In 1993, reportedly, one F. La Marca, from Rome, wrote a letter, apparently to a ufologist, to tell about a testimony he had heard the day befire.
La Marca told that the witness was an old shepherd, who was in the country near Tiana in the morning on August 14, 1947, when he saw "the devil" come down from the sky on a large silver plate covered with multicolored lights.
This saucer stopped at a place located at 300 to 400 meters maximum of the shepherd. An opening had then formed on the saucer, and a "silver creature" came out. It crossed the line of burning bushes that surrounded the large saucer, wandered for several minutes in the surroundings, making strange movements or gestures, and collecting stones. It then returned into the saucer, the opening closed behind it, and the saucer took off silently, disappearing in the sky at high speed.
The sheperd told of this to a hunter who passed by, but the sheperd was irritated when he understoof that the hunter was skpetical about the story. The sheperd then invited the unter to accompany him on the location, and the hunter said about it: "... What I saw and especially the great heat baffled me."
We are told the ground where the disc had landed was a pile of ashes and mested and barely cooled stones, which still gave off a lot of heat. All around and for tens of meters, the vegetation (cistus, small oaks and others) had practically become a pile of shapeless ash.
This report, first appearing in the ITACAT ufology catalogue, was then mentioned in other catalogues or article, generally considered with skepticism for reasons details below in this file.
[Ref. it1:] "ITACAT":
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4703. August 14, 1947 morn. CE3 INS./N.AF.TIANA (NU) - An elderly shepherd reportdely have witnessed the descent of the "devil" from the sky on a large silver plate, surrounded by multicolored lights. The object had landed about 3/400 meters from where the man stood. At one point, an opening formed in the object from which emerged a creature of silver color, which, after passing the line of bushes in flames that surrounded the "saucer", wandered around for several minutes, making strange gestures and collecting stones. Later he re-entered the object, the opening closed behind him and the object took off silently, disappearing from view at a very high speed. The ground on which the object allegeldy landed was described as a "heap of ashes and molten and barely gathered stone, which still produced a great heat". All around, for tens of meters, the vegetation (cistus, small oaks and other) was "practically a shapeless heap of ash". (letter F. La Marca) The case emerged ny chance as a result of the contact between this author and a Roman man, who collected the testimony of the shepherd just the day after the event described and had the opportunity to observe the traces on the ground (he still remembers the smell of the molten stone and ".., confused, with it another unidentifiable"). The details available are, obviously, meager and, however, related to a personal memory of forty-six years before: the case, therefore, is not reliable at first sight from an informative point of view. Particularly curious is the date of the event, the same as the famous (and very controversial) case of Villa Santina (4701), which saw as a witness the painter - science fiction writer - translator Johannis. Finally, it should be remembered that the presenter of this case seems to have some knowledge in the ufology field, but it is not possible to experience how this (however after the case in question and its consequence) may have influenced the story he proposed. |
Version originale:
4703. 14 Agosto 1947 matt. IR3 INS./N.AF.TIANA (NU) - Un anziano pastore sarebbe stato testimone della discesa del "diavolo" dal cielo su di un grande piatto di argento, avvolto da fuochi multicolori. L'oggetto si era posato a circa 3/400 metri da dove si trovava l'uomo. Ad un certo punto, nell'oggetto si formò un'apertura da cui emerse una creatura d'argento, che, dopo avere superato la linea di arbusti in fiamme che circondava il "piatto", si aggirò nei pressi per parecchi minuti, facendo strani movimenti e raccogliendo pietre. In seguito rientrò all'interno dell'oggetto, l'apertura si richiuse alle sue spalle e l'oggetto decollò silenziosamente, sparendo alla vista a fortissima velocità. Il terreno su cui si sarebbe posato l'oggetto venne descritto come un "ammasso di ceneri e pietra fusa ed appena rappresa, che emanava ancora un grande calore". Tutto intorno, per decine di metri, la vegetazione (cisto, piccole querce ed altro) era "praticamente divenuta un ammasso informe di cenere". (lettera F. La Marca) Il caso è emerso casualmente a seguito del contatto tra questo Autore ed un signore romano, il quale raccolse la testimonianza del pastore proprio il giorno successivo all'evento descritto ed ebbe la possibilità di osservare le tracce al suolo (di cui ricorda ancora l'odore della pietra fusa e " .., confuso, con esso un altro non identificabile"). I dettagli disponibili sono, ovviamente, scarni e, comunque, relativi ad un ricordo personale di quarantasei anni prima: il caso, quindi, non risulta affidabile innanzitutto dal punto di vista informativo. Particolarmente curiosa la data dell'evento, la stessa del famoso (e molto controverso) caso di Villa Santina (4701), che vide come testimone il pittore - scrittore di fantascienza - traduttore Johannis. Da ricordare, infine, che il relatore di questo caso sembra avere delle conoscenze in campo ufologico, ma non è possibile esperimersi su come le stesse (comunque posteriori al caso in esame e conseguenza dello stesso) possano eventualmente avere influenzato il racconto da lui proposto. |
A UFO lands in TianaOn August 14, 1947, an elderly shepherd observes, near the seaside resort of Tiana, in the province of Nuoro, a silver disc surmounted by a dome and surrounded by a multicolored glow descending from the sky to land in the vegetation. The object is located about 300 meters from the observation point of the man; all around, shrubs catch fire. At one point, a window opens into the dome, from which a silver creature lands, wanders around the area surrounding the UFO, making incomprehensible gestures to the shepherd and collecting minerals. After its operations, the humanoid returns to the flying saucer, which takes off and departs at a very high speed. The bushes and grasses around the landing site are reduced to ashes and the rock on which the disc was laid seemed to have melted and gave off intense heat. Source: Roberto Malini, "Ufo il Dizionario Enciclopedico", Giunti Editore, Florence 2003. |
Version originale:
Un UFO atterra a TianaIl 14 agosto 1947 un anziano pastore osserva nei pressi della località sarda di Tiana, in provincia di Nuoro, un disco d'argento sormontato da una cupola e circondato da una incandescenza multicolore scendere dal cielo e atterrare nella vegetazione. L'oggetto si trova a circa 300 metri dal punto di osservazione dell'uomo; tutt'intorno ad esso gli arbusti prendono fuoco. A un certo punta una finestra si apre nella cupola, da cui sbarca una creatura d'argento, che si aggira nella zona circostante l'UFO compiendo movimenti incomprensibili al pastore e raccogliendo minerali. Terminate le sue operazioni, l'umanoide torna nel disco volante, che decolla e si allontana ad altissima velocità. Cespugli e ed erbe intorno al luogo dell'atterraggio sono ridotti in cenere e la pietra dove si è posato il disco sembra essersi fusa ed emana un grande calore. Fonte: Roberto Malini, "Ufo il Dizionario Enciclopedico", Giunti Editore, Firenze 2003 |
36. Location. Tiana Italy Date: August 14 1947 Time: night An elderly shepherd saw a large fiery orange colored object, with multicolored lights land 400 meters away on a field. Soon an opening became visible on the object. A small humanoid then came out. The humanoid walked around the craft then proceeded to pick up some stones from the ground. Soon he re-entered the object, which shot up into the sky at incredible speed. Burnt vegetation and rocks were found at the site. HC addition # 2964 Source: Itacat Type: B |
[... other cases...] | |||||
DATE | HOUR | PLACE | TYPE | part | ufo in I 2 |
AUGUST 14, 1947 | MORNING | TIANA (NU) | LAND-ENT | ||
[... other cases...] |
[Ref. ud1:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:
14 Aug 1947 - Tiana, Sardinien, Italy14 August 1947 21:00 Tiana, Sardinien, Italy An elderly shepherd saw a large fiery orange colored object, with multicolored lights ... An elderly shepherd saw a large fiery orange colored object, with multicolored lights land 400 meters away on a field. Soon an opening became visible on the object. A small humanoid then came out. The humanoid walked around the craft then proceeded to pick up some stones from the ground. Soon he re-entered the object, which shot up into the sky at incredible speed. Burnt vegetation and rocks were found at the site. Hynek rating: CE3 |
The source is indicated as "Rosales, Albert, Humanoid Sighting Reports Database",
[Ref. sc1:] BLOG "SONOCONTE":
The first case of traces on the ground and in the surrounding vegetation dates back to August 14, 1947, it occurred in the country of Tiana during a close encounter involving a shepherd who told a hunter who passed by that he had seen the "devil" come down from the sky on a large silver plate covered with multicolored lights. The saucer had stopped at a spot located at 300 or 400 meters maximum of him, from which an opening had then formed, from which emerged a silver (dressed?) creature. The animated entity, having crossed the line of burning bushes that surrounded the large saucer, had wandered for several minutes in the surroundings, making strange movements and collecting stones. It had then returned into the saucer, the opening had closed behind it then the disc had taken off without any noise, disappearing in the sky at high speed. The shepherd was irritated when he saw that the hunter was perplexed about what he was saying and he then invited him to accompany him on the location. - This is what the hunter said - "... What I saw and especially the great heat baffled me." The ground where the disc had landed was a pile of ashes and stones already melted and barely cooled, which still gave off a lot of heat. All around and for tens of meters, the vegetation (cistus, small oaks and others) had practically become a pile of shapeless ash..." Thus, once arrived on the location, the hunter was able to notice that something extraordinary had happened under the shepherd's eyes, so as to interact violently with the surrounding environment. The vegetation was completely burned and the stone still gave off a lot of heat. These were the induced effects caused by the great thermal energy emanating from the UFO itself. |
Il primo caso di tracce al suolo e nella vegetazione circostante risale al 14 agosto 1947, accaduto nelle campagne di Tiana nel corso di un incontro ravvicinato che aveva coinvolto un pastore il quale raccontò ad un cacciatore di passaggio che aveva visto il "diavolo" scendere dal cielo su di un grande piatto d'argento avvolto da fuochi multicolori. Il piatto si era fermato in un punto che non distava più di 300-400 metri da lui dal quale si era poi formata un'apertura, dalla quale era uscita una creatura (vestita?) d'argento. L'entità animata, dopo aver superato la linea degli arbusti in fiamme che circondavano il grande piatto, si era aggirata per parecchi minuti nei dintorni facendo strani movimenti e raccogliendo pietre . Era poi rientrata a bordo del piatto, l'apertura si era richiusa alle sue spalle e quindi il disco era decollato senza alcun rumore, sparendo nel cielo a fantastica velocità. Il pastore si irritò quando vide che il cacciatore restava perplesso su ciò che gli stava raccontando e quindi lo invitò a recarsi con lui sul posto. - Ecco cosa disse poi il cacciatore - ...Quello che vidi e soprattutto il grande calore mi sconcertarono. Il terreno dove il disco si era posato era un ammasso di ceneri e di pietra già fusa ed appena repressa, che emanava ancora un grande calore. Tutto intorno e per decine di metri, la vegetazione (cisto, piccole querce ed altro) era praticamente divenuta un ammasso informe di cenere... -. Quindi, una volta giunto sul posto, il cacciatore poté constatare che effettivamente era accaduto un qualcosa di straordinario davanti agli occhi del pastore, tanto da interagire in maniera violenta nell'ambiente circostante. La vegetazione risultava completamente bruciata e la pietra emanava ancora un gran calore. Erano gli effetti indotti causati dall'elevata energia termica emanata dall'UFO stesso. |
August 14 1947. Morning. TIANA (SARDINIA : ITALY) An elderly shepherd saw a large silver disc surrounded by multi-coloured flames land 300-400m away, setting the brush on fire. An opening appeared and from it emerged a silver being that walked through the flames, and went around picking up stones and gesturing. The being then re-entered the object, the opening closed and the disc departed at high speed. Stones at the site were melted and the vegetation turned to ash. The shepherd thought the thing was from the devil. Verga 2007 p28 case 4703 citing letter from a Mr La Marca in 1993 citing his own investigation Evaluation: The only "evidence" for the existence of the shepherd is the statement by La Marca that he had interviewed him the previous day. Probably a hoax |
[Ref. tt1:] "TIANA TURISMO":
The mystery of Tiana's UFObyf Sardu | October 9, 2017 | Blog Stories and traditions | 0 comments The first case of traces on the ground and in the surrounding vegetation dates back to August 14, 1947, it occurred in the country of Tiana during a close encounter involving a shepherd who told a hunter who passed by that he had seen the "devil" descending from the sky on a large silver plate surrounded by multicolored fires, stopped at a point located 300 or 400 meters from him, from which an opening had then formed, from which emerged a silver (dressed?) creature. The animated entity, having crossed the line of burning bushes that surrounded the large plate, had wandered for several minutes in the surroundings, making strange movements and collecting stones. It had then returned to the plate, the opening had closed behind it then the disc took off without any noise, disappearing into the sky at high speed. The shepherd became angry when he saw that the hunter was perplexed about what he was saying, so he invited him to follow him to the place. "What I saw and especially the great heat disconcerted me. The soil where the disk had been posed was a pile of ashes and stones already melted and hardly cooled, which gave off a great heat. on tens of meters, the vegetation (rock rose, small oaks and others) had practically become a heap of shapeless ash". The hunter could see that something extraordinary had happened before the shepherd's eyes, so much that it had interacted violently with the surrounding environment. The vegetation was completely burned and the stone still gave off a lot of heat. These were the induced effects caused by the great thermal energy emanating from the UFO itself. |
Version originale:
Il mistero dell’ Ufo di Tianada Sardu | Ott 9, 2017 | Blog Storie e tradizioni | 0 commenti Il primo caso di tracce al suolo e nella vegetazione circostante risale al 14 agosto 1947, accaduto nelle campagne di Tiana nel corso di un incontro ravvicinato che aveva coinvolto un pastore il quale raccontò ad un cacciatore di passaggio che aveva visto il “diavolo” scendere dal cielo su di un grande piatto d’argento avvolto da fuochi multicolori.Il piatto si era fermato in un punto che non distava più di 300-400 metri da lui dal quale si era poi formata un’apertura, dalla quale era uscita una creatura (vestita?) d’argento. L’entità animata, dopo aver superato la linea degli arbusti in fiamme che circondavano il grande piatto, si era aggirata per parecchi minuti nei dintorni facendo strani movimenti e raccogliendo pietre . Era poi rientrata a bordo del piatto, l’apertura si era richiusa alle sue spalle e quindi il disco era decollato senza alcun rumore, sparendo nel cielo a fantastica velocità. Il pastore si irritò quando vide che il cacciatore restava perplesso su ciò che gli stava raccontando e quindi lo invitò a recarsi con lui sul posto "Quello che vidi e soprattutto il grande calore mi sconcertarono. Il terreno dove il disco si era posato era un ammasso di ceneri e di pietra già fusa ed appena repressa, che emanava ancora un grande calore. Tutto intorno e per decine di metri, la vegetazione (cisto, piccole querce ed altro) era praticamente divenuta un ammasso informe di cenere" -Una volta giunto sul posto, il cacciatore poté constatare che effettivamente era accaduto un qualcosa di straordinario davanti agli occhi del pastore, tanto da interagire in maniera violenta nell’ambiente circostante. La vegetazione risultava completamente bruciata e la pietra emanava ancora un gran calore. Erano gli effetti indotti causati dall’elevata energia termica emanata dall’UFO stesso. |
The case is missing in the Italian listing at, it is missing in the Italian catalog of cases with traces TRACAT. and with "Tiana", the search engine of the website does not find anything although there is a fact sheet ([it1]) there.
It is therefore a case consisting in a letter from one F. La Marca, from Rome, in 1993, who interviewed the witness the day before.
A surprising thing is the date, which is exactly that of the hoax in Raveo, also in Italy (but far from Tiana). As the case stands, the hoax would be probable, or at least possible, without being proven. No investigation has been carried out, and I do not even know exactly to whom the letter of F. la Marca had been sent.
It seems to me that this letter should have been published in full; it could have given the "tone" of the case and potentially betrayed a hoax.
I lean for a probable hoax for two other reasons: we are told that the shepherd was 300 or 400 meters from the "saucer". I do not understand how he would have seen at such a distance a door, or gestures and picking stones from the occupant of the saucer.
Finally, for a 1947 event recounted in 1993, the precision of the date is suspicious. With similar delays, most witnesses give dates such as "in the summer of 1947", but not such a precise date.
Id: | Topic: | Severity: | Date noted: | Raised by: | Noted by: | Description: | Proposal: | Status: |
1 | Data | Severe | October 13, 2018 | Patrick Gross | Patrick Gross | Missing the primary source, letter by F. de Marca. | Help needed. | Opened. |
1 | Data | Severe | October 13, 2018 | Patrick Gross | Patrick Gross | Circumstances of report not clea. Letter to whom? Age of witness in 1947? | Help needed. | Opened. |
* = Source I checked.
? = Source I am told about but could not check yet. Help appreciated.
Main Author: | Patrick Gross |
Contributors: | None |
Reviewers: | None |
Editor: | Patrick Gross |
Version: | Created/Changed By: | Date: | Change Description: |
0.1 | Patrick Gross | October 13, 2018 | Creation, [1]. |
1.0 | Patrick Gross | October 13, 2018 | First published. |