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URECAT - UFO Related Entities Catalog

URECAT is a formal catalog of UFO related entities sightings reports with the goal of providing quality information for accurate studies of the topic. Additional information, corrections and reviews are welcome at patrick.gross@inbox.com, please state if you wish to be credited for your contribution or not. The main page of the URECAT catalog is here.

1930, Jacarepagua, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Ruth Veiga and Cesario Veiga:

Brief summary of the event and follow-up:

Various ufological sources echo an observation report collected by the Brazilian ufologist Irene Granchi, who told it in her 1992 book. The case occurred in Jacarepagua, now a district of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1930. The place was at that time without electricity and with few residents.

The story was told to Irene Granchi by a woman, Ruth (or Rute) Veiga, after the death of her husband Cesario, the other witness, who had made her swear never to tell anyone about it. Ruth Veiga had felt that the death of her husband cancelled her oath. Then, at the age of 70, she informed her two sisters of the incident, and Irene Granchi heard of the case by one of the sisters.

The Veiga family were sleeping at her home when suddenly she and her husband were awakened by a strong blue-yellow light, entering through the net or the Venetian window blinds.

Terrified, Cesario Veiga opened the window, and saw the UFO. He told his wife not to come near: "Do not look, there is a terrible thing out!" But she ended up looking and saw, stunned, a huge "wheel", that is to say a white object, round, with two monstrous "eyes" and a column like a kind of "leg" below.

The object moved slowly over their lawn, up and down, and after a while it headed for the Camorim Reservoir at the dam of the same name.

Thinking it was a bad neighbor's joke, Cesario first threatened to fire with his revolver, then did it, four times in the air, and twice on the ground, to chase the "monster". Ruth drew the observed object in detail for Irene Granchi, and described the "eyes" as square holes, "carved in the form of bricks." She said the UFO had come and returned to her garden several times until it finally went away to the dam.

Eventually the couple barricaded themselves in the house and tried hard to get back to sleep.

The next day, Cesario Veiga had asked her neighbors if anyone had seen anything, but no one had seen the strange phenomenon. He noticed that the grass in his garden, made of "capim veludo", had turned gray, ash-colored, as if it had been sick.

His wife found that she had a rash of small pimples like hives or stinging nettles, a type of inflammation she never had before. Her whole body was swollen, including her fingers.

Cesario Veiga then decided to go to the police station that investigated, wrote a report, and delegated to the case a Dr. Lucio Cardoso, who asked that two soldiers of the cavalry came in protection in case this "monster" came back. But after 10 days, nothing having occurred, the soldiers were called back.

What was a "UFO", in the sense of an object, was considered by a ufologist as a robot, and as it is about a "leg" and "eyes", another ufologist considered it was an CE3; which amounts to considering the UFO as an "entity", hence the presence of this case in this catalog.

Basic information table:

Case number: URECAT-001676
Date of event: 1930
Earliest report of event: 1992?
Delay of report: 3 to 6 decades.
Witness reported via: Told to local ufologist.
First alleged record by: Investigation report by local ufologist Irene Granchi.
First certain record by: Investigation report by local ufologist Irene Granchi.
First alleged record type: Investigation report by local ufologist Irene Granchi.
First certain record type: Investigation report by local ufologist Irene Granchi.
This file created on: August 30, 2018
This file last updated on: August 30, 2018
Country of event: Brazil
State/Department: Rio de Janeiro
Type of location: From inside home.
Lighting conditions: Night
UFO observed: Yes
UFO arrival observed: No
UFO departure observed: Yes
UFO/Entity Relation: N/A
Witnesses numbers: 2
Witnesses ages: Young adults, adults or aged.
Witnesses types: A local couple.
Photograph(s): No.
Witnesses drawing: Yes.
Witnesses-approved drawing: Yes.
Number of entities: 0
Type of entities: N/A
Entities height: N/A
Entities outfit type: N/A
Entities outfit color: N/A
Entities skin color: N/A
Entities body: N/A
Entities head: N/A
Entities eyes: N/A
Entities mouth: N/A
Entities nose: N/A
Entities feet: N/A
Entities arms: N/A
Entities fingers: N/A
Entities fingers number: N/A
Entities hair: N/A
Entities voice: None heard.
Entities actions: Was there, went, came again, went.
Entities/witness interactions: None.
Witness(es) reactions: Observed, shot at it with revolver, went.
Witness(es) feelings: Frightened.
Witness(es) interpretation: Something monstrous.
Explanation category: Possible extraterrestrial visitors, non-CE3.
Explanation certainty: Medium.




Memories that marked the era

by Marcos Malvezzi Leal


"Do not look, there is a terrible thing outside!" It was with this sentence that Mr. Cesario Veiga tried to prevent his wife from looking at the strange object that, for him, would be a real monster, as the police notes stated later. Ufologist Irene Granchi investigated the case and later published it in her book "UFOs and Abduções no Brasil" (Novo Milênio publisgers, 1992). In 1930, the district of Jacarepaguá, in Rio de Janeiro, was a virtually uninhabited place. The couple Cesário and Rute Veiga lived nearby, without electricity. One night, Cesario was awakened by a light that entered the room through Venetian blinds. When he opened the window, he was afraid and did not let Rute come near, insisting that there was a "horrible thing" in the yard. However, his wife walked to the window and saw a wheel, as she had revealed to Irene Granchi decades later, when her husband was already dead. The object had openings that looked like "monstrous eyes" and a sort of luminous column, which she described as "a leg."

The UFO advanced along the lawn, very slowly and silently, up and down. Thinking it was a bad neighbor's joke, Cesario threatened to shhot at it, and even did so, firing two bullets in the air and two to the ground - which did not affect the UFO's movements, although he thought he had seen the single leg tremble. At one point, the object moved to the Camorim Dam, then returned to the couple's property, again in the garden, turning and showing an opening again as it moved up and down around the house.

Original text:


Lembranças que Marcaram Época

por Marcos Malvezzi Leal


“Não olhe! Há uma coisa pavorosa do lado de fora!” Foi com essa frase que o senhor Cesário Veiga tentou impedir que sua mulher visse o estranho objeto que, para ele, seria um verdadeiro monstro, como diria à polícia horas mais tarde. O caso foi pesquisado pela ufóloga Irene Granchi e posteriormente publicado em seu livro UFOs e Abduções no Brasil [Editora Novo Milênio, 1992]. Em 1930, o bairro de Jacarepaguá, no Rio de Janeiro, era um local praticamente desabitado. O casal Cesário e Rute Veiga morava em um sítio das redondezas, sem eletricidade. Certa noite, Cesário foi acordado por uma luz que penetrava o quarto através das aberturas da veneziana. Ao abrir a janela, ele se assustou e não quis deixar que Rute se aproximasse, insistindo que havia uma “coisa horrível” no quintal. Entretanto, a mulher caminhou até a janela e viu uma roda, como revelara à Irene Granchi, décadas mais tarde, quando seu marido já havia falecido. O objeto tinha aberturas que pareciam “olhos monstruosos” e um tipo de coluna luminosa, que ela descreveu como “uma perna.

O UFO avançava pelo gramado, bem devagar e silencioso, movendo-se para cima e para baixo. Pensando tratar-se de uma brincadeira de mau gosto de algum vizinho, Cesário ameaçou atirar, e de fato o fez, disparando duas balas para o ar e duas para o chão – em nada afetando os movimentos do UFO, embora ele acreditasse ter visto a tal perna tremer. Em determinado momento, o objeto se deslocou em direção à represa de Camorim, para depois retornar à propriedade do casal, novamente atravessando o jardim, virando-se e mostrando mais uma vez as aberturas, em seu movimento de sobe-e-desce ao redor da casa.

[Ref. uv1:] "UFOVIA":

THE CASE OF JACAREPAGUA - The following case occurred in Jacarepagua, in 1930, it was reported in pages numbers 22-25 of the book of pioneering ufologist Irene Granchi entitled UFOs e Abduções no Brasil [UFO and Abductions in Brazil ] (Editora New Millennium).

At that time, the district of Jacarepaguá had few homes and there was no electricity. The Veiga family slept at her home when suddenly Mrs. Ruth Veiga and her husband Cesario Veiga were awakened by a strong blue-yellow light, coming in through the slits of the window net.

Terrified, Mr. Cesario opened the window and saw the UFO. At first, he told his wife not to look at this "terrible thing on the outside," but she ended up looking and saw a huge wheel - a round, white object with two monstrous "eyes" and a column like a kind of "leg" underneath. The object slowly moved up and down, and after a while it headed for the Camorim Reservoir at the Camorim Dam.

Mr. Veiga took his revolver and fired four times in the air and twice on the ground to chase "the monster", but without success. Ruth drew the observed object in detail for the Rio ufologist and described the "eyes" as square holes, "carved in the form of bricks" and said that the UFO had come and returned to her garden several times until it finally disappeared towards the dam.

The next day, Mr. Cesario Veiga asked his neighbors if anyone had seen anything, but no one had seen the strange phenomenon, and he noticed that the grass in his garden was gray. He then decided to go to the police station that investigated and reported and delegated Dr. Lucio Cardoso to the case, who posted two cavalry soldiers to protect them if the UFO came to appear again. But, as this did not occur again, they were sent back.

If we interpret the case in the UFO perspective, it is easy to understand that the "leg" of the object was probably a projector designed to project light towards the ground, so common in the present cases, and the "eyes" would be the windows of the UFO.

Sketch of the observation that took place in Jacarépagua-RJ, in 1930.

Version originale:

O CASO DE JACAREPAGUÁ - O caso a seguir, acontecido em Jacarepaguá, em 1930, foi relatado pela primeira vez nas páginas números 22 a 25 do livro da ufóloga pioneira, Irene Granchi, intitulado UFOs e Abduções no Brasil (Editora Novo Milênio).

Naquela época o bairro de Jacarepaguá tinha poucas habitações e não havia eletricidade. A família Veiga estava dormindo em seu sítio quando, subitamente, a Sra. Rute Veiga e seu marido Cesário Veiga foram despertados por uma forte luz azul-amarelada, que passava através das frestas da janela.

Aterrorizado o Sr. Cesário abriu a janela e viu o UFO. A princípio disse a sua esposa que não olhasse para aquela “coisa pavorosa do lado de fora”, mas ela acabou olhando e viu estupefata uma enorme roda – um objeto branco e redondo com dois monstruosos “olhos” e uma “perna”, parecendo uma espécie de coluna por baixo. O objeto movia-se lentamente para cima e para baixo, sendo que, após algum tempo, rumou em direção ao reservatório de Camorim, na represa Camorim.

O Sr. Veiga pegou seu revólver e disparou quatro vezes para o ar e duas vezes para o chão, no intuito de afastar “o monstro”, mas não obteve sucesso. Rute desenhou o objeto observado em detalhes para a pesquisadora carioca e escreveu os “olhos” como buracos quadrados, “talhados em forma de tijolos” e disse que o UFO foi e voltou ao seu jardim várias vezes, até que desapareceu definitivamente em direção à represa.

No dia seguinte, o Sr. Cesário Veiga perguntou para os vizinhos se alguém viu alguma coisa, mas ninguém viu o estranho fenômeno e notou que a grama de seu jardim estava cinzenta. Resolveu então, dirigir-se a delegacia de polícia e relatar o caso ao delegado Dr. Lúcio Cardoso, que destacou dois soldados da cavalaria para protegê-los, caso o UFO voltasse a aparecer, mas como não voltou a ocorrer o fato, foram dispensados.

Se interpretarmos o caso sob a ótica ufológica é fácil entendermos que a “perna” do objeto era provavelmente um foco de luz projetado para baixo, tão comum na casuística atual e os “olhos” mencionados seriam as janelas do UFO.

Croqui do avistamento ocorrido em Jacarépagua-RJ, no ano de 1930.

[Ref. js1:] JEAN SIDER:

The author indicates that in 1930 at an unknown date, at night, in Jacarepagna, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, there was a close encounter of the third kind.

He indicates that this incident is totally atypical of the classic CE3 because it involves an extremely bizarre entity, of robot type. If it were not the Brazilian researcher lrena Granchi, highly rated in Brazilian ufology circles, who had collected this report from a first-hand witness, he would never had included the case in his book.

He indicates that Mrs. D. Rute de Veiga and her husband Cesario were sleeping in their small cottage on a lawn covered with a special grass called capim veludo, when they were awakened by a powerful blue and yellowish light that Filtered into the room through the shutters.

He indicates that there was not electricity ye, and the residents usually used kerosene lamps, whereas today, Jacarepagna has a large industrial area.

He says that in 1930, Veiga's husband was a true pioneer.

He quotes: "Very alarmed by this abnormal light, the couple begins to feel fear, but the husband decides to open the shutters of a window to see what is going on, and the show attended by both witnesses freezed then with amazement. They see a "monster" that moves up and down on the lawn of the estate. It is a huge white object round like a wheel, with two big "eyes", and only one "leg" (sort of column that protrudes under the object). It makes no noise, and as it walks past the window where the witnesses stand, the "monster" stares at the ouple with its two huge "eyes," as if it makes fun of them, which has as a result of filling them with terror. In his panic, Cesario de Veiga took a pistol and shot several times in the air to impress the intruder and make him flee, but without result."

"Finally the couple barricades themselves in the house and painfully tries to get back to sleep. The next morning, Mrs. Rute de Veiga finds that she has a rash of small pimples like hives or stinging nettles, a type of rash she never had previously. All her body is swollen, including her fingers, and the magnificent capim veludo has become awful, ashen in color, as if it had also 'an unknown sickness.'"

Jean Sider cites that "Me. C. de Veiga went to testify to the police and asked for a night protection he obtained, but the guards who remained ten days did not find anything abnormal, and the 'monster 'has never been seen again.'

The husband made his wife swear not to talk to anyone about the affair. Much later, after her husband's death, the then 70-year-old woman thought she was free from her oath, and informed her two sisters of the incident, and through one of the sisters, Irene Granchi was informed.

Sider gives as source: "Granchi, pp. 10-14."

He comments that this is a very curious affair, but that the reduced visibility, not to mention the fright engendered, are probably elements that combined here to prevent providing a clearer description.


1930. Night.


A couple asleep in their isolated cottage were awoken by a light streaming into their bedroom through the slats in the blinds. Opening the window and looking out they saw a white circular thing with two square openings which resembled huge eyes. From its underside came a sort of column. The thing crossed their lawn in an up down motion which gave the impression that it was walking. It then took off towards a dam, but then returned and circled several times. The man fired some shots at it with his pistol but without effect. The wife developed a rash the next day but it cleared up in a few days’ time. The formerly lush grass in the area turned a dead grey.

Granchi 1995 p11
Rutkowski 2010 p 71
Rutkowski 2008 p129)

Points to consider:

Irene Granchi had an English upbringing, studied and lived in Milan and, soon after marrying, in 1938, immigrated to Brazil. For years she taught at the English Culture Center in Rio de Janeiro. She became a naturalized Brazilian citizen and mother of three grown children. She passed away in Rio de Janeiro in 2010 at the age of 97.

South American ufologist, Irene Granchi had been involved with UFO sighting investigation mostly in Brazil for over 50 years. former editor of the magazine OVNI Documento, and president and founder of CISNE (Center of Investigations on the Nature of Extraterrestrials) with headquarters in Rio de Janeiro. Her book "UFOs and Abductions in Brazil" is made of cases histories od sightings, landings, CE3, the great majority of which she had investigated herself. she came to the conclusion that many ET visitors are quite likely three dimensional beings but does not rule out the possibility that some are "interdimensional."

In my opinion, this case, interpreted as a CE3 by the "sketical" ufologist Peter Rogerson who thinks the UFO was an "entity" and by Jean Sider who thinks it was a robot, is not a CE3. What is observed, in my opinion, is not a living entity but a UFO. I concur with the interpretation that the "leg" is not a leg per se, and that the "eyes" are opnings of some sort and not eyes of a biological entity. The case was not reported prior to 1947, however, but much later. The case remains ivery interesting nevertheless. Unless one poses a priori that it must be an invention, I do no see a prosaic explanation of the report.

List of issues:

Id: Topic: Severity: Date noted: Raised by: Noted by: Description: Proposal: Status:
1 Data Severe August 30, 2018 Patrick Gross Patrick Gross Primary source [ig1] not available. Help needed. Opened.


Possible extraterrestrial visitors, non-CE3.

Sources references:

* = Source I checked.
? = Source I am told about but could not check yet. Help appreciated.

Document history:


Main Author: Patrick Gross
Contributors: None
Reviewers: None
Editor: Patrick Gross

Changes history

Version: Created/Changed By: Date: Change Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross August 30, 2018 Creation, [ml1], [uv1], [ar1], [js1].
1.0 Patrick Gross August 30, 2018 First published.

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This page was last updated on August 30, 2018.