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URECAT - UFO Related Entities Catalog

URECAT is a formal catalog of UFO related entities sightings reports with the goal of providing quality information for accurate studies of the topic. Additional information, corrections and reviews are welcome at patrick.gross@inbox.com, please state if you wish to be credited for your contribution or not. The main page of the URECAT catalog is here.


Brief summary of the event and follow-up:

Aileen Garoutte says that on the last day of the "Jorpah" meeting - the annual convention of her UFO group - in Stafford, Arizona, Tom Courtney, one of the attendees and speakers, read Budd Hopkins' book "Missing Time" and remembered when he had observed a UFO when he was a little boy. Garoutte says this is his story like he told it at the "Jorpah":

"One evening in 1978 I was driving home at about three or four in the morning. I was on the edge of Phoenix and north of Scottsdale in a remote area. The lights inside and outside of the car started going on and off in a random way. The engine also started going on and off. This continued for about 25 seconds."

"I thought I had a short in the electrical system, so I took the car home and borrowed my Dad's car since I had planned to drive to a seminar the next day. The following night at 7:30 I placed a call to my wife in Payson, a little town 90 miles north of Phoenix. I told her I was going to drive up there, that I had my father's convertible, which was a new car."

"But, when I started driving, I couldn't control the car, not even to put the top of the convertible down. It was just like the car was on rails. I ended up driving this way for 50 miles, until I came to the top of a little hill."

"At this point, a thought came into my head, which was very much like a command, 'Now, stop the car.' I slammed on the brakes, and pulled off to the side of the road, and pulled down the top. I had to go to the bathroom, but instead of walking around the side of the car, I found myself walking up this little valley. After I finished and turned around to walk back I was overcome by an incredible sense of dread."

"I sensed a presence and I was terrified. The hair stood up on the back of my neck. I turned around and looked down the valley. The moon was very bright and was just at the apex of the mountain. The valley was filled with white light. I felt terrified, but exhilarated at the same time. A voice came to me telepathically and said, 'Climb that mountain.' I understood that there was incredible knowledge on top of that mountain. I hesitated, realizing that it would take almost five hours to climb up the mountain and that when I came down the next day, everyone would think I was crazy. Besides that, I was on my way to try to reconcile with my wife, who had said she would divorce me if I attended the seminar."

"I was compelled to go directly to that mountain. I couldn't go to the car to take the keys out or anything. I felt paralyzed until I made the decision to go up the mountain. Then the voice came back and said, 'You will climb the mountain and you'll know the time and the place. You don't have to do anything hard again.'"

"It began to rain very heavily and I started walking toward the car. Suddenly, I began to receive knowledge about the nature of the universe. It was in parables and in statements. I could look from different angles and see probably lifetimes. It was incredible that just one quick statement would give me a whole new concept on things. 'Life is just a lesson.' That statement showed me everything about reincarnation, which I didn't know anything about. I had been an atheist. When I had walked to a certain point in the valley, I was unable to tell where I stopped and everything else began. I seemed to be merging with the universe. I can't even describe what I experienced in words, as it defies an adequate description."

"I got into the car and left while the messages continued. I could feel the energy coming into my head. Finally, I felt as if I couldn't take anymore and said, 'Where is this coming from?' A voice said, 'John the Baptist.' Then it just stopped and the voice was gone."

"Then I drove to the cabin, where my wife was waiting for me. Later, my wife told me that when I walked in, she was scared to death. She was terrified because of the energy that I gave off. I went in to see my little boy, who was still awake. I knew that I could just communicate with thought. So I looked at him and enunciated in my mind, 'I love you.' He gave it right back to me in spoken words, 'I love you too, Daddy!'"

"That night, when I went to bed, I saw what I intellectually knew was the moon through the trees, but it appeared before me in a series of symbols. I saw energy swirling and the moon getting bigger and bigger. I understood that the universe was expanding, as the vibrations increased. I saw visions all night and heard a humming sound within my head."

"The next morning I got up and started back to Phoenix. When I got back to that little valley, there was a forest service crew mopping up. The valley had burned during the night."

"Somewhere, that night, I had lost an hour. My wife had asked what took me so long, and I couldn't understand it, as I was driving faster than normal. There wasn't any traffic that late on a Sunday night."

"I don't know what to make of the whole experience. I didn't tell anyone. I went to a couple of churches, but I knew I wasn't going to get an answer there. I even thought that perhaps I had just made up the whole thing. Then I went back over the experience, and I knew it was real. It came through me, that it wasn't something that I had made up."

"Three months later in Santa Barbara, California, I finally told my wife and her cousins all about what I had experienced. We were in a restaurant when I was telling them the story. Towards the end, I got very emotional and asked them if they knew anything about John the Baptist. Just then a hippy-looking guy came over from the other room. He said 'Did one of you just get saved, or something?' I said, 'No.' He said, 'Well, I'm a born again Christian and I'm picking up incredible vibes, here. Are you sure you weren't talking about the Bible or something?'"

"Finally I said, 'We were talking about John the Baptist. Do you know anything about him?'"

"He said, 'I have been compelled for three months to study John the Baptist. I know everything about him.' He sat down at the table and told us about John the Baptist for thirty or forty minutes."

"After that, I went on a spiritual quest for many years. I read everything I could get my hands on, attempting to find out what my experience meant. I never dreamed it had anything to do with UFOs or anything like that."

"Then, about three years later, in November of 1981, I was in a bookstore and something caught my eye. I turned around and there was an empty bookcase, with just one book in it. I've had very important books come to me that way. So I picked up the book and it was Missing Time, by Budd Hopkins which is a documentary of UFO abductions."

"I picked it up and began to read about a case involving hypnosis. It described a little sore which this person had discovered right under the navel, which is red, and itches, and won't heal. I got cold chills because I had such a sore, which I had been worried about, until it finally healed. The book said it left a permanent mark which looks like a mole. I lifted up my shirt and sure enough, there was the mole."

"I read some more and learned that there were people from 1943, who were perhaps a test group and were picked up by aliens repeatedly. They were usually picked up at about age seven, then at 16 to 18 and then from 35 to 38. There are certain scars which are common to the childhood experience. One of these is a very long scar on the upper left calf. I have one just like that. I also have one on my left kneecap, which is said to be very common."

"Before I finished the book, I was driving to an appointment and received a telepathic message. All it said was 'get called'. I had no idea what that meant, until I finished reading the book. The last paragraph in the book said something to the effect that if you care to help our investigation and you've had an experience which is similar to this, please write us a letter and we'll call you."

"So I wrote the letter. Budd Hopkins called me and we talked for an hour. Then the following June, they sent me to Los Angeles to be regressed. They picked up the experience from when I was going up the valley."

"Under hypnosis I experienced being caught in a beam of light. It was the most terrifying thing I ever experienced. I was paralyzed and enveloped in an almost tangible light. It was like being hooked up to electricity. It took me a long time to move beyond that point."

"Finally, they got me to look outside of that light and there were these beings, dressed in white. There were about ten beings standing in a circle. Only one of them spoke with me. They were about five feet three inches to five feet five inches at the most. They were wearing a skin tight covering, which covered the face and everything. They had large elongated heads. They had large, round black lenses over their eyes. Their mouths were just a slit and their noses were two holes. They had small chests and arms. I think they had only four digits. They seemed to be very light and unsure of their footing."

"I was terrified but they seemed to get me out of it, so that the terror was replaced by a warm, loving feeling. I felt very peaceful and felt like I just loved them. I don't know if they gave me an injection, or how they caused the change in me."

"The following March, I went to New York for a series of regressions with Budd again. This time they hypnotized me so that I would be able to watch the events from a distance. I saw myself go into the craft. The craft appeared much larger from the inside, than from the outside. When they took me in, they placed me in clamps. They examined my lower back. Some robots cut minutely inside my nose. They examined my head and face. It was a very quick, thorough, matter of fact, examination. I put my clothes back on, without remembering how my clothes came off."

"I asked them what this was about, what they were doing. They said, 'You'll know in time.' They took me outside and there were two craft. The large one just kept hovering and the small one was the one which I had entered. The smaller of the two craft was about three or four stories high and probably 150 to 200 feet across. It had very steep sides and an incredible number of lights and windows on the sides. The large craft was the one which put the light on me. It put the light on me again, when I was ushered out of the little craft. It kept the light on me until the little craft took off. Then it released the light. I think that is when I had the mystical experience. I don't really know if they induced it."

"One of the regressions went back to when I was seven. I grew up on a farm in Illinois. My mother had said that she saw a spacecraft. After I read the book, I asked her about it. It was in 1950 and she saw it hovering just above the trees in a small corn field. I used to play in this field and I thought that I had cut my leg with a blackberry bush or something. But in the book, they talk about pearl drops of blood that form around the wounds. I remembered pealing the droplets of blood from the back of my leg. Also, from that day on, we never played in that corn field again."

"When I asked them where they came from, while I was being examined, they said, 'Adonite Worlds.'"

Basic information table:

Case number: URECAT-001244
Date of event: 1978? Etc.
Earliest report of event: 1988?
Delay of report: 10 years? And more.
Witness reported via: Told in UFO conference and to Budd Hopkins.
First alleged record by: UFO, abductees, contactees book.
First certain record by: UFO, abductees, contactees blog.
First alleged record type: UFO, abductees, contactees book.
First certain record type: UFO, abductees, contactees blog.
This file created on: April 28, 2010
This file last updated on: April 28, 2010
Country of event: USA
State/Department: Arizona
Type of location: Isolated road, hill of valley.
Lighting conditions: Night
UFO observed: Yes
UFO arrival observed: Yes
UFO departure observed: No
UFO/Entity Relation: Certain
Witnesses numbers: 1
Witnesses ages: Since age 7.
Witnesses types: Not reported. Man, on verge of divorce.
Photograph(s): No.
Witnesses drawing: No.
Witnesses-approved drawing: No.
Number of entities: About 10
Type of entities: Humanoid
Entities height: Small
Entities outfit type: Skin tight full covering.
Entities outfit color: White.
Entities skin color: Not reported.
Entities body: Not reported. Small chest.
Entities head: Large, elongated.
Entities eyes: Large, round black lenses over the eyes.
Entities mouth: Just a slit.
Entities nose: Two holes.
Entities feet: Not reported.
Entities arms: Small.
Entities fingers: Not reported.
Entities fingers number: Maybe 4.
Entities hair: Not reported.
Entities voice: Talk and use telepathy.
Entities actions: Classical life-long "abductions", examination, "spiritual messages".
Entities/witness interactions: Classical life-long "abductions", examination, "spiritual messages".
Witness(es) reactions: Observed, forced to obey, reads UFO book, goes to hypnotist, conferences.
Witness(es) feelings: Frightened then forced to calm down.
Witness(es) interpretation: Not reported.
Explanation category: Possibly fantasy prone personality, hypnosis induced false memories.
Explanation certainty: Medium.



Aileen Garoutte says that on the last day of the "Jorpah" meeting - the annual convention of her UFO group - in Stafford, Arizona, Tom Courtney, one of the attendees and speakers, read Budd Hopkins' book "Missing Time" and remembered when he had observed a UFO when he was a little boy. Garoutte says this is his story like he told it at the "Jorpah":

One evening in 1978 I was driving home at about three or four in the morning. I was on the edge of Phoenix and north of Scottsdale in a remote area. The lights inside and outside of the car started going on and off in a random way. The engine also started going on and off. This continued for about 25 seconds.

I thought I had a short in the electrical system, so I took the car home and borrowed my Dad's car since I had planned to drive to a seminar the next day. The following night at 7:30 I placed a call to my wife in Payson, a little town 90 miles north of Phoenix. I told her I was going to drive up there, that I had my father's convertible, which was a new car.

But, when I started driving, I couldn't control the car, not even to put the top of the convertible down. It was just like the car was on rails. I ended up driving this way for 50 miles, until I came to the top of a little hill.

At this point, a thought came into my head, which was very much like a command, "Now, stop the car." I slammed on the brakes, and pulled off to the side of the road, and pulled down the top. I had to go to the bathroom, but instead of walking around the side of the car, I found myself walking up this little valley. After I finished and turned around to walk back I was overcome by an incredible sense of dread.

I sensed a presence and I was terrified. The hair stood up on the back of my neck. I turned around and looked down the valley. The moon was very bright and was just at the apex of the mountain. The valley was filled with white light. I felt terrified, but exhilarated at the same time. A voice came to me telepathically and said, "Climb that mountain." I understood that there was incredible knowledge on top of that mountain. I hesitated, realizing that it would take almost five hours to climb up the mountain and that when I came down the next day, everyone would think I was crazy. Besides that, I was on my way to try to reconcile with my wife, who had said she would divorce me if I attended the seminar.

I was compelled to go directly to that mountain. I couldn't go to the car to take the keys out or anything. I felt paralyzed until I made the decision to go up the mountain. Then the voice came back and said, "You will climb the mountain and you'll know the time and the place. You don't have to do anything hard again."

It began to rain very heavily and I started walking toward the car. Suddenly, I began to receive knowledge about the nature of the universe. It was in parables and in statements. I could look from different angles and see probably lifetimes. It was incredible that just one quick statement would give me a whole new concept on things. "Life is just a lesson." That statement showed me everything about reincarnation, which I didn't know anything about. I had been an atheist. When I had walked to a certain point in the valley, I was unable to tell where I stopped and everything else began. I seemed to be merging with the universe. I can't even describe what I experienced in words, as it defies an adequate description.

I got into the car and left while the messages continued. I could feel the energy coming into my head. Finally, I felt as if I couldn't take anymore and said, "Where is this coming from?" A voice said, "John the Baptist." Then it just stopped and the voice was gone.

Then I drove to the cabin, where my wife was waiting for me. Later, my wife told me that when I walked in, she was scared to death. She was terrified because of the energy that I gave off. I went in to see my little boy, who was still awake. I knew that I could just communicate with thought. So I looked at him and enunciated in my mind, "I love you." He gave it right back to me in spoken words, "I love you too, Daddy!"

That night, when I went to bed, I saw what I intellectually knew was the moon through the trees, but it appeared before me in a series of symbols. I saw energy swirling and the moon getting bigger and bigger. I understood that the universe was expanding, as the vibrations increased. I saw visions all night and heard a humming sound within my head.

The next morning I got up and started back to Phoenix. When I got back to that little valley, there was a forest service crew mopping up. The valley had burned during the night.

Somewhere, that night, I had lost an hour. My wife had asked what took me so long, and I couldn't understand it, as I was driving faster than normal. There wasn't any traffic that late on a Sunday night.

I don't know what to make of the whole experience. I didn't tell anyone. I went to a couple of churches, but I knew I wasn't going to get an answer there. I even thought that perhaps I had just made up the whole thing. Then I went back over the experience, and I knew it was real. It came through me, that it wasn't something that I had made up.

Three months later in Santa Barbara, California, I finally told my wife and her cousins all about what I had experienced. We were in a restaurant when I was telling them the story. Towards the end, I got very emotional and asked them if they knew anything about John the Baptist. Just then a hippy-looking guy came over from the other room. He said "Did one of you just get saved, or something? I said, "No." He said, "Well, I'm a born again Christian and I'm picking up incredible vibes, here. Are you sure you weren't talking about the Bible or something?"

Finally I said, "We were talking about John the Baptist. Do you know anything about him?"

He said, "I have been compelled for three months to study John the Baptist. I know everything about him." He sat down at the table and told us about John the Baptist for thirty or forty minutes.

After that, I went on a spiritual quest for many years. I read everything I could get my hands on, attempting to find out what my experience meant. I never dreamed it had anything to do with UFOs or anything like that.

Then, about three years later, in November of 1981, I was in a bookstore and something caught my eye. I turned around and there was an empty bookcase, with just one book in it. I've had very important books come to me that way. So I picked up the book and it was Missing Time, by Budd Hopkins which is a documentary of UFO abductions.

I picked it up and began to read about a case involving hypnosis. It described a little sore which this person had discovered right under the navel, which is red, and itches, and won't heal. I got cold chills because I had such a sore, which I had been worried about, until it finally healed. The book said it left a permanent mark which looks like a mole. I lifted up my shirt and sure enough, there was the mole.

I read some more and learned that there were people from 1943, who were perhaps a test group and were picked up by aliens repeatedly. They were usually picked up at about age seven, then at 16 to 18 and then from 35 to 38. There are certain scars which are common to the childhood experience. One of these is a very long scar on the upper left calf. I have one just like that. I also have one on my left kneecap, which is said to be very common.

Before I finished the book, I was driving to an appointment and received a telepathic message. All it said was 'get called.' I had no idea what that meant, until I finished reading the book. The last paragraph in the book said something to the effect that if you care to help our investigation and you've had an experience which is similar to this, please write us a letter and we'll call you.

So I wrote the letter. Budd Hopkins called me and we talked for an hour. Then the following June, they sent me to Los Angeles to be regressed. They picked up the experience from when I was going up the valley.

Under hypnosis I experienced being caught in a beam of light. It was the most terrifying thing I ever experienced. I was paralyzed and enveloped in an almost tangible light. It was like being hooked up to electricity. It took me a long time to move beyond that point.

Finally, they got me to look outside of that light and there were these beings, dressed in white. There were about ten beings standing in a circle. Only one of them spoke with me. They were about five feet three inches to five feet five inches at the most. They were wearing a skin tight covering, which covered the face and everything. They had large elongated heads. They had large, round black lenses over their eyes. Their mouths were just a slit and their noses were two holes. They had small chests and arms. I think they had only four digits. They seemed to be very light and unsure of their footing.

I was terrified but they seemed to get me out of it, so that the terror was replaced by a warm, loving feeling. I felt very peaceful and felt like I just loved them. I don't know if they gave me an injection, or how they caused the change in me.

The following March, I went to New York for a series of regressions with Budd again. This time they hypnotized me so that I would be able to watch the events from a distance. I saw myself go into the craft. The craft appeared much larger from the inside, than from the outside. When they took me in, they placed me in clamps. They examined my lower back. Some robots cut minutely inside my nose. They examined my head and face. It was a very quick, thorough, matter of fact, examination. I put my clothes back on, without remembering how my clothes came off.

I asked them what this was about, what they were doing. They said, "You'll know in time." They took me outside and there were two craft. The large one just kept hovering and the small one was the one which I had entered. The smaller of the two craft was about three or four stories high and probably 150 to 200 feet across. It had very steep sides and an incredible number of lights and windows on the sides. The large craft was the one which put the light on me. It put the light on me again, when I was ushered out of the little craft. It kept the light on me until the little craft took off. Then it released the light. I think that is when I had the mystical experience. I don't really know if they induced it.

One of the regressions went back to when I was seven. I grew up on a farm in Illinois. My mother had said that she saw a spacecraft. After I read the book, I asked her about it. It was in 1950 and she saw it hovering just above the trees in a small corn field. I used to play in this field and I thought that I had cut my leg with a blackberry bush or something. But in the book, they talk about pearl drops of blood that form around the wounds. I remembered pealing the droplets of blood from the back of my leg. Also, from that day on, we never played in that corn field again.

When I asked them where they came from, while I was being examined, they said, Adonite Worlds."


Albert Rosales indicates in his catalogue that near Scottsdale, Arizona, in 1978, at 1930, the witness was driving in a remote area when he suddenly lost control of his vehicle, he drove on until he came up to the top of a hill, and there he was commanded to stop. He left the car and found himself walking on a valley that was filled with light. He was then ordered to climb a nearby mountain; it took him five hours to reach the top. He did not recall much after that and had one hour of missing time. Later under hypnosis he recalled that as he was walking on the valley a bright beam of light shone on him. He then saw ten beings dressed in white standing in a circle. The beings were five-foot five inches tall, wearing skintight outfits that covered their faces. Their heads were elongated and they had a large round black lens over the eye area, their mouths were slit like and the noses were holes. They had small chests and thin arms. He was then taken onboard an object where he was examined and some robot like beings cut inside his nose. When the witness was released he saw two hovering objects one larger than the other.

Albert Rosales indicates that the source is "Aileen Edwards, On the UFO road again."

Points to consider:

Aileen Bringle, or Aileen Edwards, or Aileen Garoutte had a claimed UFO sighting of her own and founded the UFO Contact Center International in 1978; which welcomed "contactees" claims. She was told by her ex-husband that five aliens entered his bedroom and stomped on a pair of shoes and in 1991 said she was awakened to find fingerprints on the insides of her thighs; which disturbed her as she was living alone.

In 1977 a MUFON UFO Symposium took place is Scottsdale, abductions were the main topic. Also, ufologist Dr. J. Allen Hynek lived in Scottsdale then.

"Regression" sessions under hypnosis are really nothing like some sort of "truth serum" that would "reveal" any "real" experience; any dream or memory of science-fiction reading can become the basis for the so-called "recovered memories". It is thus not surprising that absurd stories, or stories that do not confirm each other, "surface" in such sessions. The serious ufologists understood that, others still deny it, without any justification.

See the List of Issues below.

List of issues:

Id: Topic: Severity: Date noted: Raised by: Noted by: Description: Proposal: Status:
1 Data Severe April 27, 2010 Patrick Gross Patrick Gross Primary source not available. Help needed. Opened.
2 Ufology Severe April 27, 2010 Patrick Gross Patrick Gross Case with no UFO and no aliens as of the conscious report. Help needed. Opened.
3 Ufology Severe April 27, 2010 Patrick Gross Patrick Gross Entities and UFO report resulting from the use of hypnosis. Help needed. Opened.
4 Ufology Severe April 27, 2010 Patrick Gross Patrick Gross No investigation report, only a story lacking details that can be checked. Help needed. Opened.
5 Ufology Severe April 27, 2010 Patrick Gross Patrick Gross No witness psychological background information. Help needed. Opened.
6 Ufology Severe April 27, 2010 Patrick Gross Patrick Gross Hypnotists and ufologists number, names and qualifications not available. Help needed. Opened.
7 Ufology Severe April 27, 2010 Patrick Gross Patrick Gross Report under hypnosis matches clichés found in books, witness read such books. Help needed. Opened.
8 Ufology Severe April 27, 2010 Patrick Gross Patrick Gross "Messages" showing there is no firm border between "abductees" and "contactees". Help needed. Opened.
9 Ufology Severe April 27, 2010 Patrick Gross Patrick Gross No available transcript of the questions and answers during the hypnosis sessions. Help needed. Opened.
10 Ufology Severe April 27, 2010 Patrick Gross Patrick Gross When reported not known, parts late reported. Help needed. Opened.
11 Ufology Severe April 27, 2010 Patrick Gross Patrick Gross Opinion of ufologist(s) and hypnotist(s) not given. Help needed. Opened.
12 Ufology Severe April 27, 2010 Patrick Gross Patrick Gross No sign that there was an investigation to corroborate hypnosis sessions content with field evidence. Help needed. Opened.


Possibly fantasy prone personality, hypnosis induced false memories.

Sources references:

* = Source I checked.
? = Source I am told about but could not check yet. Help appreciated.

Document history:


Main Author: Patrick Gross
Contributors: None
Reviewers: None
Editor: Patrick Gross

Changes history

Version: Created/Changed By: Date: Change Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross April 28, 2010 Creation, [ag1], [ar1].
1.0 Patrick Gross April 28, 2010 First published.

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This page was last updated on April 28, 2010