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Official, France:

In France, there is still no equivalent of the Freedom of Information Acts (FOIA) as it is now applied to some official UFO information in the majority of other countries, USA, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy etc. In France, and only in theory, information is supposedly possibly accessible 60 years after its date. (Thus 2014 for UFO cases of 1954 etc). It is only if you are "Somebody of Importance" such as TV journalist Jean-Claude Bourret in the 70's, or if you have "Friends Inside", or if you beg enough, that you can maybe pick up some documents.

CNES Press release of September 2005:

This Press release was sent by CNES towards the french media at an amount of some 400 copies.

The press communiqué in PDF format is on the CNES (Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, French National Center for Space Studies) website at

The communiqué can be found from their home page at by following: "+ Presse", then "28/09/2005 CP75-2005 - Comité de pilotage - Activités liées aux phénomènes aérospatiaux non identifiés"

A copy of the PDF file is archived here.

The document:


The translated transcription

The translation is not an official CNES translation but my own. Any translation error yould be my error, not CNES related.

CNES Press - Communiqué

PARIS, September 28, 2005
CP 075 - 2005


To supervise and control the activity of follow-up of the Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena (UAP) and a policy of information in this field, it was decided to constitute a Steering committee of which the first meeting was held on September 22, 2005 at the CNES.

The activity of the CNES concerning the Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena is threefold:

The Steering committee, chaired by Mr. Yves Sillard, formerly General Manager of the CNES, formerly General Delegate for the Armament, is made up of:

At its first meeting, the Committee recommended the installation or the reactualization of agreements between the CNES and the partners Organizations. It underlined the need for a transparent policy and recommended the creation of an Internet website with the online publication of available information, in the respect of the current legislation.

The Steering committee will meet as much as needed and at least twice per annum on convocation by its President. The person in charge at CNES as of UAP activity will submit an annual status report to the Steering committee as well as a progress report twice a year. CNES will forward the annual review article to its supervisions accompanied by the presentations and recommendations by the steering committee.

Contact for the Press : Sandra LALY, tel. 01 44 76 77 32 - 06 08 48 39 31

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This page was last updated on October 27, 2005.