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URECAT - UFO Related Entities Catalog

URECAT is a formal catalog of UFO related entities sightings reports with the goal of providing quality information for accurate studies of the topic. Additional information, corrections and reviews are welcome at patrick.gross@inbox.com, please state if you wish to be credited for your contribution or not. The main page of the URECAT catalog is here.


Brief summary of the event and follow-up:

The occurrence first appeared in the newspaper Jornal do Comercio, Recife, Brazil, for October 23, 1965, and was investigated in 1966 by Rubens de Couto Soares and Enoch Burgos of the Brazilian ufology group Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos de Discos Voadores (S.B.E.D.V.).

The investigation report indicated that the witness was José Camilo Filho, a strong and corpulent man, resident of Canhotinho, in the State de Pernambuco, Brazil, worker in the machine shop of the city "CENTRAL MECANICA". He became deaf at age 19, and was lip-reading people who spoke with him.

In 1965, one hot evening of the end of October, José Camilo Filho, then aged 57, was walking through a "cerrado" close to the cemetery of Alto dos Cruzeiros, in direction of his home, when, in a curve of the way, he stumbled upon two small humanoids, 0.80 to 0.90 meters tall, sitting on both sides of a standing "pipe", about 1.20 meters, posed on the ground at one of its ends.

The newspaper's earlier version, apparently quite similar to the SBEDV version, gave the additional detail that the the "little men" had been sitting on the trunk of a fallen banana tree; which had immediately surprised the witness because even little children knew that you should not sit on banana tree trunks as they leave indelible stains on clothes.

José Camilo Filho described the humanoids to the SBEDV investigators as having a human shape, but the feet and the arms were very small and the head larger than normal in comparison with the bodies, and very large eyes. They had white hair, one of them wearing a cap with a visor at the front. He compared them to Japanese people, with a dark complexion and wrinkled faces, as if they were old. One of them seemed to have a sparse beard. Contrasting with the dark complexion of the faces, their hands were very white. The one who appeared to be the oldest wore a brilliant shirt of bluish olive color, and kinds of tennis shoes, separated from the trousers. At chest height, he had a multicoloured band from shoulder to shoulder that shone like the light of an electric arc, so strongly that José Camilo Filho could almost not look at it.

When they saw the man coming towards them, these little humanoids suddenly stood up, with amazed eyes, and trying to escape fast, in a disordered way, they bumped one against the other.

The one who seemed to be the oldest, picked up the "pipe" with incredible facility, as if the pipe was hollow and empty; the newspaper version has apparently said that the pipe had a handle in the middle. The other little man, who had made a jump back on 1.50 meters, pulled out a kind of 50 centimetres long cane, which he previously carried between his body and its left arm.

José Camilo Filho, fearing the threat of the small man pulling out this "cane", ran ahead, passed before them, and stopped much further away. He then thought about it and decided to go back for better observing these extraordinary people. But he found nobody, there was nothing to see anymore and he suggested they might have fled in the thick vegetation of the area.

The SBEDV investigators noted that in the same afternoon, at the same hour, Mr. Oscar Passos, at the Camboim Farm, 6 kilometers in the north, and Mrs. Lindinalva, in the city, had seen some object crossing the sky of Canhotinho.

Basic information table:

Case number: URECAT-000802
Date of event: October 22, 1965?
Earliest report of event: October 23, 1965
Delay of report: Day, days?
Witness reported via: Not known.
First alleged record by: Newspaper.
First certain record by: Ufology investigation report SBEDV.
First alleged record type: Newspaper.
First certain record type: Ufology investigation report.
This file created on: July 27, 2008
This file last updated on: July 27, 2008
Country of event: Brazil
State/Department: Pernambuco
Type of location: Path near cemetery.
Lighting conditions: Day.
UFO observed: Uncertain.
UFO arrival observed: Uncertain.
UFO departure observed: Uncertain.
UFO/Entity Relation: Uncertain.
Witnesses numbers: 1
Witnesses ages: 57
Witnesses types: Not reported. Man, deaf, mechanic.
Photograph(s): No.
Witnesses drawing: Maybe.
Witnesses-approved drawing: Maybe.
Number of entities: 2
Type of entities: Humanoid
Entities height: 0.80 to 0.90 meters.
Entities outfit type: Shoes like tennis shoes, pants, shirts, chest piece emitting light, cap with visor.
Entities outfit color: Bluish olive green.
Entities skin color: Tanned complexion.
Entities body: Little arms and feet, generally human.
Entities head: Larger than normal proportions compared to body. Skin of aged aspect.
Entities eyes: Large, slanted or "Japanese-like", expressive.
Entities mouth: Yes.
Entities nose: Yes.
Entities feet: Yes, in shoes like tennis shoes.
Entities arms: Small, or thin.
Entities fingers: Yes, white or white gloves.
Entities fingers number: Not reported.
Entities hair: White hair, 1 with sparse beard.
Entities voice: None heard.
Entities actions: Sat there, fled.
Entities/witness interactions: Fled.
Witness(es) reactions: Observed, fled, returned.
Witness(es) feelings: Frightened.
Witness(es) interpretation: Not reported.
Explanation category: Extraterrestrial visitors or unexplained.
Explanation certainty: Low.


[Ref. wb1:] WALTER BUHLER - S.B.D.E.V:

Dr Walter Buhler wrote a report on the investigation of 1966 of the Canhotinho case by Rubens de Couto Soares and Enoch Burgos for his Brazilian ufology group SBEDV.

The report indicates that the witness is José Camilo Filho, a strong and corpulent man, resident of Canhotinho, in the State de Pernambuco, worker in the machine shop of the city "CENTRAL MECANICA". He became deaf at age 19, and was lip-reading people who spoke with him.

In 1965, one hot evening of the end of October, then aged 57, he crossed by foot a "cerrado" close to the cemetery of Alto dos Cruzeiros, in direction of his home, when, in a curve of the way, he stumbled upon two small humanoids, 80 to 90 centimetres tall, sitting close to a pipe, 1.20 meters in height more or less, posed on the ground at one of its ends.

When they saw the man coming towards them, the little men suddenly stood up, with very amazed eyes, and while going away fast, in a disordered way, they bumped one against the other. One of them, the one who seemed to be the oldest, picked up the cylinder with incredible facility, which seemed to indicate that the pipe was hollow and empty. The other little man, who had made a jump back on 1.50 meters, pulled out a kind of 50 centimetres long cane, which he previously carried between his body and its left arm.

Meanwhile, Camilo, fearing the threat of the small man, ran ahead, passed before them, and stopped much further away. Then, he thought about it and decided to go back for better observing these extraordinary people. But he found nobody, there was nothing to see anymore. He thought that "perhaps, they had fled in the thick vegetation of the area."

During the interview with the SBEDV researchers, José Camilo Filho specified that the "little men" had a human shape, although they presented a larger head and eyes, excessively large, compared to the dimensions of their bodies. They had white hair, but one of them wore a cap with a visor at the front. Their aspect was similar to that of Japanese people, with marked and wrinkled faces, as if they were old. One of them seemed to have a thin beard. Contrasting with the suntanned face, their hands were very white. The one who appeared to be the oldest wore a brilliant shirt of bluish olive color, and kinds of tennis shoes, separated from the trousers. At chest height, he had a multicolored band, from shoulder to shoulder, which shone like the light of an electric arc, so strongly that Camilo could almost not look at it. The feet and the arms were very small.

The SBEDV investigation noted that, in this afternoon, at the same hour, Mr. Oscar Passos, at the Camboim Farm, 6 kilometers in the north, and Mrs. Lindinalva, in the city, had seen an object crossing the sky of Canhotinho.

The report includes a photograph of the witness and a sketch of the entities - below:


The British ufologist notes that the case in Alto dos Cruzeiros, Municipality of Canhotinho, State of Pernambuco, North-Eastearn Brazil, on October 26, 1965, created sensation in the Brazilian press and great fuss in the State of Pernambouc.

A saucer was seen flying above the area, and around midday. A 56-year-old mechanic, named José Camilho Filho, who had some education and an excellent reputation, stumbled on two entities which could indeed belong to the crew of the.

He was following a road which crossed a belt of brushes enclosing many banana trees, and at a turn, he suddenly discovered two young people sitting on the trunk of a fallen banana tree. This already struck him, because even the little children knew that you should not sit on these trunks as they leave indelible stains on clothes.

When the two beings jumped on their feet, he saw that they measured only 80 to 90 centimeters and were certainly not ordinary people: they were of dark complexion, their faces were wrinkled and marked like those of the old people, their hair was white, their head rather large compared to their body, and very round, and their eyes were "slits" like those of Oriental people but proportionally larger. One of the little men had a sparse beard and a dark cap with a visor. The other had a naked head. Both seemed to have white hands, or perhaps white gloves.

One of them carried under the arm an object in form of a cane of approximately 50 centimeters length and the thickness of a flashlight. When he saw the witness and jumped on his feet, he "looked so astonished that it seemed that his eyes were going to pop out of their sockets", and he made a gesture of the other hand in direction of the device he had under the arm as if he was planning to use of it against the witness. The other small being, who seemed much less alarmed, wore a blue clothing similar to a shirt, olive-green trousers, and "shoes which resembled tennis shoes." The fabric of his clothing seemed "tropical" and "glistening", and the most remarkable thing was his "luminous belt", described in certain versions as a "luminous belt", which covered the higher part of his chest from one shoulder to the other, and from which came flashes of sharp light, red, bluish, yellow and green, "like the flashes of a blowtorch, so intense that you could not look at it."

Between the entities, there was a standing cylinder of approximately 1.20 meters in height on 15 centimetres in diameter. The man with the flashes of light, who was the closest, then also jumped on his feet and seized this cylinder by a handle which was in its middle; in the intention to move away, he started to run and stumbled, running up against his companion, and both almost fell on the ground.

During this time, the witness had also started to run away, looking back at times, to see "it" disappearing among the trees.

Two local residents said later that about the same time, they saw a light or a luminous body fly above them.

Dr. Walter Buhler, who visited Canhotinho in August 1966, made an exhaustive investigation and lengthily questioned José Camilho Filho.

The author indicates that the sources are the newspaper Jornal do Comercio, Recife, Brazil, for October 22, 1965, and a letter by Mr. Bulher.


Jacques Vallée indicates that at the approximate date of October 22, 1965 in Canhotinho, Brazil, Jose Camilo Filho saw two creatures near a landed object.

Vallée indicates the source as "LDLN 84".


Joseph Trainor entirely quotes the report [gc1].


Albert Rosales indicates in his catalogue that in Canhotinho, Pernambuco, Brazil, on October 22, 1965, at noon, Jose Camilho, a mechanic, came upon two small men sitting on a stump; when they jumped to their feet, he saw that they were only 31-35 inches tall. Their hair was white, their heads rather large, with slanted eyes, and their complexions brown and wrinkled; one, who had a sparse beard, wore a cap. One wore shiny clothing, blue and green, as well as a broad luminous "belt" across his chest, which emitted dazzling flashes of yellow, purple and green light. The other carried a rod-shaped object like a long flashlight. Between them stood a cylindrical object 4 ft tall and 6" wide; the man with the flashing light grabbed this and ran off with it, staggering and bumping against his companion. At about this same time, two local people reported seeing a luminous object fly over.

Albert Rosales indicates as source The Humanoids, quoting newspaper source.

[Ref. rl1:] RAFAEL A. LARA:

Rafael A. Lara indicates that in Alto Dos Cruzeiros, Canhotinho Municipality, Pernambuco, on October 26, 1965, José Camilo Filho, a 56 year-old mechanic, witnessed a UFO flying over his neighborhood. Minutes later, driving along a highway, he noticed two small beings, less than a meter tall, with brown skins, wrinkled and furrowed faces "like those of old men", white hair on enormous heads, and slanted eyes. One of these dwarves wore a pointed cap made of dark material, and a patchy beard grew on its face. Both creatures wore silvery outfits and luminous belts.

Scott Corrales, the editor, specifies that Dr. Rafael Lara is the co-founder of the Institute of Hispanic Ufology, and that this is one of his many articles covering "high strangeness" events in the Americas.

Points to consider:

The date of the occurrence is given in the late sources as October 22, 1965, while the SBEDV indicates simply the end of October 1965. It may be that this dating to the 22nd is simply a late extrapolation on the basis that the newspaper article is from the 23rd and that the occurrence could thus have taken place the day before. Or perhaps, the 22 was actually specified in the newspaper.

Almost nothing is known as about the flying object seen by two other people; it may be that it was so reported, without other detail, in the newspaper, and without anything else being learned later.

Il is clear that what the witness reported is of high strangeness. The value of the case in term of credibility must however be moderated owing to the fact that there is only a single witness and no physical evidence.

List of issues:

Id: Topic: Severity: Date noted: Raised by: Noted by: Description: Proposal: Status:
1 Ufology Severe July 27, 2008 Patrick Gross Patrick Gross Single witness case. Help needed. Opened.
2 Data Severe July 27, 2008 Patrick Gross Patrick Gross Missing a copy of the newspaper article. Help needed. Opened.


Extraterrestrial visitors or unexplained.

Sources references:

* = Source I checked.
? = Source I am told about but could not check yet. Help appreciated.

Document history:


Main Author: Patrick Gross
Contributors: None
Reviewers: None
Editor: Patrick Gross

Changes history

Version: Created/Changed By: Date: Change Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross July 27, 2008 Creation, [wb1], [gc1], [jt1], [jv1], [ar1], [rl1].
1.0 Patrick Gross July 27, 2008 First published.

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This page was last updated on July 27, 2008