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URECAT - UFO Related Entities Catalog

URECAT is a formal catalog of UFO related entities sightings reports with the goal of providing quality information for accurate studies of the topic. Additional information, corrections and reviews are welcome at patrick.gross@inbox.com, please state if you wish to be credited for your contribution or not. The main page of the URECAT catalog is here.

July 1965, Rosemont, Québec, Canada, Mrs Lamanne and her friend Lucille:

Brief summary of the event and follow-up:

Skeptikal author John Brent Musgrave reportedly indicated in a catalague that in Rosemont, Quebec, Canada, on July 1965, at 10:00 p.m., two young women were out walking, when they heard a sound resembling that of roller skates. When they looked in the direction of the noise, they saw the torso of a beautiful smiling man with deep penetrating eyes.

Both women fell into a five minute trance, when they recovered, the figure had apparently vanished.

I later received the first-hand witness interview by the Canadian ufologist Henri Bordeleau, who published it in his 1971 book, and gives much more detail, collected by him by his many questions to the main witness, Ms. Lamanne.

Bordeleau hears and records this thin and petite woman, who speaks of a lively voice, six years after the fact. At that time she was a receptionist at a large Montreal institution. She was the youngest of a family of four. Bordeleau found her uncomfortable, because the experience had troubled her. The presence of her "big" husband Maurice, whom she married 4 years after the ecnounter and revealed the case to Bordeleau, reassured her.

She reported that this happened in July 1965, she was 18, and lived on 10th Avenue in Rosemont.

About 10 o'clock in the evening, she was with her friend Lucile, also 18, and came from the south, walking up the 9th Avenue hill, arriving at Dandurand and a little further up, at the corner of an alley between the 9th Avenue and Dandurand, with houses on both side of the street. Her attention was attracted by a sound of "roller skates" or "pulley", a continuous hum.

This purr was not like the sound of Bordeleau's tape recorder but like the cooing of a pigeon, "PRROU ... PRROU ... PRROU ..." but much louder and continuous. It was a low-piteched sound.

She turned her head toward where the sound seemed to come from and picked out "someone" in the entrance to the alley, who seemed "opalescent".

At that moment, she was not afraid at all, she was rather prone to checking what it was.

So, she approached, came about two meters from the character, and found that it was a "normal" person, with a very normal human face. She saw only the top of his body, above the waist. She could not see the legs, "it was too dark." She does not know how the bottom of the body was, although there was light around the corner. She thinks the character could have been two meters tall. He stood at attention.

The character's face was shiny, rather than brilliant, a feature she said was hard to describe. It was a human face with normal nose, eyes, hair, which she clearly remembers were "very very curly", shorter than her husband's, and red, auburn. It was not exactly a face like a dead man because it was shiny, but pale as if bloodless. She thinks that the eyes were brown, and remembers that it was not light-colored eyes but dark eyes, and that the character whose thin, very pale face like opal was very handsome, smiled, looking aboe her her head, without looking at her.

She had been much struck by her very prominent cheekbones and hollow cheeks. The nose was ordinary. The character had no beard and no mustache. She is surprised not to remember his lips. Bordeleau realized after the interview that they forgot to talk about possible ears.

She examined the shoulders, which were thin, like those of a tall thin man, then the torso, which appeared gray-blue, a metallic blue, shining like metal without being exactly metal. She said it was not a suit, it was like "stuck" to the skin.

So he apparently had no clothes: from his neck and down, he was gradually becoming blue, then gray-blue at the level of the forearms. She had not seen his hands; which she also found curious.

The continuous purring she heard did not hypnotize her, but she remained frozen, unable to move, because she heard only that purr.

She started to be very scared when she realized that she did not see his legs, which was something "not normal", whereas at first she really thought it was someone normal.

The duration is difficult to determine for her, she thinks it was five minutes maybe.

When she ran away, she heard her friend Lucille calling her, so only then did she realize that Lucile had left her alone. Until then she had thought Lucille was behind her.

She does not know how long Lucile took to run up to the street, and to come back for her, it might have been three minutes. Lucille had been looking for help, but had not found anyone. She had come back to Mme Ladamme and then they both ran away.

Trying to remember how she had been dressed, she thinks the weather had not been very hot, and she remembers that there was no one on the balconies. She thinks he must have rained earlier because in Rosemont, everyone sat on the balconies in the summer, but that day, there was no one outside who could have been a witness.

With Lucille, she had returned to the scene later, but they had not seen anything.

Because they were afraid, the two women told the story to a friend living on the street of their encounter, between the two homes of the two young women. This friend was interested in parapsychological phenomena. She spoke to him, he came to see the place some other night at the same hour "and it did not result in anything." He told them that they would have some trouble with that, that the police does not care for such things. They had thought to call the police, but Lucile being afraid of these annoyances they gave it up. Subsequently, Lucille had denied the whole story.

Mrs. Lamanne had told her story to this friend, but also to her mother, who put it on the account of a possible depression because the father of the young woman had just died. But Ms. Lamanne is sure that what she saw was very real. She assures Bordeleau that she has never been hallucinated or dazzled, that she had always been of sound mind. She explains that it could not have been a hallucination since her friend Lucille had also lived this experience. But she had not spoken to anyone later except the friend, and her husband, because it scared her to talk about it.

She explains that she was not afraid to think about it, that she would feel ok to talk about it, but that if no one believes her, she would not tell it to everyone. She had vague fears during about six months after the encounter.

She had sketchd a portrait of the character: which she had lost, and she remade one from memory, focusing, for Bordeleau. The sketch is available below in this file.

Basic information table:

Case number: URECAT-000708
Date of event: July 1965
Earliest report of event: 1971
Delay of report: 6 years.
Witness reported via: Told to local ufologist.
First alleged record by: Recorded interview by Henri Bordeleau.
First certain record by: Recorded interview by Henri Bordeleau.
First alleged record type: Recorded interview by Henri Bordeleau.
First certain record type: Recorded interview by local ufologist.
This file created on: June 25, 2008
This file last updated on: August 3, 2018
Country of event: Canada
State/Department: Quebec
Type of location: In city.
Lighting conditions: Night
UFO observed: No
UFO arrival observed: N/A
UFO departure observed: N/A
UFO/Entity Relation: None
Witnesses numbers: 1 or 2
Witnesses ages: 18, 18.
Witnesses types: Women, women.
Photograph(s): No.
Witnesses drawing: Yes.
Witnesses-approved drawing: Yes.
Number of entities: 1
Type of entities: Human
Entities height: 2 meters.
Entities outfit type: None visible.
Entities outfit color: N/A.
Entities skin color: Pale at the head, bluer down.
Entities body: Torso of a handsome smiling man, body bottom not visible.
Entities head: Human, normal, smiling, pale.
Entities eyes: Dark-colored, normal.
Entities mouth: Forgotten.
Entities nose: Nornal.
Entities feet: Not visible.
Entities arms: Yes, blue-colored.
Entities fingers: Not visible.
Entities fingers number: Not visible.
Entities hair: Very curly, short, normal, no beard, no mustache.
Entities voice: None heard.
Entities actions: Is there, smiling, looking above witness.
Entities/witness interactions: Smiles, looking above witness.
Witness(es) reactions: Observed, in tanse, frightened, fled.
Witness(es) feelings: Curious, then frightened.
Witness(es) interpretation: Not reported.
Explanation category: Unexplained.
Explanation certainty: High.



* * *

Very thin, just five-feet-tall, Madame Lamanne speaks in a lively voice. One feels that she is not comfortable and that this experience has troubled her. The presence of her "big" husband, who revealed the case to me, reassures her:

"Six years ago, four years before my wedding, it was in July 1965 and I was 18. We lived (...), 10th avenue in Rosemont, It happened at the corner of 9th Avenue and Dandurand.

- What time was it?

- It was about 10 o'clock in the evening. I was with Lucile, my friend, we came from the south and up the hill of 9th Avenue, we arrived in Dandurand and it is a little higher... at the corner of an alley. My attention was attracted by the sound of "roller skates" or "pulley." It was a continuous purr, and I turned my head to where the noise sounded and I distinguished "someone" in the entrance to the alley. He was "opalescent".

- You saw it clearly?

- Only the upper body, waist up. It was the face especially that shone, if you like. I approached to see... It was a "normal" person... A very normal human face. The figure was... wasn't


brilliant. It's hard to say how it was. I examined the shoulders, then the torso. It seemed gray-blue... shiny, like metal... without being exactly metal. It was not a suit, it was stuck to the skin, metallic blue... but lower... I could not see the legs, I could not see them. It was too dark.

- Do this part of the body did not glow?

- Not at all. I did not see anything.

- Do you think he had any?

- I think he had... but, I'm not sure, There was light around the corner of the street. But I could not see it lower than... the thorax. I only saw the waist up.

- He had a human face?

- Yes. Eyes, a nose, hair... curly. I clearly remember that he had very very curly hair.

- Blonde or brown?

- Red... auburn. I remember that detail very well.

- Did he look stern or smiling?

- He smiled... and I think his eyes were brown. It was not light-colored eyes. It was dark eyes.

- The hair, the eyes... everything was normal?

- Yes. Everything was normal. The only thing that was not normal was this continuous purring. That did not hypnotize me... but I remained frozen... I was not able to move, because I only heard that purr. After that, I was scared and I ran away. Later, my friend and I returned to the scene, but we did not see anything.

- There was nothing left?

- No. Nothing. We decided to call the police first. But Lucile was afraid of having trouble and... we gave up. Finally we did not call the police. And... it ended like this.

- Were there houses on either side of the alley?

- Yes. There were houses. And we even had a friend who was interested in parapsychological phenomena. He


came to see the place, another night at the same time and it did not help.

- You told him at home?

- Yes, to my mother and that friend. My mother put that on the account of... because my father had just died. She said that maybe I was depressed. Yet me, what I saw was very real.

- And how long did your observation last?

- It's pretty hard to determine... maybe five minutes. I do not know how long Lucile took to get to the (...) street, running, and come back to get me. Maybe three minutes.

- So, she saw it too.

- Of course... at that time, she talked about it with our friend and she said she saw it. But later... she denied everything. She did not want any hassle. Even, we went together to see this friend who was staying between our two homes, because we were really scared. He's the one who said, "You're going to have trouble with that... The police does not care about such things." And we did not call the police.

- Have you ever had hallucinations ... dazzling?

- No. Never!

- Have you always been healthy... with your mind?

- But yes! (she laughs)

- So you saw it... you saw it well?

- Of course... But you know, people do not always believe you... So me, after telling my mom...

- You told it to a friend and your mother.

- Then after, I never told anyone... except my husband, because it scared me to talk about it.

- Does thing about it disturb you?

- No, not hinking about it, but what I mean is that if no one believes me, I will not tell everyone. But for about six months, I was scared... I was afraid of something. I know it's crazy to fear... but you know...


- Does it feel good to talk about it?

- Yes.

- How far have you come from it?

- Like from here to this chair (6 feet).

- And you looked at him like that... he did not have phosphorescent eyes?

- No... He had brown-brownish eyes... but he had a very beautiful face.

- He was beautiful?

- Yes... His face was thin and very pale... like opal.

- Like a dead man?

- No, not exactly like a dead man because it was shiny...

- Pale, as if he had no blood... bloodless?

- That's it.

- Was he tall?

- Yes... Pretty much like Maurice (her husband). Six feet...

- And, did he look you in the eyes?

- No, he was looking over my head, he was not looking at me.

- Did he have very broad shoulders?

- Thin... like a thin tall man.

- Was he bony?

- He had very prominent cheekbones and hollow cheeks. It struck me a lot... I even made a portrait of him, but I lost it.

- Can you make one for me?

- Concentrating, maybe.

- Did he have great sideburns?

- Oh my oh my! I remember his hair very well, how it was done... very very curly... much shorter than those of Maurice. (She gives me a picture)

- Did he also have pale lips?

- ... (She thinks for a long time) It's funny, I do not remember his lips.


Drawing Nr 5

Suzanne Lamanne of Rosemont in Montreal and "André" of Trois-Rivières both said: "I did not see the feet..."


- You looked at his eyes, especially?

- Yes.

- He had an ordinary nose?

- Yes.

- A beard, a mustache?

- No, like an ordinary man.

- From the neck, did he have a garment?

- No... from here (she shows me the neck) it was gradually becoming blue, then... there (she shows me her forearm) like gray-blue... I did not see his hands, that's another curious thing. He was standing at attention. I looked at him... his eyes, which impressed me a lot. The skin of his face. I examined him a lot. Slowly after, my eyes fell on his shoulders. And that's when I started to be scared when I realized, I did not see his legs... It scared me a lot.

- Lower than the chest, you could not see anything?

- Yes, that's it. I did not see his legs and I saw that there was something wrong. But, at first, I really thought he was a normal person.

- What did you do then?

- I ran away and at the same time, I heard my friend calling me. Only then did I realize that Lucile had abandoned me and that I was alone. Until then, I believed she was behind me. (big sigh)

- Do you remember if it was very hot, wet or dry?

- ... (She thinks) How was I dressed... I think it was not to be so hot since there was nobody on the balconies. It must have been raining because everyone in Rosemont sat on the balconies in the summer. Then that day, there was nobody... who could have witnessed...

- What did you do in life at that time?

- I was a receptionist in a big house in Montreal.


- And the purring that you heard that caught your attention that night, was it like the sound of my tape recorder?

- No... It was like the cooing of a pigeon PRRU... PRRU... PRRU... but much stronger and continuous.

- Was it low pitched or high pitched?

- It was low.

- Did you feel uncomfortable, oppressed when you looked at him?

- No. Very good... and at first I was not afraid at all, not at all. I was more attracted to being able to see what it was.

- Are you an only daughter?

- No, we are four and I am the youngest.

- Do you think you've had a hallucination finally?

- Well no, since Lucile also saw it and fled to get help.

- She found some?

- No, but she came back to get me and we both fled. She saw it too.

- Was she much younger than you?

- We were the same age."

* * *

[...Other case...]


Is it true that ghosts really exist, and where, then, did the first painter who painted the first saint in ecstasy take inspiration? From Lagôa Negra of the preceding chapter?


Did the first ghost, that of Madame Bertrand, want, like the second (that of Madame Lamanne) to fascinate his victims and... for what purpose? We will never know it: they came home hastily. Perhaps because this sudden vision had woken up, at the moment of a flash, the atavistic memory which, it seems, is fixed by the deoxyribonucleic acid in each of our cells, to trigger this mechanism of defense that is fleeing from danger... a danger that the ancestors of the ancestors of our ancestors, millions of generations ago, have learned to fear.

The second ghost had time to catch his witness. Madame Lamanne had the time, if one can express themselves like that, to detail the face (no ears?), the neck, the shoulders: "metal or not metal." Like Madame Coupal, of Hemmingford, she notes that the garment was "glued" to the skin, that it was a metallic blue... like plastics made by these Terrans who never stop polluting their planet: garbage bags, covers and bags for this, bags for that, The legs? Did he have legs... Was he floating in the air like an extatic saint? We do not know... We were too scared.

The purring... Would there an appearance of a pale, tall, thin ghost every time there's a purring sound? [... other case...]



In his book "UFO Occupants And Critters: The Patterns In Canada," John Brent Musgrave states on page 46 that at Rosemont, Quebec, Canada, in July 1965, at 10:00 p.m., two young women were walking outside when they heard a particular noise resembling that of "roller skates," and when they looked in the direction of the sound they saw the torso of a handsome smiling man with deep piercing eyes. The two women felt in a trance for five minutes. When they recovered, the character had apparently disappeared.

The author had listed cases of entities he considered to be "peeping toms", voyeuristic, and among them he noted on page 29 "July 1965, Rosemont, Quebec". On page 60, he noted: "Philippe Blaquière: 'Observation in the district of Rosemont.' UFO Quebec N ° 1 2 l "


Albert Rosales indicates in his catalogue that in Rosemont, Quebec, Canada, on July 1965, at 2200, two young women were out walking when they heard a peculiar noise resembling that of "roller skates," when they looked in the direction of the noise they saw the torso of a beautiful smiling man with deep penetrating eyes, both women felt into a five minute trance, when they recovered the figure had apparently vanished.

Albert Rosales indicates as source John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants and Critters.


July 1965. 2200hrs.


Two young women out walking heard a noise "like roller skates" and when they looked in that direction, they saw the torso of a beautiful smiling man with deep, penetrating eyes. The bottom half of the figure was not visible. Both women felt in a trance for about 5 minutes

Musgrave 1979 case 27 p44 citing Bordeleau 1969 p46.

Points to consider:

Ten year after I regretted the lack of information on this affair, a ufologist from Quebec sent me the [bo1] reference and content; which supplied a lot of information.

Bordeleau evidently met the main witness, and asked many question to get as much details as possible.

However, the case remains without solid explanation: if the events are true, I cannot see a trivial explanation.

List of issues:

Id: Topic: Severity: Date noted: Raised by: Noted by: Description: Proposal: Status:
1 Data Severe June 25, 2008 Patrick Gross Patrick Gross Missing primary source. Received from Canadian ufologist in 2016, published here August 3, 2018. Closed.
2 Ufology Severe June 25, 2008 Patrick Gross Patrick Gross Origin and nature of story not known: anonymous letter, rumour, newspaper article, investigation...? Solved by primary source sent to me. Closed.
3 Ufology Severe June 25, 2008 Patrick Gross Patrick Gross No investigation report available. Solved by primary source sent to me. Closed.
4 Ufology Severe June 25, 2008 Patrick Gross Patrick Gross No information on witness profiles. Solved by primary source sent to me. Closed.
5 Ufology Severe June 25, 2008 Patrick Gross Patrick Gross When reported not known. Solved by primary source sent to me. Closed.



Sources references:

* = Source I checked.
? = Source I am told about but could not check yet. Help appreciated.

Document history:


Main Author: Patrick Gross
Contributors: None
Reviewers: None
Editor: Patrick Gross

Changes history

Version: Created/Changed By: Date: Change Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross June 25, 2008 Creation, [ar1].
1.0 Patrick Gross June 25, 2008 First published.
2.0 Patrick Gross August 3, 2018 Addition [bo1], [bm1], [pr1]. Points to Consider rewritten, was "Here is again a lacunar story without documented origin and no reporting circumstances, without elements of credibility, and for which one wonders what real relationship it is supposed to have with the matter of UFO occupants." In the Summary, addition starting at "I later received the first-hand witness interview..." Explanation changed from "No credibility. Insufficient information" to "Unexplained".

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This page was last updated on August 3, 2018.