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URECAT - UFO Related Entities Catalog

URECAT is a formal catalog of UFO related entities sightings reports with the goal of providing quality information for accurate studies of the topic. Additional information, corrections and reviews are welcome at patrick.gross@inbox.com, please state if you wish to be credited for your contribution or not. The main page of the URECAT catalog is here.

1932, Killdeer, North Dakota, USA, Leo Dworshak and his brother Michael:

Brief summary of the event and follow-up:

In the 2000's several ufologists told of a close encounter near Killdeer, North Dakota, in 1932, in the evening, when one Leo Dworshak and his brother were playing in an isolated area saw a strange craft landing nearby.

We are told that an invisible force field apparently kept him and his brother from approaching the craft. They watched the strange machine rotate "in a complicated way." It had flashing colored lights on an outer shell, like a band or a belt that circled the vehicle at its widest point. The inner shell seemed to be standing still, or perhaps turning the opposite way. It was totally silent and produced no cloud of exhaust fumes or smoke. The ship left but returned the next night. On this night the aliens, which Dworshak described, as very much resembling humans but looking very much like each other almost like twins invited the brothers onboard the object. After being disinfected the aliens gave them a tour of the craft. They also showed them the future, one that foretold of the home computer and the rise of Nazi Germany. The aliens told the boys that humanity would shun their experience. They also told Dworshak that they hailed from the "12th galaxy" and that they kept 12 of their kind on earth at all times.

Inside the spacecraft, Dworshak saw chairs that would move to accommodate guests at the pointing of an alien finger. The ship itself had a force field, allowing it to go invisible when needed. Leo said "One alien looked very much like the next".

Another source explains that these encounters were repeated, that in the end the "force field" did not prevent contact anymore, that there was a conversation in German - the language the brothers spoke - with the chief of the UFO people, who told them they shold not speak about them for now, as they won't be believed until they will be much older.

The chief of the aliens told they are secretly on earth since 5000 years and they ome from another galaxy; which is "thousands years in time." His people feels resposible for out planet and they wish to help, but only if we aks them to.

Michael Dworshack was killed in Korea in 1950, but his brother met these aliens again in 1939, 1941, 1950, and 1963.

What the ufology source fail to mention is that Leo, who died in 2005, wrote a full book, "Ufos Are With Us - Take My Word" in 2003 about all this...

Basic information table:

Case number: URECAT-001636
Date of event: 1932
Earliest report of event: 2003
Delay of report: 7 decades.
Witness reported via: Wrote a book.
First alleged record by: Witness' book.
First certain record by: Witness' book.
First alleged record type: Witness' book.
First certain record type: Witness' book.
This file created on: August 14, 2018
This file last updated on: August 14, 2018
Country of event: USA
State/Department: North Dakota
Type of location: Outside
Lighting conditions: Not reported.
UFO observed: Yes
UFO arrival observed: Yes
UFO departure observed: Yes
UFO/Entity Relation: Certain
Witnesses numbers: 2
Witnesses ages: 12, child
Witnesses types: Local hildren.
Photograph(s): No.
Witnesses drawing: No.
Witnesses-approved drawing: No.
Number of entities: Many.
Type of entities: Human
Entities height: Normal
Entities outfit type: Not reported.
Entities outfit color: Not reported.
Entities skin color: Not reported.
Entities body: Not reported.
Entities head: Not reported. No beard no mustache.
Entities eyes: Not reported.
Entities mouth: Not reported.
Entities nose: Not reported.
Entities feet: Not reported.
Entities arms: Not reported.
Entities fingers: Not reported.
Entities fingers number: Not reported.
Entities hair: Brown hair.
Entities voice: Speak German, English, and telepathy.
Entities actions: Are in UFO, say they came to help mankind 5000 ago.
Entities/witness interactions: Visit UFO, talk.
Witness(es) reactions: Observed, went in UFO, went.
Witness(es) feelings: Not reported.
Witness(es) interpretation: Extraterrestrial visitors.
Explanation category: Tall tale of the "contactee" kind.
Explanation certainty: Certain.



Legacy Of A UFO Story

By Martin J. Kidston
The Helena Independent Record

His yard was manicured and the big green trees planted outside his mobile home in the Helena Valley soaked up the summer sun.

Leo Dworshak, the man who lived there, had invited me over for a story. I accepted on a lark — a call from a person who knew a person who new him.

"You've gotta meet Leo," the caller insisted. "He's got a fascinating story."

"Yeah?" I asked. "What's it about?"


The silence that followed was as long and deep as my skepticism. I'd been duped before, most recently by a man who told me he was a therapist with a novel new concept to healing. Yet when I met him, he turned out to be a zealot, and by healing he meant his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ the almighty God.

Sitting at Dworshak's table, I tried not to grin. After all, he was telling me how he'd boarded a UFO in 1938 with his brother. He had a conversation with the aliens. They told him the future. They had already seen it.

"Yeah," I asked. "But what did they want?"

"Water," he said. "They wanted water."

"Water? Like drinking water?"

"Hydrogen, more precisely. It's what propelled their ship."

Leo wore big glasses that magnified his eyes three times their actual size. Whenever he said "ship", his eyes grew big and he tapped his cigarette into the ashtray. My own eyes burned from the smoke. Perhaps the aliens wanted tobacco while they were here?

Leo wrote a book on his experience, UFOs Are With Us: Take My Word. He gave me a signed copy on April 24, 2003. I took his picture and ran it in the paper with his story: "Helena man true eliever in UFOs." That's when it all began.

Timothy Good, author of the Sunday Times bestseller, Beyond Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Security Threat, was the first to call. The UFO investigator and author phoned me from England, wanting to know more about Dworshak before traveling to Helena to meet him.

During his visit, Good also gave me a signed copy of his book. I took his picture, too, and ran it in the paper: "Author researches stories of alien encounters."

That's when Art Bell's producer called from Coast to Coast Radio. I used to listen to Bell's show as a kid, scared half to death sitting in the dark, wondering if the things he talked about could actually be true.

"How can I find this Timothy Good?" the producer asked.

"I don't know," I said. "He lives in the United Kingdom."

"How about Dworshak?"

"That's a little easier..."

Just last week, Dworshak's legacy continued when UFO researcher Warren Aston phoned from Australia, wanting to know more about Helena's now-famous UFO witness. Unfortunately, Dworshak had passed away two weeks earlier, leaving his book as his only testimony.

"Was he credible?" Aston asked.

"He believed what he said", I told him. "He believed it happened. In that sense, I guess I do believe him."

Dworshak was born July 16, 1920, in Flasher, N.D., to Egnats and Josephine Dworshak. He was 86 when he passed, leaving behind 12 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren.

"There are relatively few people who know what's going on, and those who know don't talk," Good told me in his visit. "I found Leo's story one of the most compelling contact stories I've investigated."


Albert Rosales indicates in his catalogue that near Killdeer, North Dakota, in 1932, in the evening, "Leo Dworshak and his brother were playing in an isolated area reported seeing a strange craft landing nearby. An invisible force field apparently kept him and his brother from approaching the craft. They watched the strange machine rotate "in a complicated way." It had flashing colored lights on an outer shell, like a band or a belt that circled the vehicle at its widest point. The inner shell seemed to be standing still, or perhaps turning the opposite way. It was totally silent and produced no cloud of exhaust fumes or smoke. The ship left but returned the next night. On this night the aliens, which Dworshak described, as very much resembling humans but looking very much like each other almost like twins invited the brothers onboard the object. After being disinfected the aliens gave them a tour of the craft. They also showed them the future, one that foretold of the home computer and the rise of Nazi Germany. The aliens told the boys that humanity would shun their experience. They also told Dworshak that they hailed from the "12th galaxy" and that they kept 12 of their kind on earth at all times. Inside the spacecraft Dworshak remember seeing chairs that would move to accommodate guests at the pointing of an alien finger. The ship itself had a force field, allowing it to go invisible when needed. Leo again reiterated, "One alien looked very much like the next".

Albert Rosales indicates that the source is "Martin Kidston, Independent Record, Helena Montana".

[Ref. js1:] JEAN SIDER:

L'auteur indique qu'en été 1932, à Killdeer, Dakota du Nord, Etats-Unis, il y a eu rencontres du troisième types.

Il dit qu'il y aplusieurs dates et heures à considérer car c'est une succession de RR3, des événements se seraient situés en pleine Grande Dépression durant laquelle la vie était devenue très difficile pour les gens de condition modeste, comme l'étaient les parents des deux témoins, de petits fermiers d'origine allemande aux fins de mois difficiles.

Il indique qu'il va résumers le cas à ses Wprétendus épisodesW:

Leo Dworshak, 12e ans, et son jeune frère Mike, gambadaient au sommet d'une colline à environ deux kilomètres de Killdeer, quand en contrebas dans la vallée, ils ont vu une scène inattendue: un énorme objet "plus grand que la grange de notre ferme", selon Leo, était posé dans la prairie. Il était rond, aplati, couleur argent comme une pièce d'un dollar du même métal, avec une partie élevée plus petite au-dessus. Sur son pourtour se distinguait une bande comportant des lumières de diverses couleurs qui tournent sur la structure principale toujours immobile.

Les deux enfants très excités ont décidé de dévaler la colline pour voir la chose de peu plus près, mais à un moment donné, ils ont été bloqués dans leur progression par une sorte de force comparable à un mur invisible. Ils ont fait plsuieurs tentatives, à partir de points différents, mais la même impossibilité a persisté. Décontenancés, ils se sont assis pour regarder ce qu'ils pensaient être quelque sorte de nouvelle machine agricole, ne parvenant pas à comprendre pourquoi quelque chose qu'ils ne voient pas les empêchait de se rapprocher de l'objet.

A un moment donné la rotation de la bande centrale a ralentit puis s'est arrêté, une ouverture s'est faite dans la partie surélevée, en un endroit où pourtant il n'y avait aucune trace de porte ni de fenêtre. Une rampe mobile a jaillit et s'est déployée vers le sol, et tois personnages sont sortis de l'objet et sont descendu au sol. Ils étaient trop distants pour être détaillés mais ils paraissaieent humains selon nos standards. Tous trois portaient le même type de combinaison très colorée. Ils ont marché à côté et autour de leur appareil, puis l'ont regagné, la rampe a réintégré l'ouverture, laquelle s'est refermée en ne laissant apparaître aucune trace de son existence. Comme le soleil était maintenant très bas, les deux enfants ont décidé de regagner la ferme familiale.

Le lendemain, en revenant sur place, ils ont constaté que la machine avait disparu, ce qui les a suspris parce qu'ils n'imaginaient pas autre chose qu'un engin appartenant à un grand domaine agricole d'un type qu'ils n'avaient encore jamais vu.

Leo s'est demandé "Comment une machine aussi grosse a-t-elle pu quitter ce lieu sauvage vierge d'habitants?»"

Il ne trouvent aucune trace de piétinements dans l'herbe pourtant haute et épaisse.

Les enfants auront encore plusieurs RR3 au même endroit mais sans pouvoir approcher les occupants de la machine, car le "mur invisible" les en a empêché.

Au fur et à mesure de ces rencontres, la distance entre les témoins et les créatures diminue systématiquement. Un jour, la force qui bloque leur progression a disparu et ils ont pu venir au contact direct avec les étrangers. Il y a une conversation en allemand, la langue maternel¬le des deux frères. L'un des occupants affirme:

"Nous pouvons nous exprimer dans toutes les langues parlées de votre planète."

Il parlait allemand comme s'il avait pratiqué cette langue toute sa vie. Les enfants avaient beaucoup de questions à poser, mais ont l'impression qu'il leur ne leur est permis d'en formuler que quelques-unes, comme si leur désir d'en savoir davantage était contrôlé ou canalisé par une volonté plus forte que la leur.

Après avoir accepté de répondre à des questions, le chef des "étrangers" a di aux deux frères que s'ils racontaient ce qui s'est passé et ce qu'ils ont appris à leurs proches, personne ne les croira. Mais il ajoute que plus tard, quand ils seront bien plus âgés, ils pourront faire connaître leurs rencontres et être crus.

Le "chef" ajoute:

"Nous sommes bien réels, et nous venons d'une autre galaxie. Nous venons sur votre monde depuis plus de cinq mille ans. Le nôtre se situe à des millions d'années dans le temps. Nous continuons à venir sur votre planète parce que nous en sommes responsables. Nous aurons l'occasion de nous voir encore plus tard."

Kean Sider explique que l'histoire est très longue, casdans les années qui passaient, il y a eu encore d'autres rencontres, essentiellement pour Leo. Son frère Michael, qui s'était engagé dans l'Armée, a été tué en Corée en 1950. C'est ainsi qu'en 1939, 1941, 1950, et finalement en 1963, Leo aurait encore eu l'opportunité de rencontrer les mêmes Aliens.

Jean Sider explique que nous devons admettre que "cette histoire nous semble difficile à accepter, mais après tout, il y a des récits encore plus énormes rapportés par des témoins apparemment de bonne foi."

Comme source, il indique: "(Dworshak)".


My Conversation With Leo Dworshak

Leo Dworshak took leave from planet Earth on April 28, 2007 at the age of 87. Leo left for all of us a book he wrote titled UFO's Are with Us – Take My Word. For Leo and Mike Dworshak, and for the record, I will state here that I take your word, Leo. I am absolutely certain that the events you have written about in your book did happen just as you say, and I know that you spent much of your life in a rather frustrating attempt to inform our world that we are not alone. In Leo's book UFO's Are with Us – Take My Word, Leo tells us of his, and his younger brother Mike's, persistent attempts in 1932 to befriend visitors from another world, to develop a true relationship with those visitors, and to eventually be invited aboard their spacecraft on several occasions. Leo's account of these events is nothing short of amazing.

I was fortunate enough in October, 2005 to have a lengthy conversation with Leo Dworshak about these events at Leo's home in Helena, Montana. I simply looked up Leo's phone number in the Helena directory, called Leo, and told him that I was a physician in Helena who was interested in his story and that I would very much like to meet with him and have a discussion. I found Leo to be a very warm individual who immediately agreed to meet with me at his home. I went to Leo's neatly kept trailer home on Villard Street in Helena on a Tuesday at about 9AM and we talked for about 4 hours. I recall being surprised when Leo told me that Timothy Goode, the British UFO researcher, had also been to his home recently and sat at the very table at which we were sitting! Over the considerable time I spent conversing with Leo, I had ample opportunity to form an assessment of Leo's state of mind. My impression: Leo was not senile nor was he out of touch with reality. Leo had a very sharp mind and was quite in touch with current events. I had no perception that Leo was psychotic, delusional, or misleading in anything he said to me. Leo was a straight up individual with an incredible life experience.

Leo's book, UFO's Are with Us – Take My Word, is still in print and available through Amazon.com. I would recommend that everyone read this book. It is a short, one evening read presented in a simple, straightforward manner that contains an extremely important message for mankind. It is necessary that you read the book in order that you will be able to receive Leo's communication in the way Leo tells of these events. Any attempt I might make here to summarize the book would not do. You need to hear it from Leo.

Thanks for the time you spent talking with me Leo, and thanks for everything you did to try to open our eyes to a new reality.

A quote from Leo's book UFO's Are with Us – Take My Word:

"The day is gone when we say it was just a falling star or some gas that has formed in a swamp and looks like a flying object. We have to admit that we have some beings among us from another galaxy. They are human, just like us, only they have developed far beyond us. Just how far ahead of our own civilization they are, I do not know, but I am certain our intelligence is very low compared to theirs. We must learn to express our positive feelings toward them. They are here to help us on their own terms. We must let them know that we more than welcome their help."

P.S. : To the Visitors who knew and befriended Leo and Mike Dworshak, I too would like to get to know you. If you somehow become aware of this message, I am Richard O'Connor and my home is located outside of Helena, Montana, USA at Latitude 46' 33.248" degrees North, Longitude 111' 58.463" West. I live not far from where Leo lived, and I would consider it an honor and a privilege to meet with you. If your spacecraft would be safe to land in an area where the current forest fire danger is extreme, then please feel free to land in my backyard. Tonight would be an excellent night for this to happen. It is a weekend night, I have no plans, and I am not "on call" for the hospital. I agree to engage in this relationship under whatever terms you may specify. Take My Word.

Richard K. O'Connor, M.D.
Executive Director, Crop Circles Research Foundation, Inc.

[Ref. ud1:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

1932 - Killdeer, North Dakota, USA

1932 20:00

Killdeer, North Dakota, USA

Leo Dworshak and his brother were playing in an isolated area reported seeing a strange craft landing nearby. An invisible force field apparently kept him and his brother from approaching the craft. They watched the strange machine rotate "in a complicated way." It had flashing colored lights on an outer shell, like a band or a belt that circled the vehicle at its widest point. The inner shell seemed to be standing still, or perhaps turning the opposite way. It was totally silent and produced no cloud of exhaust fumes or smoke. The ship left but returned the next night. On this night the aliens, which Dworshak described, as very much resembling humans but looking very much like each other almost like twins invited the brothers onboard the object. After being disinfected the aliens gave them a tour of the craft. They also showed them the future, one that foretold of the home computer and the rise of Nazi Germany. The aliens told the boys that humanity would shun their experience. They also told Dworshak that they hailed from the "12th galaxy" and that they kept 12 of their kind on earth at all times. Inside the spacecraft Dworshak remember seeing chairs that would move to accommodate guests at the pointing of an alien finger. The ship itself had a force field, allowing it to go invisible when needed. Leo again reiterated, "One alien looked very much like the next".

Hynek rating: CE3

The source is indicated as: "Rosales, Albert, Humanoid Sighting Reports Database".

[Ref. jb1:] JOAN BIRD:


The Visitors, Appearance and Knowledge

It's interesting that Montana claims two of the best early descriptions of benevolent alien encounters, and they are remarkably similar. Both describe the human appearance of the spacecraft occupants, and similar "coverall" type clothing. Udo's visitors spoke perfect English and told him they could speak 500 languages, while Leo's visitors said they spoke all the languages on our planet, and Leo verified their perfect English and German. Leo describes a decontamination process required for entry onto the ship.

Udo's contacts invited him to be examined for impurities by an X-ray like machine that passed over him. When Leo met his contacts seven years after his first encounter, he commented on how little they had changed. They responded:

We are several thousand years ahead of your time. We are germ-free and our life expectancy is quite different from yours...if your scientists would devote their time to increasing your life span, people on Earth would be capable of living in good health much longer than you do now.

Perhaps the scanning or decontamination processes are part of the knowledge that keeps the aliens germ-free and long-lived. Udo's visitors told him they were 600 and 900 years old, a human life expectancy unheard of, except in the Book of Genesis.

Propulsion and Energy Systems

Both Leo and Udo describe a humming sound. Udo says in an early hand-written account that when he was under the ship, "the noise was not loud, and seemed to go through you." Both describe some kind of counter-rotational movement in the outer rim of the craft, and Tom Cottle reports that Udo's drawings showed a circular tube around the outside of the dish which spun to cause the force. Udo's hosts told him the two counter-rotating flywheels produced an electro-magnetic force that gave the ship its own gravitation, overcoming the gravitational pull of the Earth, as well as other planets, the sun and stars.

In one account, Udo reports,

They focused on a distant star and used its energy to draw them through space at speeds greater than the speed of light. My host specifically mentioned, "skipping upon the light waves."

Udo's visitors also told him they used energy from the sun and the stars, and could store it in batteries, though this was for emergency use. In one account, Udo writes they also said there was another energy source that was not explained. "As time goes on these things will become clear to you... they will become known to you as you go on." Years later, Udo told his daughter Dana he believed the fuel source for the craft was hydrogen, extracted from water.

These prescient comments about understanding more in the future seemed to take root in Udo, and perhaps gave him a sense of mission in wanting to share information he felt would be beneficial to mankind. Tim Grossnickle wrote that Udo's wife Donna described him as an imaginative "tinkerer." Udo was fascinated by the extraterrestrial technology, and believed it could be a solution to the energy crisis and our transportation problems. The letters he wrote to John Glenn in l976, and to UFO researcher Stanton Friedman in l981 both request help in relaying information about these technologies to those who could develop them. Counter-rotating wheels are often described in the UFO literature, and in anti-gravity technology currently being tested on Earth. Leo describes watching the outer shell of the ship rotating faster and faster just before the craft lifted off the ground, and both describe the amazingly rapid disappearance of the ship after take-off.

While Udo did not experience the force field that originally kept Leo and his brother from approaching that ship, he does talk about "how some type of energy had permeated the area and that he lost strength for several hours, being unable to walk. When his strength finally returned he walked back to the (mining company) base camp."

Purpose and Character of the Visitors

Curiously, Udo and Leo were both told not to tell anyone about their experiences, as no one would believe them at that time, but in years to come they would be able to talk and would be believed. This implies some understanding of the state of human awareness in the l930s and l940s, and perhaps some ability to see into the future.

When Udo asked about their purpose in coming, they replied "as you have noticed, we look pretty much as you do, so we mingle with you people, gather information, leave instructions, or give help where needed." Leo's visitors had similar comments. In his last boarding on the ship in l963, they express their concern for the future of humans on earth, and report:

"Throughout the years we have walked this planet without harming anyone. Always, we have been willing to help, but not one seems to want our help."

One of the most striking similarities between the two accounts is the emotional response of both Leo and Udo to their visitors. They both speak wistfully and even reverentially of their visitors. According to Warren Aston's account, Udo stressed his impression that they were men, "just like us, and very nice chaps." He felt remarkable "love, or comfort" in their presence and did not want to leave them. Leo wrote at length about their kindness and loving, helpful nature as mentioned in the Leo Dworshak chapter.

According to the verbal account provided by Robert Grossnickle's son Tim, and perhaps by his father as well, Udo asked the visitors "if they knew of Jesus Christ and if they held the Priesthood?" They replied, "We would like to speak of these things, but are unable. We cannot interfere in any way." This statement suggests an allegiance to some kind of ethical cosmic law, and a deference to human free will on this planet.

Udo's and Leo's accounts of their contact experiences are not unusual in being so positive. While there are troubling and frightful reports of abduction by grays, Reptilian and even human-appearing abductors, there are also many reports of encounters with benevolent, wise and kind beings from off-planet, who urge us to end the development of nuclear weapons, and offer technologies and information to end poverty and illness on Earth.

Though Udo never saw the ship or its crew again, he never stopped hoping. In one of his handwritten accounts, he says, "everything was so clear, and still is . . . one time when I was in Portland, Ore. I thought I saw a man like the younger man, but by the time I had gone around the block he had gone. Then this summer when I was in Hawaii, I saw a man that looked just like him, though it wasn't him." Udo was clearly deeply affected by his encounter for his entire life.

I have heard tales of other sightings and even possible encounters in the Townsend area and nearby Elkhorn Mountains, but nothing with the detail that Udo committed to writing. Out of his desire to assist humankind, Udo left us a remarkable legacy. Sadly, his attempts to pass on this valuable information were seemingly as futile as the assistance offered from these cosmic travelers. Perhaps someday, in the not too distant future, these technologies will become available on Earth.



June 1932. 1700hrs.


Leo Dworshak (12) and his brother Michael were exploring a grassy hilltop near their farm when Michael saw a silvery object, larger than a barn, about 1km away in the valley below. The thing was composed of a rotating outer and static inner section, the former having multi-coloured lights. As the boys descended towards the thing, they found themselves stopped by a “force field”. They continued to watch from a distance as the lights went out, the rotation stopped and a sort of ramp came down from an opening. Down this came three beings, wearing coveralls. They stood by the thing for a few minutes and then re-entered. The boys left. A couple of weeks later the boys were in the valley when they saw a flying machine descend. As it did so the area seemed strangely still. This time 6 beings, wearing one piece slacks, emerged from the thing and picked up things from the ground. After more than an hour the boys went home for supper. They encountered the thing and its smooth face crew, dressed in jump suits on a number of later occasions and eventually sometime in October, the beings let the boys onto their craft, including the bedrooms, automatic toilet and laboratory. They spoke to the boys in German and English and claimed to be from a distant galaxy. Leo claimed many later contacts.

Good 2013 p1 citing Dworshak 2003

Evaluation - A classic contactee tale recounted 70 years on

Points to consider:

Leo Dworshak is a (so-called) "contactee", who lived in Helena, Montana, USA. It was only when he wrote his book "Ufos Are With Us - Take My Word", published in 2003, that his story surfaced. The events he tells are of such silly nature that few people have been willing to believe it.

Among the nonsense told in the book:

Leo Dworshak passed away in Helena, Montana. The obituary was featured in the Helena Independent Record newspaper on May 1, 2007.

List of issues:

Id: Topic: Severity: Date noted: Raised by: Noted by: Description: Proposal: Status:


Tall tale of the "contactee" kind.

Sources references:

* = Source I checked.
? = Source I am told about but could not check yet. Help appreciated.

Document history:


Main Author: Patrick Gross
Contributors: None
Reviewers: None
Editor: Patrick Gross

Changes history

Version: Created/Changed By: Date: Change Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross August 14, 2018 Creation, [mk1], [ar1], [js1], [rc1], [ud1], [pr1].
1.0 Patrick Gross August 14, 2018 First published.

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This page was last updated on August 14, 2018.