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Official, France:

In France, there is still no equivalent of the Freedom of Information Acts (FOIA) as it is now applied to some official UFO information in the majority of other countries, USA, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy etc. In France, and only in theory, information is supposedly possibly accessible 60 years after its date. (Thus 2014 for UFO cases of 1954 etc). It is only if you are "Somebody of Importance" such as TV journalist Jean-Claude Bourret in the 70's, or if you have "Friends Inside", or if you beg enough, that you can maybe pick up some documents.

GEPAN - Aai Inter UFO sighting report form, page 1, 1995:

This document was reproduced in the ufological litterature long ago.

The document:


The translated transcription:



Form to be used by pilots wishing to forward reports of observations of undentified aerospace phenomena, and by agents of the air traffic control organizations who note or receive such reports by telephone, teletype of radio.

B Grade, name Flight commander [name]
C Airline company or service
D Aircraft identification [-]
E Type A - 300 [Airbus A-300]
F Call or flight number [-]
G Departure airport MARSEILLES
H Destination PARIS - ORLY
I Estimated position and direction at the beginning of the observation 66 NM [-] ORY sur [-] 148 MEL
Airway 348 to Melun.
J Date and UT time at the beginning of observation (Zoulou [sic, Zulu] time)  
K Altitude / altimeter calibration at the beginning of the observation Horizontal flight [sic, level flight] X
... m/ft ascent (up) X
descent (down)
altimetric calibration 1013.2 mb
L Type of flight plan IFR [Instruments Flight Rules] X / VRF [sic, VFR, Visual Flight Rules]

(*) overwite when non applicable
continued verso

designed from form by CNES / CT / GEPAN - RAC - 1 - 37 of July 4, 1983

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This page was last updated on May 15, 2005.