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Professor Alfred NAHON
Avenue Denantou 25
LAUSANNE [Switzerland]
Phone (021) 26 22 48
Le Chambon sur Lignon, October 12, 1955.
I allowed myself to send to you some reports of observations of spacecrafts, thinking that you will be interested. If you wish that I keep on sending reports, could you let me please know in a few words.
There are in addition a number of reports that appeared in the newspaper of the AMI "the Interplanetary Mail"; if you do not have all the issues of this newspaper (# 1 to 9) I could also sent them to you for free.
I learned that your new book "The Flying Saucer Conspiracy" will soon be released in English; could you also tell me when it will be published in French, so that we can announce it to our readers of the "Interplanetary Mail".
Mr. Aimé Michel noted a magnetic remanence after a landing of a spacecraft; the deviation of the magnetized needle was of about 20°.
May I ask one or two questions to you which you can perhaps answer?
1) Was the existence of the 2 artificial satellites confirmed since September 54?
2) Can you tell me the periods of recrudescence of the spacecrafts observed in the U.S.A. since 1947?
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3) Was there a rash of Flying Saucers in September and October 54?
I remain available to you to send you more reports, if you wish.
Sincerely yours
R. Veillith
Mr Raymond Veillith
"Les Pins"
Le Chambon sur Lignon
(Haute Loire)
Major Keyhoe, recipient of the letter, was Donald Keyhoe, one of the first US ufologists, formerly a Major in the US Marines, who set up the largest US ufology group NICAP.
Psychologist, philosopher and graphologist, Alfred Nahon (1911-1990), native of Toulon in France but resident in Lausanne in Switzerland, joined in 1953 with the one of the first French group interested in UFOs, Commission Internationale Ouranos, with the science fiction writer Jimmy Guieu, the journalist Charles Garreau, Raymond Veillith inter alia. He voiced very early his opinion that the saucers are interplanetary and came because of our dangerous atomic tests. He founded the Association Mondiale Interplanétaire (World Interplanetary Association) and tried without success to get the membership of the pseudo-contactee Adamski. Up to 1970, he is the editor of the ufological bulletin Le Courier Interplanétaire (the Interplanetary Mail) of the Association Mondiale Interplanétaire with Marc Thirouin as president for the French section. He is the author of several books among which "La Lune et ses défis à la science" which defends the thesis of an extraterrestrial presence on the moon and "Les Extra-Terrestres et les mutations mondiales de l'ère du verseau."
Raymond Veillith, born in 1923, was an astronomer amateur, a mysteries entusiast and one of the first in France to become interested in the flying saucers, and his position was that the flying saucers are extraterrestrial spacecrafts. He is member of the AMI in 1955, and in 1958 he create the magazine "Lumières dans la Nuit" (Lights In Night), first devoted to mysteries and new knowledge in general (the "lights in the night") and spiritual matters, to become little by little under the impulse of Fernand Lagarde exlusivement a ufology magazine, beating all records of longevity since it is stille published.