The index page for the 1954 French flap section of this website is here.
Reference for this case: 18-Oct-54-Saint-Samson-la-Poterie.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.
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Read on page 10 the investigation by our special envoy Jacques GUILLAUME
Mr. and Mrs Vasseur, who "saw" the passage of a flying cigar explain the circumstances of their encounter. "That's where he was" says Mrs Vasseur, still afraid,
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After the paralyzed worker of Quarouble, the affectionate Martian of the Auvergne, the flying saucers of la Chapelle-en-Serval, the mysterious landing of St-Crepin-Ibouvillers, not to mention the hundreds of strange demonstrations of diabolic crockery, here is the flying cigar of St-Samson-la-Poterie and its passenger straight out of "the war of the worlds."
There, as for St-Crepin, we went to the site. The appearance was recent and the witnesses talkative. We were granted the first interview and were the first to... investigate. We have to say, almost in vain, which will not deter us to renew this kind of investigation.
Monday evening, the sky was clear, the stars were shining. It was 08:45 p.m. when Mr. André Vasseur, aged 25, worker at the brickyard of St-Samson-la-Poterie, returned to his home on bicycle. He was accompanied by his wife. Both had just spent a few moments at André Vasseur's step-family at Fontenay-Torcy.
They were just approaching the descent which precedes Héricourt-St-Samson when their attention was drawn by a red gleam in the shape of a cigar, motionless in the sky at an important altitude.
All of a sudden, André Vasseur told us, the gleam plunged towards the ground at a terrific speed, leaving behind it a red trail forming like a tail.
The craft disappeared behind a hedge at a few hundreds from meters from the road."
The young people were not at the end of their surprise. Arrived at the top of the hill, Mrs. Vasseur pushed a dreadful cry.
- "An animal's scream," specified her husband.
On the edge of the road, at a few centimetres of her handlebar, a strange being darted an impressive glance at her.
- "I saw it, too, but I did not have the force to scream. It had one meter approximately. Of human shape, but squat, the head capped with a helmet inserted in the shoulders, its eyes struck me. A pencil of light of orange color escaped from them, which followed us.
- "My wife did not have any more the force to shout. She fell, loosing consciousness. I raised her and holding the two bicycles in the hand I fled.
- "If it had happened upwards in the hill, I would have been unable to continue my way.
- "I turned round, the beam still followed me. The "small man" had not moved. Returned at the house we could neither eat nor to sleep. Two hours later I was still broken up in pieces.
We came back "on the premise" in company of Andre Vasseur, whom accompanied his wife and her employer, Mr. André Briard.
- "Vasseur, told us the latter, is a sober boy, hard-working, perfectly balanced. He is particularly courageous and it is necessarily something really sensational that happened, for him to have lost is cold blood."
We went back the path followed by the witnesses the day before.
- "The being was at this place, claims Mrs. Vasseur, still frightened."
The gendarmes of Formerie, inspector Dejean, of the General Intelligence, the forest-keeper of St-Samson who joined them inspect the surroundings. At a few meters of the place indicated, two round footprints of a few centimetres of diameter were noted. It is of course impossible to attach any importance to that. We crossed the meadows under the indifferent glances of a herd of bovines. Not the least trace of a landing, not the weakest clue.
- "I will not visit my mother anymore in the evening, concludes Mrs. Vasseur. The million prize does not interest me. I would not see again what I saw, for anything in the world."
We insist to know whether the Vasseur husbands already saw airliners above their village - they provide us with accurate descriptions of that -, if they had celebrated some event on Monday evening:
- "We had drunk a cup of coffee and we had not dined!"
Other people saw the flying cigar: Mr. Edmond Nantier, Mr. Dael, Mr. Lair. They provide an identical description of it - the time of the appearance is concordant. And they did not meet before their report.
One more testimony to add to our already imposing file but not the least bit of proof. The flying cigars of Beauvaisis maintain their secrecy.
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E.M. F.A.A.
8 NOV. 1954
Origin: 02
Source: Gendarmerie
Value: B / 2
By P. V. ["Procès Verbal", written report] No. 482 of 10.10.1954, the Gendarmerie of [Blackened out] (Oise) reported that on 6.10.1954 around 8 p.m. Mr. [Blackened out] residing [Blackened out] observed for about 40 minutes from 8:10 pm to 8:00 p.m. to 8:50 p.m. a luminous disc of orange red color with an apparent diameter of half the full moon, supporting a kind of nacelle. This apparition, whose luminous intensity was variable, and which was alternately extinguished and relighted several times, seemed to be above Senlis, and moved very slowly to the right in relation to the point of observation.
The family of Mr. [Blackened out], composed of his wife, his 2 sons and his daughter-in-law, also observed this phenomenon.
By P. V. No. 553 of 19.10.1954, the Gendarmerie of [Blackened out] (Oise) reported that on 18.10.1954 Mrs [Blackened out] and her friend [Blackened out] riding a bicycle between FONTENAY TORCY and SAINT SAMSON LA POTERIE saw a gear shaped as a "cigar" going at a prodigious speed from west to east, then falling vertically. This craft had a white headlight at the front, while orange-red flames arose at the rear. For a few seconds, the area (in a hollow) was illuminated on 2 to 3 square kilometers. 300 meters farther away, the woman, who had felt severe headaches from the moment she saw in the headlight of her bicycle a strange "man" standing motionless on the side of the road, she felt her legs paralyzed. According to Mr. [Blackened out], who followed her, and also saw the "man", she passed only at few centimeters of the "man".
Description of the "man": size 1m. approximately, black face, helmeted head, strong corpulence, leather jacket with brilliant highlights. The light rays of his eyes gave the sensation of emitting electric shocks paralyzing the legs of the 2 cyclists and causing them violent headaches.
The two witnesses experienced intense fright. These people are reputed to be of a serious nature and do not indulge in drinking.
Mr. [Blackened out], residing at [Blackened out], stated that at the same time, on his return from work, he had seen the "cigar" descending vertically; he also declared that the region had been lit up like in broad daylight for 2 seconds.
By P. V. No. 752 of 23.10.1954, the Gendarmerie [Blackened out] (S.I.) reports that on 19.10, from 9.30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Mrs. [Blackened out] and her daughter [Blackened out], observed from their window a strange luminous display. The [Blackened out] housing is a dependence of the castle of EU, it is in elevation of 12 meters with respect to the Boulevard Hélène.
In the direction of the côte d'Ault, also called Côte Saint Valéry, about 1 km. 500 of their observation point, these people saw bright gleams
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seeming to come from a terrestrial point. The night was very dark, there was wind and it had rained heavily. The lights became stronger and stronger and dazzling, the source remaining fixed. At one point luminous spots were launched from the source in various directions, these "flares" formed red circles, spinning and returning to their starting base. This "luminous ballet" seems to have taken place exclusively on the ground.
The ladies are not subject to hallucinations, they are calm and sensible, the girl was raised at the College of EU until the age of 18, she is in possession of the B.E. [Brevet d'Etudes] and speaks English and German.
From the road bridge over the Bresle, people saw unusual lights in the direction of the Côte de Saint Valéry but could not observe the "ballet".
A chief electrician of the E.D.F. to whom the gendarmes asked for his opinion, thinks that at the indicated places two high voltage power lines are crossing in the fields, the humidity resulting from the heavy rain could cause a powerful electric arc and several colors. He does not explain the phenomenon of revolving lights.
By P.V. n° 159/4 of 23.10.1954 the Section of Gendarmerie of [Blackened out], reports that the 21.10.154 at 07:30 p.m., the Maréchal des Logis Chef [Blackened out] and the Gendarme [Blackened out] of the Brigade of [Blackened out] observed a luminous phenomenon as they circulated between Andres and Guines, heading towards Guines.
They saw a very bright luminous trail crossing the sky at low altitude and at very high speed following a strictly horizontal trajectory oriented N-S.
The thing had the shape of a cone, point forward, from 200 to 300 m. long and with a diameter of 2 to 10 m., the base of the cone being prolonged by a multitude of sparks - altitude 400 to 500 m. No noise emitted - brightness of lightning bolts. The phenomenon was visible for 15 seconds at most.
The authors indicate that a mass sighting of an object took place at about 8:40 P.M. on the night of October 18 in Fontenay-Forcy [Torcy], France, where a man and his wife saw a glowing cigar-shaped object of a reddish color in flight. It suddenly dived toward them and landed not far from the road but hidden from sight by the surrounding brush. The couple walked to the top of a hill. Where they found themselves face-to-face with a human-shaped being about three feet tall, who wore a helmet. The "eyes" appeared to glow an orange color. One of the witnesses lost consciousness. Four other witnesses reported observing the machine in flight at the same time as the couple from another location. A third group of independent witnesses in Sanson-la-Poterie observed the craft as it flew away at high speed, and low altitude, illuminating the countryside.
In 1968-1969, before the official GEPAN ufology effort started, its future head Dr Claude Poher was a member of the unofficial GEPA ufology group, and gathered a computer coded listing of more than 700 UFO reports on which multiple factors statistical computation could be run. In the file were a number of 1954 French UFO reports, among those this one.
For readability, a decoded interpretation of the data is provided here under the original 80 character encoded string. Decoding was done according to the original indications, the code number and its generic meaning is given. Please not that the generic meaning of each code is a predefined category, not the real specific details of the case. For example, if the main witness' age was 33, the coding would result in a number "3" which corresponds to a category "Adult from 21 to 59 years."
Original code: | 0627551810195420451JA3132010240013ZZZZ000140500000011015000020000000200000000000 |
Location: | Formerie (Oise) - France |
Case number: | 0627 |
Source code: | 55 |
Nature of the source: | Reports from official French sources : Police, Gendarmerie, Army, Pilots |
Day: | 18 |
Month: | 10 |
Year: | 54 |
Hours: | 20 |
Minutes: | 45 |
Type of Time: | 1 = local time |
Number of witnesses: | 3 = 3 |
Main witness named: | 1 = name(s) indicated |
Main witness age: | 3 = Adult from 21 to 59 years |
Main witness occupation: | 2 = farmer, docker, navy, housekeeper |
Official investigation: | 1 = an official investigation was made |
Weather: | 0 = no indication |
Duration: | 2 = from 1 to 9 seconds |
Minimal distance witness - phenomenon: | 4 = from 151 to 999 m |
Method of observation: | 0 = no indication |
Number of "objects" observed simultaneously: | 01 = 1 |
Shape of the "object" (terminology of witness(es)): | 3 = cigar, cylinder, rocket |
Dimensions of the phenomenon: | ZZZZ = no indication |
Color of the observed phenomenon: | 00 = no indication |
Luminosity of the phenomenon: | 0 = no indication |
Lights or projectors on the phenomenon: | 1 = projectors, lights, headlights, light, "portholes" |
Moving speed of the phenomenon: | 4 = "dazzling" speed and equivalent adjectives |
Acceleration of the phenomenon: | 0 = no indication |
Trajectory of the phenomenon: | 5 = complex trajectory with a certain regularity. following a river or a sinuous road |
Sounds perceived during observation: | 0 = no indication |
Maximum angular height of observation (horizon = 0°): | 0 = no indication |
Nature of the landing place: | 0 = no indication |
Number of contact points with ground: | 0 = no indication |
Traces of landing: | 0 = no indication |
Observation of "occupants": | 1 = disembarkation of one or more occupant without counting |
Height of the occupants observed: | 0150 = 1 m 50 |
Garment of the occupants: | 01 = helmet |
Garment: | 5 = "metallic garment" |
General behavior of "occupants": | 0 = no indication |
Interaction of "occupants" with witness: | 0 = no indication |
Head, hair: | 0 = no indication |
Voice, breathing, chin: | 0 = no indication |
Skin: | 2 = dark skin |
Eyes: | 0 = no indication |
Mouth: | 0 = no indication |
Various details: | 0 = no indication |
Thermal effects: | 0 = no indication |
Luminous effects: | 0 = no indication |
Magnetic effect (or electromagnetic): | 0 = no indication |
Odor perceived by witness: | 0 = no indication |
Physiological effects on the witness(es): | |
Psychological effect on the witness(es): | 2 = headache, loss of memory |
Effects on animals: | |
Other effects reported: | |
Nebulosity: | |
Oscillations, emission of matter: | |
Spin, formation flight: | |
Immediate disappearance: | |
Halo surrounding the phenomenon: | |
Interaction witness / phenomenon (complement to the other rubrics): | |
Drawing or photo: | |
Structural details observed: | 0 = no indication |
[Ref. jve8:] JACQUES VALLEE:
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18 Oct., 1954 | Fontenay-To. | France | a couple | An individual, height one metre, wearing helmet... | 1 |
[Ref. jve1:] JACQUES VALLEE:
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284) October 18, 1954, 08:40 p.m., Fontenay-Torcy (France):
Mr. and Mrs. Lherminier saw a cigar-shaped red object dive toward them with a reddish trail and land near the road. Upon reaching the top of the hill, they were confronted with a bulky human figure, about 1 m tall. The creature wore a helmet and his eyes were glowing with an orange light. One witness fainted on the spot. Four others saw the object in flight from separate locations. The countryside was illuminated over 2 or 3 km. (Personal).
[Ref. jve2:] JACQUES VALLEE:
The author indicates that on October 18, 1954 in Fontenay-Torcy, a man and his wife reported that they had seen a red object in the shape of a cigar in the sky. The object suddenly dove towards them while leaving a reddish trail behind, and landed behind bushes.
When the witnesses reached the ridge of a hill, they were face to face with "a corpulent individual, of human appearance", but of only one meter in height. The individual carried a helmet and his eyes shone of an orange gleam. One of the two witnesses fainted.
The author adds that four people saw this object flying away from another place and a third group of witnesses in Sanson-la-Poterie, another city, saw "the crew flying away" at "an extraordinary speed" in direction of the west and the countryside was illuminated on an extent of two kilometers.
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Oct. 18, 1954, 08:40 P.M. Fontenay-Torcy (France).
Mr. and Mrs. Lherminier saw a cigar-shaped red object dive toward them with a reddish trail and land near the road. Upon reaching the top of the hill, they were confronted with a bulky human figure, about 1 m tall. The creature wore a helmet and his eyes were glowing with an orange light. One witness fainted on the spot. Four others saw the object in flight from separate locations. The countryside was illuminated over 2 or 3 km. (Personal; Magonia).
The authors indicate that on October 18, 1954, at 08:45 in the Oise in Fontenay-Torcy, a cyclist, Mrs. Lherminier, travels on country road 133 towards Saint-Samson-la-Poterne. Within 500 meters of Fontenay, she sees a luminous craft coming from the west and moving towards the east. Mrs. Lherminier evaluates its altitude as 200 meters. It has the shape of a long cigar of 3 to 4 meters. At its front, a white headlight which illuminates the area on a surface from 3 to 4 square kilometers. At its back, a red trail. It seems to be illuminated on its circumference. It goes down vertically, like an elevator, and lands in a meadow. Although impressed, Mrs. Lherminier continues riding her bicycle. She still rides 300 meters approximately. On the side of the road, she then sees a strange being. It is hardly 1 meter tall. It wears a leather jacket with a drill plate which has brilliant reflections. Its face is black. It is capped with a helmet and is squat.
Mrs. Lherminier passes less than 10 meters near the small being. She receives something like an electric discharge at the time when it stares at her with its two luminous eyes. Her legs seem suddenly paralyzed. She has much trouble to go on pedaling to move away.
[Ref. agd1:] ALAIN GAMARD:
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Case # | Date | Time | Locality | Department | Witness(es) name |
061 | 18/10/1954 | 20.40 | Fontenay-Torcy. | 60 | Mme Lherminier (+). |
[Ref. prn1:] PETER ROGERSON:
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461 18 October 1954 2040 hrs
FONTENAY-TORCY (FRANCE) Mr & Mrs Lherminier saw a cigar-shaped red object dive towards them and land on the road. Upon reaching the top of a hill they were confronted by a bulky human figure about lm tall. The creature wore a helmet and its eyes were glowing orange. Four other witnesses saw the object in flight from separate locations. The countryside was illuminated over 2 or 3 kms. ( M284; Magonia 85)
[Ref. hjn1:] HENRI JULIEN:
The author indicates that there are cases with "Bibendum", the exact counterpart of the character which symbolized a tire brand, seen for example on October 18, 1954 in Fontenay (Oise) and in November 1954 between Avesne and Louvroie (Maubeuge). This humanoid has rolls around the arms. He is small (less than one meter), stocky, wears a helmet as broad as his shoulders. He was observed at a distance of four meters.
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54-82 Oct. 18, 1954 2040 Fontenay-Torcy, France Type C
M. & Mme. Lherminier saw a cigar-shaped red object dive toward them, leaving a reddish trail, and land near the road. Upon reaching the top of the hill, they were confronted by a bulky human figure, about 3.5 ft tall, wearing a helmet. The creature's eyes were glowing with an orange light. One witness fainted on the spot. 4 others saw the object in flight, from separate locations. The countryside was illuminated over 2 or 3 km.
Source: Vallee, Magonia, p. 233.
The two authors indicate that on October 18, 1954 in Fontenay-Torcy Mr. and Mrs. Lherminier "or M. A. Vasseur and his wife" according to "Le Parisien Libéré", a brick-maker and his wife, ride bicycles on the D13, according to Jacques Vallée, or, according to Charles Garreau, Mrs. Lherminier rides a bicycle.
They or she saw a luminous cigar, from 3 to 4 meters long with at its from a white headlight which illuminates the area on 3 or 4 square kilometers and goes down towards them. It has a red trail at the back and seems illuminated on the circumference. It descends vertically like an elevator and lands in a meadow.
When they or she reaches the top of a hill, they or she faces an individual of human appearance, stocky, one meter tall, wearing a leather jacket with a shining drill plate, a helmet, and having luminous eyes shining of an orange gleam.
Mrs. Lherminier, when she passes less than 10 meters from the being, gets like an electric shock when the being stares at her, and her legs seem suddenly paralyzed. According to Charles Garreau she had trouble pedalling. One of the two witnesses [?] lost consciousness, according to Jacques Vallée.
In Samson-the-Pottery, a third [?] group of witnesses saw the apparatus flying away in the direction of the west, and the countryside was illuminated on an area of two kilometers.
The authors mention four other witnesses at another place, and footstep traces of the being.
The sources are indicated as case 284 of the Vallée catalogue; "Face aux ET" by C. Garreau and R. Lavier en pages 187-188; Le Parisien Libéré, the Oise issue for October 18, 1954.
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19) Fontenay-Torcy (Oise, France), October 18, 1954
This case is quite confusing. There is doubt both about the number and about the names of the witnesses. This is why Michel Figuet classified it as "doubtful" in his Francat catalog (22). However, one or two people would have seen a luminous cigar 3 to 4 m long illuminating the surroundings, which landed in a meadow. The witness or witnesses who were riding a bicycle soon found themselves facing a strange being, one meter tall, bulky, wearing a helmet and a leather jacket with a shiny plastron. One of the witnesses felt like an electric shock and his legs were almost paralyzed the moment he was stared at by the two luminous eyes of the being. A witness would even have lost consciousness, and he (they) could not sleep the following night. The being would have left footprints, which are not described (21, pp. 186-187; 36, case 284; 83, pp. 187-188)
The sources are given at the end of the article and in the LDLN issue 267-268:
21: "Michel Figuet et Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: le premier dossier complet des rencontres rapprochées en France, Alain Lefeuvre pub., 1979."
31: "Charles Bowen, The Humanoids, éd. Neville Spearman, 1969 Paru en français sous le titre: "En quête des humanoïdes", J'ai Lu pub., 1974.
36: "Jacques Vallée, Chroniques des apparitions extraterrestres, Denoel pub., 1972, Appendice: Un siècle d'atterrissages - Catalogue général d'observations de MOC au sol depuis 1868 (this catalogue appeared as preprint in LDLN)."
83: "Charles Garreau et Raymond Lavier, Face aux Extraterrestres, Jean-Pierre Delarge pub., 1975."
88: "Jacques Vallée, Le modèle derrière les atterrissages d'OVNI, in ref. 31, pp. 30-91; cas nr 198, p. 71.
[Ref. jve3:] JACQUES VALLEE:
The author indicates that on October 18, 1954, in Fontenay-Torcy, France, a man and his wife reported that they saw a red cigar-shaped object in the sky. It suddenly dove towards them, leaving a reddish trail, landed behind a bush. They reached the top of a hill and they found themselves confronted by a bulky individual, of human appearance but only 3 feet tall. It was wearing a helmet, its eyes glowed of an orange light. One of the couple lost consciousness. Four other people saw the object in flight from another spot, a third group of independent witnesses in Sanson-la-Poterie, another town, saw the craft fly West at a tremendous speed. The countryside was illuminated over an area of one to two miles wide.
[Ref. jve9:] JACQUES VALLEE:
As an example of a case which he claims would show that the occupants of UFOs are not extraterrestrials but "inhabitants of another reality" like the alves of the old times, Jacques Vallée indicates:
Nine days later [than October 9, 1954], in Fontenay-Torcy, still in France, a man and his wife reported that they had seen a red cigar-shaped object in the sky. Suddenly it dived towards them, leaving behind a reddish trail, and landed behind thickets. As they reached the top of a hill, the witnesses found themselves face to face with a corpulent individual, of human appearance, but who was no more than one meter in height. He wore a helmet and his eyes shone with an orange glow. One of the two witnesses lost consciousness. From another location, four people saw the object in flight.
[Ref. lgs2] LOREN GROSS:
October 18th. Fontenay-Torcy, France. (8:40 p.m.)
"Glow-worm eyes."
A French couple, M. and Mme. Lherminier, told authorities a red spindlelike body swooped down out of the evening sky and set down at a place down the road from them. Cresting a hill, the man and his wife found themselves confronting a thick-set creature, about three feet tall and wearing a helmet. The creature, they said, had unforgettable glowing orange-colored eyes. Four other people in the area made independent observations of a UFO in the general area at the time. 147.
[Ref. lgs1:] LOREN GROSS:
October 18th. Fontenay-Forcy [sic], France. (8:40 p.m.)
"Mass sighting."
A reddish blob swooped down on a couple near Fontenay-Forcy, landing behind some shrubbery that screened it from view. The man and woman rushed to the place where the object should be, and, to their great surprise, came face-to-face with a figure, three feet tall, wearing a helmet through which recorded. The mysterious aerial aerial object was reported in the area by four independent witnesses. Another group at Sanson-la-Poterie sighted a strange object flying away from the supposed landing site at great speed. 154.
The authors indicate that on October 18, 1954, in Fontenay-Forey [sic], France, a couple watched a cigar-shaped craft as it suddenly dived toward the ground. The couple approached it and saw a being about 3 feet tall. Its eyes seemed to glow orange. Four other witnesses reported watching the red-glowing cigar in flight.
[Ref. jsr1:] JEAN SIDER:
The author indicates that on October 18, 1954 to 20:45 between Fontenay and Héricourt and Saint-Samson-la-Poterie, Mr. and Mrs. André Vasseur are on bicycle on the D113, and see a luminous cigar which seemed to land behind a hedge.
When they reached the top of a gentle slope, that Jean Sider thinks probably hid the landing spot, they suddenly distinguished on the edge of the road a being, about 1 meter tall, stocky, but of human form.
It carried a very curious helmet which appeared to enter in the shoulders, and from its eyes, a beam of orange light came out, directed towards the witnesses.
Mrs. Vasseur yelled, lost consciousness and fell, her husband took her up, and the couple fled as good as they could. Arrived at their house, they lost appetite and sleep.
The Gendarmerie, and inspector Dejean of the Renseignements Generaux [Intelligence], came to the place the next day, and found at a few meters of the place, only two round traces, a few centimeters deep, and nothing else.
The investigation indicated that Mr. Vasseur is a sober and perfectly balanced worker.
Jean Sider indicates that other named witnesses saw the cigar-shaped object the same evening at the same hour and in the same area.
He indicates that the source is the Oise-Matin, of Compiègne, for October 20, 1954 on page 10, and that Michel Figuet indicates different effects and different witnesses names.
Renaud Leclet lists cases that he thinks have "similarities with helicopters", including this one:
18/10/54 Fontenay-Torcy (60) à 20h 40 un cigare de 3 à 4 m au sol, un être aux yeux lumineux 27/10/54 Maranville (SI) à 19h30 un engin descend puis vole horizontalement et atterrit.
4198: 1954/10/18 20:40 10 1:46:20 E 49:34:20 N 3333 WEU FRN OIS A:A
Ref# 4 VALLEE:DIMENSIONS: Casebook/Contact. Page No. 95 : PASTURE
The Belgian ufologist indicates that in 1954, on October 18, in France, in Fontenay Torcy at "20:40 the Lherminiers couple saw an object in the shape of a red cigar, dive towards them by leaving behind a red trail and land close to the road. Once arrived at the top of the hill they were face to face with a thick human silhouette, approximately 1 mr high. This creature wore a helmet and its eyes emitted an orange gleam. One of the witnesses faints. Four other people saw this object in different places. The countryside was enlightened on 2 or 3 kilometers. "
The sources are indicated as "Jacques Vallée: 'Chronique des apparitions ET' - DENOEL 1972 - J'AI LU COLL. - p. 285".
[Ref. sdn1:] STEVEN DUNN:
Fonetay-Forey, FR [sic] 18 Oct 54 |
A couple saw a cigar-shaped craft as it suddenly dived toward the ground. They saw a being about 3' tall. It's [sic] eyes seemed to glow orange. 4 other witnesses also saw the craft. |
CE-3-102 | Randle/Estes FOV pg 270 |
[Ref. ars1:] ALBERT ROSALES:
Location. St Samson-La-Poterie, France
Date: October 19 1954
Time: 2045
25-year old Andre Vasseur and his wife were returning home on their bicycle and were approaching the descent, which precedes Hericourt-St Samson when their attention was drawn by a red gleam in the shape of a cigar, motionless in the sky. All of the sudden the shiny cigar shaped object plunged towards the ground at a terrific clip, leaving behind a red trail resembling a tail. The craft disappeared behind a hedge a few hundred meters from the road. The young couple arrived at the top of a hill when Mrs. Vasseur emitted a dreadful cry. On the edge of the road, at a few cm from her handlebar, a strange being stood staring fixedly at her. The figure was of human shape, but squat, with his head capped with a helmet inserted into the shoulders. A pencil of orange color light emitted from his eyes, which followed the witnesses. His wife lost consciousness and fell to the ground. Andre continued on with his wife and turned around to see the being had not still moved. They both suffered from insomnia after the incident. Police apparently found mysterious footprints at the site.
HC addendum
Source: LDLN unknown number
Type: C
[Ref. ars2:] ALBERT ROSALES:
Location. Fontenay-Torcy France
Date: October 18 1954
Time: 2040
Mr. and Mrs Lherminier saw a cigar shaped red object dive toward them, leaving a reddish trail, and land near the road. Upon reaching the top of the hill, they were confronted by a bulky human figure, about 3.5 tall, wearing a helmet. The creature's eyes were glowing with an orange light. One witness fainted on the spot. 4 others saw the object in flight, from separate locations. The countryside was illuminated over 2 or 3 kilometers.
Humcat 1954-104
Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia
Type: C
[Ref. djn1:] DONALD JOHNSON:
October 19
1954 - Also at 8:45 p.m. near St. Samson-La-Poterie, France 25-year-old Andre Vasseur and his wife were returning home on their tandem bicycle and were approaching the descent that precedes Hericourt-St. Samson when their attention was drawn to a hovering red cigar shape gleaming in the sky. The shiny cigar-shaped object plunged abruptly towards the ground at a terrific clip, leaving behind a red trail and disappearing behind a hedge a few hundred meters from the road. When the young couple arrived at the top of the hill, Mrs. Vasseur cried about when she was confronted by a strange being on the edge of the road, just inches from her handlebars. The figure was of human shape, but squat, and his head was capped with a helmet that came down to the shoulders. The strange being stood staring fixedly at her, and a pencil beam of orange light came from his eyes, which followed the woman. His wife lost consciousness and fell into her husband's arms, but Andre continued on with his wife. When he turned around to look back the being had still not moved. They both suffered from insomnia after the incident. Police reportedly found mysterious footprints at the site. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1954, citing LDLN).
[Ref. djn2:] DONALD JOHNSON:
On this Day
October 18
1954 - Fontenay-Torey [sic], France. At 8:40 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Lherminier saw a red, cigar-shaped object dive toward them with a reddish trail and land near the road. Upon reaching the top of the hill, they were confronted by a bulky human figure about one meter (3.3 feet) tall. The creature wore a helmet and his eyes were glowing with an orange light. One witness fainted on the spot. Four others saw the object in flight from separate locations. The countryside was illuminated over 2 or 3 km. (Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 233).
[Ref. jbu1:] JEROME BEAU:
Monday, October 18, 1954
In Sanson-la-Poterie, one 3rd group of witnesses sees the apparatus flying away at an extraordinary speed in direction of the west. The countryside is illuminated at a distance from 2 to 3 km.
Monday, October 18, 1954
20:40 In Fontenay (France), Mr. and Mrs. Lherminier see 1 red object in the shape of a cigar, dive towards them leaving behind a red trail and land close to the road. Once arrived at the top of the hill, they are face to face with a human silhouette, thick, high of approximately 1 mr. This creature wears a helmet and its eyes emitted an orange gleam. One of the witnesses fainted. 4 other people saw this object in flight in different places. The surrounding countryside was enlightened on 2 or 3 km.
[Ref. lcn1:] LUC CHASTAN:
Luc Chastan indicates that in the Oise in Fontenay Torcy on October 18, 1954 at 20:40 hours, "a couple rides by bicycle on D133. Little before the descent which precedes Héricourt-St-Samson, they see, a long luminous cigar from 3 to 4 meters, with at its front, a white headlight which lights the area on 3 to 4 square kilometers. At the back, a red trail. It seems illuminated on the circumference. It goes down towards them vertically like an elevator, and lands behind a hedge at a few hundreds of meters of the road."
"As they reach the ridge of a hill, the witnesses are face to face with a one meter tall individual, stocky, of human appearance. He wears a helmet, a leather jacket with a drill plate with brilliant reflections and his eyes shine of an orange gleam. The woman who saw him first yells, it seems to her that she received like an electric shock at the time when she sees herself stared at by two luminous eyes. Her legs seem to her suddenly paralyzed. She has much trouble to continue to pedal and fainted. The man makes her stand up and holding the two bicycles in the hand they flee. He looks back, the beam still follows them. The "small being" had not moved. Returned on their premises they could neither eat nor sleep. Two hours later the man still said he was 'broken up'."
"During the investigation, at a few meters of the indicated place, one found on the roadside two round and large prints of a few centimeters of diameter like footstep traces, but nothing very convincing."
The sources are indicated as "Ovni, Premier dossier complet... by Figuet M./ Ruchon J.L. ** Alain Lefeuvre pub. 1979" and my website at "".
[Ref. lcn2:] LUC CHASTAN:
Luc Chastan indicates that in the Oise with St Samson la Poterie on October 18, 1954 at 20:40 hours "Three witnesses observed independently one from the other a red cigar fly away in direction of the West. The countryside is illuminated two km around."
The source is indicated as "Ovni, Premier dossier complet... by Figuet M./ Ruchon J.L. ** Alain Lefeuvre pub. 1979" and my website at "".
[Ref. ud1:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:
The website indicates that on 18 October 1954 at 20:40 in "Sanson.Poterie, France", "An unidentified object was sighted, but with appearance and behavior that most likely would have a conventional explanation. One object was observed by more than six witnesses in a forest briefly. Explanation: Weather."
The sources are indicated as Lorenzen, Coral E., Flying Saucer Occupants, Signet T3205, New York, 1967; Lorenzen, Coral E., Encounters with UFO Occupants, Berkley Medallion, New York, 1976, ISBN:425-03093-8; Bowen, Charles, The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition No. 1, FSR, London, 1966.
[Ref. ud2:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:
The website indicates that on 18 October 1954 at 20:40, in Fontenay-Torcy, France, "Mr. and Mrs. Lherminier saw a cigar-shaped red object dive toward them with a reddish trail and land near the road." "Fontenay-Torey, France. At 8:40 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Lherminier saw a red, cigar-shaped object dive toward them with a reddish trail and land near the road. Upon reaching the top of the hill, they were confronted by a bulky human figure about one meter (3.3 feet) tall. The creature wore a helmet and his eyes were glowing with an orange light. One witness fainted on the spot. Four others saw the object in flight from separate locations. The countryside was illuminated over 2 or 3 km."
And: "Mr. and Mrs. Lherminier saw a cigar-shaped red object dive toward them with a reddish trail and land near the road. Upon reaching the top of the hill, they were confronted with a bulky human figure, about one meter tall. The creature wore a helmet and his eyes were glowing with an orange light. One witness fainted on the spot. Four others saw the object in flight from separate locations. The countryside was illuminated over two or three kilometers."
And: "An object was observed. It departed by rapidly flying straight up until lost to sight. One orange-red cigar-shaped object, around 300 feet away, was observed by one experienced male witness on a farm for over one minute. One 3-foot-tall bulky being, wearing a Michelin-man suit, was seen."
"Mr. and Mrs Lherminier saw a cigar shaped red object dive toward them, leaving a reddish trail, and land near the road. Upon reaching the top of the hill, they were confronted by a bulky human figure, about 3.5 tall, wearing a helmet. The creature's eyes were glowing with an orange light. One witness fainted on the spot. 4 others saw the object in flight, from separate locations. The countryside was illuminated over 2 or 3 kilometers."
The sources are indicated as Webb, David, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports; Lorenzen, Coral E., Flying Saucer Occupants, Signet T3205, New York, 1967; Poher, Claude, Etudes Statistiques Portant sur 1000 Temoignag, Author, undated; Bowen, Charles, The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition No. 1, FSR, London, 1966; Pereira, Jader U., Les Extra-Terrestres, Phenomenes Spatiaux, Paris, 1974; Vallee, Jacques, Computerized Catalog (N = 3073); Vallee, Jacques, A Century of Landings (N = 923), (in JVallee04), Chicago, 1969; Vallee, Jacques, Passport to Magonia, Henry Regnery, Chicago, 1969; Vallee, Jacques, A Century of Landings (N = 923), (in JVallee04), Chicago, 1969; Schoenherr, Luis, Computerized Catalog (N = 3173); Vallee, Jacques, Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact, Contemporary Books, Chicago, 1988, ISBN:0-8092-4586-8; Delaire, J. Bernard, UFO Register Volume 7 (1976), Data Research, Oxford, 1976; Hatch, Larry, *U* computer database, Author, Redwood City, 2002; Rosales, Albert, Humanoid Sighting Reports Database.
[Ref. lpn1:] "LE PARISIEN":
Ufo invasion
As in many countries and French regions, the year 1954 was rich in observations of UFOs and other strange phenomena in the Oise. It is believed that visitors to the area were particularly pleased with the department, from Crépy-en-Valois to La Chapelle-en-Serval, via St-Samson-la-Poterie, Ressons-sur-Matz, Senlis or Formerie, witnesses swore they saw saucers, flying cigars and other mini-extraterrestrials helmed with an orange beam! Press clippings and gendarmerie investigations evoke these episodes, none of which, alas, brought tangible evidence.
[Ref. prn2:] PETER ROGERSON:
October 18 1954. 2040hrs.
Mr and Mrs Lherminier saw a cigar shaped red object dive towards them with a reddish trail and land on the road. Upon reaching the top of the hill they were confronted by a bulky human figure, about 1m tall. The creature wore a helmet and its eyes were glowing with an orange light. Four other people saw the object in flight, from separate locations. The countryside was illuminated over 2-3 km.
Vallee 1969, p.85 and case 284.
Location: St Samson-La-Poterie, France
Date: October 19 1954
Time: 2045
25-year old Andre Vasseur and his wife were returning home on their bicycle and were approaching the descent, which precedes Hericourt-St Samson when their attention was drawn by a red gleam in the shape of a cigar, motionless in the sky. All of the sudden the shiny cigar shaped object plunged towards the ground at a terrific clip, leaving behind a red trail resembling a tail. The craft disappeared behind a hedge a few hundred meters from the road. The young couple arrived at the top of a hill when Mrs. Vasseur emitted a dreadful cry. On the edge of the road, at a few cm from her handlebar, a strange being stood staring fixedly at her. The figure was of human shape, but squat, with his head capped with a helmet inserted into the shoulders. A pencil of orange color light emitted from his eyes, which followed the witnesses. His wife lost consciousness and fell to the ground. Andre continued on with his wife and turned around to see the being had not still moved. They both suffered from insomnia after the incident. Police apparently found mysterious footprints at the site.
Source: LDLN unknown number
Location: Fontenay-Torcy France
Date: October 18 1954
Time: 2040
Mr. & Mrs Lherminier saw a cigar shaped red object dive toward them, leaving a reddish trail, and land near the road. Upon reaching the top of the hill, they were confronted by a bulky human figure, about 3.5 tall, wearing a helmet. The creature's eyes were glowing with an orange light. One witness fainted on the spot. 4 others saw the object in flight, from separate locations. The countryside was illuminated over 2 or 3 kilometers.
Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 284
[Ref. nip1:] "THE NICAP WEBSITE":
*Oct. 19, 1954 - Also at 8:45 p.m. near St. Samson-La-Poterie, France 25-year-old Andre Vasseur and his wife were returning home on their tandem bicycle and were approaching the descent that precedes Hericourt-St. Samson when their attention was drawn to a hovering red cigar shape gleaming in the sky. The shiny cigar-shaped object plunged abruptly towards the ground at a terrific clip, leaving behind a red trail and disappearing behind a hedge a few hundred meters from the road. When the young couple arrived at the top of the hill, Mrs. Vasseur cried about when she was confronted by a strange being on the edge of the road, just inches from her handlebars. The figure was of human shape, but squat, and his head was capped with a helmet that came down to the shoulders. The strange being stood staring fixedly at her, and a pencil beam of orange light came from his eyes, which followed the woman. His wife lost consciousness and fell into her husband's arms, but Andre continued on with his wife. When he turned around to look back the being had still not moved. They both suffered from insomnia after the incident. Police reportedly found mysterious footprints at the site. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1954, citing LDLN).
[Ref. nip2:] "THE NICAP WEBSITE":
*Oct. 18, 1954 - Fontenay-Torey [sic], Oise, France. At 8:40 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Lherminier saw a red, cigar-shaped object dive toward them with a reddish trail and land near the road. Upon reaching the top of the hill, they were confronted by a bulky human figure about one meter (3.3 feet) tall. The creature wore a helmet and his eyes were glowing with an orange light. One witness fainted on the spot. Four others saw the object in flight from separate locations. The countryside was illuminated over 2 or 3 kilometers. (Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 233; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1954-104).
The author indicates that there was a close encounter of the third kind between Fontenay and Héricourt/Saint-Samson-the-Pottery, in the Oise, on October 18, 1954, at 08:45 p.m., witnessed by Mrs. and Mr. André Vasseur, 25-year-old, workman.
They went back home by bicycle, approaching the descent ahead of Héricourt-Saint-Sanson when their attention was drawn by a red gleam in the shape of a cigar, motionless in the sky at an important altitude.
The gleam suddenly dove towards the ground at a vertiginous speed while leaving behind it a red trail.
Arrived at the top of the hill, Mrs. Vasseur uttered a shout of fear: on the edge of the road, at a few centimetres of her handlebar, a strange being stared at her with an impressive glance. The being was of human form but squat, one meter tall approximately. It was capped with a helmet inserted on the shoulders. From its eyes a ray of light of orange color came out, directed towards the witnesses.
Terrified, Mrs. Vasseur lost consciousness. Her husband picked her upand they are fled as good as they could.
Back home, the couple could not eat and not sleep. Two hours later, Mr. Vasseur was still shaken. The next day, the gendarmes of Formerie, inspector Dejean of the General Intelligence and the rural policeman of Saint-Sanson went to the site, and within a few meters of the indicated place, they found on the side of the road two deep round prints a few centimetres in diameter.
The investigation made it possible to establish that other people, Misters Edmond Nantier, Dael and Lair, had observed a cigaroid object the same evening, at the same hour, and in the same sector.
Julien Gonzalez points out that many ufologists (C. Garreau, J. Vallée, M. Figuet) quoted this case with an erroneous name for the witnesses, Mrs. and Mr. Lherminier. Jean Sider found the article of Oise Matin for October 20, 1954, at the time of his research to the National Library was the first to rectify the error in his book "LE dossier 1954 et l'imposture rationaliste" published in 1997.
The sources are given as "L'Oise-Matin (Compiègne) for October 20, 1954; C. Garreau and R. Lavier, "Face aux Extra-Terrestres", pages 187-188; Jacques Vallée, "Chroniques des Apparition Extraterrestres", page 128; Michel Figuet and Jean-Louis Ruchon, "OVNI: le premier dossier complet des rencontres rapprochées en France", pages 186-187; Jean Sider, "Le dossier 1954 et l'imposture rationaliste", pages 209-210.
[Ref. ubk1:] "UFO-DATENBANK":
This database recorded this case 3 times:
Case Nr. | New case Nr. | Investigator | Date of observation | Zip | Place of observation | Country of observation | Hour of observation | Classification | Comments | Identification |
19541018 | 18.10.1954 | Sanson Poterie | France | 20.40 | NL | |||||
19541018 | 18.10.1954 | Sanson Poterie | France | 20.40 | ||||||
19541018 | 18.10.1954 | Sanson Poterie | France | 20.40 | NL | |||||
19541018 | 18.10.1954 | Fontenay-Torcy | France | 20.40 | CE III | |||||
19541018 | 18.10.1954 | Fontenay | France | 20.40 | CE III | |||||
19541018 | 18.10.1954 | Fontenay Torcy | France | 20.40 | CE III | |||||
19541018 | 18.10.1954 | Fontenay Torcy | France | 20.40 | CE III | |||||
19541018 | 18.10.1954 | Fontenay Torcy | France | 20.40 | CE III | |||||
19541018 | 18.10.1954 | Fontenay Torcy | France | 20.40 | CE III | |||||
19541018 | 18.10.1954 | Fontenay Torcy | France | 20.40 | CE III | |||||
19541018 | 18.10.1954 | Fontenay Torcy | France | 20.40 | CE III | |||||
19541018 | 18.10.1954 | Fontenay Torcy | France | 20.40 | CE III | |||||
19541018 | 18.10.1954 | Fontenay Torcy | France | 20.40 | CE III | |||||
19541018 | 18.10.1954 | Formerie | France | 20.45 | CE III |
October 19 1954. 2045hrs.
Andre Vasseur (25) and his wife were returning home on their bicycles and were just approaching the downhill slope before Hericourt-St Samson when they saw a red cigar shaped object hovering at high altitude. Suddenly this thing streaked downwards landing behind a hedge several hundred metres from the road. When they reached the top of the hill, Mrs V screamed as she saw a 1m tall squat humanoid wearing a helmet down to its shoulders. From where the eyes should have been came narrow beams of orange light, which seemed to follow the couple. Mrs V fainted and Andre had to drag her and the two bicycles home, the beams following him as he did so. Both witnesses were so shaken that they could neither eat nor sleep. Searches by the police etc. the next day were fruitless.
P Gross URECAT citing L'Oise-Matin 20 October 1954. p10
Note: The source reference "P Gross URECAT" was erroneous at that time, this case was not yet in my URECAT catalogue then, it was this page. Rogerson provided no link and did not really reflect its content.
October 18 1954. 2040hrs.
Mr and Mrs Lherminier saw a cigar shaped red object dive towards them with a reddish trail and land on the road. Upon reaching the top of the hill they were confronted by a bulky human figure, about 1m tall. The creature wore a helmet and its eyes were glowing with an orange light. Four other people saw the object in flight, from separate locations. The countryside was illuminated over 2-3 km.
Vallee 1969 p85 and case 284
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Not looked for yet.
(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)
St-Samson-la-Poterie, Oise, André Vasseur, cigar, red, landing, occupant, humanoid, ray, trace, Gendarmes, multiple
Version: | Created/Changed by: | Date: | Change Description: |
0.1 | Patrick Gross | January 27, 2005 | First published. |
1.0 | Patrick Gross | June 6, 2009 | Conversion from HTML to XHTML Strict. First formal version.. Additions [cjl1], [fru1], [jsr1], [goe1], [djn2], [jbu1], [lcn1], [lcn2], [uda1], [uda2]. |
1.1 | Patrick Gross | January 3, 2010 | Addition [djn1]. |
1.2 | Patrick Gross | March 18, 2010 | Addition [hjn1]. |
1.3 | Patrick Gross | July 14, 2010 | Addition [sdn1]. |
1.3 | Patrick Gross | August 14, 2013 | Addition [prn1]. |
1.4 | Patrick Gross | October 9, 2014 | Additions [tai1], [tai2]. |
1.5 | Patrick Gross | October 18, 2014 | Addition [nip2]. |
1.6 | Patrick Gross | 15 novembre 2014 | Addition [nip1]. |
1.7 | Patrick Gross | December 15, 2016 | Additions [lgs2], [lgs1], [jgz1], [ubk1]. |
1.8 | Patrick Gross | January 21, 2017 | Addition [gni1]. |
1.9 | Patrick Gross | March 2, 2017 | Addition [lpn1]. |
2.0 | Patrick Gross | January 14, 2019 | Additions [lhh1], [prn3], [prn2], [krs1]. |
2.1 | Patrick Gross | September 9, 2021 | Additions [rll1], [tbw1]. |
2.2 | Patrick Gross | March 22, 2022 | Addition [jsx1]. |
2.3 | Patrick Gross | May 28, 2022 | Additions [agd1], [jve9]. |
2.4 | Patrick Gross | June 26, 2022 | Addition [jve8]. |