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Basic indications:

Date written:January 25, 2008
Date received:January 25, 2008
Date published:September 28, 2008
Date of sighting:January 25, 2008, and aprx. 1990
Place of sighting:France, Savoy, Hauts de Chambéry
Original language of report:French
Reported using:e-mail
Unreleased information:Name, firstname, email address
Investigation, additional information:None
Explanation:Not looked for. 1) possible meteor, 2) possible disco light show

The report:

Date: January 25, 2008
From: [firstname].[name]


- I contact you about a UFO I observed this evening, Friday, January 25, 2008, from my office at Les Hauts de Chambéry (Savoy) in direction of the West (Lyon/Aiguebelette direction), between day and night, before the fall of the night, at approximately 06:10 p.m..

My window shutter was opened to the 2/3rd (to avoid reflections on my monitor, I had lowered it and saw only part of the sky), and suddenly I saw, diving down, an brown/black object surrounded by an intense green gleam, with a long yellowish trail, and diving rather vertically.

It disappeared behind the mountain of l'Epine it seems to to me, but all happened very fast, approximately 2 seconds.

It made me think of a meteorite, or a satellite, it was impressive because the gleam was very intense and the trail very broad.

At 39 year-old, I had never observed such a phenomenon.

- On the other hand, around 1990 (I should try to find again all the information), I had observed an UFO which whirled above La Croix de Nivolet above Chambéry:

- I was going back from work (Salomon in Rumilly) towards 11 p.m. approximately (to be specified) and I was in the car close to the airport of Chambéry-Aix, very close to the lake of Le Bourget.

- Suddenly I saw luminous rounds which whirled above the mountain, above the Sire, between Revard and La Croix de Nivolet (Savoy) and I pulled off on the edge of the road and left the car.

- The white/yellow rounds whirled a few times, 2 or 3 minutes above the mountain in fast movements, which I had never observed of my life. They seemed to cross their paths.

- Then suddenly, they slipped by in a rectilinear path on the other side of the valley, behind the Mount Granier in direction of the south-east, at a phenomenal speed. I am used to seeing the mirages [jet fighter plane] pass by in the valley (drills) and others and these luminous rounds left much more faster and disappeared behind the mountain.

- I estimated their altitude as about 2000 to 2500m arpoximately (the Granier culminates at 2000m).

It should be noted that La Croix de Nivolet is (was) enlightened at night by a beam of light pointing towards the sky.

At the time I almost testified at the Gendarmerie but I gave up finally.

On the other hand it is possible that other people had testified during this period, but that is old?

That's it thank you to keep me informed if you have infos on one or the other of these observations,

Congratulations for your website,


To: Other sighting reports.

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This page was last updated on September 28, 2008