M.M. reported, "The evening I saw the fireball, the orange lights were so large and so low that I initially thought it was some kind of street lamp. Then I pulled over and watched as the light rose slowly into the air and streaked across the sky."

"It was the most bizarre thing I've ever seen, I have no idea what it was. Has anyone else seen anything like this?"

Wollbach is located in the black Forrest in Germany, about 27 miles northeast of Basel, Switzerland.

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This page was last updated on July 17, 2002.