Ufologist Albert Rosales reported that he found on the paranormal.com website a page from March 2003 with a report saying that in a place not given, on Summer 1978, at night, a 13-year old person was laying in bed sick with the mumps when he looked across the room at a pair of large glass stained windows on the far wall, and noticed sitting on the window sill two little people.
They appeared to have been laughing at him, bending over with their hands on their knees, and pointing.
They were pale greenish yellow in color, they had very wide mouths and large almond shaped eyes, long limbs and narrow torsos. They were wearing clothes, but it appeared that the clothing would fade into the color of their skin. Their clothes were a darker greenish color. They had hats on their heads that came to a point, but these hats were kind of limp, not real firm. It appeared that their hats were indeed part of their heads. The person did not recall seeing any ears or eyebrows.
Everything about the creatures was subtle, with no real sharp defined edges or colors. They looked exactly the same.
The witness watched them for a long time then fell asleep.
Basic information table:
Case number:
Date of event:
Summer 1978
Earliest report of event:
March 2003
Delay of report:
25 years
Witness reported via:
witness published his story on "paranormal" website.
First alleged record by:
Witness input on paranormal.com website.
First certain record by:
Ufology catalogue Rosales.
First alleged record type:
Web report form.
First certain record type:
Ufology catalogue.
This file created on:
November 15, 2011
This file last updated on:
November 15, 2011
Country of event:
Not reported.
Not reported.
Type of location:
In bed in his bedroom.
Lighting conditions:
UFO observed:
UFO arrival observed:
UFO departure observed:
UFO/Entity Relation:
Witnesses numbers:
Witnesses ages:
Witnesses types:
Not reported.
Witnesses drawing:
Witnesses-approved drawing:
Number of entities:
Type of entities:
Humanoid or human
Entities height:
Entities outfit type:
Uncertain, uncertain pointed hat
Entities outfit color:
Darker greenish.
Entities skin color:
Greenish yellow.
Entities body:
Long limbs, narrow torso.
Entities head:
Not reported. Maybe pointed top, no ears seen.
Entities eyes:
Large almond shaped. No eyebrows seen.
Entities mouth:
Very wide.
Entities nose:
Not reported.
Entities feet:
Not reported.
Entities arms:
Entities fingers:
Not reported.
Entities fingers number:
Not reported.
Entities hair:
Not reported.
Entities voice:
None heard.
Entities actions:
Sat on witness bedroom window sill, bent forward, pointed finger at him, seeming to laugh at witness.
Albert Rosales indicates in his catalogue that in a place not given, on Summer 1978, at night, the 13-year old witness was laying in bed sick with the mumps when he looked across the room at a pair of large glass stained windows on the far wall and noticed sitting on the window sill two little people. They appeared to have been laughing at him, bending over with their hands on their knees, and pointing. They were pale greenish yellow in color. They had very wide mouths and large almond shaped eyes. They had long limbs and narrow torsos. They were wearing clothes, but it appeared that the clothing would fade into the color of their skin. Their clothes were a darker greenish color. They had hats on their heads that came to a point, but the hats were kind of limp, not real firm. It appeared that their hats were indeed part of their heads. He did not recall seeing any ears or eyebrows. Everything about the creatures was subtle, with no real sharp defined edges or colors. They looked exactly the same. The witness watched them for a long time then fell asleep.
Albert Rosales indicates that the source is "Paranormal.com, Your Stories March 2003."
Points to consider:
This is obviously an anonymous story posted on the web, a long time after the alleged event; which had been experienced by a child, no investigation is involved.
All the situation and all the description show on the one hand that this has nothing to do with UFOs or UFOs occupants, on the other hand, that it was certainly an hypnagogic hallucination, probably favored by a bad feverish sleep - the child was sick.
I provide a few references among dozens about the topic of hypnagogic hallucination and sleep paralysis:
"The Old Hag phenomenon as sleep paralysis: a biocultural interpretation", paper by R.C. Ness, in Cultural and Medical Psychiatry, vol. 2 #1, pp 15-39, March 1978.
"Lucid Dreaming: The Paradox of Consciousness During Sleep", book by Celia Green and Charles McCreery, Routledge publisher, U-K., 1994.
"Wrestling With Ghosts: A Personal And Scientific Account Of Sleep Paralysis", book by Jorge Conesa Sevilla, Xlibris Corporation publishers, U-K., 2004.
"Hallucinations and pathological visual perceptions in Maupassant's fantastical short stories - a neurological approach", by L.C. Alvaro, in Journal of the History of Neuroscience, vol 14, #2, pp 100-115, June 2005.
"Effects of hypnagogic imagery on the event-related potential to external tone stimuli", paper by N. Michida, M. Hayashi, T. Hori, in Sleep, Vol. 28 #7, pp 813-818, July 2005.
"Sleep and Society: Ventures into the (Un)Known", book by Simon A. Williams, Routledge publisher, 2005.
"Mental representation of space: Insights from an oblique distribution of hallucinations", paper by T.A Girard, D.L. Martius, J.A. Cheyne in Neuropsychologia, vol. 45 #6, pp 1257-1269, 2007.
"Parasomnias", paper by D.T. Plante, J.W. Winkelman, in The Psychiatric Clinics of North America, Vol. 29 #4, pp 969-987, December 2006.
"Paranoid delusions and threatening hallucinations: A prospective study of sleep paralysis experiences", paper preview by J.A. Cheyne, T.A. Girard, scheduled in Consciousness and Cognition for April 2007.
List of issues:
Date noted:
Raised by:
Noted by:
Probable hypnagogic hallucination.
Sources references:
* = Source I checked.
? = Source I am told about but could not check yet. Help appreciated.
[---] ? "Your Stories Mars 2003", web page by the website paranormal.com, march 2003.
[ar1] * "1978 Humanoid Reports", compiled by Albert Rosales, circa 2007, at www.ufoinfo.com/humanoid/humanoid1978.shtml