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October 18, 1954, Lac de Saint-Point, Le Vézenay, Doubs:

Reference for this case: 18-oct-54-Le-Vézenay.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.


[Ref. aml1:] AIME MICHEL:

Aimé Michel indicates the place and the date of the observation as the edge of the Lake of Saint-Point, near Le Vézenay in the Jura, on the Route Nationale 437 road, on October 18, 1954 at 10:45 P.M.

The witness is Miss Marie-Louise Bourriot, resident of Montperreux, aged 25, and returning by motorcycle from Malbuisson where she spent the evening with friends.

While arriving in front of the orphanage, she saw a sharp red light which illuminated all the width of the road at approximately 200 meters in front of her, but she did not too much attention, because she thought that it could come from a car. The light went out while she approached.

While arriving at the location known as "Le Vézenay" who is before the old "la Cascade" plant, she saw a being of human form and size a little below the average on her left. The character carried a sort of bright colored suit. She would categorically indicate to have seen this character very clearly.

At the moment when she passed in front of him, two "sort of dwarves, small vertical beings "difficult to describe" coming from the meadow, who crossed the road in front of her and joined the first character. She would say that the form of the "small being" remained indefinable to her.

Up to this point, the witness did not feel particularly impressed or afraid, she rode while thinking of other things without paying much attention to what occurred. At the time when she crossed the characters path, she became very frightened and accelerated. A little further she turned over to see whether she was being followed, and at this time she saw a luminous object which rose "vertically at an impressive pace" above the Lake Saint-Point. She did not stay around and returned quickly to her parent's place, very frightened.

The following day, traces of very small steps and light furrows laid out in right angle were found in the meadow where she had seen the two small beings come out.

Aimé Michel notes that it would be wise to refrain from concluding on this case.

[Ref. gqy1:] GUY QUINCY:


October 18, [1954]

[... other cases...]

10:45 p.m.: Vézenay (I km NNE.Malbuisson--Doubs): lumin.obj. on the ground + 3dwarfs + traces (slight furrows)

[... other cases...]

[Ref. gqy2:] GUY QUINCY:


18 octobre 1954:

Vézenay (on Nale.Nr 437, à 1 km ISL at the NNE. of Malbuisson--Doubs): Miss Marie-Louise Bourriot (lumin. obj. on the ground + 3 dwarfs + traces: slight furrows at right angle)

[Ref. pmi1:] PAUL MISRAKI:

The author indicates as an example of cases in which there was a presence of "humans" among the passengers of the U.F.O.s, that on October 18, 1954, at 10:45 p.m., at a place called Vézenay in the Doubs, a young girl returning home on a moped first saw a bright red glow some 200 yards ahead of her, which suddenly died out as she approached.

Arrived at the place where the light had shone, she saw on her left a being of human shape clothed in a clear jumpsuit, and two kinds of dwarfs, of a shape difficult to describe, crossed the road in front of her and joined the first character.

The girl got scared and sped up, and a few moments later, a luminous object rose rapidly towards the sky.

The author indicates that this case is told in Aimé Michel's book "Mystérieux objets célestes".


Author Michel Carrouges mentions the case in his book among a group of six cases of UFO sightings in which there is talk of occupants wearing suits or clothes of an ordinary nature.

He indicates that the case took place on October 18, 1954 in Vézenay in the Jura, when Miss Bourriot, who rode her bicycle in the night at about 10:45 P.M., very briefly saw a being, smaller than the average, then two dwarves who crossed the road, and after that she saw a luminous object flying away.

Michel Carrouges notes that the incident may have been very real, but that the data of the case "only form a mosaic allowing the intrusion of many mistakes."

[Ref. jve5:] JACQUES VALLEE:

376 -006.31083 46.80000 18 10 1954 22 45 102 VEZENAY-DOUBS F 031122 C** 332


The authors indicate that on October 18, 1954, at 10:45 p.m., in France, Mademoiselle Marie-Louise Bourriot was returning to her home in Montperreux by motorcycle and was on Route N-437 on the shore of Lake St. Point in Doubs. She had reached a spot near an orphanage when she spotted a bright red light ahead of her which illuminated the whole road. She thought little of it, taking it for granted that it was a car, and shortly the light went out.

She continued along her way, and not much further along the road, near a mill, she saw to her left a creature of human form who appeared a little under average human height, and dressed in some kind of light-colored one-piece garment.

As she came abreast of the "man," two small creatures, like dwarfs, walking on two legs but with shapes difficult to describe, crossed the road from the right and joined the creature.

Until this time, Miss Bourriot had not been too concerned, but she now became frightened and speeded up.

A little further on, she turned around and looked behind, and saw a luminous object rising vertically above the lake at great speed. She reported her experience and a search of the area the next day disclosed small footprints in the field from which the little creatures had come, as well as lightly marked "furrows."

[Ref. jte1:] JEAN TYRODE - LDLN:



The investigations of our collaborators:


Like EVILLERS, ARC-SOUS-CICON, PIERREFONTAINES, BESANÇON, the small village of Le Vézenay, on the shores of the lake of Saint-Point, is also part of the field of our tireless collaborator and friend.

In "About the Flying Saucers," Planète edition, Mr. A. MICHEL gave a detailed account of this observation, pages 239 to 241 of his book, and one would have thought that there was nothing more to say.

However, Mr. TYRODE went in search of Miss BOURRIOT, now married and her adventure remained etched in her memory. After 14 years, the details are precise and always present, but the few nuances that she brings, that do not change the materiality of the facts, will authorize Mr. TYRODE to new and bold conclusions of which we let you judge.

He followed step by step the path of Miss BOURRIOT from the orphanage to the stop of the former small departmental train, places of the encounters.

You can locate it on the sketch attached to this report. He took many pictures of a beautiful landscape, did a reconstruction on the spot under the direction of Miss BOURRIOT (Ms. X ...), and gave us the opportunity to edit that make her story vivid.

And of course, we find near the landing site the inevitable geological fault, which most often accompanies our investigations, since the day this correlation was discovered.

P.S. - A hat is missing to the man in the raincoat, a detail arrived too late.

On October 18, 1954, Miss Marie-Louise BOURRIOT, now Mrs. X. residing in Montperreux, returned by moped to Malbuisson where she was employed.

At 10:45 p.m., at the height of the orphanage of Malbuisson, while she was driving on the RN 437 towards the hamlet of Vézenay, she saw a bright red light illuminating the road and the first houses of the hamlet. She went on, thinking it was the headlights of a car. The light went out as she reached the bottom of the hill before the hamlet. She crossed Le Vézenay without noticing anything abnormal.

It was only after having passed the last house by a hundred meters that she witnessed a very curious fact. At that time, a departmental road was along the road, on the right side compared to the direction of the circulation of Miss BOURRIOT. A hundred meters from the Vézenay, near a crossroads of small paths, there was on the right, a "stop", a small shelter for users of the C.F.D.

On the other side of the road, on the roadway, and about 60 cm from the roadside, stood a man of average height upright and motionless. Miss BOURRIOT saw him perfectly in the light of the headlights of her moped.

It was indeed a man, although he was small, (he might measure from 1 m 50 to 1 m 60). He was dressed in a coat (or gabardine, or hood) a little dark. (A. MICHEL wrote: a light-colored outfit, but Mrs. X ... says: coat neither light colored, nor black). This man was looking in the direction of the stop. Although this encounter of a man at this hour, and his immobility of a statue, was something unusual, Miss BOURRIOT was not afraid: he did not look at her.

She was about to pass in front of him when suddenly, she saw next to this man, two little beings entirely black, and motionless too.

At the approach of Miss BOURRIOT, they began to cross the road, walking and without hurrying. They passed less than 10 meters in front of the moped in in [sic] heading towards the C.F.D. shelter.

The man had remained impassive, and at no time did he appear to notice the presence of the two little beings, or the passage of the moped. The unusual increased in intensity, and then Miss BOURRIOT became alarmed and accelerated her pace.

She traveled quickly on about 3 kilometers, crossing the Source Bleue and Cauldron, where she left the R.N. 437 to take the departmental 204 towards Montperreux.

Climbing the hill with an altitude change of about 50 meters over 2 km of course, she turned to see if something abnormal was not happening behind her.

It was then that she saw in the sky, a red object that rose. This object seemed to be oval in shape, and lying approximately above the hamlet of Le Vézenay, it rose vertically and fairly quickly.

Miss BOURRIOT, of course, told her story but the people of the village thought it hard to believe. Many, including her brother who came specially from Pontarlier to "reason" her, took her for an illuminated. Against all, she always supported the veracity of her assertions. Even today, 14 years later, she told me she still sees the two little black beings as if they were present in front of her.

It was pointed out to her that it must be young scouts with a chief, this because of the hat of the little beings. She denied this hypothesis.

The next day, a few people went to the encounter place and discovered very clear footprints of small steps from the road to the


stop at C.F.D. and turning at right angles behind it. (A. MICHEL wrote that the footsteps were visible in the meadow where the little beings came from, Mrs. X... ex Miss BOURRIOT asserts that this is false.

Comments from Mr TYRODE

In my opinion, the red glow seen at the beginning, and the object that rises, prove that it is the landing of a M.C.O. [Mysterisous Celestial Object] and its departure. As for the two beings, they cannot be scouts who are at school at this time of the year, and moreover on a Monday evening.

As for the man, he is indeed a real man. Moreover, the witness claims that he was not from the region, where everyone knows each other: he came from elsewhere.

Was it a curist? They were very few in 1954, let alone those who could face the rigors of the Jura climate in October, and the hotels of Malbuisson were closed at that time.

Admitting that it may have been a tourist, it would be curious all the same that he had been so late in these places, and that he had kept such a rigorous stillness. It seems to me unnatural that he did not have the slightest curiosity, no movement at all, not even the beginning of a look, not a gesture, against this moped that appears in the shadow of the night on a deserted road, illuminated it and advanced towards him.

Weird "scoutmaster" also would be this man who would keep this unusual passivity at the moment when two of his "scouts" start to cross the roadway in front of a vehicle he sees a few meters from them. Even if one could cross safely, he would have had at least one look to judge the situation.

In my opinion, these facts really happened as I have been told. Suffice to prove it that the story told to me by Mrs X... 14 years later remains in line with what A. MICHEL reported at the time. I said that during my first visit, the witness first refused to talk about those things that were very unpleasant due to their repercussions in the country. It was only requested by her husband that she consented to do so. At each of our interviews, I was struck by her affability, her lucidity, and the extreme kindness with which she responded to me (provided, however, that I did not disclose this to the press (1).)

My idea right now is that the "man" was a real man, and that his attitude excludes that he was some nocturnal walker, or a chief of the little beings. Subsequently, one never saw anyone who could look like him in the area.

Furthermore. the three characters were together, so they had to know each other. They stood side by side and no one seemed to react to the sight of his neighbor. It would be improbable that the man and the two beings did not know each other, that they had not had relations prior to Miss BOURRIOT's passage.

And this man, this real man, had to be under the influence of some "drug", or under the domination of some "power" to remain insensitive to the events that took place before him.

The 2 little beings cannot be humans given their strange behavior too.

I get more and more the conviction that the appearance of the red light, of the man, of the two beings and of the rising red object, are facts which have very close links between them.

Was it a M.O.C. that had landed deposing his occupants accompanied by an earthman, perhaps their "prisoner"? It would not be impossible.

(1) By exception, according to the desire expressed by the witness, the reproduction of this article is prohibited without permission.

[Ref. jve1:] JACQUES VALLEE:


286) October 18, 1954, 10:45 p.m., Saint-Point Lake (France):

Miss Bourriot saw a bright red light on Route N437 near the old factory. Near it were three beings: two, dwarfs, crossed the road ahead of her; the third was a man of medium size. The craft took off, flying over the lake at high speed. (Quincy, M 197, LDLN 97).

[Ref. jve2:] JACQUES VALLEE:


October 18, 1954, 10:45 p.m., Saint-Point Lake (France):

Miss Bourriot saw a bright red light on Route N437 near the old factory. Near it were three beings: two, dwarfs, crossed the road ahead of her; the third was a man of medium size. The craft took off, flying over the lake at high speed. (Quincy, L.D.L.N. 97).

[Ref. aml2:] AIME MICHEL:



For the first narrative that follows [ldl1], the interesting fact (if one can say so!) is that the witness is dead and it is his wife who speaks. There is reason, in my opinion, to grant greater credence to this indirect account, for it is obvious that Mr. Mazaud must have shown himself more confident with regard to his wife than with regard to my correspondent. And Mrs. Mazaud, on the other hand, can speak coldly, knowing that the suspicious interest of the newspapers (so harmful in times of waves) no longer exists.

I had long wondered about the human appearance of the being observed by Mr. Mazaud. Was it a man? A very human humanoid? It seems that the counter-investigation has settled this: he was a man, an earthly man. This case should therefore be compared to that of Lac de Saint-Point (1) also reported in my book, and involves the same immense questions (although the young woman who witnessed the Lac de Saint-Point, frightened by the fuss made around her, wrote to me afterwards that she had perhaps no seen correctly): do UFOs have companions among us? Do they use men, abducted from Earth? Are the small humanoids themselves products of breeding obtained from human strains, with artificial hypercephalization, reduction of vegetative organs and size, modification of the senses, etc...? Or, according to a more subtle theory, are the similarities, differences and aberrations perceived by the witness attributable to an impotence of our integrating thought in the face of a phenomenon that goes beyond it?


(1) See Tyrode investigation, L.D.L.N. no 97. [jte1]



63 10/18/1954 Vezenay, Jura, Fr Bourriot 1. V1 and 2 10/6,105/16,97/10,332/C286

[Ref. jte2:] JEAN TYRODE - FSR:


The Entities Seen at Le Vézenay

J. Tyrode

This case was reported at length by Aimé Michel in Mystérieux Objets Célèstes (pp. 239-241) (Flying Saucers and the Straight Line Mystery pp. 197-198). Our contributor, and indefatigable investigator and researcher on behalf of Lumières dans la Nuit, has now traced the witness, Mlle. Bourriot, who confirmed for him many details and emphasized a number of others, on the condition that her presents whereabouts and her name (she is now married) be withheld. the edited report, with Mr. Tyrode's comments, appeared in Lumières dans la Nuit No. 97 of December 1968. Translation by Gordon Creighton.

AFTER a lapse of fourteen years, Mme. Z. as she is now, was found to have retained a vivid memory of all details of the episode. There are no substantial changes in her story, but some of the nuances and the more subtle aspects of it as described by her now led us to certain new and bold conclusions, regarding the cor-


rectness of which readers must decide for themselves.

The date was October 18, 1954. Mlle. Bourriot was living at Montperreux, and was returning home on her motor-scooter from Malbuisson, where she worked. It was 10.45 p.m.

As she was travelling along National Highway 437 towards the village of Le Vézenay (Doubs) she saw a bright red light ahead of her, shining on the road and on the first houses of the village.

Thinking it must be caused by a car ahead of her, she drove on. The light vanished suddenly, and she passed through Le Vézenay without noticing anything abnormal.

It was only after she had gone about a hundred yards beyond the last houses of the village that she noticed something very strange. Standing on the left-hand side of the road, and facing her, about 60 cms. or so from the footpath, motionless as a statue, there was a man of average height. Her lights showed him up clearly. He was about 1 m. 50 or 1 m. 60 in height and wearing a darkish overcoat or raincoat. (Aimé Michel wrote that he was wearing "light-coloured overalls," but Mlle. Bourriot insists it was a coat, and neither very dark nor very light in colouring.)

Although suddenly seeing a silent stationary man at this hour in the night was a bit strange, Mlle. Bourriot had no reason for alarm. The man did not look at her, but was gazing across the road, i.e., towards her right.

However, as she was just about to pass him, she suddenly perceived that, standing beside this man, on his left, there were two small completely black beings, also motionless.

As she approached, these two little beings walked across the road, passing at a distance of less than ten metres from her scooter and heading towards a small bus passenger-shelter standing on the right-hand side of the road. The normal-size man meanwhile remained motionless, and showed no sign of beinge aware either of the presence of the two small beings or of the passing scooter. Mlle. Bourriot was suddenly struck by the eerie nature of the situation and she accelerated in panic.

Three kilometers further along, the road climbs, and she stopped there to look back and see whether anything peculiar was to be seen behind her. She beheld a red object rising straight up into the night sky. It appeared to be oval and to be more or less right above the village of Le Vézenay.

Mlle. Bourriot told of the incident in due course, but found few in the area who would believe her. Most thought she was a crank, but she never budged from her story.

She told me that those two small beings stood out as clearly as ever in her memory, as though it had all been yesterday and not fourteen years ago.

Folks told her that the man and the two little beings must have been a scoutmaster and two scouts - because of the shape of the hat worn by the two small beings. She rejected this as nonsense.

She said that next day several people examined the spot and found very clear small footprints leading from the road towards the shelter and making a right-angle turn behind it (Aimé Michel wrote that the prints were visible in the field from which the small beings had come. Mlle. Bourriot says however that this is incorrect.)


In my opinion, the red light seen beforehand and the rising object seen afterwards are good evidence that a UFO landing took place. As for the boy-scout theory, firstly, boy scouts are all at school at that season of the year, and secondly, they are certainly not out at 11 o'clock on a Monday night.

As for the man, it seems clear that he was a man - a terrestrial. Mlle. Bourriot says that everybody living in this region knows everybody else, and that he was therefore from somewhere else, a stranger. Was he a tourist? There were very few tourists in 1954, and there were even less likely to be any tourists facing the asperities of the weather in the Jura during October. The nearest hotels (at Malbuisson) were closed at that time of the year.

Even if we do accept that the man was a tourist, it would still be odd that he should be out there so late at night and that he should have shown no curiosity, made no movement of any sort, no gesture or look in the direction of the scooter as its lights shone on him out of the darkness on that deserted road.

It would be an odd sort of scoutmaster who would remain so passive and so immobile at the moment just when two of his "scouts" were about to cross the road right in front of a vehicle that was only at a few metres from them. Even if there was no danger for the boys, one would expect that he would at least have looked about him to take in and sum up the situation.

In my opinion, the event did occur as Mrs. Z., the former Mlle. Bourriot has described it to me, confirming in every detail her account of fourteen years before and confirming Aimé Michel's report at the time.

I must emphasize that when I visited her first, Mrs. Z. refused at the outset to talk about the event which for her had has such unpleasant repercussions owing to the widespread publicity given to it. It was only at her husband's request that she finally agreed to discuss the case with me- In each of our several interview, I was struck by her affability, her lucidity, and the great willingness with which she answered my questions (on the sole condition that my report should not be communicated to the newspapers).

At present my own opinion is that the man seen be her was a terrestrial mand and that his behaviour rules out his having been some night prowler or his having been in charge of the smaller beings. Nobody resembling him was ever seen subsequently in the district.

Moreover, he and the two beings were together, and must therefore have been known to each other. They were side by side, and neither the larger one nor the two smaller ones seemed to react at the sight of the other. It is improbable that the man and the two beings should not have been in some kind of relationship to each other prior to Mlle. Bourriot's arrival on the scene.

In fact, to have remained thus so unresponsive to the events occurring around him, the man must have been under the influence of a drug or some sort of "power".

Given their strange behaviour, the two small personage do not seem to have been human.

More and more do I have the conviction that the red light, the man, the two small beings, and the red object rising, are all facts that are closely related.

Did a UFO land and put down its occupants - occupants accompanied by an earthman - perhaps their prisoner? This would be entirely possible.

Needless to say, we found that the inevitable geological fault-line was present - as is most usually the case in our investigations - in this case being not far from the spot.


(The sketch on the cover of LDLN No. 97 from which this is taken shows the "terrestrial" as hatless, but in fact M. Tyrode ascertained from Mme. Z. that he was wearing a hat - G.C.


[Ref. jdt1:] J.-M. DUTUIT:

Observation of Miss Bourriot

Revenant de Malbuisson, Mlle Bourriot circule à vélomoteur le 18 octobre 1954 vers 22 h 45 sur la RN 437. Au lieu-dit Vézenay, près du lac de Saint-Point, dans le Jura, elle assiste à l'insolite rencontre d'un homme au maintien inhabituel et de deux petits êtres. Quelques minutes après, un objet rouge, provenant approximativement du même endroit, s'élève dans le ciel Returning from Malbuisson Miss Bourriot circulates by moped on October 18, 1954 at 10:45 p.m.on the RN 437. At a place called Vezenay near Lake Saint-Point, in the Jura, she attends the unusual encounter with a unusual maintenance man and two small ones. A few minutes later, a red object, from approximately the same place, rises in the sky (14).


(14) Aimé Michel, A propos des soucoupes volantes, Planète Publishers, Paris 1967, pp. 239 and 240.


The two authors cite the case of "Malbuisson (Doubs), October 18, 1954, at about 22h45." They indicate personal files and newspaper clipping as source, and report that a motorbike rider, Miss Marie-Louise Bourriot, aged 25, regained her residence in Montpeureux, coming from Malbuisson. While arriving at Vézenay, she saw a strange red gleam in front of her, who lightened all the road. At the level of the halt of the jalopy [halte du tacot], she has a glimpse on the left of the small building, of a character whose size does not exceed 1,50 m, dressed of a kind of white overall. At the time when she passes in front of him, "two sorts of dwarves" crossed the road in front of the motorcycle rider, coming from a meadow located opposite the man in white. Frightened, she accelerated, while looking back from time to time, to make sure that she was not followed. Thus she saw, a few minutes later, "a luminous sphere" which rose straight up in the sky. The following day, of very small steps traces were found on the premises.

[Ref. tps1:] TED PHILLIPS:


Oct 18, 1954

FRANCE, Le Vezenay. A red lighted object was seen with occupants, vertically. Small foorprints were found later, along with furrows (Michel)

[Ref. agd1:] ALAIN GAMARD:


Case # Date Time Locality Department Witness(es) name
063 18/10/1954 22.45 Le Vezenay 25 Mlle.Bourriot.

[Ref. prn1:] PETER ROGERSON:


464 18 October 1954 2245 hrs

LE VEZERNAY [sic], ST-POINT LAKE (FRANCE) Miss Marie-Louise Bourriot (25) vas motorcycling on Route N437 when she saw a bright red light about 200m ahead. As she reached the former La Cascade mill she saw a man 1.5 m tall in a dark coat standing on the footpath. Beside him were two small black beings who crossed the road less than 10m in front of the witness. 3km further along she looked back to see a red oval object rising vertically above the village. (M286; Quincy; Miohel II, 197; LDLN 97; Magonia; FSRCR 1; Carrouges S 138)

[Ref. gap1:] GROUPE D'UFOLOGIE "G.A.B.R.I.E.L.":

10/18/1954 Montperreux (Doubs)

That evening, around 10:45 p.m., Mrs. Marie-Louise Bourriot was returning by moped. Suddenly at the side of the road, she saw a man a little shorter than average, motionless and dressed in a clear jumpsuit. (According to an L.D.L.N. counter-investigation, the man was dressed in a coat that was neither light nor dark.) As she came up to him, she discovered beside him two nondescript black dwarfs who crossed the road directly in front of her. The man she didn't know and had never seen remained completely indifferent. 2km further, as she turned around, she saw in the sky a red luminous object which flew away. (A. Michel)

If the "Martians" always appeared in very distinct types, the hypothesis formulated above would be perfectly defensible. But this last observation proves that there are reports - but which reports? - between "Martians" of different types, A H A NT in this specific example. Far from simplifying the problem, this observation confuses everything. Of course, it is possible to interpret this observation differently and then everything is back to normal, but this interpretation, which we will see later, has only one fault: it is also an interpretation and not a truth.

[Ref. rpt1:] RENE PACAUT:

The author indicates that on October 18, towards 22:30, traveling in direction of her residence, Miss Marie-Louise Bourriot, a motorcycle rider from Montpereux in the Doubs saw with terror three dwarves dressed in white outfits cross the road in front of her, and almost at once, a "luminous sphere" rose in the darkness.



54-84 Oct. 18, 1954 2245 Le Vezenay, France Type C

Mlle. Marie Louise Bourriot, 26, was motorcycling home when she saw a bright red light illuninating the whole road, which went out as she approached. Then she encountered a man in a darkish overcoat, who was standing on the road in company with 2 dwarfish black beings, "difficult to describe." These left the man and crossed the road in front of her. A little further on, she looked back and saw a red-luminous object swiftly rising.

Investigator: J. Tyrode.

Source: FSR Case Hists. #1 {Oct. '70), pp. 16f, quoting Lumieres Dans la Nuit #97 (Dec. '68); this corrects Michel, Straight-Line Mystery, pp. 197f.


The two authors indicate that in Malbuisson in the department of the Doubs, on October 18, 1954, at 10:45 p.m., Miss Marie Louis[e] Bourriot, aged 25, was returning by motorcycle from Malbuisson where she worked as employee.

At the height of the orphanage of Malbuisson, whereas she rode on National Road RN 437, she saw a sharp red light illuminating the road and the first houses of the hamlet. She continues her travel, thinking that it was the headlights of a car. This light died out whereas she arrived at the bottom of the hill before the hamlet, and she crossed Le Vézenay without anything to notice the abnormal one.

After having exceeded Le Vézenay by a hundred meters, and in front of a small shelter for the users of the C.F.D., she saw, on the other side of the road, and within 60 centimeters of the verge of the road, a standing man of 1 meter 50 to 1 meter 60 of height, dressed of a dark gabardine or hood with a hat. The woman is not afraid, the being does not look at her. She is on the point of passing in front of him when she suddenly saw beside this man, two small entirely black and motionless beings. As she approached, those started to cross the road without hastening.

They pass within 10 meters in front of the motorcycle while moving towards the shelter. The man remained always impassive, and did not appear at any moment to realize the presence of the two small beings, nor the passage of the motorcycle driven by the witness.

Seized with fear, the witness rode approximately 3 kilometers, accelerating her pace. Little time before taking the Departmental Road D204 which leads to Montperreux, she turns her head back in order to observe if something abnormal occurs behind her. At this point in time she sees an oval, red object, which rises vertically and rather quickly above the hamlet of Vézenay.

Later she was told that this must have been young scouts with their chief, this because of the hat worn by the man of normal size. She rejected this assumption.

The authors indicates that the sources are the Vallée catalogue, case 284; Aimé Michel in "A Propos des S.V." page 239; L.D.L.N. #97 pp 10-11, counter-investigation by Mr. Tyrode in 1968; Quincy.

[Ref. cme1:] CLAUDE MAUGE:


"Le Vezenas" [sic], Malbuisson 10/18/54: I: F. p. 188-189; a counter-investigation by J. TYRODE does not seem an absolute criterium of reliability to me... F4 wonders about the presence of this case here.

The "F." source is said to be Michel Figuet's book; "F4" is said to mean a personal communication of Michel Figuet.

[Ref. mft1:] MICHEL FIGUET:


Nr of the J. C. Fumoux list Nr of Francat list Localization Date Class Credibility Sources Number of W
110 240 Malbuisson N. 437 "Le Vézenay" 10/18 CE3 TD [?Very dubious] poss conf with scouts and their chief 2-p. 188 Comm. A. G. [=Alain Gamard] 1W

[Ref. mft2:] MICHEL FIGUET:

This ufologist noted:

240 CE3 10 18 1954 22.45 Malbuisson "le Vezenay" 25160 D6 NI [= unidentified], OVNI: p. 188 [=[fru1]]



20) Le Vézenay (Doubs, France), October 18, 1954

Returning home by moped around 10:45 p.m., Miss Marie-Louise Bourriot first observed a bright red light illuminating the landscape. This light went out before crossing the village of the Vézenay and, on leaving it, the witness saw on the left side of the road a small man (1.50 m to 1.60 m) who stood motionless like a statue. Beside him, there were two small completely black beings, who began to cross the road, without haste, less than 10 m in front of the moped. The witness took fright, accelerated and looked back only after 3 km, to see an oval red object which rose vertically. The next day, a few people went to the scene and discovered very clear footprints of small steps going from the road to an old regional railway station and turning at right angles behind it. These traces are unfortunately not described. The most complete account of this case is that given by Jean Tyrode (85), who re-interviewed the witness 14 years after the events. The account given by Aimé Michel (86), undoubtedly based on indirect sources, is less precise and presents certain discrepancies with the testimony collected by Jean Tyrode. Other references: 19, p. 16; 21, p. 188-189 (does not speak of traces); 36, case 286 (unfaithful summary, because the light was not near the beings). Case classified as "unidentified" in the Francat catalog (22).

The sources are described thus at the end of the article and in the issue 267-268 of LDLN:

19: "Physical traces associated with UFO sightings - A preliminary catalog, compiled by Ted Philipps, edited by Mimi Hynek, Center for UFO Studies, 1975."
21: "Michel Figuet et Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: le premier dossier complet des rencontres rapprochées en France, Alain Lefeuvre pub., 1979."
22: "Michel Figuet, Catalogue Francat des rencontres rapprochées en France (Listing 800-1982), LDLN nr 255-256, Sept. / Oct. 1985, à n° 263-264, May / June 1986."
36: "Jacques Vallée, Chroniques des apparitions extraterrestres, Denoel pub., 1972 Appendice: Un siècle d'atterrissages - Catalogue général d'observations de MOC au sol depuis 1868 (this catalogue was published as preview by LDLN)."
86: "Aimé Michel, op.cit. in ref. 80, pp. 262-264 (Seghers pub.)."

[Ref. emt4:] ERIC MAILLOT:


8 - Selenites out of the ufo:

10/18/1954 10:45 PM (25) MALBUISSON "LE VEZENAY" N437 X D204

Source: Cat. Vallée No. 284. LDLN n°97 p10. Mr. Figuet p188.

The witness sees a bright red glow lighting up the landscape then the glow goes out when she approaches the hamlet. Coming out of this locality, she sees on the side of the road a being of medium size, with a hat, and two others of small size who cross in front of her. Frightened, she quickens the pace then three kilometers further looks back and sees a red oval object rising vertically above the hamlet.

* Moon rising and humans on the move, that's a recipe for a CE3. Cows with glaucous eyes and reflecting light, the silhouette of a stop sign or a bush can serve as E.T ingredients if you don't have the scouts on hand...

[Ref. lgs1:] LOREN GROSS:

October 18th. Doube, France. (10:45 p.m.)

"Little folk."

A French woman named Marie-Louise Bourriot was riding a motorcycle on Route N437 that runs along the shore of Lake St. Point near the city of Doube [sic, the Doubs departement] when she noticed that the road ahead was lit up by a powerful red glow. There was no immediate concern about the phenomenon since it appeared to be about 200 yards away and might, she thought, have something to do with normal traffic, but as she approached the old abandoned La Cascade a figure about four feet tall, wearing a "dark coat," could be seen on a path. Next to this figure were two shorter figures, very dark, that crossed in front of the car at a distance of about 30 feet. The frighten woman accelerated passed the spot and a short time later glanced back and saw a red oval object shooting upward. 15S. Authorities searched the area the following day and found small footprints in the field and sane suspicious "furrows" in the earth. 156.

[Ref. emt1:] ERIC MAILLOT:


B/ Selenites out of the UFO

10/l8/l954/10:45 p.m. (25) MALBUISSON "LE VEZENAY" N437 X D204

Source: Cat. Vallée No. 284. LDLN No. 97 pl0. M.Figuet p188.

The witness sees a bright red glow lighting up the landscape, then the glow goes out as she approaches the hamlet. Coming out of this locality, she sees on the side of the road a being of medium size, wearing a hat, and two others of small size who cross in front of her. Frightened, she quickens the pace then 3 km further turns around and sees a red oval object rising vertically above the hamlet.

* Moon rising and humains on a walk, here is a recipe for a CE3.

Cows with glaucous eyes and reflecting light, the silhouette of a stop sign or a grove can serve as E.T ingredients, if you do not have the scouts on hand.

[Ref. emt2:] ERIC MAILLOT:


19541810 2245 MO M? 25 MALBUISSON, "le Vézenay" N437xD204(46.54N/6.20E)

H. APPROX 1 0 1 0 1 D LN2 3:,15/,19/,20/,21

a/GLEAM redorange LIGHTS landscape LUX ALTlow? D=FAR=? OVAL? RED ASCENDSv H°LOW? ABOVE hamlet b/ 3E/Ts(e.road Hat 1Tall+2Small WALK roadAXIS) FRIGHT W-.


-MOON pldq 20j.ROSE at11:15 p.m. LT AZ°62+HUMANS(Scouts). AZ° start&end? DURATION? EMT

PDDR p188*;APSV p236; LDLN271 p11;&97 p10; MOC p262; CAT JVE286(4)*;CAT JSX?;COUNT.INVEST Tyrode1968; INES63 p7; BOWE; EQDH p59*; GABRIELp86;CARR,APMAp105;CATTPS p16;


The authors indicate that on October 18, 1954, in Daubs [sic], France, a motorcyclist noticed a red glow on the road. She thought nothing of it until, moments later, she saw a figure near the road. It was dressed in a one-piece silver suit and was accompanied by two smaller beings. She continued on but looked back in time to see a round object lifting into the sky.

[Ref. emt3:] ERIC MAILLOT:

In an article explaining confusions between the moon and UFOs, Eric Maillot of Cercle Zététique presents this case as example of such a confusion and writes that the witness saw the rising moon and boy-scouts on patrol.

[Ref. jsr1:] JEAN SIDER:

The author indicates that on October 18, 1954, at 10:45 p.n. at the location Le Vézenay in Malbuisson, Doubs, Miss Louise Bourriot, aged 25 then, drove by motorcycle on the N437 close to the lake of Saint-Point, when she suddenly saw a red light illuminating the road and the first houses of the hamlet.

After having passed the dwellings of Le Vézenay, she saw opposite the bus shelter and close to the verge to the road a man of average size in white outfit. When she passed in front of him, two kinds of dwarves crossed the road and joined the man.

The witness was frightened, she accelerated while looking back time to time to see whether she was followed, and at some time she saw a luminous sphere going up vertically in the sky.

The next day journalists found small footsteps traces and light perpendicular furrows.

Jean Sider indicates that the local source is "La République de Franche-Comté, of Dijon, for October 20, 1954 on page 5.

He notes that Figuet tells on page 189 that the witness rejected the idea of boy scouts and their chief because the tallest character wore a hat, detail which is not reported by Jean Sider's source nor in Figuet's version, and Figuet does not mention traces. Sider notes that there was an investigation by LDLN, which he reproduces in appendix.

[Ref. ars1:] ALBERT ROSALES:


Location. Le Vezenay France

Date: October 18 1954

Time: 2245

Marie Louise Bourriot, 25, was motorcycling home when she saw a bright red light illuminating the whole road, which went out as she approached. The she encountered a man in a darkish overcoat, who was standing on the road in company of 2 dwarfish black beings, "difficult to describe.” These left the man and crossed the road in front of her. A little further on, she looked back and saw a red luminous object swiftly rising.

Humcat 1954-106

Source: J Tyrode, LDLN # 97

Type: C

[Ref. rhh1:] RICHARD HALL:



October 18, 1954 Marie-L. Bourriot, St.-Point (Doubs), France 10:45 P.M.

One human in coveralls, two dwarflike beings; luminous object over road, motorcycle almost struck human form, joined by small beings, craft departed; small footprints found.



4203: 1954/10/18 22:50 8 6:18:40 E 47:04:40 N 3333 WEU FRN DBS 9:8


Ref#194 LUMIERES dans la NUIT.(LDLN France) Issue No. 97 : ROAD+RAILS


The Belgian ufologist indicates that in 1954, on October 18, in France, in Vezenay, at the lake of Saint-Point (Doubs) "Miss Bourriot saw at 22:45, a brilliant red light on the R.N. 437 close to the old factory. Close to the light were three beings: two dwarves and a man of average size. They crossed the road in front of her. The craft rose from the ground and flew above the lake at high speed."

The sources are indicated as "Quincy", "L.D.L.N. 97", "Jacques Vallée: 'Chronique des apparitions ET' - DENOEL 1972 - J'AI LU COLL. - p. 286".

[Ref. sdn1:] STEVEN DUNN:

Doubs, FR
18 Oct 54

A biker noticed a red glow on the road. She then saw a figure near the road. It was dressed in a one-piece silver suit & accompanied by 2 smaller beings.

CE-3-101 Randle/Estes FOV pg 269

[Ref. jbu1:] JEROME BEAU:

Monday, October 18, 1954


22:45 In Lac de Saint-Point (France), Miss Bourriot sees a brilliant red light on the RN437 close to the old factory. Close to the light are 3 beings, 2 of them being dwarves who cross the road in front of her. The 3rd is a man of average size. The machine rises from the ground and flies above the lake at high speed.


The sources are indicated as "Quincy".

[Ref. lcn1:] LUC CHASTAN:

Luc Chastan indicates that in the Doubs in Malbuisson on October 18, 1954 at 22:45 hours, "the witness returns by motorcycle to Malbuisson where she works as employee. At the height of the orphanage of Malbuisson, whereas she drives on the RN437, it sees a sharp red light illuminant the road and the first houses of the hamlet. It continues its way, thinking that they are the headlights of a car. This light dies out whereas it arrives at the bottom of the coast preceding the hamlet, and crosses Vezenay without anything to notice the abnormal one."

"After having exceeded Le Vezenay by a hundred meters, and in front of a small shelter for the users of the C.F.D., she sees, on the other side of the road, and within 60 centimeters of the verge, a man of 1 m 50 to 1 m 60 in height, dressed of a gabardine or cape a little dark with a hat which stands upright. The woman is not afraid, the being does not look at her. She is on the point of passing in front of him when suddenly she sees beside this man, two small entirely black, and motionless beings. At the approach of the witness, those start to cross the road while walking with no haste. They pass 10 meters in front of the motorcycle while moving towards the shelter. The man always remained impassive, and does not appear at any moment to realize the presence of the two small beings, nor the passage of the motorcycle piloted by the witness."

"Afraid, the witness crosses approximately 3 kilometers by accelerating her pace. Little time before taking the D204 which leads to Montperreux, she looked back to observe if something abnormal occurred behind her. At this point in time she sees an oval, red, object, which rises vertically and rather quickly above the hamlet of Le Vezenay."

"It was pointed out to the witness that they must have been young scouts with a chief, this because of the hat worn by the man of normal size. She denied this assumption."

"The next day morning one found, in the meadow from where the small beings had emerged, traces of very small steps and light furrows laid out at a right angle."

The sources are indicated as "Ovni, Premier dossier complet... by Figuet M./ Ruchon J.L. ** Alain Lefeuvre pub. 1979" and "M.O.C. by Michel Aimé ** Arthaud 1958".

[Ref. uda1:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The website indicates that on 18 October 1954 at 22:45 in Le Vezenay, France, "Traces. Woman on motorcycle saw a red glowing object illuminating entire road. Man in dark overcoat stood on road in company with two black dwarfs, 'difficult to describe'." "An object was observed. Ground traces were found. One red oval object was observed by one female 25-year-old witness on a road for two minutes. Two 5.4-foot-tall dwarves were seen."

"Marie Louise Bourriot, 25, was motorcycling home when she saw a bright red light illuminating the whole road, which went out as she approached. The she encountered a man in a darkish overcoat, who was standing on the road in company of 2 dwarfish black beings, "difficult to describe." These left the man and crossed the road in front of her. A little further on, she looked back and saw a red luminous object swiftly rising."

The source are indicated as Webb, David, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports; Michel, Aime, Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, S. G. Phillips, New York, 1958; Lorenzen, Coral E., Flying Saucer Occupants, Signet T3205, New York, 1967; Lorenzen, Coral E., Encounters with UFO Occupants, Berkley Medallion, New York, 1976, ISBN:425-03093-8; Poher, Claude, Etudes Statistiques Portant sur 1000 Temoignag, Author, undated; FSR, FSR Case Histories (v.1 to v.18 complete), FSR, London, 1970; Bowen, Charles, The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition No. 1, FSR, London, 1966; GEPA, Phenomenes Spatiaux; Pereira, Jader U., Les Extra-Terrestres, Phenomenes Spatiaux, Paris, 1974; Vallee, Jacques, Computerized Catalog (N = 3073); Vallee, Jacques, Challenge to Science: The UFO Enigma, Henry Regnery, Chicago, 1966; Vallee, Jacques, Preliminary Catalog (N = 500), (in JVallee01); Vallee, Jacques, A Century of Landings (N = 923), (in JVallee04), Chicago, 1969; Vallee, Jacques, Passport to Magonia, Henry Regnery, Chicago, 1969; Schoenherr, Luis, Computerized Catalog (N = 3173); Carrouges, Michel, Les Apparitions de Martiens, Fayard, Paris, 1963; Phillips, Ted R., Physical Traces Associated with UFO Sightings, CUFOS, Chicago, 1975; Delaire, J. Bernard, UFO Register Volume 7 (1976), Data Research, Oxford, 1976; Hall, Richard H., The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, Scarecrow Press, Lanham, 2000, ISBN:0-8103-3881-8; Anomalist, The Anomalist, ISBN:1076-4208; Hatch, Larry, *U* computer database, Author, Redwood City, 2002; Rosales, Albert, Humanoid Sighting Reports Database.

[Ref. uda2:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The website indicates that on 18 October 1954 at 22:45, in Saint-Point Lake, France, "A bright red light; near it were two dwarfs." "Miss Bourriot saw a bright red light on Route N437 near an old factory in St.-Point Lake, France at 10:45 p.m. Near it were three humanoid beings: two were dwarfs and the third was a man of normal stature. The Two dwarfs crossed the road ahead of her. The craft took off, flying over the lake at a high speed."

And: "Miss Bourriot saw a bright red light on Route N437 near the old factory. Near it were three beings: two, dwarfs, crossed the road ahead of her; the third was a man of medium size. The craft took off, flying over the lake at high speed."

And: "One red star was observed (Bourriot)."

The source is indicated as "Vallee Magonia Database".

[Ref. prn2:] PETER ROGERSON:

October 18 1954. 2245hrs.


Miss Marie-Louise Bourriot (25) was motorcycling on Route N437 when she saw a bright red light about 200m ahead. As she reached the former La Cascade mill she saw a man, 1.5m tall in a dark coat, stood on the footpath. Beside him were two small black beings, which crossed the road less than 10m ahead of Marie-Louise. Three kilometres further along, she looked back to see a red oval object rising vertically above the village.

Vallee case 286, citing Quincy and LDLN 97.
FSRCH 1, p.16.
Michel p.197.
Heiden citing Carrouges 1967, p.138.


The author indicates that there was a CE3 case in Malbuisson at the locality "le Vezenay", in the Doubs, on October 18, 1954, at 10:45 p.m.

Miss Marie-Louise Bourriot, 25 years old, returned by motor cycle from Malbuisson where she worked as an employee, when at the level of the orphanage of Malbuisson, as she drove on the RN437, she saw a sharp red light illuminating the road and the first houses of the hamlet.

She continued her way while thinking that they were the headlights of a car. This light went off as she arrived at the bottom of the hill before the hamlet, and she crossed le Vezenay without noticing anything abnormal.

After having exceeded le Vezenay of a hundred meters, and a small shelter intended for the users of the C.R.O., she saw on the other side of the road at 60 centimetres from the road adge, a man of average size of 1,50 m to 1,60 m in height, standing, dressed of a dark kind of gabardine and wearing a hat.

She was not afraid, the being did not look at her. She was about to passing in front of him when suddenly she saw beside this man, two small entirely black and motionless beings. At the approach of the witness, those started to cross the road without hastening. They passed at 10 meters in front of the motorcycle while moving towards the shelter. The man remained impassive, appearing at no moment to realize the presence of the two small beings nor the passage of Miss Bourriot's motorcycle.

Taken of fear, she drives approximately 3 kilometers by accelerating her pace, and little time before taking the D204 which leads to Montperreux, she looked back to observe if something of abnormal occurred behind her.

She then saw a red oval object rising vertically and rather quickly above the hamlet of le Vezenay.

The next morning, one found in the meadow where Miss Bourriot had seen the two small beings emerge, the traces of very small steps and "slight furrows" laid out at right angle.

Julien Gonzalez notes that "certain skeptical people" pointed out to the witness who it was two scouts boys with a monitor, because of the hat worn by the man of normal size. She denied this assumption. Julien Gonzalez finds that indeed, it would have been a weird monitor, letting two of his young scouts cross the roadway in front of the motorcycle of a road user arriving at two meters of them.

The sources are indicated as Aimé Michel, "Mystérieux Objets Célestes", pages 332-333; Lumières dans la Nuit, #97, pages 10-11 (re-invetsigation by Mr. Tyrode in 1968); Michel Figuet and Jean-Louis Ruchon, "OVNI: le premier dossier complet des rencontres rapprochées en France", pages 188-189; Jean Sider, "Le dossier 1954 et l'imposture rationaliste", pages 210-211.


Location: Malbuisson, Le Vezenay, Doubs France

Date: October 18 1954

Time: 2245

Marie Louise Bourriot, 25, was motorcycling home when as she neared the local orphanage she saw a bright red light illuminating the whole road, (RN437) which went out as she approached. She keeps peddling on thinking it was just the lights of an approaching car. Then she encountered a man in a darkish overcoat, and a hood who was standing on the road in company of 2 dwarfish black beings, “difficult to describe.” These left the man and crossed the road in front of her. A little further on, she looked back and saw a red luminous oval-shaped object swiftly rising.

Source: J Tyrode, LDLN # 97

[Ref. nip1:] "THE NICAP WEBSITE":

*Oct. 18, 1954 – At 10:45 p.m. Miss Marie Louise Bourriot saw a bright red light on Route N437 near an old factory in St.-Point Lake, Le Vezenay, Doubs, France. She was on a motorbike and saw that the luminous object was over the road. Next to it stood a man of normal stature in a trenchcoat. He was motionless, and he was joined by two dwarves who crossed the road ahead of her. She had to swerve to avoid hitting them. The craft took off, flying over the lake at a high speed. Small footprints were later found at the site. Jean-Luc Rivera thinks that woman was witnessing an abduction taking place, and that the man in trenchcoat was an abductee, and not one of the UFO occupants. (Sources: Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue no. 97; Aime Michel, Flying Saucers and the Straight Line Mystery, p. 197; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, pp. 233-234; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1954-106 (A0314); J. Tyrode, FSR Case Histories, October 1970, p. 16; Jerome Clark, Anomalist, April 2000, p. 20).

[Ref. ubk1:] "UFO-DATENBANK":

This database recorded this case 18 times instead of one:

Case Nr. New case Nr. Investigator Date of observation Zip Place of observation Country of observation Hour of observation Classification Comments Identification
19541018 18.10.1954 Le Vezenay France 22.45 CE III
19541018 18.10.1954 Le Vezenay France 22.45 CE III
19541018 18.10.1954 Le Vezenay France 22.45 CE III
19541018 18.10.1954 Le Vezenay France 22.45 CE III
19541018 18.10.1954 Le Vezenay France 22.45 CE III
19541018 18.10.1954 Le Vezenay France 22.45 CE III
19541018 18.10.1954 Le Vezenay France 22.45 CE III
19541018 18.10.1954 Le Vezenay France 22.45 CE III
19541018 18.10.1954 St. Point Lake France 22.45 CE III
19541018 18.10.1954 St. Point Lake France 22.45 CE III
19541018 18.10.1954 St. Point Lake France 22.45 CE III
19541018 18.10.1954 St. Point Lake France 22.45 CE III
19541018 18.10.1954 St. Pont Lac France 22.45 CE III
19541018 18.10.1954 Le Vezenay France 22.45 CE III
19541018 18.10.1954 Le Vezenay France 22.45 CE III
19541018 18.10.1954 Vezenay France 22.45 CE III
19541018 18.10.1954 St. Point-See France
19541018 18.10.1954 Doube France 22.45 CE III


October 18 1954. 2245hrs.


Miss Marie-Louise Bourriot (25) was motorcycling on Route N437 when she saw a bright red light about 200m ahead. As she reached the former La Cascade mill she saw a man, 1.5m tall in a dark coat, stood on the footpath. Beside him were two small black beings, which crossed the road less than 10m ahead of Marie-Louise. Three kilometres further along, she looked back to see a red oval object rising vertically above the village.



Not looked for yet.


(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)

Lac de Saint-Point, Malbuisson, Le Vézenay, Doubs, lake, Bourriot, light, brilliant, red, road, occupants, three, two, humanoids, man, craft, landing, fast


[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.

Document history:

Version: Created/Changed by: Date: Change Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross November 8, 2006 First published.
1.0 Patrick Gross June 7, 2009 Conversion from HTML to XHTML Strict. First formal version. Additions [rpt1], [jsr1], [goe1], [jbu1], [lcn1], [uda1], [uda2].
1.1 Patrick Gross June 30, 2010 Addition [jve5].
1.2 Patrick Gross July 14, 2010 Addition [sdn1].
1.3 Patrick Gross August 14, 2013 Addition [prn1].
1.4 Patrick Gross October 9, 2014 Addition [tai1].
1.5 Patrick Gross October 18, 2014 Addition [nip1].
1.6 Patrick Gross November 26, 2014 Additions [jpa1], [jte2].
1.7 Patrick Gross December 15, 2016 Additions [lgs1], [jgz1], [ubk1].
1.5 Patrick Gross January 14, 2019 Additions [jte1], [prn1], [mft2], [krs1], [lhh1], [prn2].
1.6 Patrick Gross September 8, 2021 Additions [gqy1], [tbw1].
1.7 Patrick Gross March 14, 2022 Additions [gab1], [tps1], [emt1], [emt2].
1.8 Patrick Gross March 22, 2022 Additions [aml2], [gqy2], [jsx1].
1.9 Patrick Gross June 4, 2022 Additions [agd1], [emt4], [cme1], [mft1].
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