On September 2, 2009, low-credibility "UFO" website UFOdigest published an article by one Ronald Nussbeck who claimed that one "Ron S. Stewart", "The World's Leading Imaging Scientist", took UFO pictures in Texas in 2005; which, thanks to an alleged image processing invention by the latter, reveal aliens at the UFO's windows.
On October 2, 2009, this website posted three web pages headlined "UFO Photographed By World's Leading Imaging Scientist Reveals Extraterrestrials", signed Ronald Nussbeck.
The article claimed that Ron S. Stewart, inventor and imaging scientist, traveled east in Texas on Highway 59 towards Wharton in the late summer of 2005, as usual with a Fujica model ST-605 35 mm-camera using SLR type film and a Hanimex 200 mm telephoto lens, as photography is his passion.
The Sun was just setting, there was a storm looming overhead, when he noticed a bright flashing red and white light in the midst of a large dark black cloud just over head. He pulled his car to the side of the road, climbed out with his camera, because he knew it was "not a jet or a plane" since "it" stood perfectly still in the sky.
He saw a smaller UFO emerging beneath the UFO and speeding off to a clearing in the sky just a short distance away from "the Mother ship" and stopped. He then snapped the remaining pictures left in his camera in rapid succession as the small UFO stood wobbled for more than 15 seconds before speeding off into the clouds.
The website says Ron S. Stewart has for some time now been the most sought after scientist by Fortune 500 companies, "one company has twice requested Technical Presentations on his Imaging process for possible Partnership/Alliance" as well as by the International UFO community, and that his "work will be displayed at the 19th Annual International UFO Congress Convention and Film Festival, Saturday February 27, 2010 at 8:30 am to 11:45 am at the Aquarius Resort in Laughlin, Nevada."
The website shows images they said to be "produced by APEP, (Advanced Photographic Extraction Process)" and to be "shocking to say the least", "but very telling."
One image (below) is said to be the small craft released by "the Mother ship" with three windows on the top facing the camera, and that the first window on the right with the red arrow pointing towards it "contains three Aliens", while the center window "also contains a Alien but will not be shown in this article as well as the far left window."
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The next image (below) is said to be "the far right window enlarged with three Alien's looking out.":
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The third image (below) is said to be "the third window enlarged showing the three Aliens which are as strange as the UFO phenomenon itself."
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Other images are only enlarged and colorized versions of the above.
And we are told that "Scientist [sic] who would like to speak with Ron S. Stewart please contact at rnsuitcase@aol.com".
Notes on October 3, 2009:
When I saw an read these web pages at UFOdigest, I immediately remembered that I had already seen images of an alleged UFO which in my memory were just the same "craft", but without any alien and with a story which was different. I remembered these other images were claimed to have been taken in Australia, not Texas, and much earlier than 2005.
At this time, 3 October 2009, these other images were no longer from the web, they disappeared a few years ago. However, I had archived them. Here they are, and the "sighting report" was just put on the images:
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As anyone can see, the "UFO" does look just like the other one, and the "story" is much similar, with the smaller UFO involved. But it allegedly happened in March 1993 in Australia, not in the summer of 2005 in Texas.
These Australian images, when they appeared on the web, with no other information, did not cause a big sensation. Of course, some webmasters of amateurish "UFO websites" republished them or one of them, but generally the rare comments on web sites and web forums where that it "could" be a hoax and that they were "too good to be true". Some said that it must be some earthly craft, a "secret craft" or a "drone", that it did not look very "alien".
Nothing else surfaced as far as I know. Expectedly, as the alleged photographer kept anonymity, as he apparently provided no original negative or prints to anyone, not much more could be said. It was a "possible hoax", or a "likely hoax", so not many people would put their hands into the fire swearing these were authentic pictures of an authentic UFO or whatever "secret craft".
I think that now, in 2009, someone is again trying a hoax with fake images. Because the "UFO" looks very similar, because the story looks quite similar, it is even possible that the "two cases" are hoaxes by the same person, or at least that the Australian images inspired the Texas story and UFO image.
Now, this new story appears not smart at all, with all the red lights on at the very first reading.
Now for some facts.
We are told that "Ron S. Stewart has for sometime now been the most sought after scientist by Fortune 500 companies as well as by the International UFO community."
I know much about the International UFO community, and never have I read or heard that anyone in this community ever sought any "Ron S. Stewart". This appears to be just a blatant, outrageous and very naive lie, as if the hoax was perpetrated by someone who actually knows little about the UFO community and ufology in general. And this is very often the case with hoaxers. They would think that just claiming that the "International UFO Community" is seeking the so-called "witness" is believable. They would think such claims increase the credibility of the hoax.
We are told that the images are produced by "APEP (Advanced Photographic Extraction Process)", an invention by Ron s. Stewart, an invention so important that Fortune 500 companies are after him.
This is another claim that can be checked. What do we get?
We get a reference to "APEP" at a website, "Frontier Science", at http://www.frontierscience.us/article136.html [rn1].
The website looks like some "scientific journal website". But it is evidently a creation by Ronald Nussbeck, in no way a real science publication website, and Ronald Nussbeck is the chap who wrote the "alien photos" article on UFOdigest. The website claims that Ron Stewart used his APEP invention to look for gas giant planet HD 189733B, and that he thus found "structures showing signs of what is believed to be highly intelligent life. Not only oceans and land masses but green belt areas thriving in what is considered a very harsh and hot environment."
We are told that "APEP is a digital imaging system that adds an estimated 600% to Hubble's visual enhancement of images. Soon APEP will be upgraded with HD-High Definition imaging that is estimated to increase it's imaging capacity by another 500%." The article mixes such claims of scientific achievements that are non-existent in the scientific world, with information lifted from scientific news on exoplanets, and the careless reader might think that Mr. Ron Stewart works on real science projects among exoplanet researcher teams or the Hubble space telescope team. Not so.
We also learn that "Ron Montgomery/Stewart [changing name?] is "a Scientist who developed PPP-Penetrating Photographic Process in developing images of UFOs and aliens" and that he "has done extensive work in the Scientific community on UFOs", which is not true.
We get a section called "Peer Review" which is nothing more than some quotes from ufologist Nick Pope, nothing even related to peer reviewing.
And we are shown "APEP" at work: first, a copy of a space image by Hubble, showing stars as tiny specs, then alleged close ups images of the 189733B planet, with "oceans", "mountains" and "rainfall". At the top of the page, an artist's impression of an exoplanet near its star is called "Photo provided by Hubble space telescope". Obviously, "scientist" Ron Stewart took an artist's impression of an exoplanet, a drawing, not a Hubble space photo, and "enhanced" it as if it were a real photograph! In short: a crank website by cranks! Truly, I rarely saw anything so silly...
Case closed!
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Left: on the "Frontier Science" website, this artist's impression of star 189733 and exoplanet 189733B is shown as if it was really a space photograph from space telescope Hubble. [rn1] |
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Below: self-proclaimed "World's Leading Imaging Scientist" Ron S. Stewart took the artist's impression, edited it and claimed it shows "signs of intelligent life" on this exoplanet. [rn1] |
As of October 3, 2009, the source [uf1] was copied by:
It was mentioned with a link to the original by:
Id: | Topic: | Severity: | Date noted: | Raised by: | Noted by: | Description: | Proposal: | Status: |
None |
* = Source I checked.
? = Source I am told about but could not check yet. Help appreciated.
Main Author: | Patrick Gross |
Contributors: | None |
Reviewers: | None |
Editor: | Patrick Gross |
Version: | Created/Changed By: | Date: | Change Description: |
0.1 | Patrick Gross | October 3, 2009 | Creation, [uf1], [rn1]. |
1.0 | Patrick Gross | October 3, 2009 | First published. |